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Tales of Faerun


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Weyland and Amendale each nodded their agreement.


"Sure, I'll accomoany your group. After a battle like you've had, I think you could use an extra warrior to help you out. Especially after.....um.....losing one of your friends." He mentioned the last part very awkwardly, trying to fit sympathy and compassion into a single sentence, but also take the edge off of it.


Amendale spoke his piece. "I second Weyland's statement, as well as wishing to go to the Treasure House. I think you may need healing magic on the road."


Weyland and Amendale both were pleased with the situation. They each needed work, or at least something to keep them fed, they both saw eye-to-eye on most issues and were friendly enough with each other, and would each play a valuable role in this group if danger were to present itself.

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Nawen entered the Dreaming Dragon. The first thing she did was to look around for her friends, she couldn't see any in the common room but was too hungry to search for them. She ordered some food, a large steak with potatoes and some vegetables. She then settled at one of the empty tables and started to eat.
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"Very well," Rhaine smiled as she made her way out of the estate, "A pleasure to have you with us."


The Doomguide was happy to see the treasury just down the street. After exchanging Ravenna's jewelry box for a substantial pouch of gold, Rhaine fished around in her money purse for the gems she had collected from Maraiel's lair. Finally, she produced two star sapphires, a canary diamond, and an agate.


"Will these suffice, Amendale?" she asked, extending the gemstones to the elf.

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"Yes. Thank you." Amendale said, and handed her a medium-sized pouch of gold, insisting she take it. He sat down at a table and wrote a quick letter, then mentioned that he had to go to the office to deliver his message. Weyland nodded, and was left alone with Rhaine.


"So where are your friends anyway? I'd very much like to meet them." He said. "I suppose tactical information for fighting is information for the road, anyhow."

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He never sleeps? Echo wondered; she was feeling very odd after losing sleep, and couldn't imagine going without it for the rest of her life. "Now that you mention it, I quite understand about the hunters, and I'm happy to get food for us both," she replied. "But honestly, Tak'we, under that cloak, and hunched over the way you were, I don't think anyone would take you for a thri'kreen. You are well disguised! Why don't we go downstairs together?"
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"We are staying at the Dreaming Dragon," Rhaine replied, "I was just going to return there...but first, I need to pick up my armor from the smith. You go on ahead, I'll catch up later."


With that, she left the treasury and made her way back to the smith.

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Tak'we protested at first as the halfing insisted that they eat down stairs, reluctant to even leave the room, but eventually gave in to her logic. You do look like an old softskin, after all. Giving in to Echo's words, he agreed hesitantly. "Okay," he said with a sigh, "but could you get a private table at least?" He held out a covered arm and added in a voice not unlike an old weary man "Would you help thiss old one down the stairs. Those steps are a bit tricky going down." Edited by GrueMaster
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Playing along for the benefit of any observers, Echo took her friend's arm and went downstairs with him to the common room. Upon seeing Nawen, she led him to the drow's table and greeted her warmly, then asked Tak'we whether this would be private enough. "If so, you could sit with Nawen while I go order some food. What would you like to eat?"
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Nawen smiled and greeted Echo and Tak'we. It was good to see that the thri'kreen found them though she was curious and quite impressed how he had managed to get inside without causing panic. From experience she knew how bad can it get sometimes.


"May I suggest steak? It's delicious!" She said.

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"Thiss will do fine," Tak'we said, and, after looking around to make sure no one was watching him, sat down next to Nawen. "It is nice to ssee you, Nawen," he responded warmly. The thri'kreen perked up at her suggestion of meat. "That would be nice. Echo, would you mind getting ssome steak?" After thinking for a moment, he quickly added, "Oh and ssome greens or maybe fruit would be nice, too."
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