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Tales of Faerun


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Shalena shook Hexol's hand, a bit surprised at his friendliness and overall happy demeanor. "You're one interesting little fellow, you know that?" She said and once Rhaine was done introducing those who hadn't introduced themselves Shalena bowed slightly before looking back at them. "This bunch seems more interesting with each passing minute." She thought and was about to remind the adventurers about the spare cabins for them to retire but the dark clouds had caught her attention as well.


"You're right." She said to the Doomguide before turning her attention to the crew. "What are you standing about for?! Get back to work, prepare the ship for the storm!" She ordered and the crew started preparing the ship for the storm.


Shalena then walked over to the railing and glanced at the smokes coming from the Umberlee's Wave they've left behind. Remembering that she still held the bottle of rum, she opened it and poured some into the water. "To you, friend." She said quietly before taking a large gulp of the drink.


"There's a storm coming?" Nawen thought as she stared at the dark clouds. "That's just great. More rocking and more... no. I don't want to think about that." She said to no one in particular as she followed Rhaine to the lower deck but then she remembered that Fenrir was injured during the battle. She stopped and looked at the ranger. "I don't know any healing magic but if you wish I can take a look at his wound." She said to Conall.

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"No need to concern yourself, fair Drow, I shall heal the beast with my magics, although your company is always calming for beasts is it not?" Seraphine allowed a fragment of a smile to form on her lips as she crouched to the ground, sitting on her knees she helped spread Fenrir's body onto her legs so she could get a better look at his wounds, feeling around his sides she noticed the sickle wounds, they were deep, yet the wolf would not bleed out at least.


"Hold him still, this is never a painless process." Seraphine warned before pressing down upon the gashes with her fingers, one hand under Fenrir and the other atop, divine magic radiating from her fingers it served to sew shut the gash and clean it out, the process was one of intense concentration and searingly bright light, Seraphine was not a healer by trade, and it was an activity that would have been far better suited to Aricia should she have still lived. Still, the celestial did what she could and hoped it would stop the creatures pain at least.


Xallistine had no real feelings about this situation- Pirates were pirates, and they were far lesser an evil than anything they had faced. This captain seemed nice enough when money was mentioned, but he didn't trust her in the slightest. Her threat of cutting off hands amused him though, he would so love to see any one of these lesser creatures attempt to take his hand.

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Kyran stood near the rail, watching the pirates turn from enemies to allies....sort of. The mention of a quest to a dracolich's lair peaked the elf's interest and made him want to meet the Doomguide even more, so he followed her as she went down the companionway to the lower deck, hoping to finnaly speak to her.


"I still think this a stupid decision, Kyran. You'll get us us both in trouble." - said Ivan. The elf decided to ignore that and continued on downstairs.

Edited by spyro1201
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Tannin flashed Rhaine an innocent smile as she gave him a look. With her already knowing of his heritage he figured him having a blood-thirsty sword would be the least of her concerns about him.

Seeing that Shalena had made the mistake of shaking Hexol's hand he almost called out to her but decided against it. The Kender "finding" a few of her items would be alright with him.

At the mention of the storm he swore under his breath. "The Haaaag's comen ta geeet meeeeeh." He sung to himself with a mad glint in his eyes, almost looking forward to seeing what Umberlee would throw at them.



Azuris meanwhile followed Rhaine, when he knew they were out of earshot he spoke up. "You think this is a good idea having them help us? Can't trust pirates as far as you can throw them, And I can throw pretty far. We could have fought them off, maybe even take this ship ourselves."

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Rhaine met Azuris's eyes and leaned close, whispering, "I understand your trepidation, brother. In all honesty, I am surprised that show went as well as it did. But when we lost Umberlee's Wave, I knew that we stood little chance of getting out of these waters on our own...and with a storm brewing, I'd much rather have these experienced sailors at the helm than anyone else."


She glanced over her shoulder to see the stranger elf following her. Turning to face him, she asked, "Do you need something?"


Conall had held Fenrir still while the poor beast tried to wriggle and writhe out of his grip, the healing causing him a great deal of discomfort. The wolf whimpered and whined, all the while his master whispering soft words of comfort. The paladin glanced to Nawen, "You don't happen to have any tonics or potions on you, do you? I haven't yet had time to brew any, and Fenrir likely needs one to help him sleep."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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While other pirates ran around the main deck preparing the ship for the storm and mumbling angrily at the adventurers who got in their way, Shalena returned back to her cabin. Thinking about this upcoming adventure of theirs she approached the map of Faerun hanging on the wall and started studying it. Before her only concerns were port towns, islands with buried treasures and seas but now she had no idea where will this adventure take her...


Nawen watched as Seraphine healed Fenrir while holding her own little wolf tightly in her arms. She felt sorry for the wolf and wished to help him in some way but it seemed that everything was taken care of.


She smiled happily when Conall asked her if she had any tonics or potions. Finally, she'll be able to help. "I do!" She said and placed Rhegar beside Fenrir as she searched for potions in her bag, she always had potions. While Nawen searched her pack, the wolf pup sniffed the older wolf and whined.


"Ah, here it is." The drow said as she pulled two potion bottles from her pack and handed them to Conall. "I'm afraid I don't have more." She added and looked at the wolves. "It appears that Rhegar is concerned for Fenrir." Nawen crouched beside them and stroked the white wolf's fur gently before looking back at her own animal friend. "Don't worry. Seraphine healed him," she pointed at the woman, "he'll be alright."

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"As hospitable as always, my dear Ravenna." Sefris added with an amused snort, entering the carriage after the witch. She returned to her elven appearance once she was inside, knowing she won't need to kill anyone while they're driving....unfortunately.


"What is the plan now?" she asked the woman after the carriage started moving, glancing at the witch between looking out of the window and at her dress.




Anemone was glad the fighting ceased, for she truly disliked killing and hurting people - it was her job to offer help wherever she could. And not to mention working together sounded much better than trying to kill each other. The genasi glanced at the raven that was sitting on their former ship with her hat, but the bird was nowhere to be found. She didn't lose them, did she?




The plantouched smiled at the sight of the grumpy old bird sitting on their - now new - ship, on top of her hat.


"Good grumpy bird!" She cooed to the raven, moving to where she sat with her hat. "Now be an even better grumpy and give me back my hat, please."




"Oh pretty please, Avira, I did not mean to say you're grumpy, gods forgive. Can I have my hat back now, please?" The raven eventually gave up and let the genasi have her hat, to which the woman smiled victoriously. "Such a cute, grumpy bird you are."


Anticipating the coming storm, the genasi made her way to the beak head, as close as she could without being in danger of falling down, and sat down, enjoying the wind. She loved the smell of salt it carried with it, giving her solace even in a situation like this. Nobody seemed to need her poor healing skills, so perhaps she could enjoy these moments. The idea of speaking with Othos a bit later seemed interesting, but the place was too good for her to move.


The woman sighed dreamily, looking at the sky. A storm, indeed.

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Amendale looked at the towering black storm clouds in the distance. "It would be wise to go below deck."


"Agreed." Weyland added helpfully.


Arland was standing there and muttering silently about regretting having to surrender, but he'd done so anyway, if only so he wouldn't starve to death or drown when the ship sank. Despite this however he didn't really dislike the pirates, they weren't all that much different from him. He went below the deck, though not so far that he couldn't run for the open deck to throw up if the storm got too bad. Weyland and him shared a room with two cots in it, keeping their weapons close.


Amendale wanted to help Conall's wolf, though the only thing he could really do was kneel beside it and supplement the healing process with some of his own magics. This helped speed up the process at least.


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The outcome of the fight put Kowolj in one of the worst moods he could remember. He didn't know a thing about boats, and couldn't understand just why they needed the pirates at the moment. Standing in the middle of the deck, among the pirates running about preparing for the storm, he brooded on the anger and pain he felt. There were still several projectiles lodged in his torso and flank but he refused to let anyone near him, preferring rather to build up his hate for these pirates as it was not a question of if he would exact his revenge, but when. He would act now, but Rhaine had already decided and he knew just enough to know not to cross her.


The fight was rather short, and that suited Othos just fine. He was glad to have made peace with these pirates, even if it was only because of their greed. When Rhaine introduced everyone to the captain he gave her a slight nod, not really interested in showing any further respects. The revelation that Tannin's weapon was cursed or something of the sort didn't surprise him greatly, seeing as how he was already under the impression that Tannin was a rather carefree murderous fellow who didn't care about much. News of a storm was far more interesting to Othos, who loved the majesty of such powerful winds, though he also understood the danger it posed while riding a wooden craft in the middle of the water. The obvious place to watch would be the front of the ship, where upon arriving he found that Anemone had already situated herself there; great minds think alike. He situated himself on the railing of the ship next to where the ropes from the mast were tied, so that he might lessen his chances of falling from his precarious position. Seeing how enthralled the other genasi was, he decided not to bother her, as he knew all to well the feeling she was experiencing and he himself did not enjoy disruptions.

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Seraphine stroked the wolf's soft fur as Nawen administered her healing potion, hopefully it would serve to stay his pain and numb his mind so that the beast may sleep. Animals and care as a whole had never been Seraphine's forte, but in the short time she had to be with her family before her duties ensured she must put them to death were practice in such affairs. Still, she was cold and devoid of any of the emotion that ran through Nawen and Conall, rising from her feet once the deed was done, and looking at the approaching storm... what awaited on dry land was deadly, yet could it be that her feelings were right? If her son was indeed near this vile Dracolich, she could end this all and find peace in this life. Evil was relentless and unceasing, and she knew that her battle against it could never be won. But she kept her thoughts and her sanity by telling herself that her every action was for the good of the people, for the good of the realms.


Taking another cross legged seat, she communed with the spirits once again, unphased by the fact that the storm would reach them eventually, and when it did she would be ready to assist.


Xallistine stood on-deck as he gazed into the black clouds of the storm, he contemplated what exactly these storms were like out at sea, this glorious, glorious ocean. While nothing could ever compare with ones home, the surface was still a far more vibrant world, and the ocean intrigued Xallistine- He wanted to swim.




"Now? Now dear Sefris the wheel shall spin and my plans will bear fruit. This Orc and his army will serve as the messengers of my word, I will use them to crush those who have wronged me, to find those who revere me, and most importantly, to wage a little mortal war with the following of Sune. Kill her or not she will feel pain as her followers drop." Ravenna cackled madly as the carriage continued down the rocky paths, making good progress into the hill.s

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