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Tales of Faerun


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The blood drained from Echo's face as she listened to Xallistine; she stifled an urge to grasp one of his long-fingered hands for reassurance. "One person powerful enough to destroy the entire world?" she asked hesitantly. "I can't imagine it."


A hand touched her shoulder, and she realized Mahira had joined them. The Calishite's expression was grim. "Neither can I, ahbab ... but one who unnerves an Ulitharid must be formidable indeed."

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Nawen's eyes widened as she heard everything Xallistine said. No wonder he was worried, what he witnessed was more than disturbing. She glanced at Echo and Mahira who just joined them.


"I'm afraid she's not alone. Two of our... companions had joined her side." She explained but the rest of what she wanted to say she kept to herself. Ravenna is very powerful on her own but with Sefris and Aedan on her side she might as well succeed if destroying everything good in Toril is her intention...

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Rhaine's face had gone expressionless.


"She will not succeed."


So succinct and sure were her words that she was not certain they were her own. The Doomguide dropped her magic wax into her pouch and pushed in her chair, talking over her shoulder as she headed for the inn door, "Everyone take a share of that wax. If we are done here, let us go. We have a world to save."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Ianthe gathered up some wax for herself and followed behind Rhaine as quickly as she could, checking the scimitars in her belt as she walked. She was actually looking forward to this fight. Lately, she found that she was beginning to savor the feeling of battle, and figured that she was beginning to change into something more noble than she had been when she started out this journey.


"Ah, wait up!" Reona called as she scooped up the wax and shoved it into a pocket, tightening the belt on her trousers and feeling a bit strange walking in them. She hadn't gotten used to how closely they followed her form yet.


Arva excused himself from the stranger as kindly as he could manage before rushing to catch up with the ladies, nearly tripping over the feet of patrons as he awkwardly tried to slip his tall form between tables. "You two follow behind Rhaine's coattails like ducklings with their mother, gods!"


"I guess I do," Ianthe shrugged, "but I like staying close to the leader, and Reona likes staying close to me."


Arva gathered the two girls up, wrapping his arms around their waists from behind. They both let out a bit of a yelp in surprise, before smiling warmly at the grin they noticed on Arva's lips.


As the inn door opened, it smacked a certain very short wizard in the side of his head, sending him sprawling out on the front step, his beard splayed in a hundred different directions. Scrambling to his feet, he smoothed his bright purple robes and gathered his book and quill. He stared up at Rhaine as she emerged from the doorway and blurted, "That is one thick door. Did you say... banshee back there? You see, I almost missed that part over the conspiracy to take over the world. Nobody is going to believe this book is non-fiction, you know! I suggest you take on less drastic things, so that my story won't seem like I'm making it up!"


Upon realizing William's cover had been blown, a messy shock of tangled red hair shoved its way through a hedge, Alphonse's dirt-smeared face following behind it. He waved rather sheepishly. "Nice to see you again, Lady Rhaine." His eyes moved a bit to the right, and his face flushed red at seeing the three people behind Rhaine grinning happily as if all was right in the world.

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"Alphonse...William," Rhaine was a bit surprised to see them, but glad nonetheless, "It is good to see you two again as well, though I wish it were not under such dire circumstances. And yes, I did say 'banshee.' Hopefully her treasure horde will provide us with the tools we need to gain an edge over our greater foe."


She checked her horse's bridle and saddle before slipping her foot into a stirrup and swinging onto the ebon steed's back.


"You might want to see Xallistine about some magical wax if you want to make it through this alive. That is, if you are joining with us again."

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Xallistine followed his friend and leader out of the Tavern, hooked on those words she had said. He'd never heard her say something with such devotion, such passion, and such certainty, it helped freeze some of his burning thoughts of their deaths at the hands of the youth-stealer, the death of the planet, the gods. No, he suppressed them and focused on thinking ways to combat her necromantic magic, she had torn a large hole through Xallistine's body the last time they fought, and he didn't intend for it to happen a second time.


He was quite surprised to see the wizard and his companion again, he had not become as acquainted with them as the rest of the group; infact he thought he hadn't even spoken to them at all. He mounted Fatty, patting the horse's ebony mane, and upon hearing mention of the wax, he got what was left of it from out of his satchel; he didn't have any ears, so he wouldn't need any.

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William took the wax from Xallistine gratefully, "Ah, thank you! I suppose I shall just have to write what I see during this battle... Oooh, I could even make up dialogue of my own if I add a disclaimer! Ah, by the way, I am William! No last names needed. My young assistant and I are writing about your adventures so that it may be made into a book."


Alphonse took the wax and stuffed his ears, meaning to mumble, but instead, yelling, "I figure the sooner I can block all this out, the better!"

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If raising an eyebrow was possible, and if Ulitharid had eyebrows for that matter, Xallistine would have done so at that moment. Writing their adventures as a novel? By his tentacles! Such dramatization, such a great epic would surely push the group into regions of fame... How very strange that would be. He'd have to check through the book once it had been written of course, at least to make sure all of his tentacles were accounted for. "A Pleasure to make your acquaintance, William. I am Xallistine... I actually do not have one of these 'Last names'" He said politely, closing his satchel, and following close by Rhaine's side."




Ravenna smiled as she passed the blade from hand-to-hand, examining it's intricate markings, admiring it's fearsome edge. After a few minutes of revelling in it's power, she sheathed it on her hip, and made her way out of the tomb. With a smile she greeted Aedan, as the feathers of her collar brushed against the low doorway of the tomb. "It seems our trek around these forsaken woods is almost over; One more piece remains, but it is only the pommel... Perhaps i can do what i need to without such a gem... No, we had better track it down, i feel it is guarded by something undead... damn... i hope the Doomguide and her little circle don't reach it first, you know how they are with the undead, wherever it is, they are." She spoke, rolling her eyes at the last comment she made. As they were on foot, the travel to the Banshee's lair would take far longer than Rhaine and her companions...

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As she exited the Green Tankard, Echo was relieved to see White-Nose wearing a saddle with shortened stirrups. She gladly accepted Mahira's help climbing onto the mare's back, then held tightly to the reins and watched everyone else prepare to leave. She felt more than a little anxious, since she'd never ridden any mount larger than a pony.


Mahira noticed her friend's agitation. She settled herself on her new gelding's back, and smiled reassuringly. "Somehow I doubt you have anything to worry about with that mare; she'll likely do everything she can to keep you from harm."


"Perhaps," Echo replied dubiously, eyeing the distance between her own saddle and the ground. "Speaking of 'harm', I think we could do with a bit of Xallistine's wax." She took a deep breath, and projected a question for her mare's benefit: Greetings, White-Nose. Do you remember me?


The response was enthusiastic: Of course I do! I never forget a friend. Your name is Echo, and you are a "hin", yes? Where are we going?


We're leaving town with Lady Rhaine and her friends; that's Rhaine. Echo patted the mare's neck, then used the same hand to indicate the Doomguide upon her black steed. Mahira was already riding in the same direction, and had nearly caught up with Xallistine.


I understand, replied the mare, and will keep her in sight. But ... I sense something like fear from you. Do I make you afraid?


Echo was surprised. You're very perceptive. I fear falling; being so far from the ground worries me. It isn't your fault.


Well, I can promise you I will tread carefully, came the response. Encouraged, the halfling smiled, and then urged the mare into a fast walk, following Mahira and the rest of the company.

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Nawen took some some of the enchanted wax and was the last one to go outside. The fresh air was a welcoming change from all the tavern's scents. Especially when someone was enjoying strong drinks so early in the morning.


She heard someone saying something about writing a book about their adventures. "'It's not that exciting, friend." She said to William and looked around for her own horse who was gone from the stables. That's just great. She thought. "Where is my horse?" She asked the middle aged man tending to horses. He spun around and shot a suspicious glance at her. "Them Bugbears ate him." He responded.


Nawen shook her head in disbelief. "Do you expect me to believe that Bugbears, who are massive got past the guards and ate my horse?" She asked. "Aye." The man replied. "For 600 gold I could sell you another." The stable owner quickly added. The drow frowned. "Forget it. I'd rather learn how to fly than buy a horse from you." She mumbled and returned to her friends.


"If you're going to write about our stop in Loudwater, please skip the part about 'Bugbears' eating my horse." She said to William again.



Aedan was staring at the wall when he heard someone approaching. Finally! He thought as he saw Ravenna returning. "Oh? I'd like to see those good doers again and run my sword through each and every one of them." He said sounding confident.


"How exactly this weapon going to be reforged? By some magic ritual or is it just going to reforge itself once you'll have all parts?" He asked.

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