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Tales of Faerun


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"Then we shall begin soon, Sefris." Ravenna smiled darkly. As the fallen interrupted Ravenna turned her icy glare upon him, staring unwaveringly as he spoke his complaints. Ravenna chuckled as the man finished, regarding his thoughts on the Doomguide and her companions as amusing, and his complaints about how he had received nothing the last time as pathetic.


"Not afraid of Rhaine are we Aedan? She is a problem, but I do not plan on running into her every step of the way. She has the ear of a god, and so do I."


"And as for your lack of reward for assisting me, perhaps if you had protected me in those final moments, you would have been swimming in riches and power now. But if you still feel you require compensation, then do say, the Hells are not without their riches."

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"It would be rather hypocritical of me to pass judgement on Tannin for his acts... I have enslaved beings before with more than simple bindings, I have created slaves of the most... obedient kind in my time in the underdark, so I cannot offer you any advice in this situation. This matter irks me so in that, if Tannin neglected to tell us that this Kento-parasite creature was after him, then what else is he hiding? This entire business would have been completely avoidable should we have been warned of Kento prior... yet we had not been, and now he lies cold, and dead men do not stand up and argue their point." Xallistine responded as best he could, he always tried his best to assist Rhaine in matters of counsel, and hoped he had proved to get something at least across.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Tannin smirked at the voiced opinions. "Such odd moral compasses the members of this group seem to have. Would rather death over some time of forced labor with the chance of escape. Glass half empty types all around. But as the good lady Nawen pointed out, I am indeed just trying to do some good in the world. Wouldn't have traveled with you all if I wasn't." He then looked over to Xallistine. "And in my defense.... I thought I had killed him years ago." He said with a shrug. "There didn't seem to be a need to tell you about him, I had stayed in Waterdeep for years and he never found me, was probably just dumb luck that he did."


Azuris let out a sigh, tired of the debate. "Are we really going to judge a man by something that he did years ago? Show me a man who's done no wrong and I'll show you a liar. How long ago was the last time you sold anyone?"


Tannin's brow raised up and his eyes shifted around as he made the universal sound of thinking.


"He can't even remember." Azuris said with a wave of his hand. "I say if he's forgotten then it was too long ago for us to care. Let em stay and if he gets outta line, kick him out."

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Rhaine nodded, "Very well. Tannin, you may stay. But in case you haven't noticed, you will be watched."


With that, she rose, taking some food with her as she made her way to the inn rooms. Looking back over her shoulder, she added, "Goodnight, everyone."

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Since Othos' eyes had no pupils it was quite hard to tell what he was staring at, but if one could tell they would see that he was staring at Tannin. He already had his say, and the group had chosen otherwise; perhaps it would be better to believe that this man was truly worthy of redemption alongside these good people. In the end, this Tannin fellow wouldn't really be able to mix in completely with this group, in Othos' opinion, with the deceit that seemed to be part of his nature.


Nevertheless, Othos had nothing more to do here and decided to go to bed. He walked to his room without a word said, took off his armor, and fell into sleep quite literally by falling onto his bed.


Kowolj didn't even notice as Othos left, as he was six mugs deep into a drunken stupor and very busy having an eating contest with himself. It would likely be hours before he went to sleep, if he did at all.

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Arland, in his infinite and undeniable wisdom, decided that he was going to do something so stupid that it even put Weyland's record (which was seeing how angry they could get their mother before she went on a homicidal rampage.) to shame. He ordered three pints for himself.


"Kowolj! Drinking contest! Whoever walks by the end of the night, wins!" And he began chugging a tankard.

"Arland..." Weyland began. "You're stupid."


"Yeah yeah, whatever." He said between gulps.

Weyland decided that as much as he'd love to watch what happened, he wasn't a morning person to begin with and he was tired as all hells. He rented a room, went upstairs, and within five minutes what snoring so loud that the noise levels rivalled that of Arland and Kowolj downstairs.

Amendale also was weary, and rented a room as far from Weyland's as he could (an elf had to actually sleep at some point.) and slowly but surely fell asleep, trying not to throw a fireball Weyland's way to scare the pants off him.

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Tannin gave a small bow to Rhaine. "Understandable. I shall try and be on my best behavior." As she went up to bed Tannin stood up and bowed again to those at the bar before shooting a smug grin at Othos in particular.

He then ordered him something to eat and drink and sat near Nawen. "If you can stomach my company I'd like to thank you for your help. For both here and back in the tunnels. I know you were the first one to me and I'd most likely be dead if you weren't there to call the others. I hope I don't have to return the favor some day." He said with a smile hoping that she caught his meaning, He then turned in his chair to face where Xallistine was. "And thank you as well. You're support saved me a load of trouble. The both of yours did." He said looking back and forth between him and Nawen.



Azuris let out a sigh at Arland's challenge to Kowolj. "It's a wonder you and your brother didn't pursue a scholarly profession." He said in a sarcastic manner before heading off to bed.

Edited by josh900
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The fey'ri was silent as the two talked, listening to their conversation. Getting a little jealous, are we? Well, if the situation was the other way around, she would be acting like a spoilt child. He actually ran away when the Doomguide sent the witch to hells? Ha! Too bad Sefris wasn't around to see it.

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Nawen looked at the half-drow and smiled weakly. "I'm just glad I could help. Whatever happened you're still one of us." She was not without sins herself and she was not about to start judging anyone in their group. Especially now, when these people are the only ones she got left.


She took a small sip of her drink and looked back at Tannin and then at Xallistine as he was not too far away, Arland and Kowolj were drinking and others went to rest. "I don't know about you, but after our... adventure earlier I'd love to go somewhere without skeletal dragons and evil cults."


Aedan ignored the first comment. He remained unaffected by Ravenna's icy glares.


"I am not your bodyguard." He hissed. If that huge bug thing had not paralyzed him maybe he would have assisted the witch against the Doomguide but the thri'kreen's paralyzing poison worked better than he expected.


"I'll find my own riches." He snarled before leaving the abandoned chapel. He'll find Ravenna and Sefris later. If he'll feel like it that is.

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