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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen left the camp when most of her friends were still awake. She hated being in an area she was unfamiliar with thus she spent most of the time away from others, scouting. She had to be prepared in case something or someone might attack them.


The drow returned to the camp only to see the newcommer. She looked at the man suspiciously but didn't say anything.

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Xallistine emerged from his own tent that morning, he hadn't slept, it wasn't required. He had meditated on events for the entire night, and received some visions from his god, Illsensine. He wasn't one to burden the group with his troubles, but what he had envisioned was not at all that troubling- In-fact, it gave him a glimmer of hope.


As he stepped out into the morning sun, he waved his hand, his powerful Psionic powers folding the tent down for him- it had been a while since he had actually used his abilities to their full potential, but he knew that if he did, the group would not tread with ease around him any longer. he sensed Psionic power emanating from an individual that had approached the group, and walked elegantly over, towering as he always did, over everyone else- Aside of course from Tak'we, who shared a similar height.


he recognised the being as an Elan, a human imbued with Psionic powers, able to rival the average Illithid. he knew they had greatly increased lifespans, at the cost of their place in human society. he said nothing, but eyed the man with caution.


Mireth emerged as bright-faced as usual from her tent, she didn't sleep either, so suffered not a bad mood. She walked out into the morning sun, brushing her snow white hair, and gazing at the newcomer. Mireth was glad of her revealing outfit in such weather, and began packing up her own small, elven tent as she awaited the time for them to leave.

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"Former Knight-Captain," Rhaine replied, "Those days are long behind me now, in more ways than one. As for our being here, we are in pursuit of the remnants of a branch of the Cult of the Dragon working out of the Sword Coast. We have defeated their...leader. Now all that remains is to finish them off. I believe a friend of mine may be in danger, as well - by the Cult or some other foe, I am not certain."


She gestured to the wagons, "We are also escorting this smith's family to Shadowdale...they have taken the opportunity to relocate there, since business seems to be thriving in the region."

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Kalin grew still at the mention of the Cult of the Dragon. Have I managed to find you monsters at last? He'd tried to investigate what had happened to his famliy nearly 10 years ago. The only leads he managed to find led the Cult of the Dragon, but the elan wasn't around long enough to pursue them. Now, here was another chance.


"Lady Rhaine, I know I'm nearly a complete stranger here, but would you mind if I joined your group?" Kalin asked earnestly, barely able to control his excitement. "The Cult is a serious matter, and as I am a follower of Lathandar, I feel that I should help you with your quest. My family matter can wait." It wasn't the real reason he wanted to come along, but it would work. She doesn't need to know my personal life, he added silently to himself. "I can handle myself well in a fight, and I know the path to Shadowdale as well, so I can help with that also."


He looked over and saw an illithid approaching. Oh, great. He cursed inwardly and tried to mask his psychic energy before the creature detected his true nature, though he couldn't do it very well. I need to work on that, the elan berated himself, and continued talking to Rhaine. "I won't be a burden on your supplies, milady," the soulknife spoke as he held out a hand in agreement. "I promise."

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Rhaine smiled, taking Kalin's hand again, "Very well...welcome aboard. And please, it's simply Rhaine. If I may be frank, I'm uncomfortable with titles."


With that, the Doomguide turned around and addressed the others, "We have a new member of our group, everyone. Please give Kalin a warm welcome."


She then spied Nawen returning from her morning scouting, "Ah! Nawen. You're back. May I speak with you for a moment?"

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Weyland spoke up.



"Alright then. Welcome to the group! Perhaps the largest concentration of nomadic legends-to-be this side of the Anauroch! Enjoy your stay, and be sure to mind the barbarian Thri'kreen." He gestured flamboyantly with the obvious tone of voice of being half-sarcastic. On the other side of the tent, Amendale, now standing, felt his lip curl into a half-smile.



"I'm Amendale. Sorcerer and Cleric." He greeted the newcomer.






Arland's eyes narrowed. He'd been getting a worse and worse feeling in his stomach about these two for the past five minutes and his fears had been confirmed. So much for a long, happy, and mutually-beneficial travelling agreement.



His drew his blades without saying a word, but in doing so he only insured that he was the first one armed, or at least armed should he be attacked. "No. I kill dictators or self-centered nobles, not common honest men trying to make a living." His voice was still quiet enough not to wake the blacksmith, he wasn't stupid enough to have the man wake up and scream.

Edited by Flipout6
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Tannin had just finished putting his tent away before saying hi to Kalin hoping that he'd be a bit more friendly than the last person who claimed they wouldn't burden their supplies. He had turned to fetch something when he caught sight of Mireth. Unable to stop himself he stared at her as his face started turning back to a crimson shade. Eventually he willed himself to look away and with a look of grim determination he walked over to the wagon and started to hit his head against the frame.




Kento stood up, hefting his pack over hi shoulder. "You will not find safety with me. I hunt a dangerous murderer. But I will not stop you from following if it is your wish. Though perhaps you will be useful if you can read the local language. Yet another in a long line of regrets." He said before he started walking down the road.

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Kalin smiled at Rhaine's frankness about titles. "That makes two of us, then." He burst into laughter at Weyland's welcome as he walked away from the priestess. "Indeed. Well met, gentlemen." The elan saw the half-drow banging his head against one of the wagons. "Uh, is he going to be okay?" he asked no one in particular. Then he followed where Tannin had been looking and figured out the man's reaction as he saw Mireth and the rather revealing clothes she wore on her obviously luscious form.


"Okay, then, I can see why he'd do that," the soulknife chuckled towards Weyland and Amendale, then the rest of Weyland's words registered with Kalin. "Wait, did you say thri'kreen?" He looked around and finally saw the massive humanoid. By the gods... he's huge! he thought to himself in wonder as he looked upon Tak'we. Kalin once read about thri'kreen a long time ago, but he never heard of them being so big. Struggling to remember the sounds correctly, he tried to pronounce the proper greeting. "Greetings, noble hunter," he spoke in Thri'kreen, or what would be close enough to it.



Tak'we recoiled in shock at the newcomer's words. *Tcktck!* "Softssskin knowsss thisss one'ss language?!" The thri'kreen walked over to Kalin and stood in front of him, towering over the elan. "How do you know thisss?" he inquired, head tilted in curiosity. "Few softskinsss even know of thri'kreen." He held out a clawed hand in greetings, feeling a new-found respect for the stranger. "Thisss one isss called" *Tak'we.*



Kalin had to look up just to meet Tak'we's eyes as he shook the thri'kreen's hand. "Nice to meet you, Tak'we. I'm Kalin." The thri'kreen seemed a lot bigger up close. "I learned a little bit of thri'kreen several years ago when I read a book on them." He looked at Tak'we in respect. "Your people are really fascinating, I think." The elan turned back to Weyland and Amendale. "So, now that we've met properly, is there anything you need me to help with?" he asked. "I'd rather like to help out."

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Bilron nodded to Kalin, "If you want, lad, help me and the missus put these water barrels back."


He and Maeve went about placing the last bit of equipment in the wagons again while Sori hopped up onto the seat of one.




Maydiira grinned, "I know Common, Elvish, Drow, and a bit of Celestial and Infernal. I think I can be of help to you."


She followed him for a ways before adding, "By the way, I do not know your name."




Ginafae snarled, her red eyes flashing in the darkness as she moved a hand to the poisoned knife hidden in her boot, "I will not say it again, jaluk. Kill him, or you will not learn anything of your brother...you might not even live to see the sun rise again!"

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Kalin nodded to the smith as he took off his coat and went to work. His lithe frame belied his strength. for the elan easily lifted each water barrel and carried them one by one onto the wagons. He was glad for the heavy work. Such labor help defines a man, he thought to himself as he worked.


The soulknife still blew a sigh of relief when he finished, though. "By the gods, that was hard work!" he exclaimed as he wiped the sweat from his face. "But as my father once said, 'Hard work's good for a man. Keeps him healthy and humble. That's why most nobles are arrogant, fat swine." Kalin laughed to himself as he rested for a bit, then went back to helping pack up the rest of the supplies.



Tak'we also helped with getting the camp packed and ready to go, lifting the supplies that would normally take two softskins to even manage. He didn't speak much, though, and was silent as he worked saved for the occasional click here and whistle there.

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