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Tales of Faerun


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Jazeera and Lokii chatted for many hours as they walked together, he kept most of his past a secret but he enjoyed her company. The sun began to peek over the mountains in the distance, bathing the city in warm sunlight. For the first time in millennia he felt the fresh warmth of the sun on his face, Jazeera smiled and began to walk into the forest. "I have to go... if you are still in town can you meet me here tonight?" She asked, Lokii nodded and watched as she walked away. He walked his way back into town, the shops were just opening and the townsfolk were busy with the hustle and bustle of their daily lives. He enjoyed the peace this place represented but, a looming darkness crept up his spine. The Skull Of Secrets possessed power and already, forces were maneuvering to retrieve that power. He felt it in his bones, he opened the door to the tavern to see Rhaine and the Drow, Nawen sitting at the table.


He walked over to the half elf bartender and ordered a kettle of tea and breakfast and sat at the table in the shadows under the stairs to the upper floor, he had his back to the wall and his eyes towards the door. Ten Thousand years of being hunted had taught him a few tricks, he unclasped a tome from under his coat and set it on the table and began to read. Not long after he started the serving girl arrived with his tea and food, he slipped her a silver piece and continued to read. He found his eyes drifting to Nawen almost as much as they did to the door, He had not encountered many Drow that weren't prepared to consume his soul for the powers he had. She seemed, calmer and less hostile then her kin. He knew that the drow had almost as bad of a reputation as the Gith. Despite his interest in the drow he remained quiet, his lack of social skills and shy attitude outweighing his curiosity.

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Xallistine dropped into the waters of the river with a gentle splash, disappearing downstream. It had been a while since he had submerged himself in water, and to him, it was more rest than sleeping in any bed. He would remain there until it was time for the group to leave.


Aricia stood outside the inn, and drew in a few precious breaths, she had gathered each and every one of her belongings, and wore her jewellery with pride. Despite her best efforts, Ravenna's magic was too powerful to be stopped, and with each passing second, the Arch-fey could feel more of her life slipping away. She walked the streets of Loudwater, eventually stopping in a small clearing, a beautiful corner of the town that featured a large, oak tree, and a glistening pond. The tree's branches were barren, but it's wood fine.


The Arch-fey sat down with a content sigh, her flail resting neatly beside her, and a smile on her lips, She had lived a long, full, and wonderful life, she had no regrets of her travel with Rhaine and her companions, it had been the highlight of many dark years, and she knew she had a part to play in saving the world.


On the tree's bark, she used her magicks to write a final message to her friends, it read simply "Thank you, and good luck." It carved itself into the bark with her handwriting, as she leant against the tree's trunk. She let a final sigh escape her red lips, as she stared at the wonderful sky, dying in peace. As her final breath was drawn, her soul escaped her body in a twinkling strand of light, it wrapped around the dead tree, bringing it's leaves to life, before vanishing into the air.


Aricia was gone.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"Good morning." Nawen greeted Rhaine as she noticed the Doomguide.


"Not really. Too many people here." She added and smiled lightly. Maybe it was because she grew up in the wilds as her guardian rarely ventured to towns but she always liked wilderness more than the bustling streets of the cities.


"Have you slept well?" The drow asked as she noticed Lokii entering the tavern. She wondered why he sat at the different table but wasn't sure whether it would be appropriate to ask.

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Rhaine grimaced, "No...I didn't sleep very well, actually. I think a friend of mine may be in trouble, but...I can't be sure."


She glanced around, spotting Lokii, before returning her gaze to Nawen, "We'll be leaving, soon. The smith needed some escorts for his shipment to Shadowdale...he's got more than enough water for his oxen, and he's already agreed to share it with us if we keep him safe."

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Nawen's expression changed. What could have happened to Rhaine's friend?


"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked, not sure what else to say but then the Doomguide changed the subject. "That is good news. About the caravan I mean." The drow wasn't looking forward of going to the desert but at the same time she was curious to see it. She had never been in the desert before.

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Lokii's pointed ears perked up as he heard they were leaving soon, he turned his head and leaned in. "Shadowdale?" He asked, curious about the city. "What do you know of this city?" He asked, his plate empty and his tea gone. He was known for being a punctual eater, spending many years drifting lead him to sleep little and eat fast. His shyness gone at the prospect of moving on. He liked Jazeera but his mission meant more to him, Shadowdale sounded like a place that was a den of evil folk.


Barabas chuckled in his ear, "Or it just has a dark name, not every foreboding place has a den of vice and villainy..." Barabas added, he sighed as if reminiscing. "Not anymore..." He said as he faded back into his skull. His prison for eternity, in spirit form he could not create lasting Pacts to escape but he could feed off the black souls Lokii will be sending too him. "If I am going to be stuck in this place for eternity might aswell have all the tastiest souls I could ever wish... Will make the time a lot more enjoyable." He thought as he floated in circles around Lokii's head, he brooded to the thought of how things have changed. Now he could relax and not have to worry of spies and enemies when he de-throned Asmodeus, he could siphon the Blackest of souls to his private plane within the skull... to do with them as he wished. Lokii sought to punish them and Lucifer did exactly that, only not out of a sense of duty he just enjoyed it. Lokii chuckled in his on mind, "Meaning you are finally accepting your fate and essentially retiring from being a Arch-Devil? How Ironic... here I thought you would do everything in your power to escape and kill me yet here you are, lounging in your own private plane of hell inside a skull that also functions as your prison, here you punish the wicked souls that I destroy. We make an odd pair don't we?" He thought as he silently drank his cup of tea. Barabas laughed and slinked back into his skull for some private time.

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Later in the night, when Weyland was completely drunk, he stumbled up the stairs and into a room he had rented from the bartender earlier. He stripped to his undergarments and crawled into the bed, happy to feel an actual mattress after days on the road. Being drunk, he was asleep the instant he pulled the covers over himself.


Around midnight was when Amendale quietly went back to the Inn. He rented a room, barely saying two words to the innkeeper, and went upstairs to find it. He put his bag down in a corner, re-organized it, and also fell asleep.



Weyland was up and about at around eight in the morning, fully armoured and wearing his backpack because he wasn't sure when they would be leaving, and had a persistent hangover that was only just fading. He knew they wouldn't reach the desert for a few days, so he didn't need to dress in the desert robes yet. Amendale was sitting down by the river with his backpack beside him, just watching the water, once again eating a plate of assorted fruits. Weyland saw him out the window as he ordered a hearty breakfast of eggs, bacon, sweetcakes, and milk. He drank the milk quickly, he was dehydrated from drinking so much the night before. Then he moved on to the eggs, saving the best (the bacon) for last. He waved at Nawen and Rhaine before getting back to his meal.


Amendale finished off the last of the food on his plate and went back into the inn to drop the plate off. He went and sat beside Weyland, deciding that he'd had enough time alone by the river for the time being.

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Little Old Monica was walking home, wicker basket on her arm, and walking stick in her hands, and as she toddled along, she saw a beautifully clad woman resting by a tree- Must have been one of the new folk in town, they all looked so very exotic and well dressed, each clad in garments that they clearly had the money to afford. Monica sighed, it must have been a completely different world to live in for that diamond clad woman, while Old Monica was stuck in her simple brocade.


She continued on down the path weakly, her legs shaking with age, when a bunch of kids came running past, knocking her grocerie basket out of her hands, sending vegetables scattering about the cobbled path. She sighed deeply, the young people didn't even stop to give her a hand- Must have been part of that trader family, "Think there so high and mighty, knocking shopping out of old ladies arms..." The weathered old woman said pained, leaning down as far as she could, to gather her things with gnarled fingers.


Looking over at the almost angelic woman resting by the tree, she saw a mane of white atop her head- Figuring she must have been an old woman too. So the little old lady hobbled across the grass, her steps careful and slow, looking about the beautiful clearing with a soft smile. "I don't blame 'ya for taking a rest out here... away from all the hustle and bustle in the town... you're one of them new folk ain't ya? Came here with that lady with them wings?" She asked, walking over to sit by Aricia's side, unaware that this new person was dead. "I tell 'ya, youngons these days have no respect for their elders, why just a moment ago i was knocked over! Sent all my groceries flyin'! I mean, it get's hard when you reach our age don't it? But you seem in a lot better shape then i do." She spoke aloud, clearly lonesome. When Aricia didn't respond the second time, Monica was worried.


She nudged the finely clad elf gently, and with no response she shook her, and to her horror Aricia's peace stricken body just lolled to the side, all of her muscles defunct. "Oh dearie! Oh no! Oh! Oh my!" She said, tears escaping the corner of her eyes. The Little old lady got up as quickly as she could, and in a sense of the word, rushed back into town.


The Inn door swung open with force, and Little Old Monica hobbled inside, going as fast as she could, as she reached Rhaine's table, she was out of breath, her face wet with tears "Oh! Oh my! M'lady, your friend! The elf in diamonds... oh dear, she, she's dead! I was talking to her, and she didn't reply.. she, she's just laying there, cold as the snow! Oh my.."

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Rhaine looked to Lokii, "Ah, Shadowdale...one of the many towns of the Dalelands. It has had frequent troubles with both the drow and the Zhentarim. But, it is also the home of the great sage, Elminster."


Suddenly, an old woman approached their table, seemingly rambling about someone who had died...an elf in diamonds...


"By the gods," Rhaine breathed, "Aricia! Please, goodlady, lead me to her!"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Little Old Monica nodded reassuringly, and slowly led the way out of the Inn. "Oh, i am so sorry for my speed, forgive me for such delay." She apologized for her sluggishness, but sure as she could, she led Rhaine through the streets, cutting through a back alley until they reached the clearing, Aricia's body still lying in the same position.


"I was telling her about those young hoodlums but... but she didn't reply, and after i shook her she just.. lolled to the side." Monica explained softly, as they approached Aricia, the little old woman leaning heavily on her walking stick, her heart dropped, and her face wrought with sadness.

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