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Tales of Faerun


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The moment the lizard turned into a beast, she knew this battle was over. A beast could not think straight, could not think logically or think of a plan; it could only charge blindly into its death. The fey'ri stood still as the lizardman charged at her, not even trying to move or dodge it.

"Do you know why you cannot win?" she asked while he charged at her, looking amused as she held her spear ready in her hands, "You are a mere beast...but I am something much worse."


As the lizard was about to get a hold of her, close enough to harm her severely, the fey'ri plunged her spear at the beast, finishing it in a mere second. Her weapon was stuck in his neck faster before he registered what had happened, feeling it was getting harder to breathe. The half-demoness was staring at the lizard with her crimson eyes, not blinking. He was standing close enough to see all her scales on her face, the satisfaction of taking one's life in her eyes, the tips of her white fangs sharp as a knife peeking through red lips.


"The moment you lose yourself in a fight...is the moment when you die." She added quietly to the lizard, pushing her spear deeper into the beast's throat. "Because nothing can save you once a demon gets her eyes on you, beast."




Anemone chuckled at Kowolj's offer, still admiring the creature. She prefered not to ride, but to run when she can, but such an apportunity arises once in a lifetime. So the genasi stepped closer to the wemic, adjusting her hat with the large blue feather that hung in the air.


"I've never ridden a wemic before...you're not going to throw me down, are you?" the planetouched asked with a smile, glancing to see Avira fly away - the raven, it seemed, was not so keen on the idea; she'll rely on her wings.


"I bet you can outrun any animal here."




"You included, Avira." the raven cawed again, determined to prove her genasi companion wrong. Anemone looked at Othos, smiling at the other genasi.


"He is your friend, yes? Would I be taking your place if he allows me to travel on him for a while?"


She wouldn't ride on Kowolj the whole time, just for a bit to see what it felt like. After all, her ability to speed up her ground speed once a day was something she used quite often and liked to - it would be no about she'd do it today, as well, since it's been a slow day for her since the morning, climbing to Shaundakul's shrine.

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As always Nawen stayed at the back of the group and rode silently. She wondered if they'll have to leave their horses behind if they're really going to travel by ship. She liked her dapple grey mare Kiira and it seemed that the mare took a liking to her as well. She didn't want to leave her in some stable for only Gods know how long.


The battle continued and both sides suffered losses. Three of four Shalena's pirates had fallen. Only the Luskanite, the clumsiests of the four survived and fought bravely alongside his captain and Lyria.


Both Shalena and Merick were tired and it was not difficult to notice. "Time to end this."


The half-elf pirate parried to left, Merick swung his weapon to the same direction but Shalena avoided the hit by ducking down. Swiftly, she got out of his way even further and kicked the pirate to the side. The kick caught the other pirate off guard, he fell rather clumsily to the sandy shore.


Shalena pulled out one of her throwing knives and approached Merick who tried to get up but he was too exhausted to do it fast. The redhead pirate grabbed him by his hair and pulled him up. She forced him to look directly at her. "This is for my crew." She said as she slit his throat and released him. For several minutes she watched the dying pirate and the sand becoming red under him. She only turned to face Shalena and the only survivor of her crew, when Merick was dead.


"Let's find the nearest tavern and drink ourselves under the table." She said as she ran her hand through her red messy hair. "I'm buying."

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Two days later, the group arrived at the largely lawless town of Scardale, where they managed to secure a cargo vessel called Umberlee's Wave. The ship was quite large, able to accommodate the company's horses plus its own substantial shipment of ale. Rhaine was informed that she had made excellent timing - the ship was to set sail the next morning for Lyrabar, Impiltur. Thus, the group stayed the night at one of Scardale's seedy inns...avoiding Zhents all the while.


The next morning, they packed and readied themselves to board Umberlee's Wave. As the Doomguide stood with the others on the dock, watching the crew lead the horses into the hold, Rhaine placed a hand on Nawen's shoulder, "Ever been on a ship before, Nawen?"


Conall stood nearby, his silvery armor aglow in the dawn's light. "I've got a bad feeling about this," he remarked to no one in particular.




"Excellent!" Lyria grinned widely, sheathing her blades, "Somehow I knew you would say that."


She playfully punched the surviving crew member in the arm, "Lucky you, eh?"

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"Oh gods!" Reona exclaimed as she doubled over the railing of the ship, vomiting up the half-digested remains of her breakfast, her sweaty hair falling over her eyes.


Arva laughed heartily and patted her on the back, "That's a bit out of character for you, isn't it?"


"Shut u--" Her sentence was cut short as the deck rocked beneath her feet and lurched her stomach along with it.


Ianthe danced by, mirroring every sway that the ship had in the waves with her body, "It really is magical, isn't it? This makes me want to shed my clothes and leap into the water."


Alphonse reddened, "I-I bet she's not serious."


Arva's face was nearly as red as he nodded.


William ran by, seeming as mad a man as one who'd been lost at sea, a sharp contrast to reality, as he was still at the docks. "Has anyone seen my pot of ink?"

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Throughout their journey Tannin made it his duty to keep Hex's hands to himself, Of course that proved to be an impossibility so he instead started to call out any time he couldn't see the Kender's hands.


When they reached the docks Tannin decided to sell his horse to whoever would take it. "This boat's not gonna survive this trip." He muttered grimly.

"And what makes you say that?" Asked Azuris. "Looks like a fine vessel to me."

"Experience, These things never stay afloat. If ya gotta take a boat, you're going swimming. Trust me.... We're not gonna reach our destination on this thing." Tannin grumbled.

"I'VE NEVER BEEN IN A SHIPWRECK BEFORE!!" Hexol piped up as he fiddled around with container of ink.

"They're not fun." Said Tannin.

"They sound fun." Hexol mumbled to himself.

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On their journey something very unexpected happened. As they rode towards the port town, Nawen heard noises similar to a small animal whimpering coming from the forest and so she went to investigate.


What she found was a wolf pup who was either lost or abandoned. His fur was of light brown and white hues, with his wide blue eyes the little wolf watched the approaching hooded figure fearfully. It took Nawen quite some time to get close enough to touch the scared pup and she was sure that she fell behind but once he allowed to be touched the pup climbed onto her knees and buried his face in her cloak. She pitied the little wolf and she knew that he will die out here if she won't take him with her and thus she took the wolf pup with her.


By the time she cought up with everyone else, the little wolf already had a name. Rhegar.


Nawen watched as the crew lead the horses into the ship. At least they won't leave them behind. She was already quite nervous and ominous words of Conall and Tannin made her even more nervous.


She glanced at Rhaine and sighed. "No. Never. I just hope I won't get sick on anyone." She said just in time to see Reona getting sick. "Oh gods." She repeated Reona's exclamation and covered her mouth but thankfully nothing happened. Once she was sure that it's safe enough for her and everyone's boots to continue talking, she looked at both Conall and Tannin.


"You two aren't really helping, you know."


It didn't take them long to find a nearest tavern. They fought on the shore of Starmantle and even as she fought she could see the shapes of buildings. The rest of the crew also joined in to celebrate the victory. They were finally free of the past. Shalena was finally free of the past.


They drank and sang and brawled and then drank some more, for how long the half-elf could not remember. She only remember how she stumbled back to her ship, singing some vulgar song she learned on her wedding day. It was time for a well deserved rest.


"Get my friend a finest bed you can find in this ship." She ordered until she remembered that she managed to fit two beds into the captain's cabin for nights when someone else warmed Galar's bed and after her husband was gone she never bothered to get rid of one.


"Never mind." She said. "My cabin has two beds." Shalena added as she stumbled towards the captain's cabin. "If we're not going to sleep we might as well continue celebrating in a nicer looking place." The pirate said to Lyria even though she was not aware where exactly her friend is standing.

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"Oh gods," Rhaine echoed Reona and Nawen as she saw the former retching over the side of the vessel, the elves having already boarded the ship. She winced. This was going to be a long journey for some of them....


Turning to Tannin and Conall, the Doomguide added, "Keep your thoughts positive. I don't want everyone nervous during this voyage...or to cause some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy."


She returned her attention to the massive ship before them, the crew working the rigging like ants. It seemed they would be ready to leave soon. The sight reminded her of the sailors who worked on the warships in Waterdeep's harbor.


Conall gestured to Nawen's new little wolf companion, "He seems to be taking to you rather well. Poor pup...I'm glad you found him. It would have been a pity for him to have perished in the wilds."


At that moment, the ship's captain approached them, "All righ', ladies and gents. Umberlee's Wave is almost ready to sail. We've got good weather and a strong wind...now if Talos and Umberlee will favor us, we should make it to Impiltur in no time."




Lyria stumbled into the cabin behind Shalena, making herself at home on the extra bed, "Shleep? Shleep is for the weak..."


The tiefling trailed off before falling sideways and instantly beginning to snore.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Xallistine boarded the ship and looked around with an intrigued gaze... he inspected everything from the mast to the wheel as he marched up and down, almost scaring the life out of the sailors as he moved them aside to look at what they were working with... so this was what the surfacers used to travel bodies of water in? How very interesting.


He returned to Rhaine happily "An impressive vessel my lady, you were lucky to have secured it. But I think for the sake of my skin I shall swim some of the way, salty air is a greater evil than salty sea."


Seraphine boarded the vessel and looked around, a fine vessel and she was sure they would make it... Seeing the uneasy demeanour of some of her companions, especially the elven lass who had to vomit... she knew that Rhaine's words were true, they needed good morale. Seraphine did not have anything to say, but she was feeling optimistic about this, in a grim way, if she found her son she could end his life and finalize her hunt... perhaps not the most cheerful of thoughts.


She found an empty spot on deck and sat down, crossing her legs and resting her hands on her knees, her eyes became solid orbs of silver as she mentally communed with her many spirits in meditation.




"I told you she was good." Ravenna remarked with a scoff, gazing down at the body of the brutally butchered Lizardman with a sadistic grin... ah Sefris had not disappointed, this was quite the spectacle.

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Blackness. Nothing but blackness was all that Ginafae knew for what could have been seconds, minutes...or even eons; she could not be for certain. No feeling, no sight, no sound, no smells...nothing.


Then, a grating voice spoke to her...a voice that felt as if it were part of her very being...and she knew it to be that of one of Lolth's yochlols - handmaidens.


Ginafae Orlyndar....or should I say Quarylene Barrimtor? The goddess has seen fit to give you a new life, and with it, a new name. It is a second chance...one that you should relish, as you will not have another.


Suddenly, all of her senses came plunging back into existence. Her body was naked and cold, like ice, and she could feel herself lying face-down in dirt or sand. There was the distant sound of trickling water and the smell of damp earth. She opened her eyes and could see the interior of a cave.


She was alive, by the Spider Queen's grace, and yet she did not feel the same as she did before the dracolich's flames snuffed out her life...


The drow stood slowly. Quarylene Barrimtor....why did she need a new name? Her mind was awhirl as she looked around, holding herself out of a sense of vulnerability.


Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a dire rat scurry along the far wall of the cave. A pain suddenly hit her like a blow to the gut and all thoughts stopped...her eyes could see the thing's heartbeat...she could hear it in her ears even though she was at least twenty paces away...


...with all the strength of a lion and the speed of a snake, she struck, snatching up the rat and tearing out its throat with her teeth, drinking its lifeblood.


After a few breaths, and when all the blood was drained out of the creature, she dropped it, hardly realizing what she had done. As her thoughts came into focus once more, her eyes widened in horror at her scarlet-stained hands. The elf sank to her knees as she comprehended what it was that she had become...


This wasn't a blessing. It wasn't a second chance...not like the yochlol had implied...


It was a punishment.


An inhuman howl escaped her lips, echoing around the cavern as she screamed her rage at the top of her lungs.

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"I am being positive." Said Tannin. "Positive that this boat's gonna sink, never been on one that hasn't. Even the ones that aren't supposed to sink do." He growled as he clenched his fist.

Hexol's eyes grew wide at Tannin's revelation. "You mean..... you're cursed!!??"

"Blame my father...." Tannin grumbled. "And the fact that the damn thing's got Umberlee in it's name only solidifies it's fate........... I could also go a separate route.. See if that helps any. Wait.." He crossed his arms. "No.. cause she knows that i'm with this group sooo.. she miiight.."

Azuris let out a sigh. "You're over thinking things. I'm certain that this ship can handle any storm that's thrown at it."

"Then we'll hit a reef." Tannin said with a nod.

"Then don't get on if you're so scared. Problem solved."

"NO NO! HE HAS TO COME!" Hexol yelled. "I wanna see if he really is cursed or not!"

Tannin stared at Hexol for a few moments before looking over at Rhaine. "Permission to take the long way around?"

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