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Tales of Faerun


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The fey'ri didn't resist when the witch caught her hand, listening to her incantation with great interest. She could smell the power in the room in addition to the smell of blood. When Ravenna told her to drink the blood, it hardly surprised her and yielded no objections from her, already used to it. Sefris took the basin from the witch and brought it to her lips, not lowering it down until she had drunk the blood.

Was her youth restored immediately? Powers? She wasn't feeling very different at first.

"So when do I start feeling something?"




Myth Drannor, Shaundakul's temple


An air genasi sighed with content as she finally climbed to the top of the mountain, looking around until her cobalt blue eyes spotted what she was looking for - a large stone bias crowned with a stone seat and accompanied by a few stone pillars pierced with holes through which the wind whistled.


A black raven landed near the genasi, cawing once. The planetouched had weird ideas of field trips - the more remote and uninhabitated, the better. Caw!

"I know you don't like flying so high, Avira, but look!" The genasi showed the raven the shrine, aware that the bird most likely didn't understand a word she's saying. "One of great shrines." If someone was watching the whole situation right now, they'd surely see a weird-colored woman getting overly excited over a pile of rocks.


The genasi walked over to the shrine, sitting down with a faint whistle of the wind, simply listening to the wind as it whistled through the pillars. Eventually she began humming silently as the wind blew, not moving her eyes from the shrine.


She felt perfectly peaceful.


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Tannin snickered at the Grey brother's antics. "Why I'm glad my parents never got to have another child." He said with a laugh. He looked back to Nawen and smiled. "Well I suppose I shall have to do my best to keep your spirits up best I can then. Beautiful women being upset never did sit well with me for some reason. Natural code of chivalry I suppose. Where it came from I'll never know."




Azuris let out a sigh. "Alright... So what do we do? We try and go after him? Wait for him to come back on his own? Not to sound uncaring but the man seems to be able top take care of himself so.. I'm not too worried to be honest."

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Rhaine shook her head and sighed, too, "We have no way of knowing where he has gone. All we can do is wait and see...and pray that he is all right."


The Doomguide sat once again with Othos, placing all of Kalin's belongings in her own pack for the time being. She then ordered her own breakfast - a simply tray of fruit - and ate in silence, thinking about what she wanted to do that day. Getting a new set of armor was one thing. She also thought she would drop by the local temples and make a few generous donations...perhaps even buy a few things for her companions.




Lyria managed to board Shalena's ship without falling into the harbor...which was saying something, given her obviously inebriated state. Making her way up to the captain's cabin, she smoothed her hair, mentally thanking the gods and demons that she didn't inherit any horns, and presented herself to her old friend.


The tiefling bowed deeply, "Shalena! Jusht the pershun I wanted to shee...uh, see."

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"So, he's gone, is he?" Weyland asked.


"So much for being the smart one." Arland muttered.


"Shut up, you." Weyland snapped. "Anyway, so I guess we're off to go find him, then? Walk into some other sinkhole and kill some other cult, just with some more powers? What, we can't mix thing up a little?" His tone adopted a joking tone, though he was still grumpy. He ate some more bacon and eggs.


"It'll be fun." Arland reassured him, and getting a semi-light punch to the face for his efforts.



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When Rhaine came back to sit something else came to Othos' mind that he thought he might bring up.


"If I remember correctly you retrieved some adamantine from the dracolich's vault. Do you know of anyone with the skill to work adamantine? I want to get the blade I retrieved from the blade golem smelted down and reforged into a smaller sword."

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"Oh you'll certainly feel something in a few moments. First of all, the blood in your veins will have to dry up, evaporate into nothingness as the magic takes hold. You'll shrivel, go grey, the pain will be... Intense, and then the blood you ingested will begin it's merging with your veins, replacing the crimson with black, and corrupting your organs. This new blood feeds on youth, it keeps you young as long as it is fed, and feed you will need to do once the... Transition is complete." Ravenna smiled slightly, turning to leave.


"Screaming, shouting, vomiting and passing out are all common side effects, so I'll leave down here until the process is complete. It will be worth it my dear, and after all, nothing good in this world comes without a little pain." Ravenna lifted up her skirt and began up the stairs again.

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Nawen smiled. It was really nice of Tannin to try and cheer her up. She wasn't sure if it was necessary but she appreciated the gesture. "Chivalry? I don't suppose you're hiding a set of shining armor somewhere?"


She arose from her seat to order breakfast when she suddenly realized that he said 'beautiful women'. For once she was thankful of her dark skin color. It is hard to tell when she's blushing.


Without saying a word Shalena led Lyria to her cabin and locked the door behind them once they were inside. She walked over to the table and pulled two glasses from one the drawers. Her table's surface was far too cluttered to keep any shattering objects on it.


"I'm afraid we only have rum." She said as she poured the rum into the glasses. "Or maybe I should drink both of them myself because it seems that you had quite a lot." Shalena laughed at her own words and emptied the glass in one gulp. After spending years in the sea with drunk and obnoxious men, rum was like water to her.


"Anyway, you said you wanted to shee... see me?"

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"I am not certain," Rhaine remarked to Othos, "though I was hoping to find one here. Bilron likely does not have the skill to work it. Perhaps there is an elf or dwarf here who can, though. Surely there is more than one smith in this city."




Lyria sat down with a loud plunk and swirled the rum in the glass as if it were a rare vintage, "Oh yesh...I did."


She downed the glass and slammed it on the table, casting a wicked grin at Shalena, "I'm bored. I hate Weshtgate. When I'm bored, I'm cranky...and I'm a beasht when I'm cranky. Soooo..." she trailed, kicking back in the chair and propping up her feet, "You've got the ship...where to, Captain?"

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Tannin laughed. "Well I'm certain there's more than a few of those laying around the dragon's treasure trove, what say I grab one of them, find myself a white horse and ride up to you, extend my hand and sprout out all kinds of cliched lines that plague terrible plays." He said to her with a grin.



Eating the breakfast that he ordered Azuris pondered his next course of action. "So are we heading back down for the rest of the loot today or we gonna wait awhile till everyone's good and rested?" He asked not wanting to wait too long in case it was all gone by the time they got back down to it.

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"I'll take the wagon and go right now if a few of you'll come with me." Weyland answered grumpily. "Might help wake me up a bit. And Arland's too hung over." He looked to his brother, who looked like he was still drunk from the night before.


"I'll go with you. Nothing else to do here." Amendale said.


"Alright, anybody else?"

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