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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen smiled as she listened to the small elf child talking so much. He sure was chatty.


Shalena laughed. "Good to hear that some things never change." She said as she leaned against the railing and watched the coin falling into the water. She thought over her less than perfect plan over and over in her head. At first the pirate thought to ambush him like he did to her but she had her suspicions that someone in the crew is loyal to Merick, not her and thus she couldn't be sure how much Merick knows.


She made sure that only Lyria was aware of the true intention of their journey. Everyone else were told lies. Shalena chased all those thoughts away and sighed. "Can't wait to deal with this mess. I'd be great to raid a ship or two afterwards."

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Othos didn't even need to say anything, opting instead to give Kowolj an expression that he had seen so many times before: that he had crossed the line. That along with the others reacting as suddenly as they did made Kowolj take back his hand and walk back to his seat without bothering to answer Hexol's question, where he once again began drinking.


Othos looked down at Hexol to speak with him, "Sorry about that little one. Kowolj still has his moments where right and wrong doesn't register to him. As for where you are, you are at the inn which currently is largely occupied by our adventuring group, led by none other than the winged woman before you."

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Satisfied that the small one was no longer in danger of being ripped to shreds by Kowolj's claws, Rhaine relaxed.


"More specifically," she added to the little elf-child, "You're in Shadowdale. I am Rhaine Alcinea, Favored Soul, Doomguide, and Chosen of Kelemvor - hence the wings. And no, I cannot fly with them...just to answer a few of your many questions." She winked as she looked down at him, and she smiled gently, "And who and what are you, if I may ask? Not gnomish, and certainly not halfling...you appear to be elvish, but your countenance speaks of an age that elves only show much later in their lives. So perhaps not elvish at all? You do seem to be the inquisitive sort...shall we trade question for question, then?"




Lyria grinned widely at Shalena, her slightly pointed teeth flashing, "That it would, Cap'n, that it would."


One of the sailors 'accidentally' tripped and fell flat on his face as he passed by Lyria, having completely missed the sudden protrusion of her foot in his path.

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Hexol puffed out his chest proudly. "I'm Hexol Wanderfoot. Son of Tindle Wanderfoot. And I'm a Kender!"


Upon hearing that dreadful word Tannin's quill snapped and he began uttering a string of alien obscenities from a tongue that which originated in Sigil, these swears were known to make small children cry, women feint, and men to stare in shock (at least those that understood them).


Hexol starred over at Tannin for a bit before laughing. "He's funny."

Edited by josh900
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Rhaine could vaguely recall something about Kender being mentioned in one of her old texts...an extraplanar people, if she remembered correctly. As Tannin suddenly rattled off in an odd dialect, the Doomguide raised her eyebrows at the half-drow before returning her attention to Hexol.


"Well, Hexol Wanderfoot, son of Tindle Wanderfoot, my comrades and I are just making preparations to depart Shadowdale for Myth Drannor. If you will excuse me, there is much left to do."


With that, Rhaine made her way over to Nawen and sat down before the drow, "Nawen, if I may speak with you just a moment?"

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"Orcs?" The fey'ri grimaced, looking at the witch. "Such filthy creatures..." she muttered once she was seated in the carriage, admiring the throne placed inside of it. Ravenna really did travel with style.


"Why would you have an interest in such creatures? They are nothing but mere brutes." Getting involved with the orcs meant dealing with those disgusting creatures and Sefris did not like the idea of having to even look upon them. Oh well, maybe everything goes to hell and they get an opportunity to burn and roast them alive. That was an attractive idea.




The genasi's smile turned upside down as Conall replied, now sorry she even asked.


"I...I'm so sorry, my tongue is often faster than my mind - I didn't mean to bring back something... ah, s#*!, now I'm just making things worse. I...I really didn't mean to. I'm sorry. Again." the planetouched replied, finding something very interesting in looking at her hands so she wouldn't have to look at the man walking beside her.

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"Filthy? Now that is an understatement... Vile beasts, but they really do seem like little rabbits compared the... company I had in the Hells. Orcs become far less repulsive after you have spent your time in the company of Mammon." Ravenna choked on the name of the lecherous archfiend, just the thought of that thing touching him again made her skin crawl.


"These are... different, more organized. This particular clan has uncovered the ancient Orcish city, and they seek to rebuild. Who knows when one will need an army of imbecilic barbarians to crush their foes beneath them- Nothing inspires fear and desperation quite like an Orc holding a battleaxe to your throat as he tears apart your neighbour " Ravenna grinned wickedly- Her plans did have more to them than simply that... but time would reveal them in full.

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Nawen raised an eyebrow to strange the strange words that Tannin said. Not only she had no idea what they meant but she also couldn't recognize the language. The drow turned her attention to Rhaine. "Of course." She said.


Shalena laughed as a pirate tripped over. "That'll teach him." She thought and looked back at the horizon as their ship came out of the fog right in front of the port town.


"Finally." She muttered more to herself than to Lyria and made her way to the captain's cabin to prepare. She took her cutlass and attached it to her belt before reaching for her hand-crossbow, Sparrow. "I have some light armor and spare weapons if you need any." The redhead pirate said to the tiefling. "You're going to need it." She added as she took her coat off and put a leather sleeveless vest on to provide some sort of protection.

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Rhaine opened her Bag of Holding and produced the pommel from Maydiira's bastard sword, Velve'drathir. She sighed, "I'd like you to take this. It's the only thing left of Maydiira...and I think she would have wanted you to have it. She thought the world of you, as you gave her hope that there were others of the drow like her...brave enough to face the surface world. Perhaps you could use it for something. Or, if you don't want it, you can sell it for coin."


The Doomguide smiled faintly as she extended the egg-sized moonstone to Nawen. It was a priceless jewel that would fetch quite a bit of gold.




Lyria helped herself to a few throwing knives and made sure her sickles were secured to her belt before nodding at Shalena, "I'm ready."




Conall shook his head, "No need to be sorry, lass. You didn't know."


At last, after at least an hour of travel, they came upon an old shrine in the wilderness, covered in vines and vegetation. The symbol of Selune had been carved out of granite and set atop a small altar in the middle of a circle of stones. It was a tiny thing, but the whole place exuded an aura of peace and welcome.


Suddenly, Fenrir growled loudly, the thick white fur rising on the back of the wolf's neck. Almost instantly, Conall readied his crossbow, crouching low. He gestured to Ane and whispered, "Get down! Something is wrong."


The ranger's blue eyes darted here and there, spotting a thick pool of blood behind the altar.


Gods, not again...

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"Well, Ravenna dear, not both of us have had the....pleasure...of undergoing such an exotic journey, so I shall think of them as more than mere rabbits. Maybe filthy, bloodthirsty rabbits." the half-demoness replied, wondering at the image of what an ancient orcish city would look like. A pile of bones?


She doubted anything worth finding could still lie there, since she did not think the old orcw were any better than the current ones. But maybe the old city was built near something valuable - this may yet prove not to be a complete waste of time.



"Wha-" Avira flew off the second Fenrir growled, Anemone looked in her direction for a second or two before she got down, looking at Conall grabbing his crossbow. Hostiles? But who- she also noticed a pool of blood and unsheated her daggers, ready to fight if attacked. But couldn't they reason with whoever is here? She much preferred diplomacy to bloodbath.


Still, they would need to see first who they're dealing with - so genasi said nothing, waiting for either Conall or whoever was here as well to make a move.

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