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Tales of Faerun


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"Phew. Home at last." Arland panted, shaking water out of his soaking-wet hair. "I don't care if the storm knocks this house down, I'm getting something to eat." And with that, he raided the pantry for food. Dunsam sat comfortably on the couch in the living room and glanced in their direction, saw the amount of people crowding the front door and stretching into the kitche, before he shrugged, and beckoned them all come on in and get relaxed.

"Might as well dry yourselves off and get warm, this looks like it'll be a while." Annabelle said, coming downstairs. She didn't look like she gave a single damn about the storm outside. "Let's just hope one of those dragons can start a good fire. That'll do us some good."

"You realize one of them's more likely to burn the town down than light a warm fire, right?" Weyland asked.

"I'll give 'em a real fight if'n they come near here." Dunsam rumbled, and then Weyland noticed that the man-sized axe their father favored was casually leaning against the wall behind him. Weyland decided that Dunsam didn't need any worrying about and that if were capable of flying then whatever it was controlling this storm would already be dead. Sybille looked out the windows to see if she could spot anyone, but the rain was too thick. She sighed, relieved that at least most of them- Greys and Ordains included- had all made it to the house. She grabbed a few of the firelogs that they kept in storage and lumped them in the fireplace, grabbing some wood chips to use as kindling, and lit it up.

"There. Should warm up a little now."

As they began to get settled in, they gradually picked up on the fact that somebody was singing. Weyland looked around, and gradually realized that it was indeed Rhaine. He'd never given any consideration towards how well most of his companions could sing (He knew from drunken experience that he sang like a dying crow and Amendale wasn't much better.) and Rhaine didn't seem the type to burst out into song. Tak'We's performance contributed greatly to the already good performance, and by the end of it Weyland couldn't resist clapping two gauntleted hands together and smiling.


"Awesome!" He congratulated. "Seriously, Rhaine, nice singing voice. And Tak'We? You play like a legend, my friend." Sybille echoed his sentiments.


"Y'know..." Arland began. "...If your whole hunting evil skeleton-dragons doesn't work out, you've got a pretty solid foundation in the Bards' trade."


Meanwhile, Amendale and Annette stared at the pair, wearing identical expressions of surprised enjoyment on their faces. Weyland found the resemblance bone-chilling.


When a wounded Argyros stumbled in the door, Amendale insisted on healing his injuries beside Rhaine, while Annette fished around in her back for a burn salve and poured some on his injuries, rubbing it in with a damp cloth. The cooling sensation would dull the pain as the dead flesh was rebuilt.


"If you need it again, just ask." She told the silver dragon-in-disguise.


"Somehow-" Amendale interjected. "I doubt these injuries were taken passively. Even in a supernatural storm, I highly doubt you were struck by lightning and cut open in numerous locations. At least, not without remaining uninjured enough to make it here. Do you have some sort of magical protection?"


When Ianthe ran outside, Sybille followed her outside, insisting that it'd be better for her to remain inside even if the storm was gone, before Ianthe's singing voice nearly knocked her over. Listening, shocked, she stood there without moving.

Edited by Flipout6
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Conall strode over to the door once more upon hearing another knock. As he opened it, he saw Xundus, Nawen, and Tannin standing there, perfectly fine and healthy, save for being more than a bit soaked. He smiled broadly, relief evident on his weathered face, and he beckoned them inside with a wave of his hand, "By the gods, it's good to see you all safe and sound. Argyros just arrived ahead of you. We were worried about all of you. Come on in, and get in front of that fireplace to warm up."


Argyros, who had been listening to Shalena whilst Rhaine, Amendale, and Annette tended to his wounds, replied, "The docks are all but gone. There's only a small section left on the far northern end. It isn't much, but we'll have to make do. There is debris everywhere." To the cleric's inquiry, he then answered, "I...have always proven hardier than I look. It has saved my life on numerous occasions. I like to think I have a strong constitution." The pale elf relaxed for a few moments in the chair that Tak'we had brought him, his eyes closed, before opening them again and glancing at Annette with obvious gratitude in his silvery gaze, "You have my sincerest thanks, young one. Forgive me, but I do not believe we have met before. I am called Argyros."


Rhaine moved to Tak'we, who was obviously miserable, and laid a hand gently on his pink carapace, "If we want to save Kalin, then yes, we must continue by ship. It is the fastest method of travel we have."


When Nawen and the others arrived, the Doomguide looked up with obvious relief on her face, "There you all are! Thank the gods you were able to find shelter. We are well as we can be, and it seems you have been lucky enough to make it safe and sound, too."


She smiled when Weyland, Sybille, and even Arland complimented her, "Thank you, though I assure you the song sounds much better when there are...oh, thirty or forty more voices all togeth-"


Rhaine suddenly stopped and put a hand to her temples as she heard Ianthe's distant, albeit hauntingly beautiful, singing. A headache was growing by the second, and she found it difficult to focus on anything else...


Xallistine, knowing what was happening, called out to the nymph, "Ianthe! You're charming your companions, my dear...I understand your joy, but it will do damage if you do not cease your siren song!"


Argyros didn't understand what the Ulitharid was talking about, but kept silent. He simply admired the girl's ability to carry a tune.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Xundus stepped inside the Grey's home as Conall answered the door, tracking in some water. "I never cared much for comforts, but a warm fire sure sounds good," he replied, moving to the fireplace as the werewolf had suggested. After a few minutes of warming up, he moved away from the fireplace and leaned against the wall near the door. The drow wasn't accustomed to such dampness, and was highly uncomfortable the whole while.


Oh well, he thought. At least I'm alive. Thank Selune for that.

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Ianthe clapped her hand over her mouth, as she'd been unaware of her effects on her companions. She instead decided to hum, twirling around in the bad weather until the nymph quite accidentally slammed into the doorway and Xundus.

"I'm so sorry!" She said as Arva put a hand over his temple and whisked her toward the fireplace to dry herself out.

Aera followed and leaned over to walk through the doorway. She smiled at Xundus, blushing underneath her fur at the fact that he was an unfamiliar male. The fact he was a drow made her wonder what he was doing here, but then the girl called Nawen was also a drow. In fact, Tannin looked like a drow, too. She wondered at that as she sat by the fire trying to dry out her fur.

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"Well you shouldn't be used to it. With any luck you'll live long enough to see a time when the Drow aren't as hated as they are now." Tannin said, looking around at the damage with a scowl. The mention of chicken soup however put a smile on his face. "Lady Nawen, if it's you feeding it to me then it'd be the best tasting chicken soup I'd ever have."


When they got to the Grey's house Ianthe's singing caught his attention, though thankfully she was stopped before the effects fully took over him. "Ianthe you should be careful with that voice, you'll have the whole town begging for your hand and poor Arva won't be able to fight them off." He said with a laugh.



Hexol was starring up at Ianthe at the end of her song, his eyes were as wide as they could possibly be. "Woooow..... Ianthe you sing reeeeaalyy good! You're probably the best singer I've ever heard! And I've heard a lot!" He said with a large grin.


Azuris found himself breathless after Ianthe's song, Rhaine's had certainly pulled up emotions, but Ianthe's had some sort of enchanting hold on him. After catching his breath he noticed Rhaine's discomfort and approached her. "You alright there?"

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"You're saying it now," Nawen chuckled, "but if you knew how it tastes, you'd be talking differently."


When Conall let them inside, she saw that mostly everyone, except for Argyros, were unharmed. She wanted to asked what happened but she became too distracted by beautiful Ianthe's singing. Some of them already heard her singing in their earlier travels but this time it was somewhat different and then Xallistine said why.


"We helped some people to find shelter and it was too late to come here so we stayed with them in the watch's tower." She said once Ianthe stopped singing and then glanced at Argyros, "are you alright?" She asked worried as she approached the fireplace. She was too busy with helping the people that she had forgotten that she was soaking wet herself.


She sat beside the fire, Rhegar happy to see Nawen, curled up nearby. She noticed a weretiger girl sitting nearby. "I don't think we were introduced back in the tavern, my name is Nawen, very nice to meet you." She said to Aera.


"Well, that isn't good." Shalena said when she heard that the docks were pretty much destroyed. She ordered a few pirates to go and take a look at what was left of the docks so they could find a proper place for their ship.


When her pirates left, Shalena arose from her seat, her ship placed carefully on the table. "Never thought I'll say this, but the sooner we leave Westgate the better. It is rather odd how a hurricane, which is uncommon in these parts, happened while we are here."

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Xundus stumbled a bit when Ianthe ran into him, but regained his balance almost immediately. "It's fine," he said as the nymph apologized. "Happens quite often, actually. Usually on purpose rather than accidentally, though," he continued under his breath. The drow decided it would probably be best if he was completely dry, so he made his way to the fire and sat next to Nawen, turning towards Aera as he did.


"I'm Xundus, in case you didn't catch my name at the tavern," he said to the weretiger. "So what brings a... a girl like yourself to this city?"

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*Tcktcktck...* Tak'we grumbled, obviously discontent. "If Winged Pointy-ear sayss sso..." *KRR-KAT!* "Would clutchmatess kindly get warm, clean water? " he asked as he moved his joints painfully; despite his efforts, the deep waters had still managed to dry in his joints, which were now painfully rimed with salt. "If Tak'we iss to travel in ssuch spirit-forsssakened thingss, I would like to be able to move."


While he waiting, sniffling and chittering to himself, the thri-kreen listened to Ianthe sing, swaying softly and obviously enjoying her voice. He gave strange looks at his clutchmates when they seem to act strangely towards it, though, and wondered why Xallistine told her to stop. "What iss wrong? Thiss one thinkss her voice iss very nice."

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Horo ran through the mud with every ounce of endurance he had left. The hurricane had taken much of his energy as he struggled not to be swept away, and yet still he was pursued. Not only was he pursued, but they were very, very close to catching him. He might have even gotten away too, had the hurricane not mystically dissipated, undergoing an unnatural metamorphosis into a common rainstorm.


Now, however, they were hot on his trail again, and it didn't help that the mud left his tracks in a very noticeable condition. The hurricane had left the city in terrible condition, and Horo was much too tired to run much further; he would need to make a final stand.


As this realization came to mind, a house with a light inside came into view. Someone was home, meaning it was possible he could hide out instead of fight back. He took this chance, bee-lining directly for the house and pounding vigorously on the door shouting, "Let me in! PLEASE! I need help!"

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"I still find your unusually bad misfortune puzzling." Amendale responded to Argyros. "Very low chance of being hit by lightning in any kind of storm unless it's specifically aiming for someone or something." He mused, finishing up the healing of the dragon's wounds and taking a seat in the corner of the room.


"Think nothing of it." Annette told Argyros. When he introduced herself, she did so in turn. "My name's Annette. Nice to meet you."


Meanwhile, Sybille stood there beside Ianthe even after she stopped the tune she sang. "Wow, you can really sing too. Looks like this group of yours has got more talents than just adventuring, Rhaine." She told the Doomguide, smiling. "Look forward to travelin' with ya."


"It'll be great having you along, sis." Weyland grinned.


"Guess she replaces me, then." Arland stated bluntly. Weyland looked at him, puzzled. "What? I've paid off my bounty, I'm home, and I'm not sticking around with these two over here." He jerked a thumb towards the Ordains, earning a warning look from Sybille. "More trouble than it's worth." He looked at Rhaine. "And I've been nothing but a thorn in your side this whole journey, might as well get out of your hair. Even if you'd prefer otherwise. If you're leaving tomorrow, then that's where we'll be parting ways."


"How did we get from singing to this in the space of about five seconds?" Sybille wondered aloud.


"Fair enough," Weyland replied. "Even if you've probably told us already and I'm just forgetting about it."


"Right then, I'm gonna go get a drink." And with that, Arland sat down at the table and started again with that precious everfull mug of his.


"Dammit I still want one of those." Weyland muttered.


Sybille came inside and had just sat down when there was a series of panicked knocks and cries at the door. She stood up and went to answer it, but Dunsam beat her to it, clapping a massive hand on her shoulder and insisting he had it.


The giant of a man opened the door and completely blocked the doorway. "What do you need? Someone hurt, or do I have to crack skulls?" He unconsciously spun his massive axe as he spoke the last part.

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