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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine glared at Kowolj's rude behavior before returning her attention to the captain.


"My apologies for my friend's disregard for table manners. I'm afraid he isn't house trained, yet," she said flatly, "As for our quest, it is one we have been pursuing for quite some time. The dracolich Valthanarax is quite influential amongst the Cult of the Dragon. He has nine phylacteries scattered across Faerun that secure his immortality. We have just recently destroyed one, which leaves eight remaining. We strongly believe that the next closest one is somewhere in the mountains of Impiltur."


She stopped for a moment, wincing as she felt those shivers up and down her spine again, this time when the stranger elf's eyes met hers. It was definitely coming from him, or something in his vicinity. Taking this opportunity to clear something up, she set down her utensils and leaned back, "Forgive me, but you obviously want something, and you have yet to introduce yourself to us. Please do."


Conall had sat beside Nawen, eating as eagerly as the drow. The battle had worked up quite an appetite...even though he had been in a hostage position for the most part...




Quarylene paused a moment before following Ravenna, none too eager to turn her back on Sefris. Not that the demoness could sneak up on her or anything, she just didn't want to receive a fireball from behind. As she went, she glanced down at the attire she had taken from the slaver and frowned; she had thought it satisfactory, herself, but if the devil-woman wanted to dress her like a doll, she wouldn't object...

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Kyran leaned back on his chair, while holding a cup of ale in one hand. He took a sip before speaking.


"My name is Kyran, My lady. It is a great pleasure to meet you and your...impressivly large and colorful group!" - he said excitingly as his gaze turned to the various party memebers and then back to Rhaine. - "Tales of your deeds have made their way all across Faurun! I am a traveler myself and I've heard quite a lot about you. So I was wondering if I may join your group? This dracolich sounds like a very serious threat." - he took a few more sips from his drink. - " Obviously I will pull my own weight. The last thing I want to be is a burden."

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Othos wasn't very offended by the raven's gesture, instead turning his attention to Anemone.


"It isn't often that I miss a chance to witness a storm. I adore the power the wind possesses during a storm. What about you?"




Haxxon had no great desire to set out on a wild goose chase for enemies that might not even exist, but nonetheless he had already traveled all this way and didn't feel like spending anymore time with the devil or her openly hostile little underlings. The vampire's talk of female superiority along with Ravenna's little nod at her had put in a position where he was very close to ending her undeath before she even had her chance at acquiring a coffin.


Now he ended up walking down some hall, not very certain as to where he was headed or what he would see, if he saw anything at all.

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"It's quite alright." Shalena said to Rhaine when the Doomguide apologized for lion man's behavior. Her own crew acted in a same manner, if not worse at the table and so she was used to it. The pirate waited while an elf named Kyran introduced himself and asked if he could join the group. She was surprised to hear that he wasn't one of them. She waited for the elf to finish before starting to speak again.


"I know little of what's happening outside the sea, but even I know that the cult has been around for some time and I suppose same goes for dracoliches." She said and took another bite of the ham. "Why go after the cult now?" She asked when she finished chewing. "Is this Valthanarax really that big of a threat?"


Nawen was surprised how well mannered this Shalena was. Not only that she wasn't speaking with her mouth full but she also waited for Kyran to finish speaking instead of interrupting him. Before coming to the captain's cabin she saw that a lot of pirates on the ship were not as well mannered as their captain.


The sound of a thunder brought her back out of her thoughts. She glanced at the window and saw that the sky was black with clouds. She looked back at her friends, worried about this storm.


"Don't worry about it." Shalena said as she noticed how concerned Nawen looked. "My crew will handle this but I'd suggest you to hold your plates, unless you want to see food flying everywhere." The captain added.

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Ravenna kept her head high and her arms lightly swaying by her sides as she walked, carefully stepping up each of the steps so she did not loose her footing, the long, chainmail cape that dragged along behind her ensuring that Quarylene would have to watch her step lest she tread upon it. She turned her head to look back at the Drow, eye peeking through the gaps in her beetle-cast collar. The woman's outfit was too small for her, if only slightly, and it reeked of the Underdark and was wrought with symbolism that worshipped that obese spider the Drow revered. No, it simply wouldn't do, but then again, neither would a dress. Still, her tailors were capable and has possession of only the most exquisite of resources.


As they reached the top of the staircase Ravenna travelled down the stone corridor, lighting the candles as she passed them with her pyronetic abilities, until she finally came to a stop at a pair of large wooden doors. Pushing them open it revealed the master chamber of the castle, it's furniture covered over with bleak, moth-bitten sheets, coated with the same fine dust the rest of the castle was host to.


Clicking her fingers the infernal wardrobe appeared in place of the one that already stood, It's gilded doors opening as Ravenna got close. Beckoning Quarylene inside, she stepped forth and looked at the newest selection of ornate finery hung upon the mannequins. Her tailors had been busy it seemed, and had sensed Quarylene's approach, the left side of the long, seemingly never-ending chamber filled with rows of armour, all ornate and sitting upon a model of the Drow herself.


"I do hope there is something to your liking in here, If not simply ask my decadent little assistants, they can craft whatever you desire."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Thunder clapped and lightning flashed once, twice, then three times. This was going to get nasty. Rhaine kept one hand on her plate and the other on her glass as she nodded to Kyran, "We need all the help we can get. You are welcome to travel with us."


Turning to Shalena, she added, "Yes. He is a very large threat. Like all Cult-related dragons, he seeks world domination...and unlike many of his brethren, he has the full capacity to do so. With eight remaining phylacteries at his disposal, it is a race against time to cut off his life force before he manages to rally a force large enough to challenge Tchazzar of Chessenta. He wants to take the power of Tiamat's avatar for himself."


Conall looked up and met Rhaine's gaze, "By Selune's light...you never said it was this bad. But regardless, you are right. We have to stop him."




Quarylene grinned a wide, fanged grin as she peered inside Ravenna's magical wardrobe. Oh, if only her own servants had control of something like this. She was instantly reminded of her Matron days, the only time she was able to live in the lap of luxury. But even at the peak of her House's wealth, the Orlyndars had nothing like Ravenna's setup.


The drow vampire slowly strolled along the wall full of armors, as if inspecting fruits at a market stand. Every time she passed a suit that displeased her, she simply shook her head with a quiet tsk. Too skimpy, too outlandish, too impractical in some other fashion...what did they take the drow for, harlots?


At last, Quarylene stopped before a mannequin and smiled. The stand bore an intricate black leather corset with a halter neck, several layers of leather fashioned in flame-like shapes around the breasts and hips and studded with tiny diamonds and onyx beads. It laced tightly up the back, stopping just below the shoulder blades. A floor-length black skirt flowed from beneath the corset - a single layer of satin, embroidered in the back with a silvery thread in intricate serpent motifs and slit high up both thighs. Under the skirt was a pair of fine, mithral chain stockings, held up by black leather garters from a belt embellished with silver studs. To top it off was a pair of knee-high, towering heeled black leather boots and fingerless, elbow-length leather gloves.


The vampire cocked one hip and nodded her approval, "Perfect."

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Tannin waved a hand dismissively. "Oh it's alright, Me and it have an...understanding." He said with a cocky grin. "It knows better than to try anything, don't think it's even capable really."

At the sound of the thunder he let out a sigh. "Of course, first pirates now storms, Wonder if Umberlee will through a kraken or two our way just for that extra kick. Or maybe go ahead and set a legion of Sahuagin on us, THAT'D BE GREAT! If it doesn't work on the old man try it on the kid!" He said angrily, obviously growing more and more irritated with sea travel.


Hexol's face lit up at the words Kraken. "I've never seen a Kraken before! That'd be so much fun!"


Azuris began to grow pale at the thought of a storm. "Stop pushing it." He ordered Tannin.

"Being in one shipwreck's too many for my liking, rather not go through that again." He grumbled under his breath.

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Sefris had marched off in the opposite direction of the two women, still throwing a poisonous glance in the vampire's direction until they disappeared. Gods, she can't remember when was the last time she wanted to tear someone apart so badly. The fey'ri barely glanced at the orc, only huffing when she noticed him. Well...maybe she can turn him against the vampire...that would be quite a show. But for now, she needed to adjust her chambers to her liking.




Anemone smiled at Othos, knowing all too well what he means.


"It's like....all my senses are three times stronger during the storm. Just the feeling of such power in the wind gives me goosebumps." As her back was turned to the wind, the genasi's dark blue hair was flying towards the other genasi and partially covered her hair, which she tried to stop - with no success, of course. After a while she took off her hat so it wouldn't fly away and left the locks of her hair fly freely, giving up.


"This may sound strange, but I can't remember ever seeing another genasi. Not an air one, at least. I find myself highly curious when it comes to you, if that doesn't bother you." the woman chuckled, glancing at the see and the waves that clashed against each other like giants.


"Tell me about yourself; if I may inquire. Have you met a lot of other genasi?"

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Weyland and Arland were quick to (using some manners, at least.) dig into the food, especially the ham. Between the two of them they were eating almost enough to rival Kowolj, which wasn't really a surprise coming from a pair of hearty young men like them. Weyland, being the smarter one of the two, thanked the captain on behalf of both himself and his "rather dim" brother, earning himself an elbow on the ribs.


Amendale grinned at the two of them.


"What, why are you looking at me like that?" Arland inquired suspiciously.

"Have you two ever been on a ship before?" The moon elf asked,


"Yeah, couple times." Weyland said. "Why?"


"Well, you're stuffing your face-"




"Well, when your stomach is full and that storm hits, the ship's going to be tilting back and forth...back and forth..." Amendale gestured with his hand, showing the rocking the ship would be doing.


"And?" Arland asked, the only one not to take the hint.


"Whatever you eat's probably not going to stay eaten." Amendale chuckled quietly.


"Oh." Arland looked at his ham, shrugged, and ate the last of it in one bite anyway. "Damn you and your logic."


The conversation at the dinner table turned to Valthanarax, and Weyland was glad to add his own two cents once there was a lull. "Can't wait to kill him again. Won't be an idiot and go for the head this time. This time I go for the spine."

"Overconfidence can be a weakness." Amendale cautioned.


"Well, I have faith in my friends here. We can take him down."


Amendale sighed and ate a few grapes.

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"Interesting." Shalena thought as she listened to what Rhaine said. She couldn't say whether these people were brave heroes or fools. The pirate was always looking out for herself and to risk your life for the better of the Realms seemed so... pointless to her.

"How did this all started?" She asked.
Nawen watched Amendale's hand as he talked about the ship tilting back and forth during a storm. To make it worse Tannin started talking about krakens. As unfamiliar as she was with the sea life, even she knew what krakens were.

She lowered her gaze and stared at the tableware. "I'm walking on a firm ground." She thought to herself. She hadn't gotten sick so far and it seemed that Nawen wasn't in fact seasick. However, she was afraid of sea traveling and talks about krakens and legions of Sahuagin, whatever they were, were not helping. "With no sea monsters or shipwrecks or raiding pirates." Nawen continued with the calming thoughts.

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