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Tales of Faerun


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Maeve nearly jumped out of her skin, threatening to spill the water that she had been boiling over the campfire all over herself, "I...my...by Chauntea's scythe! A drow, an Ulitharid, and now a..."


"Thri-kreen," Rhaine supplied.


"Yes, that!" Maeve glanced to the Doomguide, "You travel with a motley crew, goodlady...it's a lucky thing that I'm the trusting type, or I'd have run halfway to Waterdeep by now. No, I don't need help, thank you kindly."


Rhaine smirked as she recalled what her group had been dubbed not long ago...a circus. Well, circus or not, they worked well together - and that's what mattered.


Then, Echo approached her and began telling her about her encounter the previous night. Rhaine was a little stunned, but she was not surprised at her god's generosity. He saw fit to reward the brave, and Mahira had been one of the bravest...


She sighed as she thought about it, then replied, "Well, yes. All souls are initially drawn to the City of Judgment on the Fugue Plane, where my god rules. There, they receive their Final Judgment, and they are sent to their allotted afterlife based upon that verdict. Some remain on the Fugue while others are escorted to the other gods' dominions."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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The Doomguide paused. She looked away for a moment before returning her gaze to Echo, "I damned her to the Nine Hells."


Maeve's ladle clattered in the pot and Bilron dropped his feed bucket. Only Sori continued chattering to herself about Tentacle-Face and now Bug-Man...completely oblivious to what Rhaine had said.

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"You passed her ... 'Final Judgment' ... yourself?" the halfling asked, her eyes widening in astonishment. "The witch's soul was never in Lord Kelemvor's realm?"
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Tak'we was saddened slightly by Maeve's reaction, but it was nothing he wasn't used to. At least she didn't scream and run. He chortled when the softskin hatchling called him 'Bug-Man.' Usually, only those that feared and hated him called him that. But she's just a hatchling. She just doesn't know any better.


Tak'we knelt as low as he could to Sori's height. *Sss-sss* "Thisss one'ss name iss" *Tak'we,* the thri'kreen spoke cheerfully, holding out one clawed hand in greetings. "You're very pretty." He glanced at Maeve, "Your clutch-mother musst be very proud of you. What iss hatchling'ss name?"

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Not entirely pleased with Rhaine's decision Tannin stayed a short ways behind the group before they settled down to camp for the night. Though upon hearing What Rhaine did to someone's soul his curiosity got the better of him. And not wanting to pass up on a chance to hear what could be a decent tale he had to speak up. "You damned a soul to hells did you? I'd image someone would have to wrong you greatly to deserve such a fate from you. If you don't mind me asking.. who was this Ravenna person? Doesn't sound like a particularly pleasant individual. Strange how that happens. An evil sounding name belonging to an evil person. Makes me wonder if they change their names to suit their personalities."
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Rhaine laughed at Echo's reaction, "It's more like she never got the chance to be Judged. No, she was drug to the Hells by fiends at my command," she explained, turning serious again, "It is a spell that very few clergy of any god know how to use. It requires an immense amount of study and concentration...the incantation is complicated, you see. One wrong word and you'll be the one in the Hells."


The Doomguide glanced to Tannin, "Yes. Ravenna was evil. For hundreds of years, she consumed the souls of young women to remain youthful herself. She ultimately trapped the goddess of love and came a hair's breadth away from killing her and stealing her divinity for herself. Ravenna planned to use that divinity to then bring about the destruction of Toril itself. Believe me, she deserved her punishment...despite it being a last resort for me. It was the final weapon in my arsenal that day."


Sori beamed at Tak'we, taking his claw without hesitation, "I'm Sori! I'm seven years old, "she added proudly.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Bard had hunted a few hares during their trip to Llorkh, he sat down at the fire and began to clean them and prepare for his meal. Desert Hares were known for being thin for meat but their fur collected a tidy coin. He fished around in his pack for a sharpened and de-barked stick, he skewered the two hares and placed them over the fire to cook. He coated them generously in honey and spices and sat back against a rock a and opened the large tome and used his quill and ink to write.


When the Halfling came by to thank him for his music he looked up to her and nodded with a warm smile. "It's what I am here for, glad to play for you all..." He said, Bard sat back as he wrote and listened to the conversations of his new companions. Rhaine told her story of banishing some witch, interested he kept a mental note of that for a future tale. He watched as the Thri'kreen and the child discussed and the woman named Maeva dropped her pot of boiling water at the shock of the mix of companions. Bard had seen many things, a drow is rare but an Ularithid is even rarer. It appeared to be not hostile so he paid it little attention, instead he returned his attention to his meal. He turned over the hares as the facing side began to brown, the sweet and gentle smell of the meat filled the camp. He had a distinct love of Honeyed Hare.

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"Seven years old? You're nearly as old as thiss one!" Tak'we exclaimed as he gently shook the girl's hand, amazed at how old Sori was. "Thiss one turned eight lasst night!" If a softskin hatchling is seven birthmoons old, how old are the rest? he wondered, glancing at his companions.


He looked at Rhaine, noticing how everyone reacted to her words about Ravenna. The thri'kreen gave a small hiss at the mention of that witch. That monster deserved to be dragged into that pit. Thinking of the fight in the chapel reminded him of how Mahira died. Mahira... he thought morosely for a moment, missing the dark softskin. Not wanting weigh down anyone with his sadness, the thri'kreen returned his attention to Sori.


"You're pretty grown up, aren't you?" Tak'we asked Sori jovially, trying to perk himself up. "Thisss one betss you know lotss of sstoriess. Want to share any?" He tilted his head at the little girl. "You can sit on thisss one'ss shouldersss while thiss one unpacks."

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Nawen smiled lightly as she saw how the little girl, Sori shook Tak'we's claw and how the two talked with each other. She looked around wondering what should she do now, that's when she noticed their new companion, Bard preparing hares.


"Hares are difficult to catch." She said as she approached the bard. "Very impressive." She added.

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