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Tales of Faerun


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Xallistine sat at his desk in the centre of the room, his high backed and ornate chair supporting him as he sat down. He continued writing on a simple piece of parchment, and then rummaged his drawers for a certain item.


Scarletia looked at Levetra "I am a Succubus my dear... seducing is what i do best..." She said, laughing faintly, as she opened the door to the inn, stepping inside.

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"So what exactly are we looking for?" Nawen asked as she took one book from the bookshelf and turned the pages.


Kevorin noticed two women entering the inn. From the moment he saw them they seemed... strange and not in the good way. All men who were not passed out were gazing at them which also was strange. He mumbled something and glanced back at his keg.

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"Anything about the Cult of the Dragon, Necromancers, Liches, or anything related." Caladus said, starting reading the book. After a short time, he realized it was the only one of it's kind, and used to be in the library of House DeVir. He took the book up to Xallistine and asked in his mind, having used to be his houses Illithid negotiator, "Where did you get this? This belongs to my family and my house. It was from the DeVir house Library!"
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"Oh. Alright." Nawen said and turned to the bookshelf again. All the books she found were really interesting and probably rare as well but unfortunately nothing about Cult of the Dragon, necromancers or liches. One book however she found extremely interesting. It was about various relics of the Underdark. It was only drawings of them. She have seen some of them in similar books but one relic looked all too familiar. It was a dagger of some sorts, it looked silver with the green hilt so Nawen assumed that it was made from emeralds in the center of the hilt was the red symbol of Lloth. She was this dagger before with her own eyes but it was a very long time ago and it wasn't related to their task so she closed the book and placed it back to its place and took another book.


Kevorin looked up and noticed a woman who sat opposite of him. He noticed horns which made it more than obvious that she was a fiend or at least half fiend. "I don't recall inviting you." He said with the stern look on his face, his silver lifeless eyes looking directly at the woman.

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Xallistine looked up from his desk at Caladus, he replied mentally "I recovered it on my travels deep into the underdark... i shan't say where. But i found it in near perfect condition. It is one of my rarest tomes."


Scarletia looked at Levetra and rolled her eyes, she pulled her friend away from the table and said in a whisper "Try an easier target my dearest... this one can't be charmed by you." Scarletia then looked at the Fallen before her and said "My oh my... not many of your... Kind around these days... what's your name?" She said softly, appealingly.

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Still mentally, Caladus replied. "I am glad that you appreciate it for what it is. It is the only one of it's kind. Which reminds me of why I wanted to read it," He flips through the pages. Mentally stating to Xallistine, "You see these pages in the middle that are blank? Only a DeVir can allow them to be seen. Observe." Verbally, He says, "Usstan, Caladus Silvercloak, Vaen d' Qu'ellar DeVir, Quarth dos ulu jous dosst velkyn szeoussen." Spidery Drow writing fades onto the page, to reveal a whole hidden chapter on the Cult of the Dragon, and the last recorded location. Calling out to everyone "I think I found something!"
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Xallistine nodded with approval, and said mentally " I can only appreciate it such, a rare and unique volume such as that cannot be left to rot. Good boy... you figured it out... you unlocked the hidden chapter of the book i have attempted all these years... well done." He said with an approving nod, knowing someone would have been drawn to the book.
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