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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine nodded to Tak'we's statement...she would have to find better attire for the desert sands. Her arming vest and breeches were suitable on their own, but she would need some sort of light robe to wear over them; her clerical vestments were made of far too many layers of black and brown.


The only problem would be finding something for a winged humanoid.


Sighing, she followed Ianthe and Reona out of the inn, briefly wondering why Arva had not bothered to ask either herself or Aricia for more assistance before now. She shrugged...must have been a male thing.




Ginafae was already kicking her unicorn into a gallop, racing towards the unsuspecting caravan. As she neared, she saw that it was a group of halfling gypsies, their cart rattling with odd wares and bells. There would be good loot from this raid, then.


They had no idea what hit them. With a cry one of the caravan's two guards fell dead, strangled by the drow handmaiden's whip.

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Tannin couldn't help but smirk at Tak'we's act. The simple fact that no one of his supposed age and health would cross the desert gave him away, His manner of speech didn't help either. Following them out of the Inn Tannin got a good look at Rhaine's wings for the first time. "Sorry if this seems too nosy miss. But umm... I have to ask about the wings. You certainly don't look or carry yourself like an Avariel. But if you are one then it's just my lack of knowledge of them talking." He said with a nervous laugh. "Been horribly wrong about these sort of things before."
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Rhaine looked back over her shoulder and grinned at Tannin, "I'm no Avariel...I'm a half-elf by blood. Half Sun Elf, to be specific. My wings are a mark of my status as a Favored Soul of Kelemvor. We are rare in the clerical world...I only know one other Favored Soul besides myself. Some people call us 'Invokers'. In short, we are the divine equivalent of sorcerers."


She gestured to him, "And what about you? You seem of elven blood, but I can't place it."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"I see. Heard of those like you before, suppose such connections come in handy. Must be nice not to have to fear for the lives of your companions, Truly i feel safer in your presence my lady." Tannin said taking a bow. As he straightened up he let out a laugh. "And if you think I'm at all being sarcastic I'll have you know that the last group I traveled with had a cleric of Loviatar amongst them. Whoever thought that a worshiper of pain made for a good healer deserves whatever gruesome fate awaits them." He said with a look of disgust. "Embrace the paaain!!!" He said in a shrill voice waving his hands around. "A madman if i ever saw one." He scoffed.

"And as far as what i am well, My father was a complicated mess of things and my mother a drow. So i prefer to call myself a half drow. Now i know what you're thinking, The skin right? Well heh... That's actually a rather..... embarrassing story involving an incompetent wizard with a case of the hiccups, a halfling that wouldn't keep his mouth shut, and my own selfish desire to be the hero of the day." He said as his cheeks reddened. "Also why i don't like plans with more than ten steps in them."

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Nawen nodded and arose from her seat. She watched as others left the tavern to get the supplies or prepare for the journey in other ways while she paid for her dinner and bought some apples for the horses, seeing how she'll be heading to the stables later the ranger thought it would be a good idea to bring some snacks to their horses.


As she made her way outside she overheard Tannin saying that he was a half-drow. He didn't really look like one but somehow it made her feel a little bit better knowing that she wasn't the only drow in the party.

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Rhaine laughed. She appreciated Tannin's sense of humor, and she hoped that the others would as well. As Tannin mentioned a halfling, she glanced around and noticed that William had yet to make an appearance. No doubt the little wizard was spying on them all somehow...


Just up the street was a butcher shop, where it seemed the owner was taking in a new load of meats. The Doomguide headed in that direction, hoping to acquire enough dried and salted goods to last the journey.

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On the edges of town....





A lightning bolt cracked in the sky and struck the ground in the center of a group of orc's camp. The orc's scattered wildly to avoid the strike but no one was harmed, all they saw was a tall elf-like man bent down on one knee. A giant sword across his back and a large gauntlet on his hand, he had a wild and determined look. Luvak smiled when he saw the blade, he liked it and he wanted it. He picked up his axe and charged the elf. Lokii stood and flicked his hand as if he was striking a man for a duel and Luvak flew thirty feet in the direction he swung and collided head first with a wall, the Warlock's gauntlet began to gather power as dark energy arced from the gauntlet to the ground and the sigils began to glow brighter. His body began to hover and the dark energy filled his palm.


"Pathetic..." He said as he dropped to the ground and slammed the ball of Dark Eldrict Energy and it created a shockwave that tore the camp and its bandit occupants apart. Lokii stood and straightened his gear, he noticed a town in the distance. He could smell the stink of Faerun but he knew that what he sought was here, as he stepped towards the town dark chains sprouted from the earth and bound the young Warlock. He began to cough and choke as if he was drowning.


A voice from inside his head spoke to him, "Hold, Warlock... You seek to be rid of me. I shall help you... For reasons your petty mind could not understand so do not ask. Seek out the Rhaine, once you find her I will talk to you again...." Said Barabas, as he finished his grip on him was released and he dropped to his knees coughing and hacking. "Ruddy demon..." He said as he tried to gain his breath, he stood and began walking towards the city.

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The butcher was more than happy to fulfill the Doomguide's request and, as luck would have it, he had a full store that had barely been tapped into this winter. Knowing her companions would likely want a variety, she chose an equal amount of salt-preserved venison, rabbit, beef, and smoked fish. The nearby baker also provided a healthy amount of twice-baked bread; Rhaine's Bag of Holding was the only way she could carry it all. When they came together again, she would divide the foodstuffs it amongst her friends.


Then, a few streets over, Rhaine bought a lightweight, hooded robe from the local tailor. The garment was made of thin, cream-colored linen, embroidered along the sleeves and hem with plain brown thread. According to the tailor, it was genuine Bedine garb, traded from a caravan that had passed through town the previous year. He obligingly cut the back out of the robe for the Doomguide's wings, expertly sewing the edges as if it had been made that way from the start. From him, Rhaine also bought an extra matching headscarf to wrap around her face in the event of a dust storm.


Satisfied with her purchases, she made her way to the southern gates and proceeded to wait on the others to catch up.

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The number of lightweight tents needed for the entire traveling party necessitated that Echo have them delivered; she paid for the lot, and asked that they be brought to where the horses were stabled. The tradesman selling the tents suggested that she visit the tailor for desert robes. Upon finding the tailor's shop, she was relieved to discover that several sizes were available and could be altered to suit. "In fact, I just completed an unusual alteration for a woman with wings," said the tailor, beaming. Echo smiled to herself, guessing that his previous customer must have been Rhaine, then purchased a robe that was the right size for a halfling and carried it out.


As she finished her errands, she spotted Rhaine a good distance away near the southern gates, and went to the stable to make sure White-Nose was ready to go. A deliveryman had loaded her company's new tents onto a wagon and had nearly reached the stable when Echo arrived; she took one tent from him and asked that he bring the rest to Rhaine's location instead. While he was in the process of doing that, she fed her mare an apple saved from breakfast, secured her new robe and tent with the rest of her gear, and then rode down to the southern gates.


When she drew even with Rhaine, she noted with satisfaction that the deliveryman was neatly stacking the new tents there, and gave him a handsome gratuity for his trouble. As soon as he left, an unsettling thought suddenly occurred to her.


"Lady Rhaine," she asked, "have you seen Xallistine today?"

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Following the others, Weyland went to the nearest tailor he could find, and purchased himself a desert robe and two spares, just in case they were damaged during combat or environmental hazards. Amendale surprised him by announcing that he had some of his own, and disappeared into the crowds into the general direction of his house. Weyland shrugged, figuring that the Moon Elves' nomadic ways brought them through countless environments, and they had to be prepared for any of them. He proceeded to the South Gates, meeting up with Echo and Rhaine. Amendale took a minute or two longer, but quietly appeared near the horses when Weyland glanced that way.


"This is going to be fun." Weyland muttered half to himself. "Never been out that far before. I'm excited. Oh, and I guarantee Amendale is as well." He added. He glanced around, seeing swift movement on the very distant horizon, but figuring it was probably just an optical illusion. "Oh, and I have two spare desert robes in case any of ours are damaged, be it combat or otherwise."

Edited by Flipout6
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