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Tales of Faerun


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Arva wiped his finger off on Reona's sleeve, snickering as she cringed. He still was recovering from the blow to his manhood Reona had given him, and figured she had deserved at least that much.


Rhaine gestured for his attention as he was making faces at Ianthe across the table, causing him to jump a bit. "We have a guest."


He wasn't quite used to being the first one approached in the group unless it was by a teenage girl swooning over his appearance. Awkwardly, he coughed and straightened up his usually-hunched back in his chair, his lean form now towering over the women who surrounded him at the table. Turning his pink eyes to the man who had approached him, he muttered in a bit more nervous manner than he intended to, "Is there something I can help you with?"

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Nervously shifting from foot to foot, the figure speaks directly to the gold elf in a melodic elvish "I am sorry to bother you, Ar'Tel'Quess, but you are one of the only true Tel'Quess that I have seen here yet. Please forgive my rudeness, I am strongly out of my element." At that, he pulls back his cowl to reveal a strikingly handsome elvish face. As he looks around at the assembled group, he becomes stiff with the great variation (and some almost horrific) of the group around him. "My name is Nlael Starbreeze,"he continues to speak in Elvish "May I ask who I am speaking with?" It is obvious he is being extremely awkward, practically a fish out of water.
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Nawen chuckled as she watched Ianthe, Arva and Reona. She took some candle wax as well however she was quite reluctant to put it in her ears. Enchanted earplugs sounded like a less... messy solution.


The drow raised her head as she heard someone talking. She watched him cautiously him from underneath her hood as he pulled back his cowl. She wasn't surprised to see that he was an elf. The language he used sounded elvish.

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Trying his hardest to understand, Arva only was able to understand the part where the elf introduced himself. Cursing himself for not paying attention to more of his lessons when he was younger, he stammered out in poorly-executed elvish, "My name... Arva."


Reona shook her head and sighed, knowing he probably wouldn't have understood even if she'd placed a book on elvish in front of him. She kindly added to his statement in a flowing stream of elvish, "I apologize for his lack of understanding. He's sort of the resident perverted numbskull around here. Let's just say, he and his wife are a great match." She gestured to Ianthe as the nymph was trying to get a spoon to stick to the tip of her nose.

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Rhaine smiled gently at the stranger elf...Nlael, he had called himself. It took her a minute for her to understand him...his voice was thickly accented, and she had not even looked at elvish in many years, much less heard it spoken. Thankfully, her own Sun Elven heritage kicked in, and she added fluidly, "Yes, that is Arva, Reona, and Ianthe." She gestured to the others in turn, "And this is Nawen, Echo, and Jingle. Mahira is not around at the moment...and the Ulitharid is Xallistine. Fear him not, he means no harm."


She stood and half-bowed, "As for myself, I am Rhaine Alcinea, Chosen of Kelemvor. How may we be of assistance? You seem harried, friend elf."

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Echo had been sitting at the bar, eating breakfast and listening to her new companions' conversations. She kept her eyes fixed upon her plate so as not to stare at anyone in particular. When Rhaine suggested they plug their ears with wax, she tugged furtively at one of her earlobes, wondering what that would feel like. Probably rather uncomfortable, she thought, though certainly better than the alternative ... if it works.


Just as she finished eating, Xallistine began enchanting the ball of wax; at that point, she couldn't help staring openly. She slid down from the bar and went to stand near the Ulitharid, not daring to interrupt.


When a cloaked stranger approached and began speaking in a language unknown to Echo, she peered curiously up at his handsome face, but remained silent. She marveled at the exchange between him, the Lady Rhaine, Arva and Reona, wondering what in the world was being said.


Meanwhile, Mahira stood outside with the horses, waiting patiently for Echo's return. She watched the faces of the townsfolk as they passed, hoping she wouldn't see the Colfens or any guard from Loudwater Prison among them.

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Xallistine stood for a moment and revelled in his handiwork, he hadn't used that incantation for quite some time, but the result was successful as always, he gazed at the opalescent ball as it glowed in the dim light, the reflection like little boats swimming in the pure-white of his eyes. He turned his tentacled head as he heard Echo approach, and silently regarded the halfling with a welcoming nod. His thoughts once again drifted to Ravenna and her bid for divine power... He couldn't help feel that going after the banshee would allow the witch much needed time to gather her resources, whatever they may be. But he could feel the world around him on a magical level, and the ebb and flow was as it should be... should he feel any disturbances, he would notify his companions.


The sudden appearance of the purple-clad elf startled the Ulitharid for a moment, as he was pulled from his deep thoughts, and the great tentacled being became wary. But as the air of tension diminished, and Rhaine spoke with this new being, Xallistine let his guard down a little, and simply watched the encounter inquisitively. He yearned to get moving, the threat of a banshee was a mere footnote compared to what Ravenna would become if they did not stop her.

Suddenly, an image flashed before his eyes, and the witch's words resonated in his head, as she explained the image. Of course, Ravenna was not forcing this upon Xallistine,

"The world was aflame with strife and sorrow... the gods lay dead before the might of Ravenna's power... All youth and beauty was stripped away as she fed on the planet, destroying every living being that had ever been. The surface of Toril was nothing but a mass of dead black rock, a fearsome grey mist swirled around, above it ravens, crows, and other carrion birds encircled the skies, picking off the final remnants of flesh from the bones of the dead... Ravenna's revenge was complete, and now she could re-shape the world as she saw fit..."


Xallistine stirred from his grim vision, and held his head in disbelief.




Ravenna proceeded through the dark tomb as carefully as she could, watching the floor for trip wires and pressure plates. before her was a door, and next to it a lever... it looked far too good to be true, a simple switch and the dagger would be hers? No, there had to be more to it. There was, as she found out rather abruptly, as she took a step forward,the floor dipped into an unseen pressure plate, and a volley of crude wooden darts came hurling towards the witch. As quickly as she could muster her energy she turned herself to the side, the arrows skimming her face, wheeshing past like little hawks, her green eyes widened and her heart nearly burst through her chest. Soon the volley stopped, and she made her way carefully over the floor again, feeling it with her toes to see if it was about to dip in.


After a good few minutes, she had reached the other side, and carefully pulled the lever down, the door turned clockwise, and burst open, a large iron-tipped battering ram came swinging forth, the force of the air knocking Ravenna down before she was impaled by the ancient wooden skewer. This place was a deathrap! But after the long hours she had spent carefully wandering it's halls, she at last entered the room that held the blade of the dagger, it's dark edge too dim to gleam in the flickering light, as it rested hungrily on the stone pedestal it sat upon, awaiting the blood of a new foe.

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The stranger elf did not seem to pay any heed to her, and so she took it upon herself to test Xallistine's newest invention. Pinching off two pieces of soft wax from the scintillating ball, she molded them into conical shapes and placed them gently in her ears.


She could not hear a thing...not even her own breath or heartbeat, just complete silence. It would be disorienting and difficult to get used to, but it would save their lives.


Rhaine easily removed the magical earplugs and was about to mouth something to Xallistine about his creation working when she saw the Ulitharid put his head in his hands. She glanced at Nawen and jerked her head at Xallistine, wondering what was wrong.

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Nawen simply sat quietly in her seat thinking about all kinds of things that had happened and might happen to her and her friends in the future. She noticed Rhaine jerking her head at Xallistine. The drow looked at the Ulitharid.


"Is everything alright, Xallistine?" She asked quietly enough so no strangers could hear her.


Aedan followed Ravenna for a while but soon stop as the place was filled with traps and unfortunately the witch did not seemed too good in avoiding them. He wasn't a rogue himself thus it seemed that staying behind was a better idea rather than triggering all the traps.

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Xallistine removed his slender hands from is face as Nawen approached, as she voiced her question he was quite surprised that anyone noticed his moment of worry. Seeing Rhaine looking at him in concern, her felt the best thing to do would be to include her in his mental speech, as, deafened or not, a voice in the mind cannot go unheard. He spoke to both of his close companions mentally "I... had a vision, a narrative of horrific events to come... i pray to my gods and yours that this was simply a projection of the very worst, and not a premonition." His voice was slightly shaky, and tinged with great concern. Realization dawned that he had not explained what it is he saw and heard. "I saw Toril... at least, an empty husk of it, it was nothing but a huge black rock, the air a hazy grey mist... Carrion birds fed on what little remains there were of life, of the gods, and Ravenna sapped the last bastions of light and beauty from this planet until there was nothing left... the vision ended as her voice explained that she reshaped the world as she saw fit." He explained. "I am sorry to trouble you with these burdens, it is I who should hear of your troubles, not the other way around."




Ravenna smiled wickedly as her hands felt down the ice-cold obsidian she held between her fingers, she touched the tip and drew back her hand as crimson red erupted into a little ball on her finger tip, the blade was unnaturally sharp. Retrieving the hilt from her bag, she drew the pieces near eachother, and they fused with a crackling of purple sparks, sending a terrible sound coursing through the chamber. The blade was now whole, but a single component remained absent: The pommel.

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