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Tales of Faerun


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Haxxon watched the two throughout their introductions, giving them time to explain themselves before speaking himself. At the end he finally spoke up, but not to the two in front of him,


"Everyone, get out."


A large group of orcs had followed the two through the Hollow Mountain as they barged their way through, all greatly interested in these two women who felt higher than the orcs. On the Orc-King's command every one of them turned and left, with few mutterings of displeasure heard. Once he could see that there were none left save for he and his 'guests' he turned his gaze back to them.


"What do you want, demons? If you're looking for slaves, then you should know that I bow to no one, and my orcs are the same. I have no problem killing you both where you stand, but out of courtesy to your beauty I will give you time to speak before deciding your fates."

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Tannin quickly collected his things and followed the others out, checking his pockets at the door as he shot a glare at Hexol before confirming that he still had all his belongings. He closed the door behind him as quickly as he could and walked backwards to the stable, keeping his eyes on the door.

Azuris, who was already on his horse by the time Tannin approached, raised a brow at the half-drow's odd behavior. "You expecting a knife to fly out from there?" He asked in a gruff tone.

"Worse." Replied Tannin as he readied his own horse. "A midget with wandering hands."

Azuris gave Tannin a perplexed look before shaking his head. "I don't wanna know."




Hexol watched as they all left one by one. Sitting alone he spoke to himself. "Looks like they're off on an adventure. That would be a fun to go on I bet." He sat for a moment before looking up at a nearby patron. "Where's Myth Drannor?"


Sometime later Hexol looked down the road with a broad smile. "Adventure!" He exclaimed happily before setting off down the road, humming a cheerful tune as he did.

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The group made fairly good timing, reaching the outskirts of Myth Drannor within two days. The first day of travel was swift; the edge of the forest was mostly pine, with little roots or brush to get in the way. The second day, however, slowed them down considerably, as the Cormanthor became more and more dense. Eventually, the horses had to be dismounted and led by hand over and around gigantic, knotted roots. The canopy grew progressively taller, until Rhaine could swear that the trees reached over one hundred feet in height.


Then, Myth Drannor itself came into view. The Doomguide had only thought that Waterdeep was large...but Myth Drannor was far larger. Or at least, it had been.


The elven city had suffered greatly in the past thousand years, most of it crumbling to ruin. But since the beginnings of its restoration a few years past, it was being slowly uncovered and repaired...the tall, elegant spires and walls reflecting the emerald beauty of the ancient forest around it.


There was only one small problem. The elves were staunch protectors of their lands and their property. Rhaine would not be surprised if her company were not allowed in the city proper...especially if they found out that drow and an illithid were in their midst.


The Doomguide turned to Othos, "Well, here we are. You said that the shrine to Shaundakul is nearby? If so, perhaps we should focus on getting there and then leave fairly quickly. I doubt that the elves of Myth Drannor will openly welcome outsiders...especially ones of non-elven blood."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"Well that's just fantastic." Arland commented sarcastically. "Let's just hope I don't have to kill anybody. Feeling rather lazy today."


"You kill anybody you're not supposed to and I kick your wimpy little ass into next week." Weyland threatened.


"So why exactly did we come to a city full of racist, possible-hostile Eladrin anyway?" Arland asked.


"Hells if I remember." Weyland muttered.

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Xallistine gazed upon the slowly rebuilding glory of Myth Drannor, It's tall towers stood against scaffolding and held in place by supports as the elves rebuilt their fabled home. It truly was a beautiful sight to see, no matter one's preferences, it truly took the breath away with it's awe. Xallistine could see past this beauty however, and just like the gothically grand towers of the Drow, these structures and this shining city was merely a monument to the arrogance of the Elves, a nod to their views that they were above all other races- This was particularly true to sun elves.


"So that is what's left of the fabled city... I would have liked to have come here as it was recently ruined... That way we may have ventured inside it's borders. I too doubt that our diversity is a blessing in such a situation as this" He shook his head with a sigh.




Ravenna grinned at the Orcish chief wickedly, taking a number of steps forwards, her movements exuded confidence, confidence to the point of arrogance, and an incredible disregard for those she considered beneath her. She looked upon Hakkon not as an equal, not as the great slayer of dragons, but a tool to be used until it broke.


"Your regard for our beauty is touching... And for that I and Sefris thank you... But you have your priorities warped. You will not be deciding anyone's fate today- It shall be me deciding yours... Look into my eyes and tell me... do you wish to cross me?" Ravenna leant forward, her eyes level with Hakkon's, and projected a searing images of Hakkon's entire clan being brutally butchered by Devils that swarmed out of huge portals, ripping apart the women, the children, the warriors, until eventually Hakkon himself was destroyed, by none other than Sefris, her demonic claws tearing out the great chief's throat. She had not the power to call forth such an army, but Illusions of such intensity were often believed.


She allowed the images to fester a moment before taking a few steps back. "I seek to assist you rebuild this city, to expand your armies, and gain a foothold in this world... In exchange for your servitude to me, at least until I consider you worthy of release... And the possession of an ancient castle west of this camp."




In the forests of Cormanthor, near enough the outskirts of the Great city, a tall and lightly armoured elven man ran for his life, having been pursued out of the city, his hunter had not slowed in her pursuit. He had answers that she required, but he'd fled upon noticing her.


Running into the brush he knew of a small shack in which he could hide from his relentless hunter, whom was hot on his tail, and began flinging magical spells towards him, that came hissing, whizzing and crackling past smashing into the thick trees and disintegrating plants.


His knowledge of these woods would give him an advantage, and soon the elven man had found himself safely tucked away within the little shack, it was well hidden by a multitude of trees and plants, and he'd lost the woman who hunted him so tirelessly. Rushing inside he bolted the door and closed the windows, ducking down to hide by the back exit should he have to escape. His breathing calmed as he rose to his feet, only to be pushed back by a huge explosion, the planks of wood that made his hideaway splintered forward and showered over him on the impact of the magical projectile.


Cursing he scrambled out and sprinted out of the woodland, and onto the road, spotting a large group before him, he ran for them, screaming for assistance, but was cut down with a potent bolt of celestial magic, that burnt a hole right through his stomach.


Seraphine stopped as she reached the dying man, rolling him over with her foot and pressing her heel into his chest. "Which way did he go?" Her gaze momentarily shifted to the adventurers, but returned to the dying elf beneath her.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Rhaine started at the sound of a man crying for help. She whirled around, Touch of Death in her hands in seconds. The Doomguide barely had time to register that the man running towards them was elven before there was a crackle of magic...


...and he was down, a hole in his abdomen. From behind him appeared a strange, otherworldly woman, obviously intent on the elf's destruction. Rhaine did not even have to consciously shift her Chosen sight to see the woman's blindingly bright and steady aura proclaiming her Faithful loyalty to Tyr. Her bald head, imposing stature, and odd markings spoke of the Higher Planes.


But no matter this woman's loyalties, origins, or intentions, the dying man became the Doomguide's business the moment his life began to ebb. She jogged towards him, kneeling at the elf's side but keeping her blade in hand in case the Outsider objected. She looked back and forth between the man and woman, "What is going on here, Tyrran? What has this man done?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Seraphine's ethereal eyes settled on the woman who ran over, dressed head to toe in shining new armour, with wings black as the night, they outstretched as she bent and shone with a slight tinge of iridescence as the light that managed to penetrate the thick canopy as it hit them. She recognized the armour as adamantine, the same material she was wearing, however this winged woman before her wore a suit that shone with fresh polish.


Replying calmly Seraphine spoke slowly, her words calm, unnaturally so for such a situation, most would not be able to keep such a cool while being subverted from a kill. "I am attempting to extract vital information from this man before I end his life, swiftly, if that is of any consolation. His crimes are numerous and each gang related, he is an opportunistic thief and cut-purse, a burglar and an 'ace with hostages' so I have heard. With a count of murder thrown in with his sins this man has earn apprehension by the judicial order of Tyr." She swapped her gaze from the green of Rhaine's magnificent eyes, for the bloodshot blue of her dying target.


"I shall ask you one last time. Where did he go?" Her gaze was still calm as she replaced her foot, leaning it on his throat.


"North, he went Nor-" He was cut off as Seraphine's booted foot came crashing down onto his throat, ending the life of the elven gang-member there and then.


"He was also harbouring the fugitive I seek. I am Justiciar Seraphine, servant of Tyr."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"Pretty sure the non-elves in the group will be the least of their concern." Tannin said looking over at the more exotic raced members of the party. The screams of the man caught his attention soon after however and the sight of the woman chasing after him put Tannin on edge, especially when she listed the man's crimes. "Ooohh nooooo..." He groaned under his breath. These types were always trouble in his experience, and usually trouble for him.

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Rhaine stood, sheathing her blade and meeting Seraphine's odd-colored eyes, her face and her tone suddenly just as devoid of emotion as the Outsider's, "And I am Doomguide Rhaine Alcinea, Chosen of Kelemvor."


Within an instant and without one second of warning, Rhaine cast a Flame Strike on the corpse of the elven man, disintegrating it into ash as she recited the Passing. There was no time to bury him, and calling the guards of Myth Drannor over to alert them to the presence of a dead body would likely cause them all more trouble than anything else.


She then turned away, not certain of what else to say to the woman other than a brief, "May Tyr guide you." The Doomguide had met zealous Justiciars of Tyr before...and their idea of justice was often skewed and warped in some manner. Not all of them were like that, of course, but enough of them to cause passersby to cringe when they recognized them. In some ways, they brought as much terror of tyranny as followers of Bane.


Returning to her horse and to Othos, she spoke, "None of our concern, it seems. Obviously, he was a dead man walking. Now, where is that shrine?"

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Anemone silently gasped when Conall turned as well, almost getting hit by one of the tree werewolves surrounding her. The genasi dodged the attack in the last second, jumping back for a few steps. Three against one? Eh, that wasn't really good...Seeing how Conall had his two werewolves under control, her shadow returned to help its mistress, hampering one of the enemies to proceed to Ane.


The woman gripped her daggers again, knowing she's probably no match for two werewolves at the same time...well, she can at least keep full fire away from Conall until he deals with his opponents. And try not to get killed.


"Getting into trouble always makes my life fun..." she smirked and leaped forward, stabbing one of the daggers in the werewolf's shoulder as she slipped behind him to avoid getting hit. Direct attacks were out of the question - she'd only endanger herself and get hurt badly - but if she wears them out by wounding them little by little...that might work.


When the werewolf turned to attack her, followed by the other, the genasi ducked and rolled away, quickly up on her feet again. It's been a while since she's been in this kind of a fight - my, this will keep her on her toes.

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