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Tales of Faerun


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Ianthe put a hand out as if to steady Rhaine when she swayed, but pulled it back quickly as the half-elf seemed to regain her footing. As they walked out, she took one last glance at the family portrait on the wall and bowed her head, as if to mourn the innocence that it looked like the family once had. Even Ravenna had looked sweet and had been pure once. She gently interlaced the fingers of her right hand with Alphonse's left one and wondered why she felt like she needed comfort in knowing that fact.


His face reddening, Arva walked at the back of the party and shoved his hands in his pockets while biting the inside of his cheek. It could be the beginning of the end of the world, and I'm only worried because the woman who was forced to marry me loves someone else. Can't believe I'm actually jealous of this.


Reona shot out her arms to catch the end of Tak'We's cloak as he stumbled, but missed. He was much taller than her, however, so perhaps it was best she hadn't caught him. He didn't look like he weighed much, but even if he didn't, his size probably would have yanked her off her feet and caused her to fall right on him. She wondered to herself if she would have hurt his exoskeleton, or if the hard shell would have injured her instead. Shaking her head, she quickened her pace and followed close behind the others. "Curse that Ravenna with every sort of misfortune that could befall a... whatever she is."

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As the sound of Rhaine's running footsteps diminished, Echo considered remaining behind to look for valuable objects, but a nudge from Mahira made her discard the notion. "Yes, mother," the halfling quipped, trying to sound more amused than annoyed.


At that moment, Tak'we tripped and fell; Echo moved toward him with Reona, but the thri'kreen regained his feet without assistance and hobbled after Rhaine as best he could. Don't know how I could help lift someone twice my height, anyway, she mused, making her way out of the antechamber with the rest of the company.


Once outside, she let Mahira help her into the saddle, and two of them urged their horses to follow the Doomguide northward through the woods.

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They arrived at the chapel shortly after midnight. An impossibly bright light shone through the arched windows, and even at a distance, the Doomguide could hear angry shouting within.


"By all the gods," Rhaine began, sliding from her saddle and drawing her weapon, "please, let us not be too late!"


She dashed for the entrance of the Sunite church, tearing open the doors and roaring in fury, "Ravenna! Your time of Judgment has come!"




"Filthy jaluk."


Ginafae spat on the corpse of the lowly male she had just bludgeoned to death, the spittle shining in the moonlight. He was the one who had gotten them both lost in the shifting sands of the Anauroch, and he had paid for it with his worthless life.


May your soul rot in Lolth's web.


The drow priestess wiped her mace clean of the man's blood, then withdrew a long, obsidian wand. Pointing it at the sand before her, she waved it once. A loud whinny answered, followed by wisps of black smoke that coalesced into a large, black unicorn. Its horn was long and jagged, filed to a razor-sharp point. Like its drow mistress, it was armored in black adamantine. Ginafae smiled at it and put her wand away, mounting her dark steed and looking about her. There was nothing but sand in all directions.


Praying to the Spider Queen to guide her, she kicked her heels into the unicorn's flanks and galloped across the dunes.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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As Rhaine and her party burst through the doors of the temple, Ravenna had finished taking a brief feed upon the helpless god. She caressed her face as it turned to soft, perfect skin, and her dark powers returned to her in full force; It had however, done nothing to whittle down the goddess, it would indeed take many hours to destroy her that way.


With a smirk, Ravenna clasped her hands behind her back, her shadow cast like a huge vulture, stretched out in the green illuminations. "Ahh, Rhaine, how did i guess you'd follow? I must admit, i'm surprised, and quite disappointed you did not catch on sooner. Still, you are here now, and you have what i want." She paused, her smile deepening, as she turned around to face the group, revealing herself to them again after their last battle. Her dark makeup filled in the entirety of her eye sockets, and stretched outwards like wings. Her travels in the forest, her anxiety and stress, her shouting and screaming had all left her makeup partially run down her face, reaching her cheekbones. She looked at all of the new faces she saw, and gave a slight chuckle "I see you have found more to die for you then, Doomguide? It does not have to end in death, Rhaine. Give me the pommel, and your lives shall be spared." Ravenna said softly, etending one elegant and fine arm, entrapped in a sheath of feathers. "Simple, isn't it? You give me the pommel... I spare the lives of you, and all of your companions." Her green eyes locked with Rhaine's emerald ones.




As they entered the temple, Xallistine stuffed the black sphere into Rhaine's pocket, so that if the worst happened, at least they had one advantage over her. he readied himself for the battle to come, and stepped into the Temple, saying a final prayer, as he knew his life could very well end.


Aricia did much the same in prayer, and followed the group in.

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Rhaine saw the bodies of the Sunite priestesses...saw the blood that pooled thick on the floor. Beside Ravenna, she saw the goddess of love herself in all her glory. Sune was effectively prone, but her beautiful face was contorted in unimaginable rage, her glowing green eyes narrowed. Her avatar flickered and flashed occasionally with raw power as she attempted to break her bonds, but to no avail. The goddess watched her. Indeed, all the gods were watching...


The Doomguide's wings spread wide, mimicking the witch's elongated shadow. The green flames returned to her blade, the weapon trembling with Rhaine's own anger. Her voice was quiet as she answered, "No. I think I speak for all of us here when I say that I would rather die than live in a world created by you. I would rather die than submit to the lower-than-dirt wretch like you. You are a coward, Ravenna Everdawn - a coward who cannot stand the thoughts of facing punishment for what you have done...unlike your mother."


With that, she took Miora's golden death mask from her belt and threw it at Ravenna's feet.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Sana's massive paws spread out with the cold sand that shifted underneath them, her sleek and graceful form prowling its way from dune to dune as she watched the party who she'd been stalking dwindle from a pair to a single traveler. The female killed the male quite beautifully, even going so far as to wipe her mace of gore afterward. He had obviously used up his purpose for her.


Sana's tail flicked. A black unicorn was summoned by the drow, and it bore the dark-skinned elf, obeying her as well as any slave would. With a few gentle licks to the back of a hand, Sana watched them ride on for at least a mile. She spat, pouting at the film of sand that covered her normally brilliantly shiny skin, before shaking her lower body from shoulders to tail. The grains of sand stuck inside her fur irritated her, and she remembered why she wanted to leave the desert again. It was hard enough to keep such regal elegance glossy and moisturized without having sand inside every place that it could cling to.


She leapt, clearing the top of the dune she was behind and sprinting at full speed past the corpse ahead, leaning her torso back so that it would reduce the amount of drag such a body created while running. Having two bodies meant two sets of lungs, and therefore she was hardly ever winded, but it also created a certain bulk that was annoying when she needed to be swift. Graceful and beautiful she may have been, but that did not make her race more aerodynamic, she admitted to herself, albeit grudgingly.


Her braids flailing behind her head like whips in the wind and her breasts bouncing in the golden shell that was her breastplate, which served to make her feel even more beautiful, she found herself halfway to the drow woman, whose unicorn was faster than she could ever be at full speed, even with her powerful muscles.


"You are going the wrong way if you want out of this desert!" Sana called out at the top of her human lungs. If the drow didn't hear that, she could always roar at her. Such were the benefits of having the vocal cords of two creatures. She truly was a thing of beauty, making that unicorn look like a pack mule as the moonlight shone down on her.

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Weyland Grey shielded his eyes from the beating sun as he looked up from the road ahead of him, beholding the trading city of Everlund in the midmorning light. His fellow caravaners were doing the same around him. Everybody held a look of relief on their faces. The days of trudging through the Silver Marches were tiring at best, and the thought of being able to sleep in a proper bed in one of the inns spurred them through the last stretch of road and into Everlund, where they were each paid for the caravan trip and sent their separate ways.


The first place Weyland went to was one of the inns, where he rented his room for the night. Afterwards, the marketplace, which is what Everlund was known for. He spent the rest of the morning there, shopping for supplies, particularly any upgrades he could get to his armor and shield, and maintenance supplies for his equipment. Still exhausted, Weyland spent an hour in his room in the inn, cleaning, polishing, and otherwise maintaining all of his gear as any competent fighter did. Then he got up to do the next thing on his list.


The word on the caravans and the street was that Lord Everdawn was looking for somebody to do a job for him. According to the rumors, the job would be dangerous, although it was just that: a rumor. Always working and earning his keep, Weyland decided to pay Everdawn a visit. After asking around, he discovered the location of Everdawn's residence and made his way there, picking his way through the packed streets towards the place marked down on a local map. It took him the better part of an hour, but eventually he made it there. Weyland approached the front door and knocked on it, pretty sure he heard footsteps coming from inside. He waited at the door, hoping that the job that Everdawn was supposedly offering hadn't yet been taken.

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Ginafae heard a voice behind her, and she jerked on the reins, wheeling the unicorn around on its heels. Sand sprayed as the beast turned, half-rearing from the strength of the drow's pull. There, in the distance, she saw a cat-like figure running for her. She drew her whip, but stopped as she saw that the cat had a human torso and head...that of a human female. Ginafae's lips curled into a snarl.


"And why should I trust anything you have to say, lamia?"

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Echo and Mahira drew their weapons as they stood in Ravenna's presence for the first time; there, indeed, was the same deceptively beautiful face whose likeness they had studied in Miora's tomb. The witch's shadow evoked a winged scavenger intent upon its next meal, and spread across the walls of the temple until Rhaine seemed dwarfed by comparison.


But the Doomguide's quiet fury, the look of resolve upon her face, and the deliberation with which she cast Miora's mask upon the ground bespoke a strength and purpose no shadow of Ravenna's could diminish. Mahira half fancied she saw doubt in the witch's eyes; perhaps it was only a trick of the light, or wishful thinking.

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Nawen followed the rest of her companions inside. She drew her bow and readied an arrow at the sight of dead priestesses of Sune. As they approached Ravenna, the drow noticed the avatar of Sune. She was slightly surprised to see how easy one can trap a goddess. She only hoped that to free her from her bonds won't prove too difficult. A glimmer of something in the darkest corner of the room caught her attention. No one else seemed to notice that and she couldn't blame them. Someone so dark, always dressed in black wasn't so easy to spot.



Aedan moved to the darkest corner of the temple as soon as Rhaine and her companions barged inside. He wasn't the one for a fair fight, he hoped to attack them from the shadows but unfortunately he was spotted by the drow. He stepped out from the shadows, Chaos in his right hand. The Fallen could see new faces in the group. "Great. More to kill." He thought as he watched them all closely.

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