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Tales of Faerun


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Xallistine patted Rhaine's shoulder, and said reassuringly "Not unless you return to the Underdark with me, when the time comes. But he would never venture to the surface, even the upper layers, he resides deep down in the bowels of the deep caverns." He paused, looking back over the water "Besides, i don't think your troubles are over just yet are they? And how would Rhaine Alcinea strive without her trusty mage?" he asked with a chuckle, enjoying the time that they seldom had away from peril.
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Rhaine laughed, patting Xallistine's hand in return, "You have a point, friend. In all seriousness, though...when the time comes, if you need me, I will be there."


After a few moments, she added, "But yes, we do have more pressing matters to deal with. Tell me...what do you think about traversing Faerun's largest desert?"

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"And i shall accept your company with no delay." He replied, knowing that her words were true.


As Rhaine reached the subject of the desert, Xallistine's brow fell, he rubbed his tentacles in thought, replying "I do not know... it is a trouble that has bothered me since our destination was set... being in the mild sun of this place is enough, but the raging heat of the desert will dry me out extremely quickly. Despite our capacity for land traversal, the Illithid are primarily aquatic. Perhaps a more permanent version of that scroll would do the trick, i imagine i could keep it going for a day or two, if we made haste... i have heard the nights are icy cold, i could easily extract the moisture i need from such air, so now that i think on... perhaps i will make it. I had feared abandonment of your cause for a moment, but even if the desert is not traversable... i would find a way around."

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Rhaine nodded, "Perhaps Amendale or William could be of help in this...and we won't be alone. The innkeeper spoke of a caravan that is leaving on the morrow for Shadowdale. I'll speak to them about joining their company...and perhaps they will be carrying extra water with them. I imagine that the Black Road also passes a few oases. If so, I think you can make it through the journey."


Sighing, she rose, "But we'll leave those worries for when we get to them. For now, I could use some sleep."


Giving him another small pat on the shoulder, she nodded to him, "Good night, Xallistine."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Lokii sat in the chair in his room, his long fingers wrapped around the hilt of his sword and the skull glaring at him. He smiled as he silently dubbed it The Skull Of Secrets. Barabas appeared in front of Lokii, he silently clapped his hands and bowed to Lokii for his masterful overthrow of power. "So you are now the master... I am unable to escape from The Skull and you have free access to my powers... what remains of them anyway. I do have one question though..." Asked Barabas, Lokii ran a hand through his dark hair. "Ask it." He replied, his grip on his blades hilt tightening.


Barabas smiled, his fangs coming to bare. "Because of our pact you are Immortal yet your family is freed, why do you continue to live?" He asked, genuinely curious as to Lokii's reasons. Despite the crippling overthrow and imprisonment by a Gith Lokii intrigued him. He walked the line of good and evil yet he still somehow maintained his composure. Lokii thought long and hard on Barabas' words. "Because I need to redeem my soul... I will never see my family if my soul is black as night." He admitted as he stood. He slid The Sword Of Souls into its scabbard on his back and stepped for the door. Suddenly desiring a cup of ale and some food.

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"I think we should keep the skull with us for now, until we find someplace to hide it. Like in the middle of a remote lake of lava. Or maybe at the bottom of the ocean? Just take it to a location, don't mark any coordiantes down, and then chuck it. As for Lokii, my opinion of him hasn't changed much. He just doesn't have Lucifer to force him to randomly attack us, although he does have access to his power, which uneases me." Weyland added his opinion in.


He was one of the last ones out of the room. He put away his blade and shield, but pointed at Lokii and said


"I'm still watching you." With that, he walked back downstairs. Amendale had left already.


Weyland sat back down at his stool, noting the absence of Rhaine and Amendale, and ordered a pint. He was going to drink himself to sleep while he had the opportunity to do so for free. Hey, what mercenary wouldn't?


"Ha, let's all get drunk!" He said loudly in the general direction of Arva and friends. He took a huge swig of beer.



Amendale had left the inn, it was too noisy in there for him. He carried his plate of assorted fruit with him towards Rhaine and...someone, but when he noticed they seemed to be having a private moment (not in the way that Arva would think.) he steered off to the right and sat down a respectable distance from the two of them, where he couldn't eavesdrop and wouldn't intrude. Amendale sat on a rock and ate some berries off of his plate of food.

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Rhaine simply nodded to Amendale as she walked past him, continuing on into the inn. Ignoring most everyone there, she headed back up the stairs and found her room, eager for rest. The tumultuous events of the last few hours had drained what little energy she had left. She closed the door behind her with a heavy sigh, changed out of her armor, and practically fell into her bed. Within seconds, she was asleep.
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Lokii came down to the main tavern, he saw Weyland making a fool of himself and did not really wish to deal with him. He wandered out of the tavern, feeling like he should take in a midnight stroll. The human city wasn't really to his liking but he could use the fresh air, when he exited the tavern he could smell a new scent in the air. Life seemed to have more meaning to him then before. The townsfolk there were out seemed to not notice him, on Athas a gith walking about at night usually brought some bad looks but these people were far more considerate then those on that desolate plane.


In his planar travels he had been to many places, even Faerun before but he was only ever here for short periods. Now he had found a home, a place to wander indefinitely. Despite Weyland and Amendale's mistrust he felt he could actually get to know these people and someday call them friends. As he walked his mind drifted from thought to thought and he soon found himself at a bridge over the river. Perched on the edge was another Gith, a beautiful woman nonetheless. She smiled as she looked at him, he gave a surprised smile back.


"Hello..." He spoke in their native tongue, she smiled and replied. "Hello... never thought I would see another Gith here." She said, running a hand through her long silvery hair. Lokii chuckled, he laughed honestly for the first time in a thousand years. He took a few steps closer to her. "I am Lokii... what's your name." He asked, she stood up from the edge and walked over to be closer to him. "My name is Jazeera, nice to meet you Lokii." She said with a slight smirk.

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Ever since the group came back to Loudwater Nawen didn't stay for too long with her companions. The ranger made sure that her horse, Kiira had everything she needed and left to take a long walk in the outskirts of the town.


She wasn't afraid of Lokii nor the demon inside him. In truth she pitied the Githyanki. They knew little about him and to her it seemed wrong to judge him without knowing the whole truth. Maybe it was because of the kindness of her heart or maybe because as a Drow she was judged because of the crimes her people had committed not by her own actions. Not all of their new companions knew that she's one of the cruel and malicious dark elves. What if they will not accept her and treat her like Lokii?


Lost in her own thoughts, Nawen remained in the wilds until the very early morning. Hoping that no one had noticed her absence she returned to the tavern. She found some interesting books to read in the common room thus she decided to stay downstairs and wait for the others to wake up.



Aedan remained in the unknown village. He still had no idea in what language the people living here talked but from what it seemed they were used to it and the only thing the Fallen needed to do is to point a finger at objects he needed and the people would bring them. Their kindness towards a complete and not so friendly looking stranger surprised and annoyed him. However he had no intention of wasting such an opportunity, as annoying as the people were they had given him things he wanted and haven't asked anything in return. Not yet at least.


One day when he was sitting in the tavern he saw a familiar face. A tiefling with fiery red hair dressed in a fancy leather armor, entered the tavern. Noticing a familiar face as well the tiefling grinned and approached Aedan.


"What in the Hells would someone like you do in the village like this, Aedan?" The tiefling asked as he sat at the table and pulled a tankard of mead closer to himself.


"Picking flowers. What do you think I'm doing here, Kevorin?" The Fallen asked as he stared at the tiefling.


The tiefling, Kevorin only nodded. He knew Aedan well enough to know that if he's not causing chaos in the cities it means that he's laying low. But from what?


"I have a job. Wanna work together, like in the good old days?" Kevorin finally said. Now he was eating eggs and sausage he stole from another table.


"I'm going to regret asking this, but what's the job?" Aedan asked as he watched two little kittens playing on the floor.


"Nothing much. Just to steal something from The Fist of the Future in Hill's Edge." The tiefling replied in between the bites.


Aedan for a while said nothing. He knew that The Fist of the Future was Cyric's temple. He had nothing to do in this little village and he could always kill Kevorin and take whatever he had to steal for himself but he avoided going to the temples no matter of which deity.


"And how do you think we will get to Hill's Edge?" The Fallen finally asked.


"On horseback, of course."


Aedan shook his head. There were no stables in the village and he hasn't seen any horses, as strange as it was.


"Right. Let me summon my magical fluffy unicorn and I will fly over the rainbow to the temple." The Fallen mumbled.


"Don't worry." The tiefling laughed. "I'll get the horses." "So... you're with me?"


He looked up from the plate and waited for Aedan to reply. The Fallen did not say anything but only nodded in reply.

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Rhaine's sleep was fitful. Her dreams were odd flashes of her old friend and fellow Favored Soul, Maydiira Torana. They seemed like memories of their first meeting interspersed with random images of the drow being beaten or caged. The Doomguide awoke before dawn with her body drenched in sweat.


Why would I be dreaming of Maydiira?


She knew she had been thinking about the drow Favored Soul before, since they were headed to her general vicinity...but something told her that her mere thoughts had not spurred those dreams. Rhaine prayed that Maydiira was not in trouble.


After taking a quick wash in the city's bathhouse, she armed herself and headed for the blacksmith's shop. It was Bilron who had loaded all of his wares onto a wagon for shipment to Shadowdale. Apparently, the smith saw more opportunities for business in the Dales than in Loudwater, what with frequent drow and Zhent invasions in the former locale. She managed to catch the smith just as he was locking up his shop and house. Remembering her from their prior visit, he agreed to let the group join him on his journey across the Anauroch.


Pleased, Rhaine returned to the inn. There, she saw Nawen reading a book, alone. Moving over to the drow's table, she smiled, "Good morning, Nawen. I did not see you much last night. I suppose you aren't one for noisy crowds, eh?"

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