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Tales of Faerun


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As Ianthe picked at her food, finding it odd that she was merely picking in the first place, she looked over to Reona. "How did we get back here?"

"I... Don't really know." Reona was halfway through a bowl of porridge when she looked over to a lone figure at a table and nodded her head toward said figure. Her raven hair fell in front of her eyes in the process, and she tucked it behind an ear.


William nodded back, pushing his beard to the side and stowing a bottle inside his robes that seemed to be nearly empty.


"I figure he used some kind of potion to bring us back here. Last thing I remember, we were lost." Reona stole a bite of egg from Alphonse's plate with a wink, laughing as he turned redder than his hair.


"That's not funny. I'm very sensiti---"


"He likes the ladies, but he's too soft to admit it." Arva also stole a bite of egg from the half-elf mage's plate, giving a wink which mimicked Reona's perfectly.


"We should most likely visit the market and get some supplies, then. I have a feeling we need horses." Ianthe shrugged as everyone gave her a look that questioned where her rare moment of good judgement came from.


Arva pushed his chair in as he stood up, "I have a jewel or two on me, but nothing more. We should probably meet up with Rhaine or one of the others."


Everyone else, save William, stood and pushed in their chairs at once.

Edited by tokyobleach
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"Thankfully not." Tannin said in response to Nawen's comment. "It's when things get dull that I start to worry."

When she got up from the table and thanked him he gave her a nod. "Any time my lady, any time."



Azuris came down the steps fully armed and armored. Seeing that Tannin wasn't doing anything he called out to him. "Tannin, gear up, we're heading down to get the loot."

Looking over to Azuris, Tannin smiled apologetically. "Sorry sir but, I've got some business of my own to attend to. Gotta go see an old friend of mine."

Azuris then muttered something about a lazy mutt as he made his way out the door to fetch the wagon.

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The inside of the smithy was a beautiful place. Othos always had a great admiration smithing, but never had the time to actually learn himself. Meeting this venerable dwarven smith was very much a dream made reality and a perfect opportunity to create his perfect weapon; if he wanted anyone to make this sword it couldn't be anyone less than a master, and this man fit the archetype perfectly.


"I need this melted down and reforged into a sword more befitting of my size," Othos set the black greatsword on a nearby table, "What do you know of creating a katana? It is a sword designed in the east, and it is said to be a near flawless design."

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Lyria gave Shalena a wicked grin, "Shounds like fun...when do we shtart?"




Rhaine raised an eyebrow at Othos's request. Dalindeg matched her look, staring up at the genasi, "Look lad, I've only seen a few in me life. Never have attempted to forge one. I could try, but I'm not promisin' ye anything. Might work...might fail. But you'll be payin' me for me time, regardless."


The Doomguide turned from the smith, "Well...as for myself, I'm going to unload some coin at the local temples. I'm sure the clergies will appreciate the gold of a dracolich being used for charity."


She left the dwarf's forge and meandered through the streets, stopping at each of the shrines and holy houses and donating a generous amount of the dragon's coin, which the priests and priestesses were eager to accept. After providing sufficient alms for the poor of Shadowdale, Rhaine made her way back to the market to peruse the stands. Most of the merchants were farmers and wainwrights, and so there was little of interest. An hour or so later, she returned to the inn, surprised to see Ianthe, Arva, Alphonse, Reona, and William there amongst them.


"Where have you all been?" the Doomguide exclaimed, "I thought you were simply a bit behind the rest of us, but then you never followed us to Valthanarax's lair. And now you are here again! William...have you something to do with this?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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The wizard touched his nose with a finger and gave Rhaine a wink. "They were so lost, they don't even remember getting back. Isn't that strange?"


Reona thumped the back of William's head; being just a head taller than he was, it was hardly difficult to reach. "Thanks, but don't go thinking this means we're buddies."


Arva raised an eyebrow, "Well, I count him among our friends... Say, Rhaine, do you have a bit we could borrow for supplies? Unless there's a bank near here, I can't readily provide the five of us with funds. All I have are these two semiprecious gems left, and they won't go far."

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Rhaine opened her Bag of Holding and, after a few breaths, produced a hefty purse of gold...one of several from the dragon's hoard, "There you are. Don't worry too much about expense...there's more where that came from."


She then extended the purse to the comrades, wondering who would be the first to snatch it up.

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Sefris didn't know how long she's been rolling on the ground in pain; it might have been minutes, hours or days for all she knew. She looked much older than before, her hair gray in contrast to all the blood on the floor beside her. The sight always made her grin for some reason since it was her blood - and she's never seen so much of it in her whole life.

It took her a few minutes to get back up on her feet, constantly falling down. She felt weak and she didn't like it. Oh, and there was this craving. It resembled craving for blood, but no - this was much deeper, much darker. The fey'ri slowly made her way back up to Ravenna, glancing at the witch with tired eyes.



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Shaundakul's Temple, Myth Drannor


"Need some healing there, lass?"


The silver-clad ranger had been watching the genasi woman for a while now. At least, he thought she was a genasi. His white wolf companion sat obediently beside him, eyes as electric blue as his master's. The wolf stared at the crow, and the man knew the two animals were sharing unspoken words.


His silvery armor was surprisingly quiet as he stepped toward the woman, "Name's Conall Whitefang...pardon me for intruding on your solitude."

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Ravenna smiled darkly as her eyes fell over Sefris's aged form, she looked ancient, old and decrepit... Ravenna could feel the hunger pouring off her, she was ravenous, not for food or blood, but for youth, the black ichor that filled her veins demanded sating, and the only way to feed it was to destroy the beauty of another, and take it for oneself.


Idly kicking forward the woman that was chained to her throne, Ravenna sat back and crossed her legs, the gold heels she wore glinted as the various gemstones that embezzled them reflected what sparse light filtered through the roof. "I got you a little present my dear, isn't she pretty? Young and Fresh, face like an angel. I don't need to instruct you on what to do next- Your instincts will take over."

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