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Tales of Faerun


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Tak'we heard Nawen cry for help and strode over, and saw that Kento lay dead and Tannin was soon to follow. He knew that most of his clutchmates wouldn't want to heal the dying softskin, not after seeing what Kento had shown them. But Tak'we was curious; he wanted to know the truth, so the thri'kreen knelt down by Nawen and Xallistine.


He bent over Tannin's face and stared at the softskin, unblinking eyes focused on Tannin. "I will help you," he spoke in seriousness. "but not out of kindnesss. Thisss one would know the truth." With that, the insectoid spat an enormous glob of venom into one of his spare hands. He took out some herbs he knew would help in healing and added them to the mixture and stirred it quickly.


When it was fully mixed, the thri'kreen pinned Tannin's arms to better hold him still and applied the 'salve' to the worst of his wounds, placing a good amount on the hole in the softskin's stomach that did not fully heal. The venom began to dry as Tak'we sealed the wounds, crystallizing and stopping the bleeding while causing massive paralysis.


Knowing this, the thri'kreen looked at Tannin once more as the venom ran its course. "You will not bleed to death now, but you will not be able to move for ssome time," he chattered. "When softskin can speak again, Tak'we wantss the truth: Did you murder Kento's hatchling and clutchmate? Think on your answer well," he said threateningly while picking up the man. "Or spiritss help you, thiss one will rip you apart one piece at a time!"



Kalin watched as the duel unfolded, shaking his head at how it turned out. So both of them either die or left dying, he thought in grim amusement at the irony. Overhearing Tak'we's threat, he silently agreed. And finally we'll map out this jumbled maze of an affair. He suddenly straightened, an idea flashing in his mind. Map out...maze...hmm, yes, maybe Valthanarax would have...


In mid-thought, the elan rushed back to the dracolich's hoard and starting searching for any scrolls or books, knocking over a pile of treasure in his haste. He looked back and began to apologize when he saw what the accident had revealed Beloved Lathander... he thought in amazement; the fallen treasure revealed a large shelf packed full of tomes and scrolls.


With an eagerness belying his weariness, Kalin climbed over and began searching through the books, the sheer plethora of knowledge here energizing him. "Hahah, yes!" he cheered in self-success when he found what he was looking for. He did have a map! He unrolled the map and stared in amazement at it. Before him was a map of all of Faerun! So finely detailed... I wonder what happened to the one who made this? Wait, what's this?


He looked closer and saw numerous symbols and characters written at various locations. He couldn't read any of it, though. Maybe Xallistine will know, he thought, and after memorizing the map, the soulknife rolled it up and began looking for the illithid.

Edited by GrueMaster
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"Just for show? Too bad." the fey'ri added to the Fallen before following the imp through the forest, thinking the journey would've taken less if Aedan was able to fly, as well. Fortunately the forest didn't tore her dress or any other part of her clothes, so it didn't need to get charred.


As they finally arrived to the church, Sefris glanced at Aedan for a second, smirking. "Let's see if the witch's changed, shall we?"


Still holding the spear in her right hand, the sorceress - loving dramatic entrances - kicked the doors open, slowly walking in as her steps echoed everytime her heels touched the ground, sounding like someone was hitting the floor with a sword of a sort. The half-demoness left the doors opened for Aedan to follow, her wings gathering at her back as she had no need of them.


"Well, well, well..." the fey'ri stopped at the middle of the church, placing her hand on her hip as she looked in Ravenna's direction. "I was told you took a little trip down."

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Inclining her head to the side Ravenna regarded Sefris with an icy stare enough to level an orc. Rising slowly and purposefully after Sefri's theatrics had finished, Ravenna stayed Gheni with her hand as he attempted to crawl onto her dress, walking slowly towards Sefris, the force behind her heeled steps far lighter than those of Sefris- Whom she assumed had only just began wearing such risky footwear in permanency.


Rather impressed with the Fey'ri's attire, Ravenna circled the woman, her hands feeling the fabrics and checking the stitching, a small, fickle smile appeared on her lips as she stood before the half-demoness, her own height, combined with her heels made her more than a head taller.


"Sefris... how lovely to see you again. I see you finally took my insistence to heart then and changed those old robes? I must say, I am rather impressed, I had expected to see you looking as you did before." She smiled and chuckled a little, looking down at Sefris's heeled feet. "My my, heels as well... I rubbed off on you more than I had thought." She looked at Sefris's greying hair with a smug grin, before returning to her throne.


"I did, take a trip down that is. And now I hold dominion of The Nine Hells... quite amusing really, I was sent to be punished for eternity, but found the hand of Asmodeus awaiting marriage. Everything I desired has been achieved, and now, I wish to travel... And keep a promise I made all those months ago, because clearly, you need it, little demoness." Ravenna laughed, her voice laced with seduction and venom in equal measures.

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Nawen stared at Tak'we with the slight frown of her face. She liked the thri'kreen, she really did but was this really necessary? She was just as curious to hear his side of the story but not when he is so badly hurt.


"I hope this... venom won't harm him." She commented and shot a quick glance at Xallistine. The drow couldn't help but wonder if she was the only one that helped because the half-drow needed help.


"You sure know how to make an entrance." Aedan said as he watched Sefris kicking the door open.


He followed her inside and watched silently as the two engaged in a conversation. The fallen wondered if they're going to start fighting. If so he got the best seat.

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"It's one of many things I'm good at." The sorceress added to the Fallen suggestively before turning back to Ravenna, brow raised a bit as the witch circled her. Always in the darkest places of them all...


"Well, one must evolve over time - as have you, though not in a way anybody could expect. Gave that little Doomguide a nasty surprise, hmm?" Looking like she was about to stab the witch with her spear just a second ago, the half-demoness chukled, shifting her weight to her other leg. She may be short, but she was certainly not intimidated by the height difference - it wouldn't be her first time to start laughing when she was supposed to feel at least a bit of fear.


"Makes stepping on one's face much more amusing." and so they truly did, tips of her heels still carrying drops of blood she hadn't washed out yet. But the blood had its charm, one that Sefris seemed quite keen of.


A short frown passed the fey'ri's crimson lips when Ravenna mentioned the promise, making her glance at her black hair with grays. "It would indeed be the time - guess Asmodeus saved me the trouble of having to go down to get you." Her tongue scrapped her fangs lightly, sounding a little bit more hostile than intended - still, it was her appearance they were talking about. And the demoness didn't like it being compromised in such a way.

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"I... regretfully say that the Thri'kreen's diverse biology is not something I have any knowledge about, But Tak'we is the best Judge of that... I hope." Xallistine commented to Nawen, sharing her concern- He didn't particularly relish Tannin, but if the man's revenge was settled and his demons caged, then at the end of the day he still was a companion to the group, all of which Xallistine was sworn to protect.




"Yes, so ladylike." Ravenna said with rolled eyes as Sefris mentioned stepping upon the faces of her enemies. Ravenna never had a need to get so close and personal... but there was at least one occasion when she had, improvised, doubtless to say her foe did not get up from that particular blow to the throat..


"Ha! Come and get me? My oh my, is that sarcasm, Sefris, or just delusional arrogance? If the first, then I commend you for such a... ground shaking humour, and if the second I recommend you stay away from such boasts... They only lead to being flayed alive, you are, after all, half demon my dear, just a few steps and your pretty little face would be torn apart."


Ravenna lost her smile and arose from her throne once more, dispelling the golden hue from her skin to appear more like she did in mortality, the witch recalled the ritual of which she undertook to become a youth-stealing monster.


"Do not presume you hold any power in this, Sefris, if I give you this power then it is an act of generosity. I am most certainly not obliged." Her voice was cold and unforgiving, dispelling the air of humour that was lingering around. "You were drawn to my side because of power, my power. Not just my perpetual youth, but the dark secrets, the ill-fated incantations. Understand that this... spell, is not just a blessing, it is a curse, and it is unique. I would require your loyalty, your... companionship, bound in blood, if I am to teach." Ravenna smiled again.


"What say you, Sefris. Eternity will you spend in this life? Wreaking the most delicious of havoc? I can think of no better than you, to corrupt this wretched world further."

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"Do not worry," Tak'we waved a hand, explaining. "The venom doess not kill, only makess them unable to move. It will crystallize and with the healing leavess should stop the bleeding. He will not die." Finished speaking, the thri'kreen took off his cloak and set it down and laid Tannin on it, so as to prevent the cavern floor from sapping what little warmth was left in the man. He still cared for his companion, but he wanted to know what he had done to Kento.

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Tannin had passed out by the time Nawen made it over to him, so he was unable to object to the paralyzing venom that Tak'we placed on him, though even without the paralyzing effect he would have objected simply on the grounds that it was Tak'we's spit.

As Tannin lay still Blackrazor had other ideas. The intelligent weapon with the ability to change shape wasn't about to lay around while it's owner was being healed, instead the blade itself shrunk down to a smaller size and six spikes shot out from the sides, the spikes then bent and pushed up in a way that resembled the legs of a spider. It then scuttled along the floor towards Kento's severed hand, With it's spiky feet it undid the bindings on the bracers and slipped it over it's hilt before moving over to Kento body and doing the same to the bracer on that arm. The bracers gave the wearing incredible speed and would make it easier for the sword to feed if Tannin would wore them.




Looking around the treasury Azuris looked through the collection of armor, trying to find one that would fit him. "We should come back with a couple wagon later and pawn off the rest of this stuff. Pretty sure we could buy our own country with what we would make... Or at least a town of our own." He said picking up a golden plate before tossing it away.

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Arland eagerly sifted through the vast piles of treasure, avoiding coin for the moment in favor of the REAL goodies that his fellows might snatch instead of him. His efforts definitely paid off. As he searched, he came across a glittering set of armor, quite similar to his own chainmail, but there was something different about it. Excited, Arland picked it up. It was incredibly light as far as armor went, twice as light as his own if not even lighter. And he could tell it was well-made, expertly crafted.


"Mithril. YES!" He shouted triumphantly. He removed his own armor and replaced it with the Mithril, relishing the agile feeling it gave him. Eager for more, he continued to search. His face broke out in an even larger grin when he beheld a pair of blades buried amongst a huge pile of coins, and he rushed over to inspect them. He picked them up, feeling their weight. They were longer than his own swords, with broader blades and slightly heftier, black grips with golden feathered patterns intermixed, with blades that were coloured darker than one would associate with most weapons. One glowed with a green light, the other with a light blue one...an acid and ice enchantment, respectively. Quite powerful. Arland grinned and replaced his own blades with these two, and kept searching.


Weyland also smiled cheekily as he entered the dragon's hoard, quickly locating a large round shield, mostly undecorated but very sturdy and easy to handle. He picked it up, dropping his own shield, and suddenly felt everything become much lighter. His armor, sword, everything. He put it down and everything weighed him down again, and then grinned and picked it back up. If it was unenchanted it would be quite heavy, but with the enchantment it could bring such weight crashing down on a foe, while the wielder felt no more burdened than if he used a regular shield. Awesome.


More searching earned him a pair of armoured boots with a swirling pattern etched into the metal. He tried them on, and as he did, the soreness from his injuries faded for the most part. These, then, enhanced his constitution. Like his brother, he continued searching.


Amendale was not concerned with the treasure pile so much as he was with Tannin's condition. He prepared one of the most powerful spells in his arsenal and cast it on the wounded half-elf, healing most of his injuries. Amendale only regretted not getting there sooner. Satisfied that Tannin would be okay, Amendale reluctantly followed Weyland into Valthanarax's hoard of treasure, where he retrieved an amulet that enhanced his magical potential and a ring that granted some protection from physical harm.

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Rhaine nodded to Azuris, "Perhaps. We will be in Shadowdale long enough...recovering from this battle and planning what to do next, among other things."


With that, she made her way back into the main chamber, where she found several of the others bent over a paralyzed Tannin...the butchered remains of Kento nearby. Without a word, she gathered Kento's body together and pulled her old cloak out of her pack, laying it atop his body and administering Last Rites. She was not sure if the Eastern cultures accepted cremation as a funerary rite, and so she did as best as she could; there was no way he could be buried in the hard cave floor.


Gesturing to Tak'we, she motioned for the others to come along, "Let's go. Bring Tannin with us...I want to know why he and Kento were so Hells-bent on destroying each other."


The Doomguide then entered the tunnels and began navigating towards the surface.

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