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Tales of Faerun


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Maeve suddenly took Sori by the hand and pulled the girl behind her, drawing a dagger from the folds of her dress. Bilron, too withdrew a pair of shortswords from his boots.


Rhaine, however, squinted as she saw the scantily clad elf. She had met two others in similar garb once before, at roughly the same time...


"Stay your weapons!" the Doomguide suddenly cried, hopping down from the wagon wheel and waving to get the elf's attention.


"Alae!" she called out in the familiar elven greeting, "Mireth, is that you?"


The couple put their weapons away, but stayed wary.

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"You'd be surprised how long-lived humans can be. Thirty is middle-aged in this day and age, but I've heard stories of those that naturally live to be a century old, or even older, without the assistance of magic like Ravenna used. That's extremely rare, mind you, but it has happened. Most of us live to around sixty or seventy before we pass away." Weyland explained.


Amendale listened intently, fascinated that the Thri'Kreen could mature into adults so fast. A fully-grown Thri'Kreen was the age of a young child for many other races.


The sounds of battle drew the attention of both Amendale and Weyland, the latter of which drew his blade. The sword sparked with electricity, a visual sign of the lightning enchantment placed upon it. Amendale didn't draw a weapon, although he did prepare a spell to sling at this stranger should she be hostile. Amendale positioned himself beside Tak'We, in front of the family, while Weyland strode to the front of the group. She tried anything and he'd be the first to meet her. He adopted his go-to defensive stance, but relaxed when Rhaine commanded them to stay their weapons, although he didn't sheath his blade immediately. He waited for the woman to respond to Rhaine.

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Echo smiled and leaned into Rhaine's friendly embrace; she was forming a response to the Doomguide's question when Tannin spoke. Listening intently to the exchange between the Big Folk, she recalled something Mahira had said: "Stay with Rhaine, and follow her as I would have done, had I lived. Perhaps in time, with her guidance, you will come to know the gods and serve them as best you can." The halfling wondered what Rhaine's childhood must have been like, to begin serving her temple in Waterdeep at such a young age, and it reminded her that she herself had never learned much about Mahira's work for House Melder Rythin. Two women she greatly admired had both served houses of worship when they were very young, but those similarities ended when they came of age: Lady Rhaine remained devout, whereas Mahira never became a cleric and subsisted on theft. "Cast off thievery" ... the Calishite had emphasized the phrase, and upon reflection, the halfling understood it to be a warning.


Her reverie was abruptly shattered by the clash of weapons not far from the campsite; she leapt down from the wagon and drew her daggers, prepared to help protect the little girl and the animals. At Rhaine's behest, however, she froze where she stood; keeping her weapons at hand, she waited anxiously to see how the woman called Mireth would greet the Doomguide.

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Tannin listened intently to Rhaine, He already knowing much of the history of the gods but still paid attention. "Well.. certainly gives me something to think about." He said when she finished speaking. Looking over at the fire his mind began to wander. Back to his old adventuring party and their experiences with Death. His brief meditation was interrupted however as everyone jumped to their feet with their weapons in hand. Somewhat confused he looked around until the scantly clad elf came into view. He stared at her with an eyebrow arched before speaking up. "Well sheee's..... certainly dressed for the heat." He said in an amused tone.
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Nawen chuckled and sat down beside the Bard. "I know the feeling." She said. Her guardian taught her many things, hunting was one of them. She never had any chores to do because they never really had a home on their own. Always traveling, never settling down in one place for too long.


She was about to ask the bard a question but then the scantily clad elf caught her attention. She was about to draw her blade but Rhaine told not to. It seems the two knew each other.


The drow couldn't help but wonder why would anyone wear such a thing. It's not even practical and... too revealing. She herself liked practical clothing and armor that concealed as much as possible and actually provided some sort of protection.

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Mireth drew her own blade as the group sprung their weapons, but as Rhaine commanded them to stay their blades, Mireth did also. With a light spin of her hands, she tucked her swords neatly back into their scabbards, her face brightening into a large white smile as Rhaine spoke up. "Revanthas!" Mireth exclaimed the elven for Friend, staying her horse and running over to her companion. She held Rhaine by the shoulders and kissed her on each cheek, a warm and genuine greeting. Her voice was soft, delicate, and heavily accented, but perfectly understandable to those who spoke common. "I have not seen you in many a moon, Lady Rhaine." Mireth said warmly, looking at the feathered wings that sprouted from Rhaine's back. "I see Maydiira was right then, you did get your wings!"


She looked around at the group, who's eyes had all rested on various places of her anatomy... She bowed to them, a sign of peace, but returned to face Rhaine.

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Despite the outburst by the elf and her friendship with Rhaine, Bard was more interested in Nawen and his meal. He began to play with his deck of cards again while Rhaine and the elf chatted. It was something he had done quiet a lot as a child so he was good with them, he would cut the deck and bend a card to flip into the air and then catch it again, then he put the deck in his right hand and pulled his left hand away. As he did so a card shot out of the deck and into his left hand, he caught it deftly and spun it between his fingertips fast enough it was almost a blur. When it stopped it was revealed to be The Angel card, he smirked slyly and gave her the card.


"Here hold onto this..." He said as he placed it in her hand, he shuffled the deck in his hand and cut it. With a quick flick of his wrist he flourished his hand and the deck fanned out like a noblewoman's fan. Revealing all the cards to her, he packed them all tight once more into the deck and then flicked them out once more. As he did so all the faces of the remaining cards were Angel cards. Bard had one been a master street performer, would do a number of card tricks for bets. Often got him a free drink at the cost of some local-yokel thinking he can spot him a mile away, often times it earned him gold or a brawl depending on how much the men who bet against him valued their word.


Bard chuckled, "Sorry, I like to do card tricks..." He said, He suddenly recalled Nawen was going to ask him something when that elf interrupted their conversation. Bard flicked his hand and the deck quickly folded back to normal and he sat it down on the rock next to him.

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Nawen's eyes widened as she watched Bard's card trick. "How did you do that?!" She asked sounding really surprised.


The drow then stared at the fire trying to remember what she wanted to ask before the elven woman showed up. "Where did you learn to play like that?" She finally spoke. "That music you played earlier was very beautiful."

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Bard smiled, he was not used to his music being called beautiful. He continued to idly flip the Bard card from his deck and catch it again. "Its all in the cards..." He said with a slight chuckle, his eyes locked onto hers as his hands moved independently. Bard flipped the card in the air and caught it between two fingers. The Face of the card was that of The Drunken Maiden, he turned it around to reveal its blank back then flipped the card into the air and caught it, he showed it once more and it had changed to Deaths Hand, the rarest card in the deck.


"After I left my home I wandered a lot, found that old lute sitting on the side of the road... I picked it up and began to play it. Took me three months to get to my destination. I taught myself how to play along the way and when I got into town I started playing for coin. Learned new songs as I travelled and soon people began to call me a Bard. So I just took to the profession...." He said as he shuffled his deck once more and tucked it away. He reached over and pulled the last hare from the spit and offered it to her, he had eaten his fill. He caught two hares, one for himself and the other for whomever wanted some. He was not a greedy man, he always considered himself a scoundrel but he never called himself a villain or a selfish man. He could take care of himself and he valued that in a person, he never really had long-term dealings with people because they were all trying to get others to do for them, never doing for themselves.


"I never really had much other then my skills to offer, I left home young and ended up wandering about. Just following the wind...." He said and then took a swig from his waterskin filled with honey-mead. His cheeks were a rose color from the alcohol, he had taken to drinking himself to sleep most nights. He stuck the spit into the earth next to him and stared into the flames as he drank. He could see the things that haunted him dance in the fires, his time as a soldier and the horrible crimes he had witnessed at the hands of the militia he once belonged to. He shook them off with a smile and a swig of mead.


"What of you? How did a Drow come to be a member of this eclectic circus?" He asked as sat upright, leaning against his bedroll and pack like it was the back of a chair.

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Rhaine's smile broadened, "That I did, Mireth, and what a tale it is. It's been too long...come, have a seat by our fire. You are welcome here."


She turned to her companions, "Everyone, this is Lady Mireth Celeethelen. She is a Divine Champion of Corellon Larethian and an old friend of mine."


The Doomguide then made her way back to the wagon and hopped up on the wheel again, patting the ledge beside her for Echo to have a seat once more. Bilron and Maeve returned to their various tasks while Sori danced around Tak'we's feet.


"What's that?" the girl asked, pointing to the thri-kreen's gythka.

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