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Rhaine sheathed her weapon and moved over to the unconscious insectoid with caution. She glanced at Nawen, "Do you know what this poor thing is? I've never seen anything like it before. Can we heal the creature?"
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Nawen left the cave as quickly as possible. Even from inside she could hear fighting. Quickly, she drew her blade and ran outside. A group of men were attacking a strange insect like being. She also heard the word slaver... was this poor creature an escaped slaved they were trying to capture?


Luckily the slavers left, leaving the injured being alone. She heard Rhaine's question and approached the injured being to have a better look at him. "He seems somewhat familiar but even if I knew what he was I'm afraid I can't remember."


She knelt beside him to take a closer look at his injuries. "We're not going to harm you. I just want to see if there's any way we can help you." She said to him calmly.



Aedan watched Ravenna's fit of anger. He could also tell that someone has been in the cave recently. He was hoping they will follow the Doomguide and the rest of her band of good doers but was surprised and disappointed that Ravenna chose a different path. "We could take the missing piece from them, you know." He said as he followed her.

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Tak'we's world began to fade back into view, but everything was blurred and spinning. He couldn't think. "Why isss everything unclear?" he whispered in a low hiss of Thri'kreen. There was a dull pain in several parts of his body, but when he tried to move, his body refused to respond. He remembered the fight with the slavers and being forced to the ground and chained, then a leering dark softskin standing over him, then...nothing. Tak'we tried to focus on his surroundings, aware of several figures standing near him speaking amongst themselves. "...what this poor thing is? I've never seen anything like it before. Can we heal the creature?" one of the figures asked. "Pleassse do not call thisss one 'it'," he moaned, unaware that he was still speaking in his native tongue.


Another figure was crouching next to him, her features blurred. She seemed to be speaking to him, though he could only catch some of it. "...not going to harm you... just want to see... there's any way... can.... you." He looked at the speaker in confusion, trying to focus on her. Past her hood, he could see pointed ears and... dark skin. Tak'we recoiled weakly, suddenly afraid of the dark softskin as memories of his captivity in Calimshan forced their way unwanted into his mind. The thri'kreen struggled in vain against the chains holding him. "Noo...don't take thisss one back... clickk!... to the prissson of sssand and ssstone...pleassse," he pleaded softly. As his world became more clear, the rest of the group near him came into focus. The female softskin asking about him had feathers, which served to confuse him, and there was another female wielding a flail next to her. A strange creature with tentacle extending from its face stood next to them, and there was looked what looked like a softskin hatchling standing by another dark softskin, which further served to frighten him. "Pleassse...," Tak'we seemed to whistle weakly.

Edited by GrueMaster
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Rhaine could barely understand the creature past his hissing and clicking. What was obvious was that he was scared to death of them. She pitied the poor thing.


Examining the chains wrapped around him, she saw that they were quite heavy, already locked tight around him. The Doomguide frowned, speaking over her shoulder, "Can anyone pick this lock?"


She turned back to the creature and focused on his head, where there were two large, golden eyes, "We aren't going to hurt you. We're going to free you. Everything will be all right."

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T'ak'we looked at the feathered one kneeling next to him, his baleful eyes staring at her, unblinking. She was speaking to him, but her words seemed very distant. "...aren't going...hurt you...free you...everything will... all right." He shuddered in fear and bewilderment. What is going on?"Can't undersstand you...," he wheezed, "thiss one cannot feel anything..." A wave of dizziness struck him then, forcing him to shake his head as his eyesight began to blur again. "Cruel dark softskins...ussed... sssomething..." Edited by GrueMaster
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Mahira was apathetic toward the slaver's chauvinist remarks. If he thinks that's enough to goad me ... she thought, but at his use of the word "child", she glanced at Echo, her mouth twisting into a wry smile. Their eyes met, and the halfling shrugged.


"The man's a dolt if he can't tell the difference," Echo calmly stated, not caring whether the mercenaries overheard.


Both women listened to Aricia's rejoinder and were highly entertained; at Xallistine's warning, Echo had to muster all her self-control to keep from laughing at the slavers' expense.


Rhaine's commanding voice and presence, however, wiped the smiles from both their faces. Now there is a formidable captain of men, the Calishite thought, and suddenly realized she would follow wherever Rhaine's fate took her: beyond the banshee's lair and this altercation with slavers, and - should the company survive - beyond their confrontation with the witch. It was the first time she'd felt such loyalty to anyone apart from Echo, and it startled her.


Echo was watching Rhaine with open-mouthed admiration, and when the Doomguide's words sent the mercenaries on their way, she laughed aloud. Her jubilation, however, vanished the moment Nawen knelt beside the wounded creature lying helpless on the ground.


Reacting to the mantis warrior's obvious terror, Mahira laid her scimitars down, stepped away from them and knelt beside Nawen, trying to make herself as small and unthreatening as possible. Very quietly, she told him, "I am not like those slavers. I promise you have nothing to fear from me."


"I can take care of it," said the halfling in response to Rhaine's question. She brought out a pick and made short work of the lock. "That was an easy one," she said, smiling triumphantly and moving away to give Nawen more room.

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Nawen could tell that the poor creature was afraid of her, most likely of them all. While Echo picked the lock to free him from the chains, the ranger looked for some healing salves and bandages in her bag. As a ranger she could cast a few spells but for some reason she preferred not to and not only because the availability of the spells was very limited. Her guardian taught her how to heal injured people and animals without magic.


"Used something?" She asked and for a brief moment inspected the wound without trying to get too close to him. He was already scared as it is. "He was stabbed, most likely with the poisoned weapon. " The drow glanced at Rhaine as well as the others. "The only thing I can do is to clean the wound and bandage it." "Do you know any spells to cure poison? I don't want to do anything without knowing the type of poison."

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Xallistine was no expert in the art of curing poison, he could heal wounds, but even that was a less than perfect area for him, he was a sorcerer best suited to destroying foes, not healing wounds. He turned his head to Aricia.


The Archfey dismounted her white steed, and stepped carefully onto the ground, her movements were fluid, graceful and elegant as she made her way over to the injured creature, kneeling down next to it's chitinous body, running her hands across it's side as she built up a spell of antidote. She held the creature in her grip as the spell exited her hands, and entered the insect-like beings body, coursing through his veins as it destroyed the poison. "You will live." She said simply, looking at it's strange golden eyes. her words were not laced with sweetness, and her words were not honeyed, they were firm and matter of fact. "Are you sure you can handle it Nawen? If you'd prefer i can tend to him, i am after all, a priestess of Illmater."




Ravenna turned her head to converse with Aedan as they continued "No, not like this, i must make the necessary rituals in the chapel, The dagger is simply a quick means to my end, i believe i could drain Sune... but it could take a long time... it is too late, hopefully we shall be able to crush the Doomguide and her companions soon."

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Rhaine kept her silence and her distance, unsure of whether or not to lend her own magic. She preferred to defer to Nawen in this case. The Doomguide had never dealt with one of these creatures before, and it was likely that the ranger would know more about healing it than she.


She looked up at the sky and frowned. It was past midday. Every second they were delayed allowed Ravenna to prepare more...

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Tak'we looked on in surprise at the softskin hatchling as she unlocked the chains holding him. "How... doesss a softskin hatchling know ssuch sskillsss?" he asked out loud. "Why are-" the thri'kreen paused as he noticed the strange pointy-ear approaching him, fear suddenly returning. But his body still wouldn't respond, so he could only watch, terrified, as the archfey ran her hands along his injured side. Then suddenly, everything was clear again! "What did you do?" he asked, shocked that he was receiving such good treatment from softskins.


Tak'we began to pick himself up as feeling returned to his body... which was quickly followed by the pain of his wounds. "SSSSCREEEEHHHHH!!" he screeched as he tumbled back to the ground, clutching at the wound in his side. He gave a series of angry hisses and clicks and forced himself back up, in pain but glad that he could move again. He looked around for his weapon and saw it laying a few feet away. He limped over to the gythka and picked it up with his good arms. Tak'we turned and looked at the motley group that had helped him, head tilted to one side in puzzlement, giving him the appearance of a curious dog. "Why would sssoftsskinss help thisss one?" *tck!* "No one helpsss thisss one." He looked at the dark softskin and pointy-ear. "And cruel dark ssoftsskinsss alwayss hunt thisss one with barbed whipsss and chainsss." He looked in askance at the group. "Why?"

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