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Tales of Faerun


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A crowd of people was gathered around the wagon as Reona and Alphonse met up with Arva and Ianthe.


The short and nimble Reona didn't even give a word before she began to slip her way through the crowd, though she got knocked about rather violently. She made her way to the treasure and began to pick things up as quickly as she could. A silver locket, a golden teacup, a heavily-jeweled chalice. The pickings really were slim this far into the raid.


As she started to make her way back through, a large man knocked into her and picked up everything she had recovered.


Seeing this, Ianthe dropped the apple she was munching on and shoved the human aside with ease, sticking her tongue out at him as she stuffed all of the things he'd taken and Reona's things as well inside her shirt, holding the bottom closed with an arm. With her free arm, she helped her sister up from the ground. "It would seem he got what he deserved, falling into that mud puddle."


Reona nodded and examined her scraped elbow, deciding it was minor injury and not even worth bandaging.


Arva and Alphonse decided that even with how easy it would be with their respective sizes to take the rest of the treasure by force, it would be best to just let the townspeople have the rest of the treasure. It felt something like a good deed, as long as they had enough left over for the party's funding.


As the group walked back into the inn, they spotted Rhaine and waved. Ianthe then proceeded to walk to the Doomguide's table and empty her shirt onto it by letting go of the bottom hem.


"Hi," the nymph said, grinning.

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Othos followed Nawen down the stairs and allowed a chuckle to slip out of his mouth in response to her question.


"Yes, he often does things of this nature. Disappearing, reappearing bloodied, comatose, or sometimes even accompanied by those who would wish us dead. I've come to simply accept his troublesome activities; I can really only work to lessen them rather than stamping them out completely."


He waited until they were outside the inn to ask his question, "Where should we begin? I really don't have the slightest clue as to what we're looking for."

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Hearing the ruckus going on outside with the wagon, Weyland growled and rushed out to attend to it, with Arland...well, pretty far behind. Of course the wagon was being ransacked, with strangers running off with the gear that everybody had risked their life to obtain, no less. This infuriated both of the Greys.




"YOU GOT MORE THAN ENOUGH TO SHARE!" A burly man shouted, with an armful of various jewels.


"How about YOU go piss off a Dracolich and kill it? Then you can have all the goodies you want!" Arland was apparently no longer delirious, even if he had a bloody nose. "Put that crap back on the wagon!"


"Come get it, dirtlicker!" What a creative insult.


Arland decided that, yes, he was going to charge at the man-bear-pig, and yes, he was going to try and tackle him. To Weyland's utter amazement, it actually worked, and both the groggy Grey and the thief went tumbling off somewhere, punching the snot out of each other.

Of course it wasn't long before Weyland found himself in a petty squabble as well. Sure, it was greedy to hoard, but Maydiira got toasted in the process of this, damnit! Unlike Arland, Weyland was a skilled unarmed fighter and quickly overpowered his foe, knocking him to the ground. He turned and clocked another one in the temple as he dove for some more loot and sent him sprawling, before his limbs seized up and he found he couldn't move.


Arland suddenly found a Flame Arrow pinning his foot to the ground, and grunted in pain.


"Get inside, you two. We have more than enough to manage, these people need the money."

"Damn right we do!" Someone yelled.


"You'd better damn well heal this, elf." Arland snarled.


"I will....if you cease your immature brawling and go back inside." Amendale retorted cooly.



"Then this is where you stay." Amendale dragged Weyland by the collar back inside until his limbs freed up and he could walk on his own.


"What, exactly, has found its way up your-" Weyland began.


"The biggest stick in the Realms!" Arland shouted.


"A moral code, you thick-skulled imbecile." Amendale shot back, before turning back to Weyland, the one he didn't happen to hate. "Think of it this way. You have a family-besides the simian outside-"

"Quit slinging around all your fancy smart words and speak like a regular person!" Arland barked, and was ignored.


"- that used to be poor."

"Yeah..." Weyland confirmed cautiously.


"These people are in that position now. They're just getting by from day to day, we have more than enough even WITHOUT the wagon of items outside, to last us months. We can spare some equipment that we don't need, they can either use it or sell it, and everybody leaves happy."


"Problem is, some of that equipment we will wind up needing."


"We'll have plenty left over to use."


"Not once they're done with it!"

"There's plenty more where that came from."


At that moment Arland came limping in, grimacing. "I'll take that heal you promised now."

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The sudden crashing and clattering of treasure on her table knocked both Rhaine's half-eaten bowl of stew and wine goblet onto the floor. Blinking a few times, the Doomguide glanced up to see Ianthe grinning at her...obviously proud of her acquisition of so many valuables.


"Hello, Ianthe."


Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Amendale dragging in both Weyland and Arland, apparently to keep them from causing trouble with the locals. Then, something bumped into her leg, and she looked down to see the innkeeper's fat hound licking up the remnants of her food and wine.


With a sigh, Rhaine met Xallistine's gaze and simply shook her head.

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Sefris' grin spread at the sight of the tailors and realization she can pick whatever she wanted to wear, knowing no other mortal will have such an outfit. Oh yes, vanitiy has certainly rubbed off of Ravenna to her and she didn't know how she could have worn such disgusting outfits, not caring about how she looked like. But when they fall on your knees from both fear and worship, that is the true terror.


If she had any connections to a cat, you would most certainly be able to hear the fey'ri purring like a kitten while the tailors fussed around her, preparing an outfit similar to her old one, but with much more luxurious materials and ornaments. Besides her newly gained vanity, the sorceress also inherited love towards feathers from the witch, black ones now adorning her shoulders.


"Ravenna, Ravenna if I had known you'd pamper me so much as soon as I returned, I would've sought you out earlier."



Ane chuckled at Fenrir's behaviour that very much resented a pup, continuing to sit on the ground. She waved Conall as he turned to leave, looking at him up-side down as she leaned her head backwards - for her back was turned on him - as he addressed her again.


"Join you? Of course! It's much more fun to travel in a pair if you can stand Avira's occasional grumpiness." The genasi got up from the ground and grabbed her little backpack to follow her new friend while the raven flew over to sit on her shoulder. Hey, free ride. Caw!


"So what do you do when you're not traveling 'round the woods and wilds?"


You've just gotten a talkative companion, Conall. Good luck.

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Xallistine met Rhaine's gaze and sighed, was it at all a crime to ask for slight peace after such a battle? Rather, there was the brothers Grey battling with needy townsfolk over gold, a right ruckus as fighting erupted in the streets, and now the fat inkeepers dog lapping up Rhaine's meal. On a personal note Xallistine couldn't care a drop for the townsfolk and their troubles, he felt that giving them thousands of golds worth of items would upset the balance of the caste, but he voiced not his opinion in such a matter.




Ravenna grinned at Sefris's splendid choice of attire, marvelling at the jewels upon her corset and the fine leathers that encompassed her body, the Witch was particularly pleased by her choice of a feathered collar, Ravenna had always been fond of feathers, and she could not help but feel prideful as she saw her self-consuming vanity being employed now by Sefris.


"Did you think I would allow my most wonderful companion to date sit around in filthy rags? We are the Queens of this wretched world, the diamonds among a sea of filthy gravel. And such creatures deserve only their worth in finery, do you not agree? Come then my friend, We have much work to do. It is to the Troll Mountains we depart." Ravenna smiled wickedly and flourished her heavy chainmail cape as she turned, marching out of the little pocket-realm and back into the ruins of the chapel.


Outside awaited their carriage, to take them far from the derelict ruin.

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Rhaine was suddenly struck with the distinct urge to return to her room. Kalin's note was bothering her...there was something about the way he had worded that postscript that kept her thinking something was hidden right under their noses. Excusing herself, the Doomguide returned to her chamber and locked the door behind her, remaining there for the rest of the afternoon and well into the evening.


I am leaving my family ring as well. May it help you find a path when you alone cannot.


Rhaine kept staring at Kalin's ring as if it were going to do something unusual. She had already tried divining cantrips, detecting enchantments, and even put it on...but to no avail. For all intents and purposes it appeared to be just an old and elaborate signet ring.


Sighing again, she picked up the gold band and dropped it repeatedly, the metal pinging on the vanity each time. She rested her head on one hand, staring absently into the mirror before her, trying to come up with something she had not already thought of. Theron perched on the headboard behind her, preening as usual. Occasionally, he lifted his head and watched her curiously before returning to his meticulous cleaning.


At last, the Doomguide rose and dropped the ring back into her Bag of Holding with Kalin's other things, moving to the bed and laying down on her back, her hands clasped atop her abdomen. There, she stared at the ceiling for the longest time, her relaxed wings drooping off either side of the bed.


"What am I missing?" she asked aloud, to no one in particular.


There was, of course, no answer but Theron's absentminded twitterings.




Conall chuckled as he walked, "That's just the thing, lass...it is all I do. I run errands for the Silverstars, sometimes, or patch up a hurt young one every once and a while. That, in essence, constitutes my life - and has for years."

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Azuris let out a sigh before walking outside to try and clear the area with the Grey brothers and Amendale. As he walked out what appeared to be an elf child walked in. Lugging a large pack behind him the little person had some difficulty getting into a chair but eventually succeeded. He fiddled around with his pockets that were filled with all manner of random objects that matched more than a few items that were taken from the wagon. Withdrawing a small ring he looked at it with a curious expression. "A Ring of Protection? Where did this come from?" For some odd reason, the ring looked exactly like the ring that Amendale had acquired from the loot horde. The same ring that was somehow now missing from Amendale's finger.

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Amendale felt something odd about his finger, and upon closer inspection realized his ring was missing.


"What the- where's my ring gone off to?" He wondered aloud, looking around. What looked lke an elf child was sitting in a chair. This child was holding a ring that, suspiciously, bore a striking resemblance to Amendale's own missing one. He approached it, and bent down to speak to it. "I do believe that's my ring you have there. I'd like that back." He stated kindly, not yet seeing its true nature.

Arland decided to butt in. "Just snatch the damn thing and be done with it."

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Ianthe patted the sides of the dog licking up the remnants of Rhaine's food, "She's friendly, look."


Reona covered her face with a hand, "Oh, gods."


"What? She is." Ianthe raised up a golden chain and called over the nearest inn worker, "I'll take the biggest steak you've got, for the dog. As close to raw as the dog's stomach can handle. For me, I'd rather like to have a bowl of porridge with honey and sugar... Even if it isn't morning anymore."


"Right away, miss."


Ianthe sat down, patting the dog's sides until she plopped down next to Ianthe. "She looks pregnant."


The innkeeper laughed and said, "Well, I'd sure hope she isn't. She's twelve years old."


Arva sat down next to his wife and patted her on the head, "You just wish she'd have puppies while we're here."


"I do love puppies..." Ianthe began to eat her porridge, sounds of the dog slurping and licking its jowls as it devoured an inch-thick steak causing her to smile.

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