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Tales of Faerun


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Echo picked her way cautiously through the rubble, avoiding the hulking corpses of the witch's abominations. Stretches of the bloody floor were as treacherous as the surface of a frozen pond. It seemed that in the chaos, the halfling went unnoticed by her enemies, who were locked in deadly combat with her friends. All her will was bent on a single purpose: to reach Mahira's body. She held her dagger before her at an awkward angle, as if she had forgotten it was in her hand.


She knelt down beside her beloved friend, and hardly noticed that her own face was wet with tears. She reached out with a trembling hand and touched Mahira's neck; it was warm, as if the Calishite still lived, but there was no movement, no sign of a heartbeat.


Into her mind came a memory of the witch's jeering voice: Calimite. The muscles worked in her jaw, and she turned to see what had become of that loathsome creature. To her astonishment, Rhaine was floating in midair, one hand pointed toward Ravenna; the witch was being dragged into a fiery pit that had opened in the floor beneath her. The halfling's eyes widened in shock; slack-jawed, she watched the murderous creature draw a needle-like weapon from within the folds of her garments.


Echo acted almost without thinking. She leapt up from the floor, skidded toward the witch through a pool of congealing blood, and lost her balance; as she fell, her momentum carried her forward, and she flung the dagger in her hand with all the strength she could muster.

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Echo's dagger, as if fuelled by Revenge, propelled by Mahira's spirit, found it's way forcefully into Ravenna's stomach... and out the other side... Blood oozed from each side of the wound, and Ravenna's face lost it's fury, and she looked down, eyebrows raised in defeat and sadness, her face giving a final, beautiful gaze, until she at last breathed in heavily, and fell backwards into the ground.


The flames receded, and all that remained was a crater, no more than a foot down.


Ravenna was gone.



Xallistine rushed to Rhaine as he witnessed the needle-like projectile imbed itself in his friend, in synchronization with Echo's hitting Ravenna. "Rhaine! Are you alright?" worry was evident in Xallistine's words.

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Tak'we suddenly remembered about the others, fear worming its way into his mind. "Oh no...," he whispered. He picked up the wounded pointy-ear and rushed out of the darkness as it faded. The thri'kreen set Nawen down in a spot clear of debris, delivering an equally hateful glance at the paralyzed Fallen. He looked for Rhaine and found her on the ground, and Ravenna standing nearby, readying a dagger to stab the spirit. He began to run in vain, knowing that he'd never get there in time.


Then Rhaine stood up and did something, and suddenly the ground opened up beneath the witch, otherworldly voices and foul flames spouting from it. Tak'we stood still, horrified but unable to tear his eyes away as the life-stealer screamed in denial. He noticed Echo in the corner of his vision pulling a knife and throwing it as she fell, then he noticed why: Ravenna was pulling out her own knife. He started to shout for Rhaine, but it was too late: the dagger had hit the winged pointy-ear. Screeching his own denial, the thri'kreen rushed toward where Rhaine lay, not wanting to see another clutchmate die.

Edited by GrueMaster
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The needle-like dagger had punched through the mithril of Rhaine's breastplate like a pick through ice, puncturing her abdomen and propelling her into the far wall where she sank to her belly out of exhaustion and pain. The dagger was prevented from reaching any organs by the layers of leather and chain beneath the plates, but it still made a deep wound. With great effort, she jerked the weapon out of her body with a grunt, a substantial amount of blood following. She fought to stay awake after so much exertion and spellcasting, forcing her eyelids to remain open so that she could watch the scene before her.


She grinned as she watched the flash of Echo's dagger strike Ravenna, and the witch fell into the Hells.


They had won. Sune was saved and Ravenna was banished.


They had actually won.


It was tiring, and it hurt, but the Doomguide started laughing. She winced as the action caused pain in her gut, but she could not help herself. Rhaine was consumed by giddy giggles as she tried to answer her Ulitharid friend.


"I...I...oh my...I'll be fine...my friend. I'll be fine."


But her elation at their victory was short lived as her emerald eyes beheld Mahira on the floor. The noble Calishite had helped them win this day, and she had paid the ultimate price for it. With what strength Rhaine had left, she crawled across the bloody floor to Mahira's side. Placing her hands on the Calishite's shoulders, she attempted to bring her soul back, concentrating on her powers of resurrection.


But Mahira would not answer her.


Taking this as a refusal, Rhaine simply bent and rested her head momentarily on Mahira's arm, whispering, "I am sorry, my dear friend. I am so sorry. May you find peace."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Nawen sat where Tak'we left her and watched how Ravenna fell to the hells. She could not believe that they had actually won. All this time of chasing and the witch being ahead of them and they won. Slowly, she stood up and approached the others. It still hurt and her wound was still bleeding but she had to make sure that others are alright. Losing Mahira was devastating and she hoped that they haven't lost anyone else.



With the darkness Aedan could finally see what's happening in the temple. He saw how Ravenna fell to hells. "Great. We lost." He thought angry at the witch for her insane quest as well as himself for following her. He should have stayed in Thesk. Now, he was still paralyzed and left at the mercy of those good doers which meant that he will most likely die by their hands.

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Echo rose unsteadily to her feet; managing to remain upright this time, she made her way back to Mahira's body. The halfling's tears were already drying on her cheeks, and it seemed no new ones would come for a while. As she looked at the damage to the Doomguide's breastplate, her eyes grew very round, and she asked, "Lady Rhaine ... how bad is your wound?"
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"She will live." Aricia said weakly, walking unsteadily over to Echo and Rhaine, her vastly aged face bearing a look of sadness and self pity: Of every victim their had ever been, she had to be the one to survive Ravenna's dark powers, of all the beauties to loose theie stunning looks and healthy glow, it was her. Tears welled in her eyes, and escaped before she could push them back. She tore a strand of her light, floaty robe, and bandaged Rhaine up with it, applying pressure, and casting upon it a great healing spell. She gave a smile to Rhaine, but it could not hide her great sadness.


Xallistine looked about the ruin of Sune's temple, and noticed a glimmering shard beneath the rubble. he knelt down, clearing the debris away, and retrieving from it Miora's eye. A couple of it's metallic petals had snapped off, but it was in otherwise prestine condition. it's enchantment however, was gone.

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Rhaine was grateful for the Archfey's aid...her own strength was vastly depleted, and she doubted she had the energy to heal herself. She saw the tears leak from the now aged elf's eyes, and she knew that Aricia would never forget this day. It would likely always be a bittersweet memory.


The Doomguide followed Xallistine's movements to the fallen Eye, and she realized that Sune was still there. The goddess's glowing green eyes held both thanks and pity as she looked upon the varied members of the group.


"You have done well, mortals," she spoke at last, her voice lilting and musical, "whether you accept the fact or not, you are all heroes this day. Ravenna's ambition and the Eye of Miora will never again threaten the might of the Estelar or the safety of Toril. And though the majority of Faerunians will remain ignorant of your role in saving them, I will remember your names long after they fade into history...and you will always have my favor. Now, I must depart, but I leave my blessings with you - may your lives be filled with love and happiness."


With that, the goddess vanished back to her home plane, and the light in the temple faded to reveal the rosy glow of the rising sun.

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Tak'we walked slowly over to where Rhaine lay next to Mahira's body, worried about her wounds. Now that the fighting was done, Tak'we was extremely tired from his exertions. He knelt by his dead clutchmate, so wracked with guilt as he looked at his gore-stained claws that he didn't hear Sune's words. If only he hadn't charged so recklessly like that..."Ssorry, Mahira...,thisss one iss sso ssorry" he murmured in a sobbing hiss, hating himself for letting his emotions control him like that. Suddenly disgusted with himself, the thri'kreen stormed out of the chapel and dropped his gythka with a loud clatter as he went, wrought with self-loathing and sorrow, sob-like hisses and whistles escaping his mouth. He curled up outside by the entrance, head held in his hands, and fully mourned for one of the only dark softskins who had shown him true kindness. Edited by GrueMaster
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Rhaine was exhausted, and her limbs shook as she struggled to stand. Her hands found Touch of Death nearby, and she got it into its sheath with much difficulty.


"Everyone...heal yourselves as best you can. Potions, salves, spells...I have some healing vials in my pack should you need them. Take Mahira's body," she leaned against a broken pew and paused, catching her breath, "We need to get to Everlund and tell the guards about the massacre here. There should also be a temple that will see to Mahira's burial. Afterwards, we can seek rest and refreshment...and tell Lord Everdawn about his pretender wife."

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