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Tales of Faerun


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Aricia raised an eyebrow to Rhaine's comment about ravenna stealing Sune's power... what on earth was going on? Taking note that they would be on the move quite soon, Aricia stood for a moment, and procured from her satchel a variety of healing items, she moved around the battle site, dishing out what she had to her companions, and double checking on Mahira. "You got hit quite badly, I'm glad you survived. I'm Aricia by the way, pleasure to meet you. Need a hand up?"


Xallistine walked slowly over to Rhaine as she called for his aid, and bent down uncomfortably to get inside the moderate cave. His eyes appeared gold as they reflected the treasure, but his attention was focused on the black orb Rhaine held in her hands. Figuring that it was the item she had requested him look at, he delicately lifted it from her palm, with two taloned fingers, and from his pack he got out a long, lensed monocle. He fastened it upon his head, and carefully observed the dark sphere, rotating it as he read the runes. "Hmm.... whatever this is, it's extremely powerful, if you truly focus, you can feel it's pull... I am certain that this is the power source of some sort of weapon, a sword, or dagger most likely. These arcane runes read 'Diruo immortalis viscus'... To destroy immortal flesh" He looked at Rhaine, hoping that the reality of what this was had dawned upon her as well...

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Rhaine's eyes were fixed on the sphere, "So it is the pommel of a blade...that can kill immortals? This," she snapped her fingers, "this is what she is looking for. Thank the gods we found it first, my friend. She needs the Eye to hold the goddess, but she needs the blade to kill her. Without the power source - if that is what this pommel is - Ravenna cannot succeed. It is a small thread of hope, laced with speculation, but it is something we must hold on to. This pommel must be kept safe."


She poked her head out of the cave and gestured to her companions, "There's quite a bit of treasure in here. Feel free to come and take what you like."


For herself, she simply pocketed what she recognized as valuable gems...much better than carrying around purses full of gold, and easier to use for bartering big-ticket items.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Mahira was dismayed when Rhaine mentioned the disappearance of both Echo and Nawen; the name "Maraiel" didn't register at first, but the Calishite had no trouble recalling the last time she'd seen Alphonse. She wanted to get up and look for their missing companions, but couldn't manage it yet. Her head was throbbing. She remained seated on the floor of the cave, gently probing her scalp with one hand and listening to Rhaine's conversation with the newcomer. Maraiel? she wondered. Oh, now I remember ... the banshee. Thank Ilmater it was destroyed!


For some time, Rhaine was the only person clearly visible across the cavern; she was lit by a small glowing sphere, apparently searching for something. Mahira watched the indistinct outlines of Arva and Reona for a moment, then looked around for Ianthe, but the nymph was nowhere in sight. It seemed likely she was outside taking care of Alphonse.


After a moment, the newcomer approached, introduced herself, and helped Mahira stand up. "Thank you, Aricia ... and I'm sorry, I'm a little out of sorts. My name is Mahira. I'm very glad to meet you, and am at your service."


The Calishite spotted her crossbow lying on the ground near Aricia's feet and retrieved it, wondering what had become of her scimitars. More importantly, she thought, where are Echo and Nawen?


* * *

Echo noticed the glint of green irises beneath Nawen's hood; she was very reassured by the ranger's kindness, but couldn't help feeling curious at the same time. As Nawen released Echo's shoulders and rose gracefully to her feet, the halfling considered asking an impertinent question or two, but thought better of it.


"Now let's go and find our friends, shall we?" the ranger was asking.


Echo nodded and smiled. "I'm glad you are with me."


She followed Nawen through the tangled undergrowth, fervently hoping they would find their companions alive.

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Nawen smiled slightly. "I am glad you are with me too." She said and continued walking down the same path she had intended to go before meeting Echo.


They didn't have to walk very far, the cave was closer than Nawen thought. For a brief moment the drow stood in front of the entrance and looked around listening just in case someone or something hostile was nearby. She couldn't hear anything and went inside.


As a drow she could see in the dark so the darkness didn't bother but unfortunately her hood did. She took off her hood and glanced at Echo. "Do you remember where you fought the banshee?" She asked.

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"It's just up ahead," Echo replied, "but I can't see very well." As she moved forward, she noticed a pale light emanating from somewhere within the cave, and turned to see Nawen's reaction. The ranger had lowered her hood, and in the gloom, her shimmering hair reflected more light than her face, which was a lovely shade of deep grey. Echo's mouth dropped open in surprise. "Lady Nawen ... you're an elf! But I've never seen an elf quite like you before."


"That's because you've never seen a drow, ahbab," said a familiar voice, and suddenly Echo found herself in Mahira's embrace. "The cave is safe; the others defeated the banshee. I was about to come looking for you both; thank the gods you're here! Where have you been?"


"I'm glad you're still alive, Mahira; you'll never know how glad," Echo murmured, "but ... I don't think you'll want to hug me when you know what I've done." She pulled away from Mahira's arms, glancing furtively up at Nawen as she did so.


Mahira frowned, looking from Echo's face to Nawen's. "What happened?"


"I - I ran away, when everyone else was fighting the banshee."


"Ran - ?"


"I was ... frightened, and got myself lost in the forest. I was foolish. I wanted to come back, but I went the wrong way. I couldn't find the clearing. I thought about yelling for someone, but then Lady Nawen found me; she led me here."


Mahira turned her gaze from the halfling to the drow, and smiled gratefully. "I'm in your debt, Lady Nawen. I don't understand why Echo was frightened enough to run ... but if you hadn't found her, she might still be wandering in the forest, or worse." She reached for the ranger's hand and warmly clasped it for a moment, then released it again, hoping she hadn't made Nawen uncomfortable. "No doubt everyone will be relieved to know you're safe. Did either of you see Alphonse and Ianthe on your way in? Is William with them?"


Echo looked stricken. "How could we have missed them?"

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Alphonse opened his eyes as Ianthe crouched in front of him, and sluggishly raised his head so he could look at her. "You'd think I'd have split my head wide open from a hit like that."


Ianthe noticed his words were thick and slurred, probably because he was still under the effects of the healing spells Aricia had performed. She'd have to find some way to properly thank the woman later, but for now, all she could do was plant herself on the ground next to him and let her head rest on his shoulder. "You were stupid to rush out like that. I'd punch you, but you're in enough pain already."


His hands slid around hers and his gaze jumped down to her wrists. The right one was a little bruised and swollen as if it were fractured, but it wasn't a complete break, which allowed him to breathe a sigh of relief. His chest gave a sharp twinge in the middle of his next intake of air, and he released a chuckle that only seemed to make it worse.


"Guess I broke some ribs," he explained, red-faced as he wrapped his arms around Ianthe and buried his face in her short, silky hair. "I'm glad you're alright."


"Ahem," a voice called from barely above their heads, followed by a glass bottle dropping into Alphonse's lap. "You should be glad I carry things like that, you know. I don't think anyone else carries such powerful accelerated healing potions on them. Of course, if anyone else did carry such things, it would imply their skill level was close to mine, which obviously isn't very plausible at all."


Ianthe's hamster leapt from inside William's long beard, soaring through the air until he landed in a patch of grass below, digging for seeds in the loose dirt. He seemed to catch a whiff of something, and shot off toward it, scurrying as fast as his stubby legs could take him. Then, in a nearly impossible feat for a creature, he hopped all the way up to the middle of Nawen's calf and latched on. He wasn't sure why, but he liked this friend-elf.

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Rhaine heard voices close to the mouth of the cave and turned to see Mahira embracing Echo fiercely. Nawen stood nearby.


The Doomguide jogged forward, her eyes wide, "Nawen...Echo!"


She caught the tail end of the conversation and learned that Echo had run in fright and that Nawen had found the little halfling and led her back. Rhaine smiled gently at both of them, "Thank the gods you are both safe. Welcome back." She then gestured behind her, winking at the halfling, "And you're just in time for treasure. Help yourselves."


Rhaine exited the the cave and found Ianthe, William, and Alphonse close by. It seemed that all three were fine. Boota had left the comfort of the wizard's beard to poke around for snacks before jumping onto Nawen's leg.


Just then, there was a rush of wings and a soft cry as Theron landed on the Doomguide's shoulder. The eagle's glinting golden eyes fastened on the tiny hamster, and Rhaine started, "Ah...Ianthe...?"

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Xallistine retrieved a few magical trinkets from the cave, particularly bracelets of protective magic. He put them in his satchel, but placed the obsidian orb inside his robes, securing it within one of his inside pockets. He made his way out of the cave and looked around. It appeared that everyone was alright; Nawen and Echo had made their way back, of which he was pleased. "Welcome back ladies." He commented, as he walked past them. "I shall check on our steeds, and wait for you all outside of the brush. We must make haste if we are to reach the fort." He bowed to everyone, and made his way out of the misty clearing.


Aricia had a rummage through the banshee's horde, but found nothing that would particularly benefit her, she was adept enough at protective spells, and casting charms. She exited the cave, and smiled in greeting to Nawen. "It is good to see you again, Nawen." She spoke, brushing off her pristine outfit.

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Nawen smiled warmly at both Echo and Mahira. She had hesitated to show herself to them because she was unsure how they're going to react to her being a drow, one of the most infamous and cruelest races in Toril but she was relieved that neither of them seemed bothered by it. She was truly lucky to have met so many kind and accepting people.


"It was nothing." She said in reply to Mahira's words. "I couldn't leave her behind. And please, just call me Nawen." She added. Hearing them calling her lady was... strange. She was no lady just a simple ranger.


She had also noticed Ianthe's hamster jumping onto her leg. "Why hello there, little one." She said to him warmly but he was later picked up by Ianthe again because Rhaine's eagle had returned.


"I am sorry for leaving and not helping you fight." Nawen said as she heard Rhaine welcoming her and Echo back. She felt guilty for leaving her friends and wanted to apologize, she'd feel bad is she didn't. "I misplaced my enchanted earplugs and banshee's wail led me away from the cave."


She glanced at the pile of treasure in the cave from which she took some gold coins and a beautiful hunting knife. She turned to look at her friends when she noticed Aricia. "It is good to see you too, Lady Aricia." She mumbled something under her breath. The ranger had no idea how to address someone so noble like Aricia.

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