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Tales of Faerun


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Othos had finished his search and continued back to the main room along with Kowolj. He arrived in time to watch the crowd gathered around Tannin's unconscious, paralyzed body. He didn't really pay too much attention this man, as the only knowledge he had of him was the vision that Kento had shown him. Instead he chose to follow Rhaine as she moved to the surface, walking past Tannin with only a glance.


Kowolj chose to waltz over to the little group around Tannin to check things out.


"Is he dead? Hey buggy, what's he taste like? I know you know, you!"

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Azuris followed the group out, thinking out loud he was trying to figure out how many wagons or trips they would need to pull all of the treasure out when his thoughts were interrupted by a clicking noise behind him. Looking back and saw Blackrazor walking along behind them. "What in the hells?" He said at the strange sight. "Or do I even wanna know at this point?" He muttered to himself as he scratched his head.

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Kalin saw Xallistine and strode over to him, eager to show the sorcerer the map he'd found, but then the others began to head out. Oh well, he thought, it would be better to look at in the daylight anyway. Rolling up the map carefully, he placed it in a pocket in his coat and followed after.

Tak'we gave a vicious hiss and backhanded the wemic. *Kra-tck!* "Don't you ever ask me that again!" he clicked angrily, memories of the 'meals' he was forced to eat while in a cage flashing unwanted in his mind. Hissing softly and rapidly, the thri'kreen picked up Tannin and walked after his clutchmates.

Edited by GrueMaster
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It took them roughly two hours to reach the surface at a walking pace; it was only then that Rhaine realized how much time and distance the teleporter pad had cut off. When they finally reached the mouth of the caverns, the Doomguide removed her goggles to see the last rays of the sun disappear beyond the treeline. Rhaine couldn't help but think that the end of this day was the end of something else as well...though of what, she wasn't exactly certain.


They continued on to the inn, where most of the patrons immediately cleared out upon seeing the bedraggled company. They must have looked a sight...bloody, bandaged, armor tattered and stained, accompanied by an Ulitharid and a thri-kreen with a saliva-covered half-elf slung over its shoulder.

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Kalin gave a rejected sigh as they walked into the inn, night having already fallen by the time of their return. The map he'd found was very valuable of course, but he had failed once again to find any leads into that terrible night ten years ago. Once again, I'm back at the very beginning, he mused silently, then pressed a hand to his forehead, a headache taking root. I need some rest. I'll show Xallistine this map in the morning.


"Well, milady," the elan spoke, giving a slight bow to Rhaine. "I am going to bed. In the morning, I would like to discuss a few things with you, after everyone has rested. Until then, good night." He turned and went upstairs after paying for his room.


Distracted by his thoughts, Kalin didn't notice that he was alone until he heard a voice he wished he would never hear again. "Why, hello, Ill-made," Saris spoke with sweetened venom. "Such a pleasure seeing you again."


"Saris!" the soulknife growled, forming his mindblades and moving towards the other elan threateningly. "What in the Nine Hells are you doing here?"


"I think you know very well why I'm here, abomination. But look, " she pouted, "I am being so terribly rude. Please meet my escorts." She motioned behind him and Kalin turned around and cursed at who he saw.


Two more elan had stood at the sides of the door hidden. The one on the left was a man most others of his race preferred to avoid: Zuir, a crude and dispassionate killer and slayer of illithids, or most cases, any psionic that bothered the council. The elan on the right came as a personal shock to Kalin; it was Tar'ghas, the one who had trained him how to become a soulknife. This... isn't good, Kalin thought to himself as the two men shut the door and stood ready to attack him if he tried anything.


Knowing he was outmatched, he released his blades and turned to Saris. "How about you remind me, harlot," Kalin nearly snarled. "I haven't broken our laws, so tell me what did I do this time, hmm? Breathing?"


"Oh, but I have over twenty witnesses in Daggerfalls who think differently, Ill-made," Saris said back, not rising to his baiting words. "You purposely used our powers as elans in that public duel you had with that pretty little Doomguide of yours." The Culler gave a disgusted look. "Your taste in women hasn't improved, much like your judgement, but," she gave a cruel smile, "at least this one is alive."


"Why, you little hell-spawned bi- Aagh!" Kalin was cut off as the Culler raised a hand and sent massive waves of pain flooding through his mind. The psionic power left him kneeling on the ground grinding his teeth against the pain.


Certain that he wouldn't be getting up immediately, Saris continued to speak. "Listen, Ill-made. The council has sent me to collect you on the basis that you have endangered the existence of our race." She stood up and leaned forward. "If you try to fight us, I have the council's permission to destroy you." She sneered in his face. "And all of your companions."


"Don't... you dare," Kalin forced through gritted teeth. "Then come along without a fuss," Saris spoke, releasing him from the pain, "and I won't touch your friends." Not wanting to leave, but not wanting his friends to suffer, he did the only thing he could do. Forgive me, milady. "Fine, I'll go quietly. Just..." he said as he picked himself off the floor. "Let me do one last thing before we go."


With that, Kalin walked over to the dresser and set Valthanarax's map on it along with his Bag of Holding that contained all of his fortunes, and finally his signet ring. Taking out a spare bit of paper, he wrote quickly in Celestial, wanting only Rhaine to read it.




I must apologize. Recent... events... have forced me to leave. Please, take my fortunes. I doubt I shall need them where I am going. And have Xallistine take a look at that map by this letter. I found it in Valthanarax's hoard, but I couldn't decipher some of the symbols. Perhaps you shall have better luck. I pray that your crusade against the dracolich is victorious. My only regret is that I cannot be alongside you and our companions on that day.


Farewell, milady. May Lathander light your path.


Lord Kalin, House of Orus.


P.S.: I am leaving my family ring as well. May it help you find a path when you alone cannot.


Finished writing, Kalin left the note by his ring and turned to Saris. "I am ready to go." With that, the Culler created an extra-dimensional door and motioned for him to step through. Just before he did, he offered a silent prayer to Lathander that Rhaine would catch his hidden message and manage to track him with the ring. With a designated sigh, he stepped through the portal, followed by Saris and her escorts, and then the door blinked out of existence.



As everyone walked inside, Tak'we laid Tannin by the fire, wrapping the unconscious softskin in a blanket to keep him warm. Making sure that he'd be alright for now, the thri'kreen went and ordered large dinner, famished by the fighting in the caves.

Edited by GrueMaster
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"You clearly do not know to what extend I'll go if something is stolen from me." the sorceress added with a smirk, though she wasn't really eager to put that statement to the test - she'd more likely send someone else to the Hells to get to the witch.


Sefris listened to Ravenna as she spoke, her face serious as she took in the witch's words. "I followed you because I desired power - that hasn't changed. You have a willing student at your side, but do tell me - what would such a bound in blood companionship exactly require of me? I will gladly help you in all your plans and schemes and whatnot, but I will not give myself over to you as a servant. You have weaklings and your expendable minions for that." Once a slave - never again a slave.


"And yes...wreaking havoc does sounds so lovely when you put it in such a way." she purred at the thought alone - being the next best thing to immortal is something she desired very much.

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"Slave? My intent is not to degrade you, Sefris, if I wanted you a slave, I would have you bound in irons already." Ravenna smirked leaning back into her throne, a glimmer of evil in her eye as she smiled. Ravenna was still not of completely sound mind, but such was to be expected.


"No, it will simply mean you will be bound by my blood... as I was to my mother when she imbued me with these powers. She died shortly afterwards however, so I had not the opportunity to explore the power of a blood link. It requires you to consume it, and forever to this world will you remain- Servant I wish not, you are old enough to be of use to me as a compatriot in my schemes and trivialities. And worry not, I won't expect your constant stay at my side."


"That it does, Sefris. But I warn you, once you travel this road there is no going back. Ever. And the details of the ritual to attain the... Shadow Immortality I possessed is not a comfortable transition. I give you a choice then- Your youth, I can restore it now and leave you untainted, or eternity? Forever will you walk the land until put down... you will desire the youth of young maidens more than you have wished for anything before. It will consume you, eventually perhaps destroy you? Are you willing to take this... plunge?" Ravenna raised an eyebrow wishing for the woman to make the decision with a clear mind. She imagined nothing would dissuade her- If Ravenna's own deterioration was not enough, words would make it no different either.

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A short while after he had been placed on the floor Tannin regained consciousness. He sat up with a groan and put a hand over where Tak'we's spit was. "Well I'm sure that was unnecessary. Now where's Ah!" He said as he spotted Blackrazor laying nearby with the bracers still attached to it. "Suppose he won't be needing those anymore now will he?" He said as he picked the bracers up and examined them. "Need a good washing though." He muttered.



Meanwhile Azuris had sat himself at the bar and was halfway through his second pint. "I'll head back down in the morning with a wagon and anyone else that wants to come and gather what we can. Don't much care for leaving all that out in the open with no protection."

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As Weyland and Arland sat down for drinks at the tavern, Amendale kept a watchful eye over Tannin, both to make sure he was paralyzed and to make sure that his paralyzed state wouldn't make him slip face-first into the fireplace. Of course the Greys would find such a thing hilarious, but he still wouldn't allow it. Then Tannin woke up, fully mobile, and he put concerns about the half-elf burning to death in an incredibly humiliating way to rest.


At the bar table, Weyland sat beside Azuris and coincidentally drank at around the same right as his much older ally. Arland nudged him, pointed at Weyland's beer, and then Azuris. Weyland understood this, as it was an ultra-secret form of communication between mercs, fighters, and brothers. Well, perhaps not-so-extra-secret. But he understood that Arland was daring him to partake in a drinking contest.


"Azuris, how 'bout a little wager? Whoever passes out drunk first has to get up on the table and dance a jig when they wake up." He grinned and raised his mug of beer. "Whaddaya say?"


"Oh, this is going to be a GREAT story to tell mother." Arland snickered.

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Rhaine knelt in front of Tannin as he stirred, close enough that he couldn't easily move away from her. She removed her pack and set it beside her, then sat all the way down, stretching her legs out beside the half-drow so that he was effectively pinned between her and the fireplace. It wasn't an overt cornering, but it was meant to imply that he wasn't to leave until her questions were answered.


"Don't get too hasty there," she murmured, leaning back on one hand as she absentmindedly played with one torn tasset, "You've got some explaining to do. Kento told us what you did to his family. I want to know why. And I don't want to have to ask you again. Your time with this group is on the line, here...so think carefully before you answer. I already know that you aren't the man whom you presented yourself to be when we first met. That alone has lost my trust. You have one chance to gain it back."

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