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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen sighed in relief as Mahira nudged her halfling friend. She could not risk showing herself in public. Who knows how would the two women react after seeing that she's a Drow? "I... there are too many people here. I will explain later." Nawen said. She was unsure how to answer and this is the only answer she could come up with at the moment.


She frowned lightly as Rhaine mentioned the witch Ravenna. Not to mention that two of their companions joined the witch, to help her to achieve her goals.


"You came all this way for that?" Aedan asked as he pointed at the hilt Ravenna clutched in her hands. "What's so special about this weapon you're trying to find?" Or rather its pieces. He thought.

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Jingle listened to the crowd, he had been in Loudwater for sometime and was itching for something to do, his small pointed ears were very acute and he heard the party of new-comers mention they were headed after a witch. He smiled and thought he ought to introduce himself. He finished his seed-cake and ale and gathered his things. He made his way through the forest of legs in the densely packed tavern and walked up to the winged woman, he wiped the dirt and dust from his clothes and straightened his clothing to make himself more presentable, something his mother had always insisted he do when making a job offer or meeting new people. With that completed he reached up and tugged lightly on her wing to get her attention. Edited by Macman253
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Rhaine jumped in surprise as she suddenly felt a tug on her wing, and she twisted around to face another halfling, looking at her with curiosity in his shining blue eyes. She blinked a few times, "Yes? May I help you?"
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Jingle smiled and bowed deeply taking off his feathered cap. "I am Jingle Trapdodger, Treasure Acclamation Expert, Master Dungeon Delver and Adventure-Seeker. I heard you were pursuing a witch and came to offer my services." He said as he came out of his bow and placed his cap back on. He smiled wide and caught a glance at each party member. They all seemed like brave fellows but the one that interested him was the one with wings, she seemed to be the leader of the party.
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Xallistine listened intently as the pair swore themselves to the group and helping to stop Ravenna's evil plot. He nodded to both of them, and returned to piling up various tomes on the table around him, some common books on artifacts, others unique pieces of original manuscript. As he scoured he found nothing on Miora's eye... but perhaps he would have to look closer at tomes related to the enchantresses home. After a while, and amassing a pile of at least 7 books, he gave a sigh and dropped them all into his satchels once more. Nothing. The eye was for certain a private and secret artifact of the enchantress... but Illius's tome had mentioned it, so there had to be a description of it somewhere. he got out the tome once more, reading over the prophesy, and searching the book again for artifacts. He noticed another halfling approach the group, and rubbed one of his fine tentacles, he also gleaned that the time was beginning to get late.


Ravenna smiled at the fallens apparent disappointment at what the witch was after, so she explained "The eye is only the first part of the puzzle... it will bind Sune in place, but i need something to harm her with. I search for the pieces of an ancient dagger capable of killing gods, after Sune is dead i can devour her essence far more wholly as it seeps from the large hole i plan on leaving in her chest." Ravenna laughed slightly at the deliciousness of the idea, continuing to walk forwards. "The other pieces should not be too far away, each are scattered in this forest, but they won't be too close... I feel the next is due east, quite a way."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Rhaine studied the halfling for a few moments, but finally nodded, "Very well. You may join us. I hope your keen ears caught my warning as well? This is not a matter of gold and glory - though that may come as a side benefit. The fate of the world is at stake, here."


She finished the last bit of her food, mentally thanking Kelemvor and Tymora for their new companions, but praying for their safety as well.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"All right, Lady Nawen," Echo said with a smile. The last thing she wanted to was cause anyone discomfort ... except, perhaps, that prison guard, she thought, putting a hand to the back of her neck and rubbing it gingerly.


Mahira caught a whiff of stew, realized she was hungry, and went to speak with the waitress. Upon her return, she heard Mr. Trapdodger introduce himself to Rhaine, and watched Echo's face to see what she might make of him. Echo simply muttered, "I don't see you getting after him for touching Lady Rhaine's wing," and polished off the last of her ale.

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Nawen pulled her dinner closer to herself and started eating.


"You know when I joined your side I was expecting something interesting." Aedan mumbled, clearly not impressed by anything Ravenna said. "But what do I get? Some treasure hunt expect instead of treasure we're hunting some garbage."

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Rhaine pushed back her empty bowl and goblet, propping her elbows on the table and absentmindedly playing with the gold band on her finger. She was preoccupied with what Xallistine had told her, thinking about the Thayan wizards and their ever-lofty ambitions. She began to wish she had her old Thayan friend with her again...Safiya would have been able to provide more insight, and surely the power of the ancient Founder would have been a match for that of Miora...


The Doomguide sighed heavily, partially out of exhaustion and partially because of exasperation. She glanced up at Xallistine, "Anything on the Eye, yet?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Xallistine stopped one taloned finger on a page detailing artifacts of Thay, and a certain section of the book appeared to be trapped, as it was information that was particularly dangerous. Xallistine dispelled the seal on these pages, and cursed himself for not finding the section earlier. There was a page of Relics created by Miora, some were terrible necromantic aids, others deadly weapons, but the one that was inked in red is what caught his attention 'Miora's Eye' There was a number of sketches as to what it was thought to have looked like, none of them entirely accurate, but each was gold and resembled a heavy amulet of some sort. The white orbs that were Xallistine's eyes widened, and his tentacles quivered at what he read... Ravenna's plans were now for certain not a joke, if she could get hold of this artifact, and what was described in these pages was true, she most certainly could take the power of a god. He looked up at Rhaine, his deep purple complexion having paled a few tones. "I am afraid to say i have lady Rhaine." The Ulitharid replied, pushing the book toward Rhaine with one of his larger tentacles.



Ravenna looked at Aedan as she continued walking east and replied "I made it clear that this was not some kind of little adventure or treasure hunt for material gains, this is a means to Divinity. I can offer you much more as a Diety than i can here, but i am more than certain there will be treasures along the way to whet your appetite Aedan, and there are bound to be guardians of these crypts for you to test your mettle upon."

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