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Tales of Faerun


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Ravenna was about the chide Rhaine for such petty insults at such a time, but her face soon lost it's smirk as her mothers death mask clattered onto the floor near her feet, one heeled foot nudged it, as if to ask what it was, but realization dawned upon her as the familiar scent of death filled her nose. Tears formed in Ravenna's eyes, and as a single droplet fell from each eye, it carried with it her makeup. "She... Mother is..." Ravenna managed to get out, before falling ungracefully to her knees, leaning down to put her face onto the mask, as she cried into it.


Aricia's face dropped in confusion and sadness... was this over? had they won by revealing the final rest of her mother? As a priestess of Illmater, it was Aricia's sworn duty to aid the suffering... no matter their moral standing. She cautiously made her way over to the witch, kneeling down to put a hand on Ravenna's shoulder. As she did however, she found it all to be a ruse.


Aricia yelped in pain as her arm was twisted around into a painful position, but went completely silent as the heavy golden mask came smashing into the side of her face. She was knocked out cold, but her limp body did not hit the ground, she was held by the arm, as Ravenna leached the youth from the Archfey, her mahogany hair whitening, and her perfect face wrinkling; Not too badly however.


She was cast aside as Ravenna straightened herself, her cheeks wet from crocodile tears. "My mother had wanted rest for so long... i should thank you for it, but she was my mother! I shall make you pay for this Doomguide!" She said angrily, a raging nimbus of Green energy sparking between her fingers...

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Tak'we fanned out along side Mahira and Echo, taking off his cloak and bringing his gythka to bear, watching Rhaine confront Ravenna. He heard the lich's hatchling threaten Rhaine and the rest of his newly found friends. The thri'kreen hissed at that and flourished his weapon, ready to defend his clutchmates. He began to study his surrounding quickly, his fighter's instincts already creating a plan, and was stunned in awe as he saw the goddess Sune. Only one of Mother Moon's daughters could have such beauty, he thought in wonder, thinking that the goddess was one of the great spirits of the land. He became concerned, for Sune seemed to be tormented by invisible chains. He followed Sune's furious gaze to wards Ravenna, and pure rage consumed his thoughts. Sacriledge!


He saw the witch fall to her knees in what seemed to be great sorrow, and Aricia approached the softskin to comfort her tears, Tak'we almost pitying the creature. But something didn't seem right to the thri'kreen: Ravenna's scent didn't quite match her body language. Before Tak'we could call out, the softskin grabbed and knocked Aricia out, and he saw the witch drain the life from the one who had cured him and drop her to the floor.


The thri'kreen glared in hatred at the witch. "Deceiver! You dare to harm thisss one'sss clutchmatess!!? he screeched, poison beginning to drip from his mandibles. "You dare to enssslave one of the sspiritsss!? " Memories of the barbed chains his cruel master used on him flashed in his mind. "Life-ssstealer! Defiler! Sslaver! *CHATKATICKTCK!* His anger overwhelming him, Tak'we leaped toward Ravenna with his gythka pointed towards her, unaware of the magical power gathering in her hands...

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"Aricia?" There was an audible tremor in the halfling's voice; her eyes were riveted to Ravenna's latest victim, and if she had been the praying kind, she would have asked the gods to keep Aricia from following Sune's priestesses into the realm of the dead. She could see the Archfey was still breathing, but for how long?


Mahira remained silent, her face grim and determined. She circled around behind Ravenna, scimitars balanced in her hands, aware of her companions' positions. Tak'we's fury as he launched himself toward the witch decided her: she darted forward, preparing to sweep her blades low across the enemy's legs so as not to strike the thri'kreen.

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"Tak'we, no!" Rhaine shouted, trying to stop the thri-kreen before he was hurt like Aricia.


Gathering her power, she flung a line of magic at the ground between Tak'we and Ravenna. The power sprang to life as a Blade Barrier, the ten twirling swords whirring at blinding speed between the witch and the thri-kreen. This kept Ravenna out of arm's reach, but Tak'we's gythka could easily strike over the barrier. She followed up with a quick Blessing that she hoped would fortify her companions' waning strength, the golden light washing over each of them.

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Mahira hesitated as the Doomguide's Blade Barrier appeared, and briefly closed her eyes against the light of her leader's Blessing. In that split second, the halfling realized her beloved friend was vulnerable. "Mahira!" she shrieked.
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As the giant insect leapt at her Ravenna kept her smile, but as she prepared to unleash her spell, Rhaine's barrier was erected before her eyes. Upon hearing movement behind her, she stood side on, one arm ready to strike at both sides. She unleashed the raging green energy from her fingertips, one beam heading straight at the barrier, and the other towards Mahira; She was not suited to melee combat, so used the opportunity to attempt a move. However, Mahira's blades left a gash in her lower leg, and she stumbled forward.


She propelled herself backwards, standing nearer to alter in an attempt to get out of the fray. She was outnumbered. From her dress, she plucked a handful of feathers, and threw them to the ground, muttering an inaudible incantation, and producing a ball of energy in her hand, she cast it upon the feathers, and stepped back as they formed into vile creatures.


The created monstrosities were her own brand of Hook Horrors, that let out diabolical screams as they rushed into the fray to face the party.


"Aedan!" She called, hoping the fallen would mobilize to face the group in melee combat, as she focused on the Ulitharid.


As a large bolt of lightning came hurling towards her, she took it in the chest, grunting in pain, but absorbing most of it's effect. She produced a ray of magma-like energy that flew towards Xallistine, and he met it with his own, creating a great explosion. The pair of ancient spell-casters circled eachother, throwing all manner of dark spells,each hoping to get the upper hand.


Aricia remained deathly still, her breathing still constant.

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Before Aedan could react, almost everyone in the group attacked Ravenna. He heard her calling his name and with the wicked smile he dashed towards the group. An arrow flew towards him but he parried it with almost no effort.



Nawen notched an arrow at Ravenna as she grabbed Aricia. She released an arrow but missed. Her next arrow was meant for the Fallen but he avoided it. "Damn it." She cursed under her breath and unsheathed her blade instead.

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The full force of the witch's spell smashed into Mahira, throwing her as a leaf before a hurricane; the Calishite lay where she fell, her body lifeless and broken.


Echo made not a sound, but flung her daggers toward the two nearest Hook Horrors with more strength than she normally possessed: Rhaine's Blessing had done its work. The halfling could not know whether these conjured fiends were immune to physical assault, but had no regard for the consequences either way, so blinded was she by her rage.

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Rhaine saw Mahira blasted by Ravenna's magic, and, when she did not move, realized that the noble Calishite was dead. The Doomguide roared, her eyes flashing with white power, "Gods damn you!"


More determined than ever that Ravenna would die this day, Rhaine summoned her Storm of Vengeance, the answering winds shattering the stained glass windows and letting torrents of acid rain into the temple.

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Ravenna laughed as she saw Mahira's body slump lifeless to the ground "Aww, shame the Calimite had to die, she would have looked lovely in a cage." Ravenna taunted, aimed most prominently at the enraged Halfling, who had Ravenna in a state of great amusement.


Xallistine and Ravenna had locked in a battle of crackling lighting bolts, a constant beam of crackling energy stemmed from the finger tips of each sorcerer, Ravenna's a deep blue, and Xallistine's far lighter. After a while of the tables turning from one side to the other, Ravenna overpowered the Ulitharid, and sent him flying, his body spinning through the air until he landed on the floor.


Xallistine got up, and hurled a large thunderbolt at Ravenna, causing her to trip. As she lay on the ground she laughed as the acid rain bellowed through the windows. As she stood a shield, invisible to the eye, was coated on her skin- She certainly wasn't going to die from acidic rainfall!


"This can all end Rhaine! Give me the pommel!" She shouted, raising her hands to the air, as the temple shook. She tore pieces of the ceiling down, dropping them dangerously into the fray, and causing the rain to soak the marble floor.


Aricia coughed, dragging herself forwards into one corner.

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