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Tales of Faerun


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Tannin wiped the spit off his face as he watched Bard storm off. "Well wasn't he classy." When Nawen approached with the spices his face lit up. "Nawen my dear were i not covered in spittle and fish innards i would hug you! Possibly even kiss you but that could possible be seen as an unwanted advance BUT STILL! Good spices make for better fish. Though anything makes for better fish... Not a fan not..a..fan." He jabbered on. "And Weyland count yourself lucky.' He said as he started cooking the fish. "I have faced..... One two.... four Lamias in my time.... And i would be happy to never run into one again. Sure the top half's pleasing enough to look at but there are reasons WHY you don't go for looks alone! Nasty beast they are but worry not! I would like to think that this company could handle themselves against one." He said with a smile. Racking his brain for the exact number of Lamias he had encountered.. or if he had even faced one before at all.
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Rhaine laughed aloud at Tannin's jabbering as Theron lighted on her knee, having just finished his own trout supper. The Doomguide then winked at the half-drow, "Not wandering into the land of over-exaggeration now, are we?"
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"I once dissected a Lamia you know, it's awfully surprising how their bodies stay together, everything is just squashed together in the torso, which by human standards is enhanced with ridiculously large bosoms. What their purpose serves i don't know, something that eats humans as part of it's staple diet can hardly be considered attractive, by any stretch of the imagination. But then again, looks seem to overwrite things with you humans, you meet a murderous witch, but it's alright because she has a nice face." Xallistine chuckled, his mood brightened since their last stop.


"Four Lamia? Really Tannin? almost as impressive as the time i fought of seven Angels of Decay." Mireth said jokingly, overly exagerating her words to playfully taunt the half-drow.

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"Oh not at all not at all. It wasn't all at once, The encounters were sometimes yeeaars apart. I'm actually well traveled i'll have you know. I'm much older than i look thank you very much." He said in a mockingly defensive tone.


He looked towards Mireth with childlike wonder. "Did you really? Worst i've ever done to a celestial was lock one in an outhouse and roll it down a hill. Though i still doubt he was telling the truth about that... No angle would allow that to happen to them would they? One would think they could just burst out from it instead of banging on the walls yelling for help." He said enjoying the memory. "I was quite the trouble maker when i was younger." He said with a grin.

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Rhaine burst out laughing again when Xallistine began describing the lamia in such a matter-of-fact way. She laughed even harder when Tannin added his story about a prank on a celestial.


"I'll raise you one better," she finally remarked, "Try a demilich and his seven zombie warrior guards...on the Fugue Plane."

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Nawen chuckled as everyone started adding most likely exaggerated tales about their adventures. She had never encountered anything like that in her own travels thus she had nothing to add.


"Someone should write this down. It would make one glorious tale." She said as she sat down beside the fire. "Lamias, angels, demiliches, plane travels. Perhaps we should add some dragons too. Everyone likes dragons."

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Rhaine grinned, "Last time I checked, William was writing down everything that came out of our mouths. And yes, dragons would be brilliant." Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"My parents killed six dragons and would never let me forget it!" Tannin said with a laugh. "So if you want to hear some tall tales i could pull hundreds from them. But right now the only tale i'm interested in is the one with the demilich and zombie warriors. So lady Rhaine... You start talking and I'll start memorizing. Cause THAT sounds like a story that would KILL in taverns around the world."
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Rhaine hugged her knees and rested her head sideways upon them, emerald eyes fixed on Tannin, "Now that is a long story indeed...one that I am actually not too eager to revisit at the moment. Suffice it to say, I was a defender of the City of Judgment on the Fugue Plane, fighting against crusaders intent on taking down the Wall of the Faithless. The demilich Rammaq was one of the crusaders' recruits, and he ransacked Eternity's End for secrets to godhood whilst his zombie warriors kept Kelemvor's paladins occupied. I cornered him with the aid of a few allies and finally defeated him in one of the district's vaults."


She sighed, her eyes moving towards the fire, "If we ever return to Waterdeep someday and you still want to know the story in detail, I'll let you have a look at my old journal. Then, if you wish to retell it, I suppose you can...so long as you keep it factual, mind you. I just...don't like revisiting the tale so soon, you know? The experience is still a little fresh, even after a few years. I've actually locked up the old thing tighter than a drum; no one can read it unless I dispel the enchantment I have on it."


The Doomguide fell silent, still staring at the flames. Maeve and Bilron were quiet as well, sitting side by side on one of the wagons. Since Tannin seemed to have supper under control, they both took the opportunity to relax. Sori sat on her father's lap, playing with a small toy.




Ginafae whirled on Sana, "Venorsh, dos waele l'thi!"


The drow froze. She felt as if something were watching her. Her crimson eyes glowed as they adjusted to Darkvision...everything in her sights appearing in bright black and white.




Maydiira held her breath. There was no way she could survive an encounter with Ginafae and whatever cat-woman she was traveling with. She closed her eyes and kept her breath tight, not moving a muscle...

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Tannin listened as intently as he could to Rhaine's story. But flashes of the wall and the grey city kept coming to mind. The screams of the faithless as they broke from the wall. The cries of the defenders and inhabitants of the city as the horde swept through the city. He shook his head of such thoughts and tried to listen. At Rhaine's offer he gave a smile. "I think i would like that. And of course, i will swear to keep my eyes off any entries that are especially private. Will say it'd be nice to go back home. Had to leave it in a bit of a rush. Left some things behind." He said before turning his attention back to the fish. He let out a slow breath to calm his nerves. "Soo first serving of fish should be ready soon." He called out to the others.
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