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Tales of Faerun


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Conall crept forward to the altar, a look of horror spreading across his face as he recognized the mangled body of the Silverstar in attendance of this particular shrine.


"Na'lia," he whispered, laying a hand on the bloodied corpse, "No..."


Out of the shadows jumped five men garbed in dark leather armor. They immediately surrounded the silver-clad ranger, though they stayed a healthy distance.


"Raidan," Conall growled, leveling his crossbow at the one directly in front of him, "How did I know this was your work, you filthy worm?"


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Conall," the man shook his head. His face was tanned and scarred, one eye covered by a black patch. His hair was lank and greasy, sticking out at odd angles. He stepped closer to Conall and smirked, "Should've known by now...we'll always be one step ahead of you. Malar demands your blood, and the Beastlord cannot be denied!"


At that moment, the five men suddenly transformed into five black werewolves, two of them leaping atop Conall before the paladin could fire a shot.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Hexol followed behind Rhaine as she went over to Nawen. He couldn't help but stare up at Nawen with a perplexed look on his face. He could tell that she was a elf but her skin was unlike any that he'd ever seen before. "What are you? You look like an elf... But don't talk like one... And you're skin is the wrong color. Sooo are you a different kind of elf?!" He asked excitedly.


"Put the dagger back!" Tannin yelled from his seat, eyeing Hexol like a teacher would a troublesome student.


Hexol looked back to Tannin with a raised brow. "What knife?" He asked before looking down at his left hand which was holding a dagger that was previously in Rhaine's boot. Looking rather believably surprised at the daggers appearance he raised it up in the air and looked around. "Did anybody loose a knife? I found one just now."

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Rhaine glanced at Hexol's hands to see Ravenna's dagger in his grip...somehow it had managed to find its way out of her boot.


Sighing, the Doomguide took Cyrus's Bane from the Kender and replaced it in her boot shaft, "That would be mine, thank you. How you managed to pick it up without me noticing, I don't know. But mind you keep your hands off of my belongings, please."


With that, she stood, leaving the moonstone pommel with Nawen, "Now, if everyone else is ready to leave, let's go."


Rhaine then left the inn and began making her way towards the stables, eager to get on the road to Myth Drannor.

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Xallistine nodded, ready to at last leave this town to continue on their journey. He rose from his seat and followed Rhaine out, rather happy that she had accepted the belt from him- He too was pleased to see some good come out of such an evil object, but with it's dormant magics it could to nothing but look beautiful.




Ravenna chuckled slightly. "My dear Sefris, I'll be sure to take you to the Hells one day then, hmm? Do not worry yourself, I do not plan to live within the barbaric constraints of an Orcish settlement... I do not believe my standards have dropped any. There is an ancient castle nestled within the mountains that was once home to a Vampire, before he was destroyed. From there we may work away from the eyes of the Mortals and pull the strings we possess... But we shall gather more strings, until our web covers all of Faerun... or, at least until I become bored." She laughed slightly, gazing out of the window as the large camp panned into view, a smile graced the Witch's lips.


"Come my dear... we have arrived." Stepping down onto the rocky path, Ravenna held her crown as the intense wind blew momentarily, rattling the chain mail of her cape and shaking the many emerald plates of her dress. Her eyes burned wickedly as she forced the main gates open with magic, her eyes locked upon the Chieftan's yurt. She would see this Hakkon one eye for herself.

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Arland's eyes narrowed as they watched Hexol.


"Sneaky little bugger." He commented. "Just took Rhaine's boot nofe from right under her nose. Well, more like her kneecaps."


"Better watch all of our stuff when he's around, then. Damn, looks like we're leaving." Weyland responded. He stood up and quickly grabbed his pack, before following Rhaine out the door.


Behind him, Arland and Amendale did the same, shooting looks at each other as they did so.

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Kowolj was just about to order another round when Rhaine announced their departure, and Othos slapped him on the shoulder before he left also to signify that Kowolj needed to get moving. They walked out of the inn behind her, looking at the little kender as they passed by.




Haxxon sat on his throne with his elbow on the armrest and his head in his hand, drifting somewhere between sleep and consciousness. Just then one of his men ran in to the room hooting and hollering some gibberish, obviously excited by the news he had. Haxxon opened his good eye fully to meet the orc and after a few moments of listen to his incoherent talk Haxxon finally spoke up with the voice of low thunder,


"You there, stop your jabbering. Just give me the news, nice and easy-like."


The orc stop and took a breath before spitting it out, "There are two women that have entered the mountain. They seem quite powerful... the rats are all running from them!"


Haxxon thought for a moment. He had no idea who these people could be, and not many besides the dwarves in this region even knew the precise location of this particular mountain in this range. Whoever they were, they must have had good connections. But to come here, they had to be suicidal or a completely new type of powerful.


"Bring them here. I want to see these things myself."


The orc bowed a few times before running back out of Haxxon's large chamber, running around through the tunnels toward the entrance. It wasn't too long before he happened upon the two, and they shimmered like goddesses. This orc dressed in old tattered dwarven mail that didn't quite fit with furs was nothing compared to these two, and he couldn't help but stare. He liked the way they looked, but whether that was as women or as food, it remained to be seen. He spoke up with a gruff uncivilized tone to address the two,


"Hey, you there, boss Haxxon wants to see you two. I'm not sure why... but that's why he's boss and not me."

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"I think there are a few more reasons why you aren't 'Boss', little Orc, now do move aside, I wish see Hakkon one eye myself, it is my entire reason for being here, idiot, what, did you assume I was going to look at the furniture?" Ravenna didn't stop in her march, pushing aside the orc. Naturally (as naturally as her new body could be) She was well beyond six foot tall, but with her heels she neared upon seven feet. Ducking down as she made her way into the tunnels, her head remained high and the distinct sound of scrapping emerald plates, the rattle as chainmail dragged behind her.


After a brisk and lengthly walk with Sefris in tow, Ravenna at last entered the throne room of Hakkon One Eye... the mighty slayer of the great dragon. Her eyes burned with an inner glow around her yellow iris's, her gaze one of ice, ironic considering the hellish quality of her unnatural eyes. As she stepped into the light her skin slowly shifted from her human white, to the devilish gold she had been bestowed with, her clawed nails further extending she stood with a hand gently rested on her hip, head tilted the the side. The Orc before her sat upon an throne of bleached white bones, on his shoulders was a flowing mantle of black dragon scales, and his tusks were the largest of any specimen she had seen- Infact, he appeared to be one of the largest Orc's she had ever laid eyes upon. His musculature was of the type formed in battle, years of wielding heavy weaponry and hunting pray had left this Orc a huge brute, and judging by the state of this monster's arms being larger than the width of Ravenna's waist, he could split a human in two with his bear hands... my oh my.


"Hakkon One Eye... At last we meet, great dragonslayer. I am Ravenna... Queen of the Nine Hells." As she uttered her title her face momentarily warped into a horrifying visage of a frightful devil, a well placed Illusion by any standards, it was gone after she had finished her words.

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„Very lovely metaphor.“ The fey'ri replied to Ravenna's great plan of making webs and strings and…are they supposed to be spiders in this metaphor? Eeew. Filthy creatures. Unworthy.


The sorceress let Ravenna lead on as the orc approached them, letting the witch handle all the talking. Could it be? This place was even more desperate than she had originally thought. Pathetic. Hopefully they'll be out of here soon.


„And you may call me Sefris, if you wish. I care not.“ The half-demoness added as Ravenna introduced herself, leaning on her spear. She was even hoping a bit they would try to attack them, just sos he could have some fun setting their insides on fire while she dug their eyes out with her claws.




As soon as she heard voices other than Conall's, Anemone disappeared, only her hat left on the place she had been standing on.


She did not leave the paladin, though, but continued to observe from a safer distance, invisible to the newcomers. Avira was safe on the tree, so that made it easier for the genasi to focus on trouble. Silently, she drew the magic from the Shadow Weave to summon an undead, a shadow that quietly appeared beside her.

"So we meet again, friend." The shadowdancer whispered to the shadow, keeping her eyes on the situation.


Malar...The Beastlord. This can't be go- and then they turned.


She was taken aback, to say the least, but reacted quickly and sent the shadow to attack the two werewolves that had jumped on Conall. The genasi herself quickly ran to one of the rest three werewolves, stabbing him in the back before she was noticed by any of them.


"Can't we talk about this? No?" It was a shame her weapons weren't silver, would've made the fight much easier. Easily dodging the werewolf's attack as an answer to her backstabbing, the genasi looked quickly towards Conall, her shadow and two werewolves that had attacked him to see how he reacted to the attack.

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"I... thank you." Nawen said as Rhaine handed her the pommel of Maydiira's weapon. She liked the winged drow and hoped to get to know her better... "I will treasure it." She added and after a quick search pulled a piece of a soft fabric from her bag and neatly folded the pommel in it before putting it bag into her bag.


She also heard what a small elf child said and chuckled. "Yes. You could say that I'm a different kind of elf." She replied. Nawen paid no attention to the small elf referring to her skin color as 'wrong'. She assumed that he did not mean to offend but even if he did she didn't care.


Before leaving the ship, Shalena called over four other pirates: a blonde halfling called Timber, one eyed Luskanite called Aaren, and half-elven twins Irris and Locke. She then ordered the rest of her crew to be prepared in case Merick's men showed up.


The house they were searching for was at the very end of the docks. Unfortunately the house was rundown and it looked like they were the first visitors in months. While the other pirates whispered something amongst themselves, Shalena walked around the room thinking what to do next.


"There must be some hidden entrance." She finally said. The other pirates looked at her confused. "What are you staring at? Move!" She ordered and the pirates immediately started searching for anything unusual.


"The house isn't small. I'll go to search in the basement." Shalena said as she made her way towards the basement. "Maybe will find something valuable too."

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Rhaine had already tacked Red Thunder and mounted up when the others arrived. The blood-bay stallion danced under her, eager to go and none too happy that his rider's weight had significantly increased from the last time they had traveled together. As soon as everyone was ready, the Doomguide spurred the horse into a gallop, plunging into the Cormanthor and headed straight for Myth Drannor.




Lyria wordlessly followed Shalena and her crew, helping them search the abandoned house. As the half-elf began heading towards the basement, the tiefling frowned and drew her sickles, "Careful. I smell a trap."


Not two seconds after Lyria spoke, one of the pirates accidentally triggered a tripwire, and a bag of choking powder fell from a perch, filling the main room with an acrid odor that caused their eyes to water and their throats to close up.




Conall's crossbow had fallen from his hands as the two lycans pounced on top of him. He knew he could not take these followers of Malar in this form...


...with a snarl and a burst of inhuman strength, the paladin tossed off his attackers, his silver armor flying from his body with force as he transformed into a werewolf as white as the snow, fur tipped in grey, his eyes the same bright blue.


Fenrir leapt on top of one of the black lycans, jaws sinking into its neck from behind as Conall's powerful forepaws smacked into the other, sending it flying into an oak tree.

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