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Tales of Faerun


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"A pleasure, and a strange twist of fate, perhaps?" Rhaine raised a brow at Seraphine before turning her attention to the genasi and her blue-eyed companion. Smiling, she addressed the former, "That is quite the name, young lady. And I believe I caught yours," she glanced to the man, "as Conall Whitefang?"


The paladin inclined his head, "Aye, milady...if, of course, our celestial friend here is correct in dubbing you as a lady. You no doubt appear as such."


Rhaine's smile widened, "I wore a noble title once, yes. But I am, first and foremost, a Doomguide and Chosen of Kelemvor. My name is Rhaine Alcinea," she gestured to the folk with her, "And these are my friends and companions. The wemic, as you know, is Kowolj, the thri-kreen is called Tak'we, and my Ulitharid comrade is Xallistine. And then there is Othos, Tannin, Azuris, Arland, Weyland, Amendale, Ianthe, Reona, Arva, William, Alphonse, and Nawen. More have come and gone in our travels together."


Conall's brow raised, "Indeed? And why is such a large company traveling through the Cormanthor, if I may ask? Surely there are better, less dangerous routes for a group of such a size."


The Doomguide nodded, "Of course. But my genasi friend Othos, here, wished to pay his respects to Shaundakul, and so we have made a small diversion. This is but a tiny detour as we head towards Impiltur."

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Barely paying any attention Tannin looked around, scratching his head as he did. "Odd... Werewolves running around here... One would think that the elves would have a tighter grip on things here. Interesting."


"These few probably slipped between the cracks of the elvish patrols." Said Azuris. "Or they were here to begin with, always a possibility."


After hearing Rhaine speak of their destination Tannin spoke up. "Speaking of which we should probably get on the move, would rather not have to deal with the locals, I hear they're not the friendly sort when dealing with trespassers."



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"Very nice to meet you." Nawen said to a Genasi with a very long name, Conall and a woman they've apparently met before. She assumed that they met her in the city when she was gawking at the marvels of Myth Drannor.


She looked around the area and that's when she noticed a beautiful white wolf. "Is he your friend?" She asked Conall as she watched the animal. Nawen spent all of her life among animals and liked to think that she had a slight connection with them even before she learned required skills to talk with them.


The pirate fell to the stinking water and Shalena approached him and pulled the bolt out of his head. "I hate fighting in the sewers." She said and looked at Lyria and her crewmen. Everyone seemed alright so she decided to move forward.


They continued their way deeper into the sewers. There were no more pirates around, thus they've reached the gates pretty quickly. The gates led outside, to the shore.


Shalena breathed the fresh air in, happy of being out of the damned sewer. The redhead pirate looked around and saw a group of armed and armored men waiting for them not too far to the entrance.


"Well well well. If it isn't Shalena Windsail. Alive and well!" The man standing in the middle shouted. He was in his mid thirties, with heavily tanned skin and curly black hair that reached his shoulders.


"Merick." The half-elf pirate said calmly. "I was hoping to find you in the sewers, where you belong." The other pirate, Merick laughed but stayed where he stood, surrounded by his men.


"Bloody coward." Shalena thought and looked back at Lyria and others. "Don't attack anyone just yet. I'd like to have a word with that dock rat." She said as she made her way towards Merick. The other four pirates followed.

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Kowolj answered Ane's question, even though Rhaine had answered it for him, "I am Kowolj. I like meats, brews, and fights." Kowolj's interest then shifted quickly from the greetings surrounding him to the corpses of the werewolves. As always, his gluttony and meat lust seemed to get the better of him, and he couldn't resist the thought of tasting such an exotic creature. Having no sense of stealth but knowing the others likely wouldn't approve, Kowolj walked to one of the nearby bodies and slung it over his shoulder before wandering over to the brushline, hoping that perhaps no one would notice.


Entering the clearing with the others, Othos' eyes scanned over the scene in front of him before coming to rest on the woman who identified herself as La'Niebelleta Anemone Siale. It had been many years since he had seen another of his own kind, and never had he been so enthralled by another person then right now. He walked to her without averting his gaze and offered her a slight bow and a large smile before speaking, "I am Othos, and I cannot express what a pleasure it is to meet a lady as captivating as yourself. This is such a great occasion that the Helping Hand must have guided my path to you."




Haxxon leaned against the wall not far from where the lizardman had just been bound to with his arms crossed, his eyes on the the fight playing out in front of him, and a bestial smile on his face.


The lizard continued to jump up and down in a pointless attempt at killing Sefris. It took him some time, but he realized that he was being toyed with, and this drew up a rage in him that burst forth from his maw in the form of a "terrifying" roar. He ran to a nearby woman, who was actually quite far away cowering from the fight, and took a large chunk out of her neck in his mouth and her arm. He then ran back to where Sefris was floating and threw the arm at her.

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Xallistine bowed upon his introduction, the warmest possible form of greeting he could offer a surface dweller without being able to smile. Of course, he could have invaded their minds to leave messages of euphoric welcome, but that wouldn't go down to well with people being rather protective of their cranial contents.


"A twist of fate? perhaps... perhaps it was the gods themselves that set me upon your path, but alas, my hunt must not lead me astray, however splendid your expedition sounds, and to have company after many a century alone would be favourable. Returning to my task, I was told by my last... informant, that those I seek travelled this way- In which case sir Whitefang, you would most likely have caught a glimpse, or, at least heard something? I fear that I have been lead astray." Seraphine was as calm and focused as ever as she asked Conall, although something told her she had just killed a lead to an unfruitful end.




Ravenna continued to watch in sadistic amusement as Sefris toyed with the lizard-man, singing off his tail as she hovered above him really got the creature riled, and as it threw the severed arm of a prisoner at the Fey'ri, the infernal queen could help not but laugh loudly, walking elegantly to stand a safer distance away near Hakkon. "She is a rather sadistic little creature, wouldn't you agree?"

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Conall grinned at the hooded elf, "Aye, that's my companion, Fenrir. Spoiled to attention he is."


As if to illustrate his point, the white wolf walked up to Nawen and looked at her curiously, his tail smacking into the side of Rhaine's leg in a rhythmic pattern as he wagged it.


Just then, Conall caught movement out of the corner of his eye; he saw the wemic toss a werewolf corpse over his shoulder and begin head off with it. Alarmed, the paladin jerked a thumb in Kowolj's direction, "Hey, where is he going with that?"


Rhaine sighed heavily and called out, "Kowolj! Where do you think you're going with that corpse?"


Knowing the wemic likely wouldn't answer her anyway, she supplied, "Probably thinks he can eat it or something. He's been having...problems, lately."


Conall wrinkled his nose in disgust, then glanced at Seraphine, "And who would you be looking for? Lots of folk pass through this area - adventurers, pilgrims, and rakes alike. And werebeasts...as you can see."


Rhaine nodded, "That is cause for us to keep moving. And Tannin is correct...the elves are as much of a threat to us as the werewolves are."




Lyria smirked as she stood behind Shalena,"You kill all the fun, you know that, Shal?"

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Seeing how her flying above the lizard only made him angrier, the fey-ri laughed, dodging the severed arm and landing on the ground. It is no fun unless you get your hands dirty at some point...which is what she liked the most about killing. Standing in her full half-demonic glory with wings spread wide, the half-demoness hissed, showing her sharp fangs to the lizard. If he thinks he can take her on, he's a fool.

The sorceress cast a firewall between them, stepping right into the fire which did no damage to her. How could it, considering her heritage? Taunting the beast as she stood right there in the fire, the sorceress readied her spear, waiting for the lizard to charge.


"Come and taste the flames!" She callled the lizard, laughing as she played with the flames surrounding her whole body.




The genasi was trying to talk her stubborn raven into bringing her her hat, since it would be rude to leave the company now that they're all introducing, but Avira only cawed and stayed sitting on a branch. Grumpy bird...

Her eyes looked back when another genasi approached her, puzzled to see one of her own. She only saw one other genasi during her travels and that was long ago. His words made the woman smile and chuckle, taking a bow herself. It was no doubt Shaundakul led them both here. It would be a lie to say his flattering didn't cause a reaction - luckily, her skin was too pale to give away any kind of blushing.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Othos. It's been a long time since I've seen any other of my kind. The Rider of the Winds must be smiling on us both today."


Caw! Avira landed on Anemone's shoulder, holding the genasi' hat in her beak. The grumpy raven didn't seem to like such a large crowd of people, but she stayed still, assuming they'll move on as they always do.

"Oh, thank you, Avira." Ane murmured to the raven, putting her hat back on as she looked back at Othos with a smile.

"Dare I assume you were visiting Shaundakul's shrine? I've been there before visiting Moonmaiden's. The view is quite breathtaking considering the height."

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"He's beautiful." Nawen said as she carefully reached her hand out to touch the white wolf. She was not afraid of him but she did not know if he allowed other people to pet him. With a corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of Kowolj heading somewhere with a werewolf corpse on his shoulder. The sight reminded her what had happened back in Shadowdale.


Shalena looked back at Lyria and chuckled as she heard the tiefling's words. "Don't worry. I won't let this end peacefully." She said and continued walking towards Merick and his men.


"Care to explain me what were you trying to achieve by setting up that little ambush of yours?" The redhead pirate asked as they approached the other group.


"I did this to avenge Galar! The best damned captain in the Sea of Fallen Stars!" Merick snarled at her.


Shalena laughed. Her crewmen soon joined in. "You did all of that to avenge the death of my darling late husband?" Her own words sounded funny to her and she started laughing again which seemed to anger Merick even more.


"His death was your doing!" He yelled and stepped forward. Shalena did as well. "I did the Realms a favor by getting rid of that bastard." The half-elf pirate replied. She found it amusing how easily angered the man was and she was not about to squander such an opportunity.


"I saw what you and everyone else refused to see." Shalena said with the usual mysterious smile on her face. "Galar was never able to live up to all the exaggerated stories he so shamelessly spread." "He wasn't the 'Sea Terror', he wasn't a 'fearless and cruel captain'. Galar was a worthless drunk. Worthless and greasy pig."


"Enough!" Merick shouted. His face red with anger. "I will not hear any more of your lies!" He drew his cutlass, his men did the same. Shalena shot a glance at her crewmen who were ready as well.


"See? I told you, this won't end peacefully." She said to Lyria before drawing her own cutlass and dashing towards Merick. This was between the two.

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"Right." Tannin said as he turned around. "And we should keep moving unless something unpleasant finds us."

And as if on cue a familiar small person came bumbling through the bushes nearby. Despite the odds Hexol Wanderfoot had caught up with the group. He looked up at everyone as a bright smile spread across his face. "OHHI EVERYONE!" He exclaimed loudly, causing Tannin's face to drop.

"I hate being right all the time."


Hexol pulled himself out from the bush and started to ramble on in an overly happy manner. "You wouldn't believe the adventure I've been on, I ended up getting lost and wound up in the middle of the woods somewhere, I didn't know where I was! I ended up falling through these weird plants, and I was REEEEEAAALLLY itchy for a while!" He said with a large smile as he stepped forward. "Say! Can I travel with you guys now? I don';t really know where else to go, and I swear you'll hardly know i'm even here! Promise!"


Tannin stepped behind Hexol and began waving his arms and shaking his head violently, signalling to Rhaine his feelings on the matter.

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Kowolj turned slowly to meet the eyes of those who had caught him. He was fraught with indecision, unable to decide if he wanted to eat this werewolf enough to run off into the woods.


The others calling out Kowolj's actions had alerted Othos to his actions as well, who was forced finish his conversation to deal with the problem at hand.


"We had just come from the shrine when we heard the commotion here and came to investigate. It really was a beautiful sight, though I could think of another sight of far greater beauty... Also I must beg your forgiveness, but I have someone to deal with."


Walking over to Kowolj, Othos' face showed very obvious signs of displeasure. Kowolj knew that he was out of luck the second Othos started walking toward him and decided to drop the corpse before the words even being uttered. He sighed, and his stomach growled, but Kowolj still walked back to the others without thinking about doing the same thing a second time.




The lizardman had no choice before him, so he took the chance he was given and charged headlong into the flames, ignoring the searing pain as his arms reached out for any chance to grab his prey.

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