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Tales of Faerun


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Glancing around at the others, Rhaine gestured back to the cabin, "Come, let us all get back inside. Conall, pick up Kyran here and make sure he gets a warm bunk." The rain had subsided slightly, but it still pelted her face with icy cold droplets, "We need to dry ourselves before a chill sets in. If anyone needs wounds tended to, see me."


She went back inside to wait until the ship docked, Conall close behind with Kyran in his arms. The paladin found an extra bunk below-deck and placed the elf upon it, covering him with a few blankets. He then returned to the rest of the group, his face betraying his weariness.


"So," Conall sighed, "A pirate attack, a storm, and a mermaid assault. I think it's high time we left the open seas far behind us."


"Aye," Rhaine replied, "We should reach port soon. I think the nearest inn will suffice for us this night."


As if on cue, the ship slowed considerably, and there was a loud grinding noise followed by a splash as the anchor was lowered.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Sefris looked up when she heard Hexxol addressing her, one of her brows twitching in irritation. What did that orc want? Then again...having a potential ally couldn't hurt. She wasn't stupid to think of betraying Ravenna, but should she find herself in a tight situation...The orc seemed much easier to manipulate and not to mention a better ally than that undead filth.


"Orc. Spare me the ungeniune pleasantries." she scoffed, trying to behave. Potential ally, remember? Then again, compared to what she usually did to people, this was her best behaviour.


"I do not follow. I lead." The fey'ri added, crossing her arms on her chest. "Is there anything specific you want?"




Anemone let out a sound somewhat similar to squeaking when it started to rain, laughing at the same time. Holding her hat tightly in her hands to stop the wind from blowing it away, she nodded in acknowledgement when Othos suggested going inside or at least somewhere drier. She bore no ill will towards the rain or the water element, but she didn't really like when it was present in this large of amount. Water below them, water around them, water falling down on them.


"Avira! Come on!" the genasi called the raven which seemed to be cawing at the rain, trying to avoid rain drops without much success. Once the raven was on her shoulder, the woman started running towards the door, looking around to see if Othos was following.


Getting soaking wet wasn't on today's agenda.

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With a bow Seraphine approached Rhaine, on her face was a look of seriousness. She had urgent need to speak with the Doomguide, and would not leave it until they had settled into an inn.


"My Lady, I must speak with you. I must inform you that my time with you and your companions must come to an end. You have given me the means to the end that awaits, this voyage, and the information regarding the Dracolich Valthanarax shall assist me to no end. You are perhaps too young to comprehend what this means to someone who has hunted their prey for hundreds of years, but I can feel I am close to ending the vicious cycle of this life, so I do not pass into the next with a burden, a scar to break the skin of my successor." Pausing for a moment she sighed.


"I shall pursue the location of this lair, force my way inside, and end the life of the fugitive... End the life of my son. I do not expect you to understand, but if I meet my end, then may we meet under circumstances far better than these. I would like to say it has been an honour to be a member of your entourage, Lady Alcinea. Gods be with you." With a heavy heart she turned to leave.


Placing a hand upon Conall's shoulder as she left, she looked into his brilliant azure eyes. "Goodbye to you too, Sir Whitefang. May whatever burdens your heart and sits upon the surface of those beautiful eyes diminish. I hope you find peace in the coming months, even if I am not present to see them, may the gods be with you, and may we meet again in the next life." Seraphine had formed a liking for the noble werewolf, and it pained her to leave these people. But she was made of more mettle than that, and with a sigh, she left the vessel, and proceeded to disappear into the distance.




"Ah, land once again, it seems we have arrived Lady Rhaine." Xallistine commented happily as he ducked his head down into the cabin to inform her, returning above deck to look at the port once they had arrived. The more of these cities he saw, the difference of their styles was clearly reflected, each culture had their own distinct look, and each it's own feel. Truly a marvel, the surface world was.




Ravenna's chosen jewels were twisted, macabre, and some may say horrific. To wear with so little care and feeling the effigy of a hanged man was a task so very easy for the witch. Around her neck was a thick woven chain of flawless silver, attached to which was a perfect, flawless replica of a hanged man, silver chain constricing his metal throat, his face was contorted, eyes little rubies, and hair of solid gold. Her earrings matched the effigy perfectly, and hung with a glimmer in the light. Atop her head she wore an onyx crown, embellished with large diamonds it reflected the golden light of the chamber menacingly, spiked tips cutting the air.


"Now then, I do believe we are all dressed." Ravenna stepped from the pedestal with ease, her large heels clicking on the marble flooring, echoing around the chamber. Walking further into the seemingly endless chamber, she slowly sashayed along a row of daggers, running her hand over all manner of different weapon, she beckoned Ginafae over. "But I don't believe you are fully equipped, hmm?"




Dilpur's premier inn was abuzz with activity that night.


It was a usually busy inn with singing, dancing, drinking and laughing, but that night, more so than it had been in a very long time. People were behaving as though they had never experienced a drink before, falling from their seats, dancing on the tables, drinking from the taps and having a blast. There was but one difference that night to all the nights before it.




The red-headed human was stood on the bar, fiddle in hand her cheeks were rosy red and her eyes alert, her pleasant voice and the soft tune of her instrument resounded throughout the tavern floor in a torrent as she pranced around, intoxicated to the point of delirium, she was still able to belt out a good old drinking song, having all the patrons on their feet enjoying themselves, buying rounds for everyone with a smile on their face, it was a wonder her pockets were not empty, yet she poured out more and more gold to fill the tankards again and again.

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Nawen followed her friends inside. She wasn't really tired nor she was wounded but drying her clothes at least a bit seemed like a good idea.


Shalena stayed with her crew while they've made the final preparations. The pirate went back to her cabin and changed into dry clothes and went outside again.


"Bring their horses and leave them at the docks." She said to three pirates who all replied with, "aye aye captain" and went to get the horses. Shalena then went down to the lower deck where she saw adventurers going to right before they docked.


"I suppose you're all anxious to leave my ship." The pirate said as she approached the adventurers. "Your horses are already waiting for you outside of the ship." She added and turned to leave but then stopped and looked back at her soon-to-be companions. "I'll join you later, once you're going to find a tavern to stay at." She turned to make her leave and almost bumped into Seraphine.

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Rhaine's armor had, thankfully, been tight enough to keep most of the water away from her body, save her wings and head. She dried the adamantine as best as she could and pulled her damp hair back into a ponytail to get it out of the way. As she emerged back on deck following Xallistine, she shook her feathers vigorously, looking up to see that the rain was little more than a sprinkle, now, and would clear off soon. She walked with Conall to the docks, watching Seraphine until she disappeared. Both offered prayers to their own gods to guide her as the Celestial departed. With a sigh, Conall glanced to the Doomguide, "Something about her makes my own problems seem like mere trifles. Does she have that effect on you, too?"


Rhaine nodded, pushing a stray lock of hair out of her face, "That she does."


Taking his horse by the reins, Conall gestured to the building ahead of them. A giant, garish shingle was painted with a well-endowed mermaid holding an overflowing tankard in her hand: The Sipping Siren.


"Looks like they have a stable. We should let our horses rest and recover from the trip...no doubt they are as weary as we."


The Doomguide took Red Thunder by the bridle and followed the paladin down a side alley behind the inn, paying the stablehand for the lodging of the group's horses and their subsequent care for the night. Once the accomodations for their steeds were made, the two holy warriors headed inside The Sipping Siren to purchase rooms.


They were greeted by, perhaps, the most packed and rowdy crowd they had ever seen. Drunks lay face-down all over the floor; those who were still conscious danced on top of the tables, knocking food and empty tankards everywhere. At the head of them all, atop the bar, was a copper-haired bard fiddling away and singing a merry tune. She appeared to be just as drunk as the rest, but in far more control of her actions than the patrons.


Conall and Rhaine exchanged glances and sighed. It was here or nothing...they were too tired to go inn-searching this late.




Quarylene pulled the two darksteel daggers from her old belt and compared them to those that lay glimmering on the racks of Ravenna's stores. Of course, there was no comparison.


"You would be correct, Ravenna," the drow replied, "I took these from a weakling in the Upperdark. They are...less than desirable."

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Azuris, Hexol, and Tannin followed Rhaine and Conall out to the Tavern. A smile spread over Tannin's face as he looked around. "Now THIS is my kind of place!" He exclaimed happily. "Azuris you're paying for my drinks." He said to the fallen paladin.

"Excuse me?" Azuris raised a brow.

"I won our bet." Tannin said with a grin as he took his eyes off the woman dancing and singing on the table and looked over his shoulder at Azuris. "Our ship was attacked by Pirates and sank, Then our new ship was attacked by sirens during a storm. Didn't I say it wouldn't be a pleasant trip?"

Unable to disagree Azuris merely shrugged. "Fair enough. I'll go open a tab then." He said as he walked over to the bar.

When he returned shortly after Tannin was already in the crowd, dancing, drinking, and singing along, happy to be on dry and stable land.

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The instant they stepped into the door of the Sipping Siren both Weyland and Arland's faces split into ear-to-ear grins, and they couldn't help but sympathize with Tannin. They took one look at each other before they ordered three drinks each and started gulping away, intent on getting as drunk as they possibly could.


"By Tempus." Weyland gasped between gulps. "I'm so damn happy to be off that ship I could dance a jig on Kelemvor's front doorstep. Erm, no offense to Rhaine or Az, of course."


"Well try not to keep making statements like that or else they might make you." Arland grinned and took a swig of beer.


Amendale walked into the Inn, and despite himself, began to relax, enjoying the music. He sat down and ordered a light meal to eat.


Being mercs, it wasn't long before Weyland and Arland had joined in on the drinking games, growing steadily more intoxicated by the minute. Arland was up on a table and dancing a jig that left him in a precarious position that ended with him tumbling right off the table and onto the floor, where Weyland laughed harder than he should've and belched loudly. Amendale rolled his eyes and ate some potatoes.

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Kowolj had remained with the food during the fight, figuring that anything that sounded so beautiful in a place so dangerous as the sea could only be a trap. He finally made his way to the deck as they docked, looking forward to being back on dry land very much. He followed along with the others to the inn with a nostalgic eagerness looking forward to his usual of fine meats and alcoholic beverages. He fell in line with the likes of Weyland, Arland, and Tannin, making the most of their time and money. The patrons that were still conscious were far too drunken to notice or care about the addition to a wemic, or any of the rest of the company for that matter, into their midst. Kowolj slipped quickly back to his hedonistic ways, gorging himself as he pleased and singing along to the songs with his bellowing voice.


With the rain gone and the ship docked, Othos reemerged to the deck. He motioned for Anemone to follow before making his way to the rowdy inn.




Haxxon laughed haughtily at Sefris' reply, "There is much more to this life than simply leading and following. You don't have to lead if you aren't following me. As for what I want, I would like to know just where to find a fight around here, though I'm not so sure you can help me with that..."

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Nawen was overjoyed to be off the ship but unlike others she had decided to take a walk around Dilpur to familiarize with the surroundings. She carried Rhegar wrapped tightly in the spare cloak. The little wolf looked at everything curiously from his safe 'hideout'.


After a while she went to the tavern. She could already hear the commotion in singing coming from inside. As she entered the The Sipping Siren Nawen nearly tripped over a drunk man sleeping by the door. "I hope that all of these people are locals." She said as she carefully walked towards her friends, trying not to disturb any of the sleeping people on the floor.


Soon after Nawen went to the tavern, Shalena joined them as well. Strangely enough alone as most of her crewmen went to celebrate in other taverns and a local brothel.


"Well. That's a familiar sight." She said as she walked towards the counter, ignoring the drunk patrons on the floor and everywhere else.

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Rhaine ordered a drink and seated herself beside Amendale, Conall taking his place on the other side of the elf mage. Even the blonde waitress was tipsy as she brought the paladin an ale and the Doomguide a mulled wine. Half of the drinks she spilled on her tray before handing them to Rhaine and Conall.


"Oy, are ye knights?" the waitress asked, leaning heavily on the table before them, her breath reeking of cheap beer.


Conall glanced at Rhaine before replying, "Why do you ask?"


Giggling, the waitress pushed off the table and stumbled backwards a few steps, "Oh, just there's a tournament in the country outside Sar...Sar....Shar...Sarshel...dontcha know? You folks look like you'd fit right in."

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