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Tales of Faerun


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Tak'we looked on in shock at all of the dead. "Thisss one hasss ssseen many deathsss, but never like thisss..." He followed after Rhaine and Xallistine, shaking his head at the sight. "How many have fallen to thisss monsster?" He began to add something, but then that scent was there again, faint, but there. *Tcktcktck!* "Bonesss that walk are here," he hissed, reaffirming his grip on his gythka.
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As the stairwell began to widen into another chamber, Rhaine kept close to Xallistine. She pressed to the wall, whispering to the Ulitharid, "Take care, friend. There could be traps abound in this place."


The Doomguide had no doubt that if the ruin hadn't been trapped by the bandits then it most certainly had been by Ravenna...or even her mother. Every tile could be a pressure plate - every step could mean death.

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No sooner than Rhaine had whispered her words of warning, did Xallistine's foot sink into a plate on the floor. The circular opening that led to the large antechamber of Miora's tomb suddenly filled with sharp, un-used spikes, that nearly impaled the Ulitharid, The sound of clanging metal rung around the still air, and changed to a scrape as the spears descended back into the wall "You were most certainly correct, Lady Rhaine." Xallistine commented as he looked at the plate. He stepped into the large antechamber, and looked around, on the inner wall was a pull-chain, which the Ulitharid figured would deactivate all active traps. A click was the only sound, and the pressure plate in the corridor rose, becoming safe enough to walk on.


Xallistine was mesmerised by this chamber- It was more a family shrine than a tomb, on many of the tables there stood pictures, and paintings of Thaymount, before it's falling into the hands of Szas Tam. In the right corner there stood an iron desk, and by the lack of dust, he knew it was the most recently disturbed item in the chamber. He approached, and puzzled over what he saw. There were six portraits, all painted by a talented and long dead hand, There Was Miora, Her Husband, a young blonde boy, who he assumed must have been Ravenna's brother, and finally a pair of Ravena, the first was an innocent looking young girl, no older than 10, with long, honey blonde hair, and beautiful green eyes, the second portrait carried similar traits, only the woman looked in her 20's, still with a youthful and innocent expression. "It seems Ravenna was once innocent." Xallistine commented, gesturing to the portraits as he walked over to the large door on the back wall, he looked for ways to open it.




Ravenna smiled grimly at her handiwork, the bodies of Sune's worshippers lying dry at either side of the altar, the bowl's contents were still and crimson. "Well... that's that. I shall invoke the goddess shortly." Ravenna commented icily, washing her blood-stained hands in a basin. She paced up and down for a moment, the God-tearing weapon held firmly in her grip, she looked at the empty space in which the pommel was to fill. She doubted that this would end well, slightly. But her resolve was not so easily broken.


With her fingers, she opened up the front of her dress further, extending her cleavage line, and providing amply room to wear the Eye. She fastened the golden relic around her neck, it's many solid petals reflecting the lighting of the bright chapel. "And now, I summon Sune.."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Echo had done all she could to avoid looking at Ravenna's victims along the way. Upon entering the antechamber of Miora's tomb, the halfling studied the witch's family portraits for a moment. Someone capable of such evil ... it's hard to believe she was once any sort of child, let alone one with an angelic face. Shaking her head, she turned away, and her mind began to wander. Her eyes followed Xallistine's flowing robes, then traced the engravings on Rhaine's mithral pauldrons. She admired the sleek lines of Nawen's bow, then briefly compared the look of Ianthe's elegant scimitars with Mahira's, and decided she preferred the nymph's. She began to imagine what it might be like to fight four-handed, like a thri'kreen, and was so lost in her reverie that she walked right into Mahira, tripping over the taller woman's boot heel. She would have fallen if the Calishite hadn't put out a hand to steady her.


"You should pay attention to where your feet are taking you," said Mahira. Echo mumbled an apology.


For her part, the Calishite had looked long upon the faces of the dead, wondering how much pain they had been made to endure by the witch's abhorrent hand. By the time Mahira entered the antechamber, her chestnut eyes had darkened until they were very nearly black, and her jaw was clenched. She stood for a moment, examining Ravenna's childhood portrait; like Echo, she found it unimaginable that such a monster had ever been inculpable. For if Ravenna had once had a family whom she loved, and who loved her in return, how could it have come to this? The young women she murdered must also have families, whose lives were now destroyed. What dreams had each victim, each loved one had for a future that would never come?

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Rhaine let her eyes fall upon the portraits, studying the once innocent face of the woman she now hunted. She heard Xallistine's words, and her reply was soft, "But no longer. That woman died a long time ago."


Did Ravenna love once? Did she truly follow Sune's teachings with a kind heart in her youth? Did she love her brother? Her mother and father? Or was that face a mask all along? What had it taken to transform a golden-locked, cheerful-faced girl into the monster that she had become? To turn a loyal Heartwarder into a Faithless betrayer?


The Doomguide's mouth pulled down at the corners.


She knew the answer.

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Nawen heard Rhaine saying something about traps and by the looks of it, Xallistine already found one. She wondered if the traps can be disabled but unfortunately she was able to disable the most primitive bear traps. Her guardian had taught her how to disable them so she could free the animals trapped with them but other than that she knew nothing of traps. The only thing she could do was to walk carefully to avoid them. "Do we even know where in these ruins Miora or whatever is left of her is?" She asked.


Once they stopped Nawen noticed the portraits as well. She wondered how could someone change so much and from someone innocent turn so vile. She said nothing on the subject and silently looked at the paintings.



"Finally." Aedan commented, as he watched Ravenna putting on the golden relic. Just in case he stayed at a safe distant. As powerful as the witch is, Sune is still a goddess and a greater one at that.

Edited by Naktis
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"Y...Yes" Xallistine replied to Nawen query quietly, as he managed to force the spherical door open, each quarter sliding back into the frames. before them lay the glass coffin, and inside it, Miora's robed corpse. The golden mask that sat upon her face had hardly any detail, aside from engraved lips and eyes, the grey remnants of hair that flowed from her head were fanned out beneath her. her crimson robes decomposing with age, and indentation marks around her neck showed that a once tight collar had recently been removed.


Miora stirred.


She passed through her glass casing as before, as though it was water, her draconian detailed staff shimmered in golden splendor, as did the expressionless mask. With floaty movements, the Lich moved forwards, as though she was advancing upon prey. But she did not attack, instead she spoke words from her dead throat. "You are too late to stop Ravenna... i can feel her taint upon you. She has what she seeks, servants of light, attempt to prevent the inevitable will be met only with death... Perhaps things could have been different, but the goddess has played no small part in bringing this upon herself." Her words sounded almost sorrowful, yet the power she had once possessed was exerted in all of Miora's aspects.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Rhaine shifted as Miora herself floated through her sarcophagus. The Doomguide knew that the pristine golden countenance hid a rotting face beneath...just as the lich would no doubt attempt to hide her foul daughter from their grasp.


"You gave her the Eye," Rhaine said quietly, "You gave her the means to destroy the world and gave her your blessings to do it. All for some petty vengeance. You know, for all the Red Wizards' supposed intelligence, experience has shown me that you are incredibly short-sighted."


She readied her weapon, green flames licking the pommel of the bastard sword, "Where is Ravenna? You know where she is, so do not try to dodge the question."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Miora's form did not move as Rhaine's words were spoke, instead she hovered perfectly skill, her dead eyes focusing on the Doomguide. "Short-sighted? Do not assume you even contemplate my state of being. My life was played out on this worlds stage, forging relics with which others may carve the future. I was an architect of destruction, creation, and eternity. It was all done for the long term. You think in this state i care for this world? it can perish in water and fire, for my time upon it ended five centuries ago. Now i am simply the keeper of the Eye, who's purpose has been fulfilled. It was chance my daughter found the Eye first, but my blessing shall forever be upon her... Your words are those of a childless woman. No matter your child's turnout in life, your blessing is eternal." Miora spoke her words with conviction, passion, and a strong belief in them.


"My daughter is exacting her revenge. Need you more than that? Intelligence is a virtue i feel you possess servant of Kelemvor." She answered cryptically. She was hiding nothing, her daughters fate would be decided that day, and whatever the outcome, it would be final.

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Rhaine snarled. It was so simple. Just as obvious as everything else had been. The answer was right under their noses all along.


What better way to get to the goddess of love that at her own temple?


"Where is the nearest chapel of Sune?" she asked, not particularly at Miora, but to anyone who could answer, "Quickly, now!"

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