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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen made her way back to the banshee's cave. She feared for her friends well being but at the same time she feared to make a lot of noise by running straight to the cave. Who knows how many minions Maraiel had. If any of them discovered her she'd bring even more danger to others.


The drow stopped for a moment to listen if anyone was out here. Silence. She waited for some more until she heard the sound of footsteps. The sound was so quiet that she began to think that it was her own mind playing tricks on her but just in case she drew her duskwood bow and notched an arrow. "One cannot be too careful." She thought and continued listening.


"Who goes there?" She asked. "I have a bow and I know how to use it." The ranger added.



"Well that's good." Aedan said as he followed the witch to wherever she went. After a brief moment of silence he asked again. "Why Sune? There are much more powerful Gods."

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Nawen's familiar outline in the formless mist came as a tremendous relief for the halfling. There was a tremor in her voice as she replied, "Oh! Lady Nawen, thank the gods! It's Echo, and I've managed to get my foolish self lost ... do you know where we are?"
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Rhaine paused for a few minutes, catching her breath. It was, perhaps, one of the most chaotic battles she had ever been in...and she was certain that the fight with Ravenna was going to be much worse.


Sighing, she moved forward and picked her sword up from where it lay, sheathing it and dusting off her hands on her breeches. The Doomguide then turned to her companions, "Is everyone all right? Who is injured?"


Not seeing the drow or the halfling, Rhaine added, "And where have Nawen and Echo gone?"

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Xallistine sighed with great relief, and looked on at the burning-green shimmer of Maraiel's ashes. That was a challenging battle, while the banshee did not provide the same physical challenge the Hydra did, she was in a league of her own altogether. If that was just a simple banshee, he feared what a now power-mad protégée of the dark arts would be willing to do to achieve her goal. The last time they had faced Ravenna, she was playing with them, she cared not about what they did to the cult, she had simply an urge for battle... but when cornered and desperate... well, anything could happen. He answered Rhaine's question in quick succession to her voicing of it "I am fine, but i believe Mahira and Alphonse have sustained injury."


"Alphonse should be fine, a broken bone or two and ringing headache is all he'll suffer. Lucky boy." Aricia said as she sheathed her flail, leaning down to tend to Mahira's wounds "I don't know about this one, it seems she hit her head pretty hard on impact with the ceiling... Still, i can't feel a fracture, so she'll pull through." Aricia noted, feeling around Mahira's skull for any indentations.




Ravenna filled with fury at the sound of Sune's name, and replied passionately "Because that... that woman left me to wither and die, i followed her for years and years... and my payment was abandonment. Why her? because she will regret ever denying me such a trivial request, that, and the power of a god is the power of a god, i can shape it into whatever i desire."

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Nawen lowered her bow as soon as she saw the halfling. Sighing with relief that it was only Echo and not some monster she put the arrow back into the quiver.


"Yes. I think I know the way back." She said and started walking. "What about the others? Is everyone alright?" She asked glancing at Echo.



Aedan was surprised how angry Ravenna got just hearing Sune's name. He was faithless himself and in his second life as a Fallen he had never worshiped a God. He loathed each and every one of them, good or bad, lesser or greater; all of them and to worship one just seemed pointless to him. He had done well for himself without them and he will continue to do so. "I always thought that worshiping a God is pointless, especially when you get nothing in return when you're alive." The Fallen said.

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Echo followed after Nawen, and her reply tumbled out in a confused rush. "No! Poor Alphonse, I don't know if he lives! And Arva, his eyes, and Ianthe's arm, and - someone I've never seen before, she was trying to heal Arva, I think - she appeared quite suddenly, and attacked the banshee. All their powers - Lady Rhaine, and Xallistine, Alphonse, that stranger, the monster - astonishing! I can't begin to describe ... but my weapons ... useless. I don't know what came over me; those shadows - I was terrified, and I ran! Oh, why did I run?" The halfling was very nearly breathless, and on the verge of tears.


* * *

"... Lucky boy." An unfamiliar voice drifted into Mahira's awareness. "... Pull through." The words seemed disconnected; she could feel someone's fingers sifting through her hair. Her scalp was burning.


"Pull through," she muttered, and opened her eyes. The first things she saw were unfamiliar: the face of the woman examining her head, and beyond that ... an Ulitharid! Her eyes widened in alarm, and she sat bolt upright, feeling for sword hilts that weren't there. Then she remembered. "Oh ... Xallistine, yes, I'm sorry. But what happened? Is everyone all right? Where is the banshee?"

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"Maraiel is dead and gone," Rhaine answered Mahira, moving to kneel next to the Calishite. She placed a hand on the woman's shoulder, "You suffered quite a hit and missed the last few seconds of battle. Unfortunately, Echo and Nawen are missing and I don't know where they've disappeared to. Alphonse is still incapacitated as well."
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Nawen stopped walking. She turned around to face the halfling. Echo's voice sounded somewhat strange so she squat down beside her, placing her hands on the halfling's shoulders comfortingly. "There is nothing wrong with being afraid, Echo. I know you feel guilty for leaving but trust me, everyone will be alright and they will understand." She tried to sound as comforting as she could. The drow felt just as bad for leaving, she wasn't afraid of the banshee nor the dark caves and shadows but there were plenty of things she was terrified of and she knew how Echo felt.


She then stood back up again. "Now let's go and find our friends, shall we?"

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Xallistine stood with his hands behind his back and reflected on these last events... it was pure chaos, but in the end their goal was achieved, Rhaine's spectacular display was truly a mesmerising sight. He did not worry about Nawen, the Drow was strong, and as a ranger, she'd most certainly find her way back to them, it was that halfling Echo that he wondered about. But she seemed a formidable creature, and perhaps she'd bump into Nawen on her way back? His eyes turned to the banshee'd cave, he hoped she had a treasure trove which they could loot, anything that could assist them in opposing the witch was worth it's weight.


Aricia rose to her feet as Mahira awakened, satisfied that her injuries would leave nothing but soreness. "A pleasure to see you once more, Rhaine. After the ball i was regretfully pulled into some other business, but i've tailed you all for a while. Lost you a couple of times, but the people of Loudwater told me stories of first a devilish black carriage, and then a winged elf, a tentacled monster, and a bunch of other strange looking folk. So i guessed you'd be here, dealing with the old hag." Her face bore a small smile, which was a strong gesture from such a reserved creature.

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Rhaine stood and smiled back at the Archfey, "We welcome your aid, Aricia. It is good to see you, too. After this, we were going to pursue Ravenna's carriage to an old elven fort. I think she plans to steal the power of Sune herself, somehow. But first," she paused, a glitter from further inside the cave catching her eye, "we need to patch ourselves up and see what this banshee was hiding away. Perhaps something here can help us."


The small ball of light still floated over the Doomguide's head, illuminating the cavern as she went deeper into it. The ceiling slanted down sharply, and so she had to duck as she investigated a strange-looking pile on the floor. She pulled back a rotting cloak to reveal a healthy-sized treasure horde. Gold, jewels, and trinkets spilled around her feet as she took the cloak away. It appeared as though Maraiel had a fondness for small enchanted keepsakes in life, as that was the majority of her collection.


Rhaine picked up a few pieces, examining them and tossing them back into the pile with disinterest. One object in particular, however, held her attention. It was a small black sphere, moderately heavy, seemingly made of obsidian. There were a few odd arcane runes carved into its polished surface, but she could not decipher them.


"Xallistine, would you come look at this, please?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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