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Tales of Faerun


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"I bear no love towards any of the gods, aside for certain liking for Shar, but what has the goddess of beauty," the fey'ri started in a rather ironic voice after Ravenna finished her mad cackling that earned the witch a subtle eye roll from the half-demoness, "done to make you bear such ill will towards her? I do not think you've ever shared that little story with me."


She was interested in what would, exactly, take to turn one into a creature so twisted and evil. It seemed to be natural for Sefris, but not for the most of the humans, 'twould seem so.




Anemone didn't notice the other genasi joining her at the front of the ship, looking at the waves. The way they crashed against each other and against the ship looked like a battle of giants, and they were sailing across them. One would overpower the other, but would be overpowered itself in the next second. The genasi chuckled as she observed, imagining one giant tripping as he tried to hit another. Now that would be an amusing sight.


Avira, on the other hand, wasn't so thrilled by the waves and wind that was getting stronger with every second, so the raven flew over to the railing, next to Othos. The bird tilted her head a bit at the other genasi, studying him as much as a bird could study anything. Being grumpy as she was, Avira usually didn't like other people, but she seemed to be drawn by genasi, so Othos' presence was could be tolerated.

The bird cawed at the planetouched, earning a chuckle from her genasi companion.


"Don't bug the sailors, Avira," Anemone called to the bird without turning around, "Even you couldn't fly forever if the ship was to sink."

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Shalena quickly got bored of staring at maps and decided to have dinner instead. She could also use it as an opportunity to find out more about where she had gotten herself and her entire crew into.


While the ship's cook with several other pirates were preparing food and preparing the captain's cabin for a dinner, Shalena went to the lower deck and grabbed a few bottles of various drinks. She then spent some time on the main deck, helping the men with their final preparations for the storm and discussing the situation with the quartermaster. When she came back to her cabin, everything was prepared for the dinner. She smiled to herself, proud of her crew. The ship's cook knew his job well, the food he prepared not only looked good but it also tasted just as good.


"Go find all of our guests and tell them that I... invite them for a dinner." She said as she rummaged through a chest of men's clothing. "Oh, and bring this shirt to that half-elf with a screaming sword." Shalena added as she threw a fine velvet shirt towards them. The pirates nodded and left the cabin to search for the adventurers. While she waited for the adventurers she changed into clean clothes and brushed whatever rubble out of her hair. She then sat at the table and waited, patiently.


"Our captain is inviting you to join her for a dinner." The pirates kept repeating to each adventurer they found. One of the pirates who was tasked in giving Tannin a new shirt also added. "The captain has also given you this shirt."

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Conall administered the sleeping draught to Fenrir, and within moments, the white wolf was asleep. The paladin held the animal quietly in his arms for a few moments before nodding to Nawen, Amendale, and Seraphine, "Thank you all...I must find a way to repay you, sometime. For now, I'll tend to him myself. He'll need to be left alone to recover, I think."


He raised his piercing blue eyes to the clouding skies and frowned, "Let us hope we can make it through this, aye?"


With that, he picked up his companion and headed down the hatch to the lower deck.


Rhaine inclined her head to Conall as he walked past, then exchanged looks with Azuris, surprised at Shalena's gesture, "Well, she's singing a different tune. Dinner with a pirate captain, eh? Should I change my attire?" she chuckled.

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Seraphine sighed as her meditation was disrupted yet again and rose to her feet. She had nothing but the holy armour she wore, so lavish dinner dresses were something she did not possess. Still she would attend this meal for the sake of politeness, and to make it seem the group was one well oiled machine, or at least that they were a hospitable lot.


Xallistine too sighed at the mention of a dinner... Great, an opportunity to watch surfacers eat their food and speak with their mouths full of whatever disgusting swill they filled it with. His feeding on the Hydra so long ago was still sustaining him however, so the desire to feast upon humanoid brain matter was thankfully diluted. But Xallistine was no stranger to battling his own true nature, he had managed what was many long, long months with Rhaine and their companions without breaking a single mind or reducing one to a babbling mess incapable of standing up straight... so a meal wouldn't do any harm.


Both he and Seraphine waited outside the door with similar feelings of discomfort.




Ravenna's smile faded as she slowly slunk back into her throne, her large earrings jingling as she rested her head against the head-post of the throne. Gone was her twisted mood of joviality, and in it's place was an air of infuriation that covered the cracks of a woman who had never truly recovered from being told she was no longer beautiful.


"She left me in my greatest time of need, abandoned me, washed her hands of me at a simple request. Whether I told you or not my dear, I was once a Heartwarder, a mad title for a the Thayan daughter of a Red Wizard, but there you have it. I served Sune in my body and soul, I brought beauty to the desolation of Thay. After my Brother... drowned in the lake, I was left with no-one, my father had died years prior and my mother was barely there at all. It was before she offered me the same Ritual I offered you, That I prayed to Sune for eternal youth. She scorned me, she told me that when beauty faded so did her favour." Ravenna paused, her eyes glazed over as she remembered the event in full. "I was left with nothing, not even my faith to cling to in the darkest years of my life. I was weak. Pathetic! A snivelling worm not worthy of a blade that could have ended my misery... Yet I survived, I pulled myself free of the chains of the gods, and plunged myself into darkness."


"And now? Now look at the monster I have become. You have seen the dark details of my past through those visions I burnt into your brain, I have killed, murdered, lied, maimed and ravaged my way through the vicious games of this world and pulled myself up on top. It takes a lot to make a monster Sefris, so perhaps I am a demented psychopath who uses the excuses of her path to justify the cruelty? But If I'm honest, I enjoy it." With a blink her eyes burnt brightly again and she pushed herself off her seat as the carriage finally stopped, stepping out onto the path before the great fortress before them.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Kyran took a few more steps, pulled down his hood, and then made a short bow towards Rhaine.


"Forgive the intrusion, My lady. I was interrupted by our "hosts" when I tried to speak with you back on Umberlee's Wave. Since the pirates are no longer trying to spill our blood, would now be an appropriate time?" - he said with a smile upon straightening up.

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Tannin accepted the shirt graciously. "Ah! Thank you." He said before putting it on over his old one, not wanting to remove it while out in the open for some reason. "Shall we?" He asked with a smile before heading down with the others.




Azuris snorted at Rhaine's question. "Only if you feel comfortable around this lot, and if you do you'll have to forgive me but i'll be guarding the door. I'd rather no one be left alone while we're here." He said as he looked around, glaring at any pirate that wandered nearby.

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Weyland and Arland were quick to accept the invitation, their stomachs growling. It was already decided that they'd each see who could eat (or, ideally, drink) the most before they'd had enough, and walked towards the galley.


"Let's just hope they didn't poison the food." Weyland murmured to Arland.

"Well, I know I can take it, even if you're a chicken." Arland sneered.


Amendale nodded at Ser Connall "Think nothing of it. I'm a cleric, it's my duty." When the pirates told them they'd been invited to dinner, Amendale responded with skepticism. "I'm not so sure about this. Could be some kind of a trap, get rid of the hazards quickly." He told Rhaine. "But I'll go along with it."

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Rhaine shook her head and elbowed Azuris in the ribs, "I jest, brother. The armor stays on, of course."


Gesturing to the elf, she said, "There's no time like the present. Now, what is it that you want?" She winced as she said so, a feeling like spiders crawling up and down her back as she looked upon him. Something was not right about him, and she feared the faint sense of undeath she had detected earlier was coming from him. Knowing he would likely tail her as she walked, she turned and then followed Weyland and Arland. Tannin, Xallistine, and Seraphine had already gathered together.


Conall had wrapped Fenrir in his cloak and left him alone, half hidden by an empty crate near the stern of the ship on the lower deck. He, too, soon joined them, curious as to what this Shalena was up to.




Quarylene must have covered several miles of underground territory. She had passed through long, winding tunnels covered with blue and purple glowing mushrooms, walked by endless waterfalls that plunged into dark abysses, and been dwarfed by caverns with no perceptible ceiling....all eerily empty. At least three times, she had whirled around, sensing a possible follower, but there was none to be found.


The drow thought about her new life and had already begun making plans. As a vampire, she would need to find a suitable coffin and oust its...inhabitant...as quickly as possible, for without one, there would be no safe haven for her to run to if she were incapacitated. Perhaps this Ravenna would know of a solution.


She was getting closer, now.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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When the pirate found Nawen and told her that the captain of the ship has invited her and the rest of them for a dinner, the drow was spending time with the horses. She left Rhegar with the animals after promising him to bring something delicious just for him.


She found others waiting outside of the captain's cabin. They all seemed surprised by an invitation. Was this an uncommon gesture coming from a pirate?


The ship's cook approached the cabin and opened the door, gesturing everyone to come inside as their captain was waiting for the adventurers for quite some time.


"Do come in." She said to the adventurers. "I was half expecting that my invitation will be refused." Shalena added.

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"Were you truly surprised?" the fey'ri asked, crossing her legs as she leaned back. "She's a goddess. Gods are the ultimate manifestation of selfishness, greed and all the other sins they claim the mortals have. Revenge, though, is something we're better at." Sefris replied with a smile, looking at the witch. To hurt a goddess? Now that would be something far more interesting than just fighting that group of Doomguide's nuisances.

"We are close to out destination now, no?"

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