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Tales of Faerun


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Mahira quickly returned from the bar to sit next to Echo. The two listened intently to Xallistine, smiling at the mental image of a tadpole version of the Ulitharid. They exchanged troubled looks when he talked about the Underdark; even the topmost level of that realm, the Upperdark, was beyond their experience. However, once Mahira understood that Xallistine had actively sought to befriend and assist "surface dwellers", her sense of unease lessened considerably. She wanted to ask questions as soon as Xallistine mentioned the witch, but refrained from speaking until he finished his fascinating story.


"This person you hunt ... it sounds as if you've been tracking her for some time." Mahira glanced curiously at the woman who sat silently nearby, still hooded and cloaked, before continuing. "My friend and I are not rangers, but might at least provide our 'sword hands' if your party has need of more."


Echo's face showed astonishment, then delight. "Could we really go with them?"


"Well, yes," Mahira replied, "though I think it appropriate that we ask the Lady Rhaine first when she returns."


At that moment, the halfling's meal arrived, and she suddenly remembered how hungry she was.

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At last, the innkeeper made his way over to Rhaine. He was a surly half-elf, with a shock of greasy black hair, a large nose, and one of his forest-green eyes missing. The man leaned heavily on the bar, and his one good eye looked her up and down thoroughly before he spoke.


"Aye? What can I do for ye?"


The Doomguide smiled, "My name is Rhaine Alcinea. My company and I are hunting a black carriage that came through here recently. We have heard that it stopped outside some ruins not far from this town. What can you tell me about them?"


The half-elf spat, "Aye, the demon-carriage. It's been the talk of the town ever since it came through. Those ruins are elvish in origin...and some say, cursed. Dozens of ruins like that are scattered throughout the High Forest, but that one's the most well-preserved. No one has been there in hundreds of years, before the lifetimes of most in Loudwater. For someone to go there in such a carriage...it can't be for good."


"And what can you tell me of the banshee, Maraiel?" she continued, shifting so that her holy symbol glinted in the light.


His sharp eye caught the movement and he offered a lopsided grin, "Hunting her too, aye? You'll have a devil of a time wi' that one. Doomguides, Morninglords, Heartwarders, you name 'em...all has fallen before mighty Maraiel."


"That may be so," Rhaine replied, unfazed, "But it won't stop us from trying to lay her to rest. Please, go on."


"Well," the innkeeper leaned close, his breath smelling of fish and alcohol, "Legend 'as it that Maraiel was an elven sorceress. She lived in a tower on the northeastern edge of town - it's now in ruins. The story goes that she had two sons, and they were both fair fighters. One day, a colony of ettercaps and giant spiders set up too close to Maraiel's tower. Her sons, eager to prove themselves, took up arms to defeat the colony. Their mother warned them not to provoke the beasts, but they wouldn't hear of it, so lusty for glory they were. So, she refused to help them, locking them out of her tower.


"The poor sods found their deaths in the forest, but so cold was the sorceress that she didn't bother searching for them for several tendays. Finally, ol' Maraiel made her way out to find the boys...and she, too died. She managed to destroy the spiders and ettercaps with her magic, but they poisoned her in the fight. So angry she was in her final seconds that her spirit chained itself to the Prime, and she became a banshee. She's been out there ever since, killing any living thing that draws near."


Rhaine nodded solemnly, "Thank you. We will find some way to give her peace at last, I assure you. Bilron said that I should make mention of him to you...we will need lodging, so that we may gather our strength before this fight. Can you accommodate us?"


The innkeeper turned and produced four keys, "I got four rooms left. Tha's all. You got more than four in your group, you'll 'ave to share. Since you're goin' to do us a service and you charmed ol' Bilron, I knock the price by half...twenty gold."


The Doomguide produced the appropriate amount of coin, "Thank you. Gods bless you."


With that, she took the keys and made her way back to Xallistine's table, where food awaited her. She took her seat beside Nawen, laying the keys between them with a sigh, "Only four rooms, friends. We'll have to double up."


She noticed that Echo's dark-skinned friend had joined them and she offered the woman a nod and smile, "Greetings to you, goodlady. I am sorry that I have yet to properly introduce myself. I am Rhaine Alcinea, Chosen of Kelemvor. You are welcome in our company."

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Mahira’s eyes widened. “I am much honored to meet you, Lady Rhaine. My name is Mahira, and this is Echo, my dearest friend and long-time traveling companion.” She glanced at the halfling, whose mouth was full at present, and whose eyes seemed permanently glued to Rhaine’s wings. “You are Kelemvor’s Chosen? I’m afraid I know less than I should about the gods, but ... you follow the Lord of the Dead … Judge of the Damned?”


Echo abruptly suffered a coughing fit; she reached for her mug of ale, her eyes now fixed upon Rhaine’s face.

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Nawen watched the newcomers curiously but said not a word. One of the women was a halfling, she met a Lightfoot halfling once in a tavern near the Luskan border. Never had she seen the more nimble rogue in short but eventful life.


She continued listening to the conversation quietly but when Rhaine introduced herself it seemed that it was about time to introduce herself as well. "My name is Nawen. A pleasure to meet you." The ranger said with her head lightly lowered.


"Well at least it's something." Nawen said and looked at the keys. "One time I had to sleep in the stables. Barely any hay left to sleep on and the innkeeper charged like for a normal room."


As Aedan was riding in the forest he noticed Ravenna and Sefris walking deeper into the woods. "Found anything?" He asked as he approached them, leading his horse by the reins.

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Rhaine took a sip of her wine and smiled again at Mahira, "You know his name and his role in this universe, then. Yes, I follow the Lord of the Dead. And as his Chosen, I am honored to have his trust as his right hand in the mortal world."


She noticed that Echo kept staring at her wings, and her smile widened, "Before you ask, no. I can't fly. My wings are a mark of my lord's favor...that is all."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Jingle loved walking around Loudwater at night, the town was fairly large and active. The taverns and inns were rowdy and full of flavor at night but none so much as The Green Tankard, Jingle smiled wide as he often did, to see this particular halfling without a smile was a rare sight, as he walked he strummed on his small lute and played a lively tune.


"Oh what shall you do with a drunken sailor, what shall we do indeed! Shave his belly with a rusty razor and leave him in the reeds. Oh what shall you do with a drunken sailor, how might our plight be lifted whilst the we drift in the sea." He sang as he walked along, he came across a drunken man sleeping in a wagon and looked close and laughed.


It was Kurashi, the Drunken Boxer. "Probably sleeping off a legendary drunken brawl to have one of his equally legendary hangovers the next morning." One of the orcs stood and collected his friend and staggered off, clutching broken ribs and nursing bruised egos. He noticed the bright red apple on his chest and took it, he stuck a gold coin in Kurashi's hand and took a bite, the apple was crisp and tart, the way Jingle liked them. He walked inside the tavern to see a large party of newcomers, most of them elves. He did so enjoy the company of elves, specially the owner and bartender. The half-elf appeared to be surly and unloving but he was kind to those that showed equal kindness. The bartender glanced over at him and Jingle waved as he moved through the party of people to the bar, the counter stood a good two feet above his head, he grabbed a stool and pulled himself up onto it and sat down. He pulled the sword and scabbard from his hip and the lute and walking stick tied to his pack and set them down next to him.


"Hello my friend, could I trouble you for a pint of ale and a seed-cake?" He asked the bartender, the man smiled and poured him his drink and gave him a fresh baked cake. Jingle gazed at the glazed treat and the frothy pint of ale. He gave the bartender two gold coins and a third as a tip for his good service. "Here, for you and your family my friend." He said as he swirled the ale around and then took a large drink of it and a quick bite of the seed-cake.

Edited by Macman253
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"Hail, Nawen, and well met!" said Mahira, nudging Echo with one elbow.


"Oh - I'm very sorry for staring, Lady Rhaine," the halfling murmured. "Kelemvor gave you very beautiful wings, prettier than any raven's. And, um ... indeed, it's very nice to meet you, Nawen! But why are you wearing a hood?" This impertinence prompted another nudge from the Calishite. "Ugh ... never mind, I apologize. Mahira thinks I'm too nosy for my own good."


Addressing Rhaine, Mahira tried to change the subject. "Xallistine tells us your party is tracking a formidable enemy; Echo and I would be honored to accompany you, and do whatever we can to assist, if you'll have us."


"But Lady Rhaine already said we're welcome," Echo interjected.


"She may have meant sharing their table, during this meal, and no more than that," said Mahira. "Never a good idea to assume things."


The halfling rolled her eyes. "No wonder people assume you're my mother."

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Rhaine had taken a few bites of her stew while listening to the two women banter back and forth. The pair amused her greatly. The Doomguide glanced at Nawen, and she wondered how the drow would respond to Echo's prying question.


She finally looked at Mahira again, "You are welcome at both our table and our party, friends, as long as the others do not object. We could use all the assistance we can get. But I feel I must warn you...the foe we shall ultimately face seeks to steal the power of a goddess. She may cause all of our deaths in our attempt to stop her ascension."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Xallistine nodded in silent agreement with Rhaine, she was correct. The witch's one desire was immortality, and attempting to stop her obtain it would be like attacking a spiders young, it would be met with venomous ferocity. He hoped the pair of women who had offered their assistance would carefully consider the doomguides words, and not pass them off as some kind of metaphor.



Ravenna moved with careful consideration through the dense woodland of the High Forest, what little light managed to trickle between the great canopy above her was distorted by the mist that circled the ground. Ravenna's steps were light and gentle, moving with precision as she followed the traces of power she could feel emanating from a part of the dagger she sought to rebuild, an artifact of such power it could destroy the very gods themselves. Her mind was rife with poisonous thought and grim plans for her Godhood, she would give the world a time to most certainly remember, her visions coloured the sun blotted out with clouds of carrion birds, people dying in starvation and hunger... Some revenge she had burning up inside her for not being allowed eternal life meant she would punish all until the gods succumbed to her will. Her dreams were pure madness, pure evil, and the witch viewed upon herself as the victim of the god's disfavour.


As she batted away flies and stray vines, her movement slowed to just a few steps, until her body stopped. The sides of her mouth curled in a smile, as she looked on to see a shattered obelisk protruding from the woodland floor. Atop it's stone surface lay a cage of metal, and within a pressure plate. A few steps away from the dilapidated structure lay a sarcophagus half buried in the mud, Ravenna used her power to pull it free of it's muddy prison slightly, so the doors that formed as it's lid could open. Turning her head she could see equally as decimated pillars around the area, where she stood would have most probably have been a burial crypt in ancient times. Shaking her estimations as to exactly how the site would have looked thousands of years ago, she looked back at the Obelisk and it's cage. Attached to the cage was a chain, which was liked to a rusty mechanism that dangled from another stone pillar. "There is no hope of solving the puzzle that once was required to raise the cage... Force will instead have to be implemented." She remarked to herself. Her green eyes focused on the chains mechanism, and with a raise of her hand, she started a fiery beam upon it. The metal was at first unresponsive, it's armour of thousands of years of rust did a good job at protecting it, but soon began to give way another beam of fire the witch added. After a good few minutes of a severely concentrated beam, which crackled with sparks, the chains started to melt, as they grew white hot, large blobs of searing hot matter fell, until the chain itself snapped from the mechanism, and landed at the witch's feet. "Now to free the pressure pad from it's cage." She sighed, assessing the situation. She carefully stepped towards the cage, it was only small, but it looked exceedingly heavy, she put her hands between two of the beams either side, and attempted to lift it. She cried out in pain and frustration, even with her augmented strength she had not the power to cast it aside, rather she lifted it mere millimetres, before dropping it back down again, clutching her fingers. "Damn it!" She spat, rage evident on her face. But she would not give up there. She searched around her robes until she found her own blade, the curved, retractable edge was thick and fierce. "Let us see..." She began, clutching the handle in her right hand, and squeezing onto the blade itself, which dug deep into her palm. Soon, the blade began to glow orange from the centre, the heated glow spreading to the tip of the blade. She held on until it was white-hot, but not durable or of a liquid consistency, she slotted the blade between one of the cages many gaps, and began to saw through the metal. It took a long time, and she had to keep the blade superheated, but soon only one bar remained uncut, and the top f the cage, from where the chain was linked, hung down as the weight of it's single support could not do it's job. Ravenna gave one final hack, and the top fell violently onto the pressure pad.

The sarcophagus began to rumble as it's inner gears turned, and the doors that kept it's inhabitants within flung open in a cloud of ancient, stale dust. Within lay the skeleton of a long forgotten knight, who's gauntleted hand held the handle of the God-wrending blade, Ravenna's eyes smiled in delight, and she advanced upon the dead bearer of the daggers first piece. She knelt before it, and prized open his clamped shut fingers, bones cracking and flying forth as she freed the daggers handle. She carefully reached for it with trembling hands, and held it up as she rose She cackled diabolically, a huge grin gracing her face "It's real! hahaha!" She silently sung her own praises as she left the area, continuing further into the forest.


Upon reaching a fairly open stretch of land, the mist of the trees stalking the outer corners, she heard the familiar voice of The Fallen Aedan put forth his question. Ravenna smiled darkly at him and said "Yes my friend... yes indeed we have." Her hands clutched the black hilt, which appeared to be made of some crude ancient material, with it's unusual patterning, and impure gemstones.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Upon hearing Rhaine's warning, Echo and Mahira silently looked at each other, their minor quarrel forgotten. The older woman raised her eyebrows; Echo responded with a shrug, but her expression was grim. She faced Rhaine squarely, and held her gaze for a moment. "Well ... personally, I can think of nothing in the world I'd rather do."


Addressing Rhaine, Nawen and Xallistine, Mahira explained that this was a bit of bravado on the halfling's part. "We've come away from many dangers largely unscathed, but there's a first time for everything. We'll go with you, and should the witch prove victorious ... perhaps Kelemvor will judge my friend and me less harshly for having done what we could to aid his Chosen."


Echo quipped, "Speak for yourself, Mahira; I intend to live forever."

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