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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine's face hardened. Xallistine was right. She needed to stop letting things get to her so deeply, or she would go insane. That was just the raw fact of the matter.


She nodded, "I thank you for your counsel, friend. I will think on your words...and I know I shall become a better person for hearing them."


The Doomguide then allowed her eyelids to close, but she did not immediately fall asleep. Her thoughts turned to steely resolve as she vowed not to let the world affect her so. She had duties to attend to and people to protect. Whatever happened would happen, regardless of her own wants and desires. The past was the past, and every dawn was a new day. In twenty four hours, that day, too, would become part of the past. And things in the past could not be changed. The time for dwelling upon such things was over...and had been over for a long while. Kelemvor had tried to tell her this, but her own stubbornness and denial had gotten in her way. Perhaps it was he who had thrown Xallistine in her path...the one with the bluntness needed make her understand.


As sleep finally settled upon her, she promised herself and her god that she would always think forward. She would leave her past behind - including its associated emotions - permanently. And most of all, she would be happy with herself.


After all, if she had Kelemvor's confidence, why could she not have her own?

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Nawen was glad that Rhaine's eagle had decided to accompany her to search for Sinn. She found the panther outside the city gates, sleeping calmly in the bushes. There was no surprise how happy the panther was with the delicious treats that Nawen had brought for her. She ate the food quickly and roared happily once she was done.


The ranger spent a few hours with Sinn before returning back to the tavern.


Nawen opened the door to the room as silently as she could and peeked inside. Rhaine was lying in her bed while Xallistine sat in the armchair. When she was heading back to the tavern the ranger remembered the journal of a Shadowdancer she retrieved earlier in her travels and that she never told anyone about it. She was determined to tell this to her friends as soon as possible.

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Rhaine's sleep was surprisingly pleasant. In fact, it was better than it had been in years. She did not dream, but she felt strangely...happy. Content. Despite everything that was going on, everything they had yet to face, she was no longer plagued with worries or bad memories. As her eyes fluttered open, she remembered her promise from the night before...a vow she would forever keep.


Dawn tinted the room a rosy pink. Nawen had long returned. Xallistine still sat in his chair. The Doomguide smiled faintly - she was certain she owed the Ulitharid for her current ease.


As she thought about the task ahead of her and her companions this day, she did not fear. All of their fates would be decided by a roll of Tymora's dice...it was as simple as that. Live or die, there would be no guilt. There would be no regrets; simply acceptance.


She stretched, her wings arcing upward as she pulled her hands above her head. Noticing that her companions were awake, she nodded to them, "Good morning."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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For the whole night Xallistine had been in a semi-concious state, fully aware of Nawen returning, and able to awaken as the dawn flooded the room with it's light. His eyes opened and his white eyes adjusted themselves to their surroundings, as he heard Rhaine's soft voice, he replied "Good morning my Lady... you seem to be far more relaxed this morning, despite what awaits us." He said, with no particular emotion taking hold. He was worried for what was to come, but if he died, he did so for the greater good.



Ravenna had still not stopped her march as night slowly swept away, and the sun broke the clouds, she was not aware of whether her companions were still following, but she felt it was most likely. Sleep was nothing Aedan required, and she had not know Sefris to sleep. At last she reached her destination, half eaten by the earth lay an old stone door, leading to a light-less crypt.

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Echo woke from an unsettling dream to discover that her companion and most of their belongings were missing. She donned her armor, picked up her weapons, searched the room for anything else they might be leaving behind, and then headed downstairs. Mahira wasn't anywhere to be seen inside the Green Tankard, so Echo decided to check the stables. The Calishite was right out in front of the tavern with both horses and their gear already prepared for travel.


Mahira smiled and said, "Good morning, sleepyhead! I was certain you'd be out visiting your mare before I woke; I'm glad you had a good night's rest. I've already had breakfast and paid for our room." She handed the halfling a few coins. "Get yourself something to eat, and I'll stay with the horses."


"Wow, you're in a hurry," Echo said, and went back indoors without a word about how poorly she'd actually slept.

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Rhaine smiled slightly, "I suppose you could say that I am...more comfortable with the idea of fate, now. You have done much to help me, Xallistine, and I thank you."


She rose and gathered her belongings, entering a very small bath next door - it was little more than a closet. She washed up and re-armed herself, donning her gear and sword before heading to the main room of the tavern. There, she found the tiny Echo with a handful of glittering coins in her fist. The Doomguide grinned, "Good morning, Echo. In pursuit of breakfast, are we?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Jingle awoke when the sunlight struck his eyes, he had fallen asleep in the back of the Wagon, he looked around to see Kurashi gone. Jingle laughed to himself realizing that wily monk must be off in a drunken stupor somewhere. He sighed and grabbed his instrument. With a quick toss of his feet he leapt from the back of the wagon and strolled inside the tavern to find his employer and companions.
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Echo smiled shyly, keeping her eyes fixed upon Rhaine's lovely face so as not to stare at her wings. "Good morning, Lady Rhaine! Indeed, yes - I'm famished." She could smell something savory in the air, breathed deeply, and then suddenly added, "Did you hear that frightening noise last night? Something like an evil spirit, or ... perhaps it was merely a wolf, and I was on the edge of a dream." At that moment, the tavern door swung open behind her; she turned to see Jingle walking in carrying his lute. "Good morning, Mr. ... Trapdodger," she said, feeling awkward, as it was the first time she'd spoken to him. She'd nearly forgotten his surname, and felt it was a bit early on to be "addressing him familiar".
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"I did hear that," Rhaine replied, her expression turning serious for a moment, "That was a banshee. One we are going to put to rest this day, if you are willing to join us."


The Doomguide saw the other halfling enter the tavern, lute in hand, and she nodded to him, "Good morning to you...Jingle, is it?"

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Jingle nods, he calmly walks over to the counter and rummages in his coin purse for a few silvers and hands them to the barman. "Eggs and onions with some tea please." He asks. Everyone seemed to have a good nights rest. He smiled wide as he often did and waited for his food to be prepared.


"Yes, just call me Jingle. I got the name from the way I uh...well Jingle." He says with a smirk as he shakes his hips and the various tools of his trade jingle about his body.

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