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Tales of Faerun


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Arland growled in frustration as he continued to try and lop Ravenna's gaseous essence into a thousand little pieces to no avail. Giving up once she disappeared, he sheathed his blades to find that Valthanarax was dead already. Figures he wouldn't get any of the REAL kills to tuck onto his belt, so to speak. Once things started heating up between Rhaine and Tannin, Arland simply muttered to himself.

"Oh, THIS should be good."


The death of Valthanarax caused his bones to fall to hundreds of pieces, and Weyland felt himself plunge downwards. Within seconds, he was buried under half a dead Dracolich. He cursed to himself, before moving himself around and punching a hole through the rubble. He was still cursing as he climbed out, covered in bone marrow and dust, and keeping pressure on as many injuries as he could (He'd sustained several over the course of the battle.) including one on his upper left arm and another on his ribcage. Amendale was quick to mend these injuries, however. The fighter glared at Tannin. He wasn't denying the murder of a family. Even Arland only murdered his target and those who forced his hand.


Amendale set about healing injuries, paying little heed to Rhaine and Tannin's quarrel, though enough to react if a fight broke out or he was attacked. His hands repeatedly flared with magic as he patched up the injuries of everybody in the group...except Tannin. A fight was likely about to break out, and Amendale would not heal who he would have to kill moments later. (Of course he knew that Tannin was powerful and would likely overpower him, but he would definitely try.)

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The battle was finally over, and Kowolj was extremely thankful that he had his fill before it all went down. He wasn't terribly exhausted, or horribly injured, but he could definitely use a mug of ale right about now. It was Othos who seemed to be the most banged up of the two, he hadn't moved for a few minutes now. After he had been rendered unconscious his elemental state had shifted back to air, and he was now looking as his normal self, albeit rather ungraceful due to his unconscious state.


"Hey, you there! Healer man! Come here and give my Othos a hand, he's in rough shape after helping me outta that dragonfire."


He stuck his fingers in Othos' cheeks and moved them in circles, first clockwise, then counterclockwise, and would continue until his friend had woken back up.

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The fey'ri had been tracking her former group for a while now, figuring the witch wouldn't be too far away, either. Unless they disposed of her, but the sorceress highly doubted it - the witch would come back from the Hells themselves just to feast upon other women's beauty. Little did she know that truly was what had happened.


The falling darkness didn't concern her, for she could see in the dark due to her darkvision, nor she feares possible bandits or wild animals, but she didn't want to stain her outfit with blood or - gods forbid - mud. Seems like the witch influenced the sorceress more than she had originally thought. Then again, it's not like she needed to wear armor, she was a spellcaster - they could afford themselves to value appearance over protection.


Looking at the destruction and a massacre of the travelling merchant caravan and family she had caused with a light smile, Sefris put the golden mirror back in her travelling pack, glancing at the setting sun. The group seemed to have gone underground, and she had no great wish to follow them - all the terrible ways to destroy one's outfit if you're not careful or going alone.


Instead she continued to circle around the area back and forth, waiting for them to emmerge, any rumor of the Chosen of Kelemvor running around. Walking over the merchant's dead body, she continued towards the setting sun, the bat familliar following from the air silently as her heels hit the ground forcefully with each step.

Edited by Alaylyne
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The battle was over.


She looked around the cave to see if everyone were alright, if they hadn't lost anyone else in the battle. "I have some bandages and such if anyone needs any." She said and turned her attention to the corpses. Nawen had never seen so many dead people in her entire life. Illius was still somewhere among corpses and she had to find him and give him a proper burial. It's the least she could do for him.


The drow was still searching when Rhaine turned the corpses into ashes by using one of her spells. "Maybe it's for the best." She thought as she watched the fire. "At least this way no one will bring him back as an undead again."


Nawen paid little attention to the conversation Rhaine and Tannin had. She could hear everything they talked about but instead of eavesdropping the drow searched for arrows that were in a good enough shape to be used later.


Aedan gave up hours ago and returned back to the surface. There supposed to be a village nearby thus he made his way down the round until he came upon an interesting sight. The entire caravan was destroyed alongside all the people. What intrigued him the most was a familiar woman walking back and forth.


"Your job I take it?"

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The woman turned to the fallen with a smirk, hand which wasn't holding her spear put on her hip. She eyed the fallen, her smile growing in a somewhat disturbing manner.


"Girls just want to have fun." the sorceress replied, walking back to the man.


"And look just what crawled out. I knew something, given the time, will." hmmm....he was still with the witch, was he not? He can lead her to her. My, my, what a precious asset she's found here.


"Still with Ravenna, I assume?" crimson red gaze fell on the man, studying him. Did that mean the witch is somewhere nearby? Or was he on his own from now? Going back to the goody-good group wasn't something he'd do.


"I need to see her about a certain promise she had given me a while back." And as soon as possible at that - waking up looking even older than she is now (for she was still far too young to start aging) isn't something she wanted to see. Nor anybody around her - she tends to get violent.

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Xallistine kept his thoughts to himself and did not interject, but as always stayed close to Rhaine in a protective manner- if Tannin tried anything, he would not only have the blades of the group set upon him, but the powerful arcane magics and psionic abilities the Ulitharid (And Kalin for the latter) possessed. He could not stop his thoughts from drifting to Ravenna- She was meant to be dead, he watched her be dragged down to the hells screaming and kicking...




Ravenna's misty form vented through the cracks in the cavern, and filtered up into the rays of the dropping sun. Floating steadily over the land, Ravenna surveyed the area for settlement the land of Shadowdale in view she hoped to avoid it, instead wishing for a quiet, dark location in which to recuperate her energies and sift through her web of plans. Attaining a cult following was certainly on her list for her time on the surface of Faerun, and any tasks of espionage Asmodeus required she would perform... There was, also the matter of loose ends she would need to address. She decided that a staging of Lord Everdawn's death would be appropriate suggesting accident, or perhaps suicide? She would decide later to the date however.


A ruined, derelict church came into view, nestled behind a few overgrown bushes, the cobbled pathway that lead from the road forgotten by time. The Church was imposing and dark, it's four walls barely standing, and the roof mostly destroyed. As her solid form returned Ravenna's pace did not slow, the moment her heeled feet touched the ground she advanced forwards to the door, and into the darkness.


Smiling as she looked around, the place was of Gothic design, featuring intricate pillars and a large, semi-ruined pulpit. Headless garglyles and other decimated statues dotted the area, and whatever paintings had adorned the walls were but scrapings of their former self.


Stepping over rubble and debris, Ravenna snapped her fingers and a large throne appeared from the very shadows, sitting against the far wall, blocking part of the central window as light poured extensively into the room. Taking a seat Ravenna crossed her legs with a sigh.

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"Ravenna?" Aedan asked as he looked around, searching for anything valuable he could take for himself. So far nothing.

"Last time I saw her that Doomguide, Rhaine or whatever her name was, sent the witch to the Nine Hells." The fallen added as he pulled out what looked like a golden necklace from the rubble.

"Cheap copy." He thought to himself and tossed it aside before turning back to Sefris. "I don't know whether Ravenna came back somehow or not but I'm sure she'll turn up eventually."


Nawen frowned as she counted the arrows she had collected. Less than half she shot but it will have to do.


She placed the quiver on a large stone and pulled some bandages from the Bag of Holding she kept tied to her belt. Her left arm hurt like mad but strangely enough did not seem broken. Quickly, she tied the bandage around the area that hurt the most and rejoined the others.

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The fey'ri grunted in frustration - another day with her hair turning gray? If that witch doesn't show up soon, so help her all the gods....


"Wonderful." She hissed, turning Aedan's attention to a crate that still looked like one, since everything else was either on fire or long burned. She took some pieces of jewlery she liked, but most of it was still lying intact around - if one was to follow the trail of destruction she left in her wake, he or she could find some nice loot after a few days.


"If she doesn't show up eventually, I'll go down there myself." By the gods, you don't mess with Sefris' beauty. That's a no-no. Tabu. Call it whatever you wish. The half-demoness could probably modify her alter self ability to look like she did before, but that just wouldn't be it. She'd still feel older than she really is.


"What have you been up to since then?"

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Tannin looked at the others in the group, focusing on each one for an uncomfortable amount of time until his gaze met Rhaine's. "Never said I was a good guy now did I? But I suppose... if it makes you feel better, I've taken far less than what he's taken from me." His mind flashed with scenes that had been long buried, A small woman laying out in a field, with her stomach ripped open and a fetus impaled on a nearby tree, A green clad Orc torn to ribbons, falling off a high wall, An Elven man with his skin pealed off begging for death, the burning ruins of a town once called home, the graves of friends that had no business being involved, And the broken shell of a man cowering under a table as darkness enveloped him.

"So you'll have to forgive me if you think I was a bit excessive, But I'm not one to turn the other cheek." He said through his teeth.

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"Enough!" Rhaine snapped, "I don't care anymore; you two can resolve this matter yourselves. Have your vengeance on each other...we shall not interfere."


The Doomguide was tired of worrying about the inevitable fight between Tannin and Kento - she only wanted it over with, and cared little about the outcome at this point. It was obvious that Tannin was not going to explain himself clearly, and so she washed her hands of them both.


Rhaine then moved to cast a Restoration spell on Othos and a Heal spell on Nawen and Tak'we before addressing the companions.


"If anyone seeks compensation for their efforts, there's a treasure horde beneath this chamber that would turn every beggar in the poorest ward of Waterdeep into kings. I would much rather it be in our hands than those of the Cult," she gestured to the small tunnel that led to the treasure room, "Shall we help ourselves, then?"

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