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Tales of Faerun


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Conall laughed as Fenrir flopped over onto his back for a belly rub from the ranger woman, "Looks like he's taking to you rather well. The little attention hog."


Rhaine caught Tannin's look, and her eyes narrowed. It would be rather cruel to leave someone so small behind, especially when the woods held so much danger. And it seemed misfortune had already befallen the poor kender, what with him getting lost. It was rather obvious that the little fellow just wanted company, and the Doomguide saw little harm in him joining up with them, at least until they reached civilization again.


"Of course you can come along, Hexol," she addressed the kender, "At least until we reach the next town. No one should be out here alone, not with werebeasts about."


She returned her attention to the others, "Seraphine, you have made your thoughts clear on the matter...but what about you, goodlady La'Niebelleta and goodsir Conall? Would you like to join us in our mission to stop a dracolich?"


"Dracolich?" Conall crossed his arms, "One of those foul things? Is he nearby?"


"No," Rhaine shook her head, "He has nine phylacteries...one of which we have destroyed near Shadowdale. Eight others are scattered across the continent, and we have reason to believe one of them is in Impiltur. That's the closest one to us as of now."


Conall looked back at the shrine for a moment before heaving a heavy sigh, "I will join you. It seems I am not doing the Moonmaiden any favors by staying here, as much as I would like to. Perhaps I can redeem myself for my inaction."

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The fey'ri was just waiting for the lizard to charge in, gripping her spear when he got closer. But killing him off now would be too easy - she should toy more with him, like a cat does before killing a mouse. Despite not being adept to melee fighting, the sorceress handled dodging quite well thanks to her specialization. Finally she stabbed the lizard's upper arm, pulling the spear back to watch him bleed.

With a mischevious grin, the fey'ri pulled back, her wings flapping in the fire to direct them at the lizard. And on top of that, the half-demoness opened her mouth after a chuckle, a blaze of fire flying at the lizard who was still close enough to get caught in it.

"Pathetic!" She yelled at him, "Finishing you off too fast would make me even more bored than I was!"



Anemone nodded to Othos before he walked away to deal with the wemic, finding the situation rather amusing. She did not know how eating a werewolf would affect one, but they can't be tasty. Or so she assumed. The genasi had almost forgotten how charming her own race can be when they want to, surpressing a smile when she looked away from Othos. She's been so caught up in travelling and helping others lately she almost forgot how it is just to...talk with others. Avira doesn't count.




"i haven't forgotten about you, Avira." The woman muttered to the raven, petting it on the head, to which the bird replied with a light peck. "You're such a grumpy bird."


The winged half-elf who introduced herself as a Chosen on Kelemvor now spoke to the genasi woman, so she looked again in her way. That's right, Kelemvor bestoved his Chosens with black wings. I wonder if she can fly with them? That would be amazing. She could fly up as high as Avira and reduce an hours-long journey to mere minutes. Exploring uncharted places that way would certainly be much easier.


"A dracolich? Those foul things are still around?" Ane asked, adjusting her feathered hat, "I would most certainly like to help you with such a feat. It is a noble thing you're all doing." the genasi replied, taking a light bow directed to everyone in the group. It's been a while since she's traveled with such a large group - it should be fun.

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"A dracolich?" Seraphine's eyes widened as she heard mention of the vile beasts. "It happens that the... quarry I am sworn to destroy turned to the dark paths in his youth, and like his brother he must be put to rest. While necromancy itself is not the greatest of crimes in the eyes of my god, unrighteousness is, and the deed of desecrating the remains of a fallen being for ones own amusement is by no means righteous. I am not kept updated as to the power the hunted now possesses in the dark arts, but I have found many a trace of him at desecrated crypts. It would be within my interest to travel to such a place where necromancy is in abundance, in the off chance he is there. if you would accept me, fair Doomguide, I would lend my assistance to your own battle in the hopes of finishing mine."

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Rhaine smiled, "We would be grateful to have your aid, Seraphine. Welcome aboard. And to you as well, friend genasi."


Conall raised his eyebrows at the Deva, "Then our paths become one after all. Think of it what you will, but I wouldn't call this chance."


The Doomguide nodded, "Neither would I. Now, let's get moving...our destination is Scardale, and from there we'll catch a ship to Sarshel."


With that, she mounted up again and spurred Red Thunder on to the southeast, headed for the road.




Lyria laughed as one of Merick's men came charging at her with a yell. She hooked Culler behind his neck and dragged him to the ground before stepping on his throat.



Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"Well, isn't that...quite a sight." Weyland commented, to the entire incident.


"If I made a comment about wet dogs, would I be in trouble?" Arland inquired very quietly.


"Biggest dog here is you." Amendale spoke drily.


They waited, quietly listening to the conversation...a rare occurrence, though the Greys both had to chuckle at Kowolj's eagerness for a meal. They could definitely relate. Eventually, the option of Seraphine came up, and words were spoken again.

"Another to accompany us on our fool's quest?" Arland asked, receiving a glare from Amendale and a warning look from Weyland. "Erm...very noble quest. but still a fool's one." He muttered the final bit under his breath, not eager to take a beating from Weyland, or worse, a fire arrow through the foot. Again.


"We'd be glad to have you aboard. Well, I will, and my friend here probably will. My idiot brother, don't know." Weyland said with a smile.


"Welcome." Amendale stated simply. "Need anything, just ask."

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Nawen chuckled at Fenrir's reaction and happily rubbed his belly. "Animals have great intuition." She said as she scratched the wolf behind the ears before walking over to her horse.


"We'll be traveling by ship?" Nawen asked as she mounted the horse. "Joy of joys." The ranger said more to herself than to others. As a scout, she was used to traveling by land. Not once she traveled by boat and she had no idea what to expect.


Their cutlasses clashed in mid-air. Their eyes focused on one another, following the slightest movement. Both learned the fighting from the same man and only after their unfriendly departure Shalena had picked up several other techniques.


Each swift strike was met with just as swift parrying. Each accurate slash and stab found their target. The two pirates, the captain and the rebelious quartermaster had marked each other with several slashes and cuts but the battle was not yet over.


Shalena was too busy to notice that one of the half-elven twins had already fallen while the other one controlled by the blind rage waved her blade at all possible directions. Merick was too distracked to see that the ranks of his own men had been lessened by Lyria and Shalena's pirate. The redhead pirate and her small group were outnumbered in the beggining. Now... not so much.

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Conall whistled, and a few minutes later, a grey stallion plodded through the underbrush to meet them. Swinging himself up in the saddle, the paladin glanced at the others, "Anyone need a ride?"




Lyria moved closer to the fight between Shalena and Merick, lunging close to the latter to catch another foe by the breastplate with her sickles and pull him towards her. She dispatched him in much the same manner as she had one of the other men, stabbing Culler and Reaper behind his collarbones.

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Having paid his respects to the god of travel, Othos was more than ready to take up their journey once again. He wiggled his toes, enjoying the freedom, as he stretched down to greet his feet with his fingers and prepare his body to keep up with the others. When he got tired, which was inevitable, he could always rely on Kowolj for transportation services as his friend had legendary stamina and was capable of keeping up with all but the fastest of horses.


Kowolj heard the newcomer's offer to give rides and felt a strange competitive urge toward this man, "Hey! If anyone's giving out free rides here it'll be me! Who wants to ride on some stink horse when they can ride in style, with me? I'll tell you who. You. And most of the people here..." He looked around at the others and then back at Conall. He couldn't quite tell, but something seemed off about him. Not in a malicious way, but simply an unnatural way that set him apart from those like Weyland and Arland.




The lizardman's scales became scorched to the point that a few of them found their way off of his skin and onto the floor, lessening his defense the the burning onslaught. Had he been given no hope of freedom he may have just fell to his knees right there and died, but the hope he was given drove him beyond the pain to a place of necessity. Survival and freedom were on the line, but he had underestimated this woman, who was much more than she appeared to be. She spoke of this fight as though she was playing around, that he was nothing, and that he couldn't win. There was no way one of his stature could succumb to despair, instead his entire being was engulfed in a blind rage and burning hate that once again drove his body at her like the beast he had become.

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Conall smirked, "Don't get your fur in a twist, wemic. But my offer still stands," he turned to the others, "So you have two choices for transportation, then, if you lack a horse. I suggest you decide quickly, though....your Doomguide friend is already leaving."

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"I would greatly appreciate it, Conall." Seraphine smiled and approached his steed, pulling herself up and sitting comfortably behind Conall, hoping that the combined weight of them both wouldn't snap the horse in two... Seraphine was light, but her armour most certainly was not. "What an interesting journey this shall be."


Xallistine re-mounted his horse and followed close behind Rhaine as usual, and as per usual, he had much to think about as thoughts rattled about in his mind. Their new company was quite comforting in the purity that was brought... although such purity was a rather uneasy one when he considered Seraphine.




Ravenna continued to watch in amusement as Sefris toyed with the beast, and she could see in it's eyes that it knew it would die there that day... and almost with the last of it's being hurled itself at the Fey'ri once again... such a futile attempt, but then Ravenna was not about to criticize... she had fought against impossible odds before.

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