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Tales of Faerun


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The sorceress took a step back at the sudden appearance of the closet, eyes wide open in slight confusion. She can...? Oh, that was a nice trick indeed. And quite useful. The fey'ri followed the witch through the portal, admiring the outfits held within. It was breathtaking.


"Now that can be splendid for parties and suchs." Sefris added, still examining the outfits. The second one was more beautiful than the first one and so on in infinity.


"Very nice." The half-demoness said once she spotted the corset Ravenna was showing to her, attracted by the beautiful rubies adorning the corset.




"I can?" the genasi asked cheerfully, slowly getting up to sit down next to the wolf, gently petting his head. "Such a magnificent animal."


"Ah, the Moonmaiden. Shaundakul is my main patron, but I have a great deal of respect for Our Lady of Silver - they do, after all, both have a certain disliking of Shar." Anemone replied, glancing at the shrine for a second. It was the Windwalker whom she followed when in doubt, but she liked Selune because her travels were often done during the night, in the stars' light.


"The Rider of the Winds helps every traveller, should he ask for help." The woman added with a smile, nodding at Conall's earlier statement.


"He is called The Helping Hand for a reason, and I try to follow his example by offering my help wherever needed." Looking down at Fenrir as she continued to pet him, the genasi wore the same kind smile when she spoke of Shaundakul.

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A few hours later, with Xallistine's aid, Rhaine thought that she had finally deciphered the locations of all of Valthanarax's remaining phylacteries. If her eyes weren't fooling her, it seemed that the unholy vessels were hidden in Impiltur, Turmish, Icewind Dale, Chult, the Shaar, Mulhorand, Amn, and the Moonshae Isles. The Ulitharid was right...the true phylacteries were scattered to the ends of the continent, with no apparent pattern to them whatsoever. At least a dozen other decoys had been placed in between.


With a sigh, the Doomguide removed the eye device and glanced up at Tannin, "We've just found the locations of Valthanarax's eight remaining phylacteries. I do hope you all had planned on staying with me for at least a few years, as that seems to be how long it will take until this monster is finally put to eternal rest."




Conall grinned as he watched Fenrir's tail, which was thumping the ground quite loudly as Ane petted him.


"Look at him," the paladin remarked, "Spoiled rotten, he is, and he knows it."


Glancing at Ane, he added, "Well, I can't tarry too long here...I've got to get moving if I want to reach the Moonmaiden's shrine before dusk. It's been a pleasure speaking with you..."


He snapped his fingers at Fenrir and began walking down the path again, then stopped and looked back over his shoulder, "Unless, of course, you want to come along? These forest treks are rather lonely."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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The pirate tried to escape the questioning but Shalena's fingers wrapped around the hilt and she started turning the knife to the sides. It clearly caused a lot of pain to the pirate so he stopped squirming. After hurling some more nasty insults at the half-elf, that is.


"I have only one question," She started, "who ordered the ambush?"


At first the bald pirate was reluctant to speak but Shalena had her ways of... getting the answers to her questions. Her techniques never failed.


"It was Merick!" The pirate screamed.


Shalena shot a glance at Lyria. She wasn't sure if her friend knew about the other pirate but it wouldn't surprise her if she didn't. Merick wasn't exactly famous or rather infamous. Unlike herself.


"Merick was the quartermaster of the ship back when my dear husband was still the captain." She explained to Lyria. "When I got the men to mutiny, he was the only one who stayed loyal to Galar. I marooned him on some island after I became the captain." Shalena frowned. "Should have killed him." She thought.


After a short pause she smiled again and turned her attention to Lyria. "So, what do you think we should do with this fellow?"

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Their tireless and incredibly thorough analysis of the map had certainly paid off when Rhaine said aloud the locations they had disclosed between themselves, it must have been hours they sat there staring into the maze of puzzles each symbol held for them. He was certainly impressed with Rhaine's perseverance, as usual, even in such a task as this the Doomguide was unfaltering. Sighing in relief he was incredibly happy as they had found each of the true marks.


"I can vouch for my stay at your side my lady... what an intriguing quest this has become. You know, when I joined you I never imagined something quite so.. grandiose. Tales will be sung when we are all gone for sure."




Ravenna grinned as Sefris's eyes sparkled at the sight of the bejewled corset, Now she had found herself in the company of an Archfiend, only the most expensive of, well, everything would be made available to them. Ravenna had thought her life prior to her ascension to the Infernal throne was luxurious but... the jewels and finery she possessed back then looked like granite and wool compared to the perfectly cut diamonds and intricately woven silk that filled her closets now.


Ravenna removed her battle gown, stepping onto a small stool as her tailors fawned around her, and chose a beautiful green gown, again created to both offer protection and appear striking and beautiful, it was a tight fitting and thick silk, the devil tailors stitched their queen into the gown as she stood, her ribs moving and her organs finding a new place to sit as the corset constricted her midsection. The gown was covered in what appeared to be beetle wings, the same effect as her scaled chainmail, this dress was slightly more rigid, each individual piece an emerald chipped thin and plated onto the gown, onto her ears large golden casts of scarab beetles were hung, onto her neck a rigid gold and emerald collar was dropped over her head, the heavy adornment momentarily weighing down the queen's shoulders, until it was clasped into the neck of her attire, onto her shoulders the heavy gold-mail cape was hung, fastened into the gown.


Her hair removed from it's high ponytail and styled into a low bun that sat at the back of her head, Ravenna's crown was placed back upon her head, and onto her feet shoes of gold, with a long heel of emerald, the current makeup she wore was stripped from her face with a damp cloth, and her minions began work at once on her new look. Her lips were a slight shade of red, her eyes dark and powerful, dark green mixed in with the midnight black to give her a lustrous, shimmering illusion on her eyelids. Claws painted metallic green.


Ravenna smiled as she stepped down from the stool she had stood upon to be dressed, gesturing to the platform with a light wave of her hand, she offered Sefris the chance to be pampered like a queen. "Simply tell them exactly what you want done my dear, it shall happen."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Rhaine pushed back from the table a bit and gestured for a waitress to bring some food. All of that relentless searching had built up quite a hunger.


Smiling at Xallistine, she remarked offhandedly, "I, for one, am not in it for the tales or the fame. I had quite enough fame and glory a long time ago - more than I could have ever desired, in fact. I'm sure the prospects will please some others amongst us, however."


After a few moments, the waitress brought back a small bowl of stew and a chunk of dry bread. Glancing around and trying not to meet the Ulitharid's gaze, she asked the rest of Rhaine's companions, "Will there be anythin' else for ye?"




Lyria's grin widened, and she winked at Shalena, "Let's leave 'im for the dock rats, aye?"


With that, she seized the pirate by the arms and had him on the floor in seconds. She tied his hands together with torn strips from his own shirt, pulled him back up, and marched him out of the door headed straight for a sewer grate.


Without much ado, she kicked open the grate and shoved the pirate into the hole, his screams echoing throughout the sewers...followed by a distant splash.


Replacing the grate, Lyria brushed her hands of dust and dirt, checked her nails for grime, then casually smiled at Shalena, "So...now what?"

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Surprises were often what they were: unexpected.


After his time in the library, Nym found himself with much less to do. It didn't feel quite appropriate to become lazy like a gray elf, but he found himself wanting in some free time for pleasure. Myth Drannor offered quite a plethora of things to occupy his free time, but they didn't feel quite to his taste. Though the retaken city boasted a Gold Elf majority, it still had too many non Elves which threatened the stability of his own race's majority status. 'As usual..' he reminded himself bitterly.


Nym had always resented the fact that whenever Gold Elves built something, the lesser Elves would crowd to it and leech off of it and demand power there. It was absurd to him. In fact, it infuriated him that a lesser people would come and feed off of his peoples' success. Nym envisioned a white hot radiant fire washing over his peoples' ancestral lands, burning it clear of any who weren't of his kindred.


But he couldn't let such thoughts consume him then. Nym didn't need to be in a surly mood when he was out looking for something to ease his spirits. To make himself feel somewhat better, Nym did remind himself of the more exclusively Gold Elven venues around the city (though they would never claim themselves as such). He smiled to himself and picked up his pace, heading for an inn known as The Chalice and the Sun. Nym had heard many a good thing about the inn, especially about its collection of rare and exquisite wines. Just the thought of a tasting party whetting his appetite enough to make Nym immediately choose his destination.

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Tannin had a smirk as Azuris came inside behind Weyland and Amendale. "Well good. Didn't really have any intention of heading back home for a while anyways. To much unpleasantness going around at the moment" He said, not wanting to return to Waterdeep and his debts. He then looked to the waitress. "I'll have one of those if you'd be so kind." He said motioning at the stew.

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Othos sighed, "We best get to it then; what do we need?"

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"A few simple herbs." Nawen shrugged. "They should grow around these parts." She reassured Othos as she made her way out of the room. "If not someone might have an antidote for sale."


Nawen knew little about poisons and she could only make antidotes for simple and more commonly used poisons. Luckily she knew how to make an antidote for this particular poison. She looked at the genasi before heading downstairs. "Does he always do things like that? I mean disappears and then returns bloody."


Shalena watched as Lyria threw the pirate into the sewers. "Well, that was amusing." She thought before looking back at her friend.


"We'll deal with that bastard." She replied. "I won't let him escape after what he's done." She was not sure why she let him live after the sucessful mutiny but the captain of the Sea's Compass won't be so merciful again. No one messes with Shalena Windsail.


"And I know exactly how we're going to do that." She said as she made her way back to the docks.

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The waitress dipped her head to Tannin, disappeared for a few moments, then re-emerged with another steaming bowl of stew, which she set in front of the half-drow.


Rhaine ate in silence for a while, thinking about their next destinations. Perhaps they could go to Myth Drannor as Othos requested and then head southeastwards to grab a ship in Harrowdale or Scardale...


There was a sudden commotion outside, getting louder and louder. Unfortunately, the wagonload of treasure had also brought a wagonload of spectators. Thieves, children, and normally law-abiding citizens were taking full advantage of a cartload of dungeon loot parked right out in the open. The Doomguide herself cared not; no one in particular had a right to the horde, and it was all likely ill-gotten gains to begin with.




Lyria followed Shalena, "Aye aye, Captain. Where are we bound?"

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