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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen chuckled. "I'm sure it's happening somewhere in the Realms anyway." She replied. Her smile faded when Tannin asked if she's going to be alright. She remembered the saying 'time heals all wounds' and wondered how long it will take for this one to heal.


She looked at the half-drow. It was pointless lying to someone like him. She was quite positive that he'd know the truth anyway just by looking at her. "No. I don't think so." She said. Nawen wasn't good with forming friendships and most importantly finding trustworthy people who'd look past her race. It was like this until now.


"Illius, that skeleton I fought was the first friend I've ever made and..." her words were cut off by unusual sounds coming from upstairs. "What in the hells?!" She thought as she was about to stand up and go to see for herself but moments later Amendale came to the common room and he looked tired.


Shalena was sitting at the table in her cabin. She tried to stay focus while the quartermaster, a half-orc with the silliest looking bandana on his head, in a very monotone tone spoke about the supplies.


She was saved by someone calling her name and then a bottle flew into her cabin through an open window.


"Duck down!" The pirate warned her quartermaster as the bottle hit him right in the head. The half-orc stood still as if nothing happened. "We'll continue this later." Shalena said as she arose from her seat and went outside.


The pirate walked over to the railing and glanced at whoever was calling her. A smile crept on her lips as she noticed an all too familiar tiefling.


"My dear, Lyria. So sweet of you to throw bottles at my crew."

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Lyria's grin widened as she looked up at Shalena. The tiefling wobbled a little, and she put her hand to her chest in an awkward salute.


"Aye aye, cap'n!" she stumbled backwards slightly in her exuberance, "Permishun to board your veshel?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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As Kalin stepped out of the portal, a very bad feeling sunk into his gut as he took in his surroundings. This isn't the Culler enclave! he realized. "Saris! Where in the Hells ar- oomph!" The soulknife dropped unconscious as Zuir hammered the pommel of his crystal sword into the back of Kalin's skull at Saris's behest.


"What are you doing, Saris!?" Tar'ghas demanded, grabbing her arm. "Why, nothing, dear Tar'ghas," she said innocently, "We're just making a little stop here for a while." The other elan's face went red with anger. "Saris, we are supposed to take him straight to the council!"


"Tar'ghas, the Ill-made has caused me too much annoyance," she said matter-of-factly. "You must understand, I am not going to let him get away with that."


Tar'ghas shook his head vehemently at that. "You would defy Fitalis? Saris, have you lost your mind? This grudge of yours is juvenile! I will have nothing to do with this!"


Saris laughed at the man's rejection. "On the contrary, I think you will help me. " Her eyes flashed as she manifested the mind control power. Tar'ghas's eyes went wide with shock and tried to strain against the force invading his mind, but she had already managed to worm inside it. As his mind was overthrown, Saris shook her head at Tar'ghas. "See? I told you so." She stepped over to Kalin's prone form, a cruel grin on her face. "Zuir, take the abomination to the cell." While Zuir picked up Kalin, she began walking to her home, with the other elan in tow.



Tak'we was hissing softly while Tannin spoke of the history between him and Kento. Body-stealers... he thought as he clutched at his medallion, the old stories told by his elders of spirits that would steal the bodies of the unwary. The thri'kreen went still for a moment as everyone decided Tannin's fate.


"You have taken slavess before," he spoke, anger tinting his chattering voice. "But you have tried to atone for such crimesss, which isss more than most softskinsss have tried." He looked at Nawen in agreement. "Thiss one sayss you are still welcome in our clutch."


Done speaking, Tak'we went back to eating his dinner, and once finished, sat by the fire throughout the night silently while listening to the others.



He still sat there when morning came, and turned to greet his clutchmates as they woke up one by one. Seeing that Kalin was absent, he gave a worried click. "Where is Kalin?" he asked.

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Weyland and Arland at some point wound up throwing one another down the stairs, where they landed with a loud crash that hurt enough to take the fight out of both fighters, so to speak. They lay there, sore and gasping for air, and begrudgingly admitted to one another that perhaps throwing themselves down the stairs was not the brightest idea, and also that the scuffle was a stalemate...for now. Of course afterwards they went off and bought some bacon for breakfast and ate as much of it (some eggs, of course.) as they could while Amendale restrained himself from torching the both of them for worsening his headache.

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Reading was becoming quite a hassle with the raucous that was being made around the hallways and down the stairs. Othos could only assume all his companions were up, so perhaps socialization should come before his book. He shut the book and set it down beside his armor and went downstairs. On his way down he remembered a dream he had a few nights ago involving Shaundakul. He had never been a follower of any particular god, but this particular dream seemed so real, and the message so simple. All he was told was to go to Myth Drannor, which he knew was not too far off from here.


He walked to Rhaine and sat down to tell her about his dream.


"I had a dream where a man in a traveling cloak came to me and told me to seek him out in Myth Drannor. I believe that this man was Shaundakul, and this dream... this message... could be quite important. You of all people know the importance of the calling of a god, yes?"

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Rhaine, who had just garbed herself in her robes after running a comb through her hair, sat down with Othos and set her pack beside her.


Recalling her own dream the night before, she took a breath and nodded, "I do, Othos. Believe me, I do. If Shaundakul is indeed calling you to Myth Drannor, then I have no doubt it is for a good reason. Despite Valthanarax not being fully defeated, we have no more leads as to the whereabouts of his other phylacteries...so, I see no problem with taking a trip to the Cormanthor, so long as the others agree, of course."


It was at that moment she caught Tak'we's remark about Kalin, and she thought that there was a distinct lack of noise coming from his room. In fact, she hadn't heard him since he bade them goodnight the previous evening.


"Excuse me, Othos," she said, rising and making her way back upstairs to Kalin's door. She knocked tentatively.


No answer.




Still no answer.


She tried the knob on the door and found it was unlocked.




Rhaine was cut off as she saw that no one was inside. Not even the bed had been disturbed.


All of Kalin's belongings, though, had been piled haphazardly on the dresser. Moving over to it, she found the map he had recovered from Valthanarax's lair, along with his Bag of Holding and his ring. Beside these things was a small bit of parchment; as the Doomguide unfolded it, she found it was written in Celestial.


Rhaine squinted, slowly but surely translating the elegant script...and her brow furrowed first in confusion, then in anger.


So the Council found you out, did they?


She took Kalin's map, ring, bag, and note, heading back downstairs with purposeful strides. Dropping the items on her table, she raised her voice to address the others.


"Kalin is gone. For how long, I do not know," she said, waving the note in the air as she glanced back and forth between Azuris and Xallistine, both of whom knew what the rest did not, "But I don't think it is a casual vacation."

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"The council... they must have abducted him! But how could they get in without my notice? I am usually capable of detecting psionic activity... troubling, even more so is the fact we have no hopes of a rescue." Xallistine projected his voice between Rhaine and Azuris, ensuring he allowed none of the others to hear what was said.




Ravenna pushed the undercroft's rusted door aside and stepped forth into the stale darkness, the air smelt of moss and stone, little else. Each of her feet touched the steps heel first, holding up the corners of her dress as she went, looking back to see if Sefris was following. As she reached the main chamber of the crypt, she smiled at the empty altar set in the middle of the room, gracefully striding over she stood above the basin with a dagger in her hands, smiling darkly at Sefris.


"Your blood, my dear."

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Shalena chuckled, clearly amused of Lyria's drunken state. She glanced at her men who watched the tiefling curiously. "What are you staring at? Let her in." She commanded and the pirates rushed to put the gangplank so that the tiefling could enter the ship.


The half-orc quartermaster approached her as he watched Lyria suspiciously but he was smart enough not to voice his opinion. He knew that the tiefling was his captain's friend. "When we'll be leaving?" He asked.


"I have to take care of some things first." Shalena replied and the quartermaster noticed that her fists clenched when she talked. The half-orc had no idea what she was talking about but if something concerned the captain it concerns them too.

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The fey'ri followed the witch, careful not to let any dust gather on her dress as she descended. The sight of the altar bothered the half-demoness, reminding her of so many sacrificial victims - she had no intention to become one. So when Ravenna mentioned having to give her blood, Sefris pouted her lips, letting out a silent tsk.


"It's always blood, is it not? How dull." She was rather fond of her blood staying where it is, but giving a small amount of blood for what she's about to gain was nothing - she'd do it dozens of time if needed.


Taking the dagger and the basin from the witch, Sefris carefully folded her sleeves so no blood would fall on them - a woman has to be careful about her appearance. Examining her forearm for a second, the sorceress elegantly took the dagger and made a cut until crimson red blood appeared, letting it drip down in the basin.

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"Hmph, there will be a lot more blood than this before the end my dear." Ravenna responded to Sefris's comment with the smallest of smiles, watching as the crimson red blood dripped from the Fey'ri's forearm, and splashed gently into the metal basin bellow. Watching as the blood fell to a little pool, she took the dagger from Sefris's elegant fingers, and gracefully cut a large, deep gash into her palm, the obsidian coloured blood that filled her veins dripped violently like a waterfall of oil, mixing in with the crimson red with every splash.


Grabbing Sefris's hand, the would already healed on the witch's palm, Ravenna locked her fingers over the Fey'ri's wrist, uttering an incantation in a dark and ancient language, creating a form of shadowy bond between the two. Withdrawing her hand and muttering more dark words of ritual, her palm hovering over the basin, her voice increased in loudness every moment, the level of blood slowly rising in the basin, until it was around a quarter full, Ravenna's dark words produced an incantation that fell from her fingertips and dropped into the blood, nothing more than a silver glint, just for a split second it hovered on the mixtures surface, before melding in.


Gesturing to the red-black mixture, Ravenna instructed darkly.


"Drink now, and forever live. By purest blood it is done, and darkest tongue it is spoke, I call upon the spirits of the dark, my knowledge pass over as my mother once had, grant fair demon the power of youth, beauty eternal, life immortal, curse unending, these powers now be hers!"


Ravenna eyed the Fey'ri icily as she finished. She wouldn't tell Sefri's of the initial after effects until she drank the potent mixture.

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