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Tales of Faerun


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"A banshee." Echo's eyes widened; she swallowed nervously and went on. "Yes, I'm willing to join you ... and I'd bet the last coin in Faerun that Mahira will say the same." She managed a smile for Rhaine's benefit, and then crossed the room to ask the waitress about the breakfast menu.
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Nawen went to the common room and ordered quite a lot of food for one person. Somehow today she felt exceptionally hungry.


"Good morning." She greeted everyone she had met yesterday before joining them at the table. For a while she ate in silence listening to various sounds inside. It wasn't really comfortable eating with the hood on but the ranger couldn't risk in showing herself because there was always someone who wanted nothing more than to start a fight with someone and a Drow seemed perfect opponent for that.


"Is there anything we should know about this banshee? I've never seen one."

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Rhaine ordered her own food and sat beside Nawen. After hearing the drow's inquiry, she replied, "A banshee is created when someone who has been incredibly selfish in his or her life meets a...remarkable...death. They are usually female. According to the innkeep, Maraiel was an elven sorceress...she locked her sons out of her tower when they went off to fight a spider and ettercap menace against her orders. When they didn't return, she finally went out to find them, but they were dead by the beasts, and she met her doom in the spider lair as well."


She paused, eating a bit more before continuing, "Banshees are unique undead creatures in that they have a deadly wail. Any who hear it perish. Luckily, they only have the strength to wail three times in a day's cycle. So, we're going to have to find a way to temporarily deafen ourselves until she exhausts her wailing power...after that, defeating her should be a simple matter."


She finished her food and sat in silence, wondering exactly how they were going to deafen themselves...

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Nawen stared at her food. That's just great. She thought. She most likely going to perish out there. For the first time in her life the good hearing wasn't so useful.


"Unless we are going to run around with cooking pots on our heads and constantly hit them with something I don't see how we can deafen ourselves."

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Rhaine laughed at Nawen's comment, "I'm sure someone out there has tried it. But in all seriousness...perhaps if we stuff our ears with something?"


At that moment, Xallistine entered the common room. As always, his entrance elicited frightened gasps and widened eyes.

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Arva tied his platinum hair back, his pale lips curling upward at the corners, "Perhaps we should have Reona sing a few lines of The Headless Waltz?"


Reona jabbed the sun elf with her bony elbow, half-laughing at his joke as she ate her breakfast gracefully, the sharp jab barely seeming like it wasn't a natural, fluid movement for her. "What in hells is a Headless Waltz, anyway?"


Ianthe leaned across the table, her hair still nearly dripping wet from sleeping in a bathtub, her eyes wide as she animatedly whispered, "Must have to do with... GHOSTS! The perfect weapon for fighting something like a banshee."


"Your wife is at it again, Arva."


With a fox-like grin, he reached across the table and ruffled Ianthe's wet hair, "Watch the imagination, dear. Reona happens to be positively terrified of ghosts and ghouls and all manner of other things that go bump in the night." He leaned back into his chair and folded his arms behind his head with a wink.


Ianthe furrowed her brow, blowing a lock of hair off her nose. She looked over to Rhaine and twisted her face up in an almost childish confused expression that only she could manage to make, "Couldn't there be a spell... I dunno, that blocks the sound waves from entering our ears, bounces them off?"

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Rhaine thought for a moment, "I do have a spell that is intended to deafen, yes. But it is also intended to physically harm. I could not cast it without fear of hurting all of you permanently."


She fell silent for a few breaths, muttering, "There must be some way we can...hmm..." she trailed, her eyes resting on a nearby candle. Smiling slightly, she used her fingers to scoop up some of the half-melted wax in the bottom of the candle holder. It was quite malleable, especially after rolling it around in her hands and letting her body temperature keep it warm.


"What if we plugged our ears with this?"

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Silenty, a tall, broad shouldered being walks into the tavern unnoticed. Obviously male, he is wearing a deep cowled violet cloak with the hood pulled over his head. He searches for nothing in particular, though it seems as if he's trying to find something or someone. He looks extremely unsettled in his location: his movements are short and clipped; his direction, unsure. It is not long before he is noticed, strange as he is. This added attention is making him clearly more stressed than he already is. Desperate for relief, he spies what he knew to be a gold elf (though this was only the second time he has ever encountered one) and hastily made his way towards him.
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Ianthe poked at the puddle of wax pooled beneath one of the candles that looked as if it were experiencing its last hours. Impressions of her first three fingertips were left behind in the semisolid wax, three perfect whorls surrounded by wrinkles from where she'd stressed the smooth wax with the pressure of her touch. "What if you enchanted them so they would block the noise completely? Well, and hold together, too." Her face flushed and she stammered out, "I-I mean, well, I don't want to be picking candle wax out of my ears for a week!"


"Enchanted earplugs?" Reona laughed, "I'm sure they'll work fine on their own."


"What if the sound still gets through, though?" Ianthe whispered, her eyes fixated on Reona's ears. "And if the wax doesn't hold, it could get trapped inside like water!"


Arva thumped his wife on the head, "I'm starting to think wax is all you've got between your ears, anyway."


"Stick your finger in and see!" Ianthe retorted, holding back a smile as she crossed her arms.


Arva promptly licked his pinky finger and slipped it into Ianthe's left ear, a smug grin on his face while she yelped and recoiled, clapping a hand over the left side of her head with the kind of wary look an injured animal would give to a hunter. "Well, you told me t---Aaaaah! What in hells was that for?!"


Reona shook her hand back and forth, blowing on it, as the punch she'd just directed at Arva's manhood was hard enough to actually hurt her knuckles. "The more I think about it, the more you two seem absolutely perfect for each other." She pretended there was no twinge of pain in her chest as she uttered what was intended to be a joking statement, but felt almost true, deep in the back of her mind.

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Xallistine approached, snuffing out the candle flame with two long fingers, "I do believe that I can accomplish what Ianthe requested rather easily. It is a simple matter of enchantment, like so..."


He took the contents of the candle holder and molded all of the wax into a ball with his slender hands. After muttering a few words of arcane power, the ball of wax scintillated with rainbow colors, so that it almost appeared opalescent in the low lighting of the tavern. He then set the ball onto the table, "And it is done. Take a bit of it and test it, if you like."


At that moment, a stranger garbed in a violet cloak approached Arva. Rhaine gestured for the elf's attention, "We have a guest."

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