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Tales of Faerun


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Having finished her breakfast, Rhaine stood and shouldered her pack, "I'm off to find a smithy. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the market."


With that, she exited the inn and stepped into the morning light, hoping that someone in this city could forge adamantine...

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Othos followed Rhaine out of the inn in her search of a capable smith. Nearby under some shrubs Othos retrieved the seven foot blade he had taken from the golem's body and hefted it to his shoulder with a great deal of effort. Now that he had his adamantine he was free to find the smith who would work it, though he was somewhat worried that Kowolj was nowhere to be found, for Kowolj's sake and the sake of the gold he carried with him which was supposed to pay for the production of his new sword.


Meanwhile, Kowolj lay soundly asleep back at the inn in the room that wasn't his with a bleeding pig hanging from the window. He dreamt of savory meats and beautiful wemic women, trapped in a world of fantasy while a poison worked it's way through his body.


As he lay in this room, the renter of said room returned from wherever it was they had been. This woman of slight build and fair complexion let loose a horrified shriek at the sight of her room so that only those in the deepest of slumber might not hear her throughout the entirety of the inn,



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"You could've told me befo-" the sorceress was cut off by a sharp pain in her stomach, concluding her transition was beginning right now. She's never felt this kind of pain before - it made her fall on her knees after taking a few steps backwards, feeling rather dizzy. It was as if somebody reached into the very inside of her, twisting and turning every part and nerve there was to be found. Fire, she was on fire.


"Get out." the fey'ri hissed at the witch, not favouring her odds agaist Ravenna if a frenzy made her attack her - you cannot trust someone in pain. As she watched the woman leave, her gaze fell on the ground after another sting of pain. It was intense, so intense - the demoness only regretted she couldn't be the one inflicting it. The screams such a pain would yield...


Her fingers rose to her lips as she felt warm liquid cover them, making its way out of her body. Heh, the irony - it never was her blood that covered those crimson lips. But after this....after this she would have everything she's ever wished for. The power to steal youth....as soon as her screams stop echoing through the old church.







The genasi woman stirred from her daydreaming for some reason, looking around until she saw the raven sitting on one of the pillars.


"Think I've gotten better at it?" the bird payed no significant attention to the woman since she didn't have any treats for her.


Anemone took off her gloves and stared at her perfectly white palms for a second or two before setting the gloves next to her, carefully stretching her arms and fingers. When she turned her left hand, she could clearly see a small cut that looked half-healed by now, causing no pain to the planetouched.The genasi gingerly placed her right hand on the cut, muttering a spell under her breath.


Weak white light shone from her hand and unto the cut, but the genasi didn't seem satisfied. When she stopped the spell and removed her hand, the cut looked more or less the same. The planetouched put her gloves back on and rumagged through her little bag until she found what she was looking for, throwing the raven a treat.


"No luck this time, eh?"

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By the time Nawen ordered her breakfast the tavern keeper had hardly anything left: just some eggs and bacon, bread and an apple pie. She took everything and brought it to her table.


"It seems that we emptied most of the tavern's food supplies." The drow said as she sat down and passed the plates with food around the table in case someone else hadn't ate as well.


"Oh, please. No cliched lines." She replied to Tannin's remark. She had never seen a real play but she assumed that she heard those cliched lines somewhere else. Before starting eating she had one more question.


"If you don't mind me asking." She started. "What would have you done if our decision last night was different and you were told to leave?"


Shalena poured some more rum into the glasses.


"I have to take care of some things in Westgate first." She looked at one particular map on the table and frowned. "A fool thought he'll get away with this." She said before looking back at Lyria.


"After I'm done we'll be free to go wherever we want." The pirate smiled to herself as she said the word free. As much as she liked gold and other valuable things and as much as she loved the sea it was freedom to do anything she wished that she enjoyed the most.


Shalena leaned against the table and looked at her friend. "I'm curious." She started. "What were you doing before you started throwing bottles at my ship?"

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Rhaine did not even check up upon hearing the frantic, somewhat muffled scream behind her.


"Sounds like someone found Kowolj," she remarked to Othos.




"*hic!*...Get away with...*hic!*...what?" Lyria asked, bouncing a little as she hiccuped.


The tiefling leaned forward to look at the map before glancing back up at Shalena.


"Who, me? *hic!* Oh, I wush jusht....ah...well...nuttin'," Lyria slurred, "I mean literally...nuttin'. No jobsh...no money...shpent the lasht of my pay on boosh - I mean, booze."


She downed the second glass of rum and grinned, "Hehehe...*hic!* Shuppose it'sh the end of Lyria the merc, eh Shalena?"

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Tannin took a plate and thought on Nawen's question for a moment. "Well, I suppose I would have stopped by a friend's house here in shadowdale, then I would head off to Neverwinter to put the Black monster back in it's box." He said before pulling apart a piece of bread and tossing it in his mouth. "Probably would have stayed there for a bit, Check on some friends up there, then head back down to Waterdeep and clean up a lingering debt that I have yet to pay, which would involve a lot of stabbing people so... I'd rather hold that off for as long as possible."



"Right." Said Azuris as he wiped his mouth and beard. "Lets go." He said standing up. He walked back up to his room and proceeded to equipped himself for the journey back to the trove. Despite the cult headquarters itself being cleared out he still wanted to be prepared for anything else that may attack them on the way there.

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Othos heard the same scream that Rhaine did, and for a few moments he became greatly distressed at the thought of what Kowolj may have done to elicit such a sound. After realizing that many of his friends were still in the building his distress subsided, hopefully the situation could sort itself out without him needing to involve himself.


"I really hope he didn't kill anyone. I've told him time and time again that it is a great evil to eat a sentient being." Othos held is face in his hand as he said this to Rhaine and let out a exasperated sigh afterward.


Back at the inn the woman fled from the room as fast as her legs would take her, with her nature as a commoner clearly evident as she ran through the halls calling forth her fright as a loud (annoying) whine. She made absolutely sure that everyone who was not deaf or dead knew that she, a poor innocent human girl, was in great peril.


Still, Kowolj did not move a muscle, his inebriated state rivaling that of the deepest coma.

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Sitting back in the black embrace of her throne, Ravenna sighed contentedly as she heard Sefris's first piercing scream, smiling to herself as she knew her magic had proven a success. A part of her had doubted the dark ritual would work, but such a thing is not forgotten, and with an example such as Miora to follow, never performed incorrectly.


Hours into the night an adventuring party stumbled into the chapel, assuming it empty refuge from the dangers of the road, they threw their bags down in relief and chattered amongst themselves, until of course, the glowing iris's of deep gold startled them from their false sense of security. Too slow to draw their weapons the adventurers met their ends at the hands of the Archfiend, but one was spared, the leader was a woman, beautiful in a way, far more so than a simple peasant, she was evidently blessed by Sune in some small manner. Using spectral bonds the witch bound the woman to await her end at the hands of a youth-hungry Sefris, Ravenna would take macabre pleasure in watching the life slowly sapped away, the first is always the most intense, the most frantic, and often resulted in the uncontrollable death of the victim in question, rather than leaving them a hag.

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As they continued walking, Rhaine heard another series of somewhat-muffled screeches...each becoming more and more faint as the two went.


"I'm sure she's fine," the Doomguide replied, "Else she wouldn't be screaming with the force of Akadi's breath."


The pair made their way through the streets of the market, looking for signs of a smith...both literal and figurative. Bilron and his wife were up and about fixing the exterior of their own new shop, and so Rhaine decided not to bother them with her request. Rather, she continued on, peering at shop windows and stalls for a more experienced metalworker.


At last, on the opposite end of town, Rhaine saw an aging dwarf hobbling around a gigantic forge, a female half-orc apprentice tending to the flames. She exchanged glances with Othos...perhaps they had found their smith.


"Pardon me, goodsir," the Doomguide began, "But can you work adamantine?"


The dwarf turned around and looked up at her. He had a weathered face, riddled with scars, his one good eye fixed upon her with a golden gaze. He pulled at his grizzled grey beard and gave her a lopsided grin, "Aye, lass...or I be not Dalindeg Hammerhand. What do you need, goodlady?"


Rhaine then produced both the chest of adamantine ingots and the tattered remains of her old mithril armor. She explained the origins of her old suit and how it had met its fate, and she also told the dwarf how she needed a stronger one made specially for her winged form. He listened with an occasional nod and grunt, inspecting her old mithril cuirass and the ingots.


At last, Dalindeg nodded a little more vigorously, "I can help you, goodlady, but it will cost you time and coin aplenty. I'll need at least three days. Can't do much in the way of fitting with what you have here, so step on over to Agny and get your measurements."


Agny, the half-orc, led her inside the smithy proper; after a few moments, Rhaine re-emerged, and Agny gave a parchment full of measurements to Dalindeg. The dwarf nodded and grunted some more before finally glancing to the Doomguide again.


"Right then. Let's talk price. You don't pay me until I finish, but you might need that time to get the money," Dalindeg chuckled, "I say the work you're askin' me to do is worth at least six thousand gold pieces."


"Six thousand?" Rhaine asked incredulously, "That's highway robbery! I provide both the materials and salvage metal...three thousand is much more reasonable."


"And how often do I forge armor for winged lasses, I wonder?" The dwarf crossed his arms.


Sighing, the Doomguide replied, "Four thousand and not a copper more."


Dalindeg's mouth split into a wide grin, "Deal."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"There's never a dull day for you is there?" She wasn't sure whether Tannin was joking or was he serious. As Nawen continued eating her breakfast she thought what would she do if she was in his place. Outside of their small group she had no other friends or good acquaintances or anyone else she could visit. The only option she thought she had was to return to her lonely scout existence.


Nawen finished eating and arose from her table. "Thank you for spending the time to talk to me, Tannin." She smiled. "It really helped."


Shalena looked at the bottle of rum she held. It wasn't full when they started drinking and now there was hardly any liquid left.


"And now you can be Lyria the whoever-you-want-to-be." She chuckled and placed the bottle on the table and took the map. She thought the whole story over in her head again.


"One slippery bastard gave me this map and told about a hidden treasure on one of the island that are marked here." The pirate showed the map again. The huge red 'X' marked a small island northwest of Wavecrest.


"There was no treasure on that damned island." Shalena grabbed the bottle and drank all the remaining rum. "The idiot was paid to set up an ambush. We've won but I lost two of my men in the fight."


The pirate looked back up at her friend and smiled mysteriously. That could mean anything. "I've heard he's spending his reward in various Westgate's taverns and I intend to pay him a little visit."

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