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Tales of Faerun


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"A pleasure to meet you." Nawen greeted both Weyland Grey and Amendale as she shook Weyland's hand and gestured them to join at their table. She wasn't sure how long it will take for Rhaine to change into her armor and the rest of their friends to come to the common room and leaving the two men standing there just seemed rude.



After wandering for what seemed like days Aedan found himself in a small and secluded village. "This will be a perfect place to stay for a while." He thought to himself as he entered the village. A middle aged woman with a young girl ran up to him. He must have looked terrible because both women started dragging him towards what looked like a small temple. All this time they were telling him something but he could not understand the language they spoke in. "Where in the Hells am i?"

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Tannin's back hit the cold stone walls of the undermount, He let out a loud breath of air that echoed through the halls as he slid down to sit. He had lost count of the hours he had spent in the dark, His mind wandered up above to the surface, The thought of a cold drink and warm meal only amplified his discomfort. He had eaten what little rations Bromer had allowed him to have hours ago, And his stomach was already starting to beg for more. He patted his stomach after it gave a rather loud growl. "Oh i know, Nice roast duck with a good wine would go great right now, With some of those buttered bread rolls they got next door to the theater." He said with a blissful smile.

"That does sound good doesn't it?" Came the last voice that Tannin wanted to hear. Out of the shadows Bromer strolled out at a leisurely pace. "But to be honest with you, I think the gold you owe me sounds even better." He said through his teeth.


Tannin picked himself up off the floor with a sigh. "I'm working on it okay? Why are you down here anyways?"

"Got tired of waiting, Got tired of you, Was sitting there thinking to myself, Brom? This guy just isn't worth your time. And you know.. I was right, you're not. The boss send a messenger, Says he's tired of you too, wants you dead."

Tannin suddenly let out a chuckle as he stood. "And let me guess. You decided to come down here alone to finish me off personally huh?" He said with a smirk as he unsheathed the rapier that he was allowed to bring down with him.

"No." Said Bromer, and as if on cue six other human men walked into Tannin's view all armed to the teeth and itching for a fight.

His smirk fading from his face Tannin let out a disgruntled "Oh." Before turning on his heels and running down the hall away from the thugs who were giving chase.



Lesson one, Never fight against more than one opponent at a time if you can help it, When faced against multiple enemies, divide them up and face them one at a time. That was pounded into his head since he could stand on his own. The first lesson his father had taught him even before he was training with a sword. He led the men on a chase until the passage narrowed and there was no chance of him being surrounded and they would barely have room to move their arms. He turned to face them. The first to race towards him held a longsword, Unable to swing in wide arcs he was posed to strike with a downward swing holding the blade above his head leaving him wide open. The manner in which they followed him told Tannin all he needed to know, These men were untrained and were no real threat. one quick thrust and Tannin's blade sunk into the man's underarm, causing him to yell and drop his sword in pain. With the other thugs right behind the crippled one Tannin used the temporary pileup to escape.



A few minutes later Tannin had crouched down into the corner of a nondescript room that he found. Listening for any sound of the thugs he assumed that he had managed to give them the slip. He stood up and started to make his way out until he started to hear a rhythmic thud approaching. "Oooh that sounds big." He half chuckled. Slightly amused at everything that had been thrown at him since the day began. He held his breath and waited as the thuds grew closer and closer until they were right outside the door.


Lesson number two, Never let yourself be cornered.

With a loud crunch the door was kicked in and in stepped Bromer now a hulking brute of pure muscle.

"Bulls strength potion?" Tannin asked in a deadpanned tone.

"You wish, much stronger stuff." Bromer replied with a scoff.

"Okay." Sighed Tannin as he stood up and popped his neck. "Lets get this over with."



The other thugs had been looking for Bromer for some time. One eventually speaking up. "Look.. I say we head back. This place is like a giant maze or something. We're never gonna find him down here." A loud crash startled them all as Bromer smashed through a nearby wall and while grappling Tannin. knocking him to the ground he unleash a barrage of blows to Tannin's chest and head pushing aside the half-drow's pitiful attempts and blocking the massive blows. After a minute of nonstop punching Bromer lifted Tannin up by the head and threw him into a nearby wall with a sickening crunch. Bromer then looked at the other thugs. "Remind me again why i brought you guys down here too?"


Were there ever a time that Tannin would have prayed, now was one of them. His world spinning, blood draining out of him, his body broken, And the sight of death nearing. Every motion sending waves of agonizing pain through his body he slowly crawled alongside the wall until he stopped in front of a closed door. The flashing light and sounds coming from the cracks in the door brought a smile of relief to Tannin's face.


"I have.... your money." Tannin said in between breaths. Bromer turned to him. "What? What what what? You're telling me this now? What what's wrong? Have i... beaten some sense into you finally? You done jerking us around? Finally figured out that you can't beat us? Scared to die?" He laughed as he stood in front of Tannin. "Okay tough guy... Where is it then?"


Tannin gingerly got to his feet, The shattered ribs weren't helping his efforts any but he knew it would be worth it. He reminded himself of the third lesson his father taught him and took a deep breath. "Up your mothers-" It went exactly as planned. Tannin could feel his insides smash together when Bromer's foot connected with his stomach, the force of the kick knocking him through the door and into what lay behind it. Time slowed as Tannin's body entered the portal, The look on Bromer's face was almost worth all the pain Tannin was in. He had checked this room before he hid, the portal was ever changed destinations, There was no telling where he would end up, but anywhere was better than staying there.



He hit the ground inside the town of Everlund with a loud thud and a groan. Unable to breath Tannin was sure that the last kick had sent bits of ribs into his lungs and other organs. Internal bleeding was a serious matter making him thankful that he payed attention when being taught how to cast healing spells. With the worst of the damage healed he managed to sit up and breath. "Gonna feel that one in the morning." He said with a groan.

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False, yes ... that is what I am.


Mahira knew nothing of the passage of time within the Fugue Plane. Was it only a moment ago she had received her Judgment from the Voice of Kelemvor, or an eternity? She had not remained faithful to Ilmater throughout her life, though she believed in him, and certainly had not lived an exemplary life ... for what was the life of a failed trader who became a thief? It seemed likely many of the people she had stolen from were more faithful to the gods than she had been, and in any case, none of her victims deserved the crime she committed against them. She had believed herself justified at the time, but stealing always was a matter of selfishness. Perhaps she could have found honest work, and avoided leading Echo into thievery as well.


How does she fare without me?


Within the City of Judgment, Mahira had been given a small house of her own, a luxury she had never enjoyed during her lifetime, and she was grateful for it. But she kept to herself when not performing the duties expected of her within her assigned district, and her loneliness never abated. She would not enter Lord Kelemvor's Crystal Spire, the tower that stood at the heart of his City, since she had been instrumental in teaching Echo to survive by taking what was not hers. For that transgression and others, she felt ashamed and unworthy to enter the Spire. More than anything else, she feared Echo might one day be Judged and found lower than False: she might be counted among the Faithless.


Mahira was loath to approach the City's Wall, bricked and mortared with the Faithless, lest she should recognize among its "stones" the face of someone she loved.


During one period of freedom from duty, she wandered home through the quiet streets, thinking of Echo as she so often did. She entered her house and closed the door behind her; the silence within was deafening. It was at that moment she realized she was not alone ... she knew she must turn around, and turn she did.


The City's Master stood before her.

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Rhaine gathered her things and made her way back downstairs, joining Nawen and her other companions at the table. She smiled at Weyland and Amendale, "I gather you've all been introduced to each other? We are missing a few of our number, but you'll meet them in time, I'm sure."


She then removed her map from her pack and began studying the route they would take.




"Quite unlike the sands of Calimshan, is it not, Mahira?"


Kelemvor leaned casually against the wall, one hand resting on the crossguard of his magnificent sword, the other hooked in his broad belt, "I trust you've found your residence to your liking?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Mahira became aware that her mouth was open, closed it, opened it again, and finally managed to say, "Yes, my lord, to both. There are things I miss, of course, but ... it's a pleasure to have a house of my own. More than I deserve, really." Her thoughts seemed scattered; why was he here? "I hope I've been performing my duties well? Is anything ... amiss?"


* * *

Echo had finished her breakfast, excused herself from the table for a little while, and went to pay for the food she'd ordered. She returned to her room, gathered her belongings, and rejoined her companions in the common room.

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Tak'we finished his steak quickly, enjoying the cooked meat thoroughly despite the fact that the knife he'd been given to cut it with was small and awkward in his clawed, three-digit hand. Why can't softskins used proper tools? he mused, then reached for an apple as Rhaine sat down at the table. "Rhaine, it is nice to ssee you," he rasped, then bit into the fruit in his hand. The thri'kreen looked at the map in her hands, and felt a small twinge of excitement as a thought occurred to him: it might show how to get back to the Shaar!


"Rhaine, doess that ma-" *THUD!* Tak'we was in the middle of of voicing the thought when a dull thud outside interrupted him, causing him to jump in his seat. "What wass that?!" he asked, worry coloring his words as he gripped his gythka nervously.

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Aricia descended the stairs in her new coat, still not used to being so... well so old. She had darkened the shades of her makeup, and neglected giving her lips their usually glossy touch. Seeing her companions seated around a table, she walked over to join them, still carrying her noble air, that was, perhaps, heightened by her appearance of age and wisdom. She sat down with a smile, "Greetings everyone." She said simply, unsure of how to address the group after the happenings on the temple.


Xallistine exited his room, and walked down the stairs mere minutes after Aricia- he had remembered this time to conceal himself using the enchantment from the scroll he had used for the ball- In any other town or village he would neglect doing so, but after the tragedies of recent events, he wanted not to cause any more trouble than need be; The least his companions needed was a little peace, not the Ulitharid having to incinerate guards who attempted to kill him. He seated himself at the table with the others.


He and Aricia both looked at the newcomers, and then turned their heads at the large bump.

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Moments after Aricia rejoined the company, Echo became nervous when a stranger wearing garments that looked very much like Xallistine's sat boldly down at their table. She glanced at Rhaine, then Nawen, and wondered why some of her companions looked as though nothing untoward had happened. "Er ... greetings, good sir," she said awkwardly.


At that moment, there came a loud noise from outside the tavern, and the halfling nearly jumped out of her skin.

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Rhaine recognized Xallistine's disguised form and had opened her mouth to both address him and answer Tak'we when there was a loud thud outside the inn. The hairs prickled on the back of her neck, "Did you all feel that? That was a planar portal...something's arrived outside."




"Yes, there is. Though, it is not a matter of your duties," Kelemvor replied matter-of-factly. He pushed off from the wall of the room, gesturing with a gloved hand towards one of the chairs, "Please...you may seat yourself."




Maydiira's heartbroken cries echoed around the cavern.


Her anger and sadness at both herself and her goddess was immeasurable. She had been dreading and fearing this day...praying that it would never happen...but her absence had enabled it - an absence that had been ordered by Eilistraee herself.


Sel Sreen'aur had been destroyed. Her home. Her safe haven. It was all gone.

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Nawen peeked at the map Rhaine was studying. She knew very little about this part of Faerun and this always unnerved her. She knew only that Anauroch is a desert. A magical desert. The drow preferred forests, even mountains over deserts. "We'll be taking the black road, right?" She asked the Doomguide hoping that now that Ravenna's gone they'll be safe enough to take that path instead of stomping through the desert.


Just like her companions she had also heard the loud thud sound and her slid towards her weapon. "Are we under attack?" She thought but then Rhaine said something about planar portals. Illius told her quite a few things about these portals but luckily she never had to use one before.

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