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Rhaine glanced at Tenebris after Tannin's remark and merely shrugged. Whether or not the young Thri-kreen was truly a reincarnation of his father, they might not ever know. One thing was certain, however - he was unique for his kind. Before she could muse any further on the subject, the sudden mention of "Wendersnaven" abruptly broke the Doomguide out of her thoughts, and with a muttered, "Oh gods, not that again," she stood and meandered over to where Lucas had sat by himself. This far away, not even the firelight touched, and it was the cool moonlight that softly illuminated both their faces instead. Rhaine gently bumped her knee into his back and rested her gauntleted hand atop his head, "Something troubling you, squire?"


Meanwhile, Dagny, after taking back her mug, drained the rest of its contents - which wasn't much, after the sizable swig Arland had drunk out of it. She then hobbled over to Nawen and caught the drow's words, and she replied, "Aye, so do I, lassie. But fate didn't turn out that way. Perhaps it's best to look at it the way the dwarves do - he died protecting the people he called family. There is no greater honor. He'll be remembered as the vibrant young hero he was, and not one of these old shriveled shamans over there," she gestured to the Thri-kreen with her mug, which had already begun to fill itself again, "And gods know that how people remember ye is more important than how things really were." This last sentence she added with a bitter tone to her voice, and she took a great gulp of her tankard once more before turning about on her heel and marching towards her tent.


Conall glanced sideways at Xallistine, "It is...bittersweet to say the least. I'm thankful for our survival, but Tak'we's death is a great blow, indeed. We will recover, though, I am sure...each of us in our own way. And this celebration, I suppose, is part of that healing."

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Tannin sighed before putting an arm around Nawen's shoulder in a comforting manner. "Yeah, yeah I think he'd enjoy it." He said as he looked at the young Thri'kreen with a bit of pity in his eyes. He didn't know how the Thri'kreen raised their young, but growing up without a father probably wasn't an easy thing for any race, least not sentient ones.



Lucas wanted to run, he couldn't bare to face her after his display of utter cowardice, but he knew that wasn't an option, he had to face the truth. "I shouldn't be here, in this group. Not brave or strong enough enough for it. I... I panicked, lost faith in the group. That whole fight I was doing everything I could not to run away screaming. Charging in with Azuris, I... I don't know what that was, but it wasn't me." He said in a sullen tone.

"The other knights and clerics were all right about me. I'm not even good for carrying around luggage." He said, drawing his feet up to his chest.

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Rhaine moved in front of Lucas and knelt, placing her hands on his shoulders and squeezing lightly, "Look at me, Lucas. Listen. You didn't run away. You might have wanted to, but you didn't, and that makes all the difference. You stood with us against a dracolich and lived to tell the tale, squire. You were very brave, and without your help, Argyros might not have been able to wrestle Valthanarax to the ground the way he did."


The Doomguide paused and lifted his chin in one hand to make him meet her eyes, "Just like I told you back in the ruins...it's all right to be afraid, Lucas. Even after the years of fighting I've been through, even I am afraid. I fear for everyone's life every time we go into battle. And do you remember the invisible bridge over the chasm? I was afraid there, too...very afraid. But I swallowed it, and I kept going, just like you kept going and faced down our enemy alongside Azuris."


She shook him gently, "I believe you're here for a reason, Lucas. We need you; don't give up now."


With that, she stood again and walked back towards camp, heading towards Marie's tent, since Sybille had informed them of her comrade's condition. Rhaine wanted to check on the Ordain sister and make sure a fever wasn't on its way due to an infection. Marie had taken a nasty blow, and though Amendale had healed it, it was still possible that the damaged tissue could fester from the irritation.


The Doomguide peeked her head inside the tent and carefully approached Marie's bedroll, kneeling next to her and speaking softly so as not to startle her.


"Hey, there. You took quite a hit earlier, yes?" she began, removing one gauntlet and pressing her hand gently to Marie's forehead, "I know Amendale healed you...and quite well I might add...but I wanted to see how you were feeling before I let you rest for the night."

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While near the scorching hot plains of the Shaar travelled a most unique fellowship, and yes, even before their journey took them there, somewhere in the outer woods of a large forest something of note was, perhaps, going to happen. This patch of tall lush trees belonged to the Chondalwood: the warm forest that lazily crawled just south of the Vilhon Reach bay. It was just north of the endless grassy plains and heat of the Shaar.


Here it was just night time and the lively lush trees grew so dense - even in the outer woods - that a man wouldn't be able to walk two steps without stumbling - it was dark and the roots curled and crawled everywhere.


A lone invisible observer would travel here - with care so as not to stir any wildlife or alert predators - and notice a small campfire. Its light lures our curious observer - you, the reader - closer while keeps animals away.


The campfire belongs to a single figure. Hunched and seated on a fallen log, the silhouette picks up another dried branch and tosses it to the fire - he needs its light a little longer.


Somewhere far off, wolves howl.


Even such a warm woodland seems to house wolves; they are a resilient... and hungry lot.


The hunched figure raises its head - another howl had resounded, this time much closer. He grunts.


What will the night bring?

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Nawen smiled a little when Dagny spoke, but then Tannin put his arm around her shoulder for a moment she just sat there unsure how to react, but before she could do anything, Shalena sat back down beside her and began swaying to the thri-kreen music, pushing Nawen closer to Tannin.


"You can thank me later." The pirates winked and grabbed another drink.


"For what?" Nawen asked. "For trying to push us off the log?"


Shalena burst out laughing. "Oh, you're just so adorable." She said before going back to the dancing as she noticed that Aurora joined as well.


"Are you sure this is the right path to Mulhorand, Quinsie?" Jaelryn asked as they continued down the road.


"I am certain, my dear lady." The halfling replied as he walked alongside the drow, whistling a cheery tune. "I've never been anywhere near it, but I read a loooooot of books about Shaar, and books never lie. I think this one particular book had pictures and they loo-" he spoke but when noticed that his companion had stopped walking and was listening to something.


"Wolves," Jaelryn said as she looked back at the bard, "we need to get moving."


"Or maybe it's werewolves!" Quinsie exclaimed a bit too excitedly. "I wonder how many bards who had encountered werewolves lived to tell a tale. I could be the first one I know!"


"Or not." Jaelryn said as she took the halfling gently by his arm and continued walking forward. "I hope they didn't hear us."

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As if to answer the beautiful dark elf's words, another wolf - and two, and three, and four - howled sharply into the night. The strange duo wasn't going to be able to stand still and rest anytime soon.


They could continue and minutes would seem to stretch hours long as they went on, and the sounds of the night-forest snapped at them; sometimes a twig here, sometimes the sharp flutter of a startled bird there, a rustle in the bushes -- or the snarling of predators. If they carried any light with them, the angry eyes in the surrounding woods reflected that. And the noisy, cheerful voice of the halfling seemed to provoke the sneaking creatures in the dark further.


It would have been the dark elf who could have seen the graceful hunters, wolves indeed, following them steadily, eagerly, ...anxiously. Among them, Jaelryn finally could spot something even bigger - something on two legs, hunched, and just as easily following in the underbrush like its pack. In and out of shadows it flickered, knowing very well how to hide, though it couldn't hide from the eyes of a drow: 'twas a hybrid of man and wolf.


They followed and followed the duo, coming ever closer to the road they pair travelled, but never into the open. They tried to herd the pair, the two must have realised; and they tried to tire their prey out by urging them ever-on, never giving them a moment to sit down.


And then, maybe hours or only minutes later, a menacing growl came from the woods, and then the guttural voice's words...


"Hunt, my brothers."


From the dark dense treelines on both sides, the wolf pack rushed forth, and with them their towering leader.


Would the pair flee, or fight? ...Or fall?

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Marie groaned and rolled over to see who was in the tent now, expecting it to be Sybille or Annette. She was surprised, however, to find that it was instead Rhaine that had opted to pay a visit. It was also rather unexpected when the Doomguide pressed the back of her hand to Marie's forehead, but she felt a rush of warmth when she learned that Rhaine was concerned about her. She offered a weak smile.

"I'm tired and sore, and my head's pounding, but I think everyone can say that." She reported. "Once I've had some rest I should be much better. Might take a day or two to recover fully but I'll probably be able to pull my own weight tomorrow. Now if only those drums weren't so loud..." She rubbed her temples before she spoke again. "Thank you for checking on me. Really, it means a lot to know that you care." Hr smile was warm and genuine.


Weyland, after having a few drinks with Dri (and making sure she didn't knock herself unconscious by consuming too much.) let her finish her glass, gazing at the dancing Thri'Kreen, and then his face broke into a broad grin. He led her out to the fire and then started dancing with surprising knowledge and grace....which was hampered by his semi-drunken state. It wasn't anything fancy, obviously being dances coming from the lower classes, but he performed adequately well.


"Come on, dance!" He challenged Dri. "I'll show you some of the moves us peasant-slaves learn!" Arland watched, bemused. He considered one-upping Weyland by using his natural grace and agility to his advantage, but then decided to let his brother have his moment and went back to his drink.


Annette, meanwhile, sat down beside Connall and offered him a drink. To her mild surprise, he took it and indulged himself in a generous mouthful, and the young woman watched, quirking an eyebrow with amusement.


"You enjoying that?" She asked, with a bemused curl of the lips. "I figured you deserved a "thank you" for rescuing my sister earlier. I don't have any dog biscuits though, I'm sorry to say." She grinned and gave him a quick, sisterly kiss on the cheek. She almost missed and pecked his eye instead, which amused her, but she went with it. "Maybe that'll do instead?"

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Rhaine smiled back at Marie, "Well then, I suppose I'll leave you to your rest. If something changes for the worse during the night, just call for me." She then rose and departed the Ordains' tent, making her way over to Amendale to similarly check up on his condition. Once satisfied that they would both be fine, she returned her attention to the others. It seemed both Weyland and Dri were having a good time, and - with Shalena's not so subtle hints - so were Nawen and Tannin. The Doomguide's brow furrowed, and she made her way over to the latter pair; there was something on her mind she wished to share with these two. She had spoken with Nawen already on the subject, but not Tannin...


She strode up behind the log they were sitting on and bent over, resting her arms on both Nawen and Tannin's shoulders and leaning between them so they both could see her face, "Looks like some of us are enjoying each others' company, yes? That is good, and I am very happy to see it...you two included. But there is something that I want to say to both of you, where both of you can hear it; Nawen, you've been with us since the beginning, and I daresay you are my closest friend out of all of us here...almost like a sister to me. So Tannin, believe me when I say that if you or your darker tendencies end up harming Nawen in any way, you might wake up one morning to find your most treasured appendage missing. Just some food for thought."


With that, she gave both their shoulders a sharp squeeze before walking off to her own tent to prepare for bed.


Meanwhile, Conall, who was blinking and fighting to keep from turning red, grinned and raised his glass to Annette in a friendly toast, "That will do, indeed, my lady alchemist."




Around highsun the following day, they reached Rethmar, whereupon they left both Tenebris and Kalin behind, at the former's request. Presumably, the half-vampire would be helping to nurse Kalin back to health, as he was in no condition to fight or travel. After setting up camp a few miles outside Rethmar that evening, the party continued along the road eastward at dawn, headed for Channathgate. Along the way, Dagny expressed the desire to speak with the Doomguide alone once they reached the next town; Rhaine herself also wanted to talk with Hexol, as the fact that they had not recovered the phylactery they were supposed to find in the Wyrmbones had hit her like a fist at camp the night before. She prayed that it was what the kender had found in his strangely coincidental adventure.


At Tannin's suggestion, they saw fit to temporarily Haste the horses to speed their journey to Channathgate, and though the steeds did not seem to like the magic too well, it served to get them to the town by nightfall. Rhaine had a mind to discuss other options to shorten their trip to Mulhorand with the group...surely there was a better and less power-draining way to do it? As she thought about it during their...hasty...ride, she remembered their fortunate trip across the Anauroch, and an idea came to mind. It would require some work on Argyros's part, but if the silver was willing, he could cut off tendays of travel time.


After they stabled the horses and rented rooms at the local inn, Rhaine motioned for everyone to come together in the common room over dinner, where she would present her proposal. Argyros, who had remained in his elven guise ever since departing the ruins, helped himself to two platters of food, which he promptly set before himself and sat down. Conall helped in pushing some tables together where they could all sit in close proximity and not worry about making themselves heard. Zorica and Dagny both concerned themselves more with ale than food, plopping down into chairs with frothing tankards in hand.


"So, what 'ave you got for us, lass?" Dagny inquired, taking a swig of her ale and peering over the rim of her mug with squinting hazel eyes.


Rhaine sat down and sighed, "I wish to talk about a quicker way to get to Mulhorand, and I already have an idea of how to do so...the question is how to make it easier on everyone involved. Argyros?"


"Hm?" the elf-formed dragon glanced up from his roast rabbit with a wide silver gaze.


"How would you feel about carrying us to Mulhorand?" the Doomguide asked.


Argyros paused and chewed thoughtfully, glancing around the table at all of them, "I...think I could do it. And I would not object to it if it meant reaching our goal sooner. It is interesting that you would ask...I take it this has happened before?"


Rhaine nodded, "Indeed. A brass called Charmelion carried us across the Anauroch in our wagons."


"Charmelion...Charmelion..." the silver scratched his head, "Seems like I've heard that name somewhere. In any case, I am fairly certain I could do the same or similar. My question is thus: how would all of you feel about being carried?" He returned his inquisitive gaze to his companions.


"And moreover," Conall spoke up, "How are we going to carry the horses?"

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"Darker tendencies?" Nawen asked with the raised eyebrow, but before she could say anything else, Rhaine went to her tent. She did not know how about her words. She didn't believe or didn't want to believe that Tannin would ever harm her, but a part of her felt touched that someone was concerned about her.


She remained by the fire for a few more hours, before retiring to her tent. Shalena on the other hand got carried away and celebrated until the morning, and slept through most of their journey.


At the inn, Nawen ordered dinner for herself and others who haven't ate yet, and joined the rest at the table, Rhegar sat under the table and patiently waited for anyone to share their dinner with him. Shalena came downstairs looking well rested and sat at the table as well, but not before ordering something to eat as well as a few bottles of wine for all to drink while they discuss their journey. Since most of the pirates were elsewhere the common room was relatively quiet.


"Oh, so we're going to be carried across the desert by a dragon? How exciting!" The piratess exclaimed.


"But what about our horses? We can't just leave them behind." Nawen said as she gave Rhegar a part of the steak she was eating.


"Of course we can't leave them behind," the piratess said, "that would be a waste of perfectly good horses. We should sell them instead."


For a brief moment, Nawen didn't say anything as she thought something other. "There's one spell that can reduce creature's size" she said, "if we cast it on our horses, they'd be reduced to a size of a large dog. They would be easier for Argyros to carry, and easier for us to calm them down." She said as she looked at her companions. "I can cast it." She added.

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Arva approached Ianthe and Aera as they examined a few wares in a merchant's cart before the market closed down for the night. He had news for them, and it was urgent. Aera was getting a few strange looks, anyway, as her tail swished back and forth rhythmically to the sound of a man playing some sort of instrument in the street. "Sorry to interrupt your shopping, girls, but I've gotten word that a group of adventuring travellers have booked up the inn we're staying at. We're being booted from our rooms. They've got more gold than us."

Ianthe placed the small elephant carved out of ivory in her pouch and handed the merchant the gold he'd asked for without even haggling the price. "Thank you!"

After several minutes of walking, the three ex-adventurers walked through the door of the inn, and to their surprise, they noticed Rhaine's party in the middle of supper, chatting idly about various subjects.

"Well, isn't this a surprise..." Aera said nervously, as it was her idea for the three to ditch the group after the assassination attempt scared them into not talking for days. They'd slipped off into the night during all the confusion and were probably marked as deserters among the members of the group by now.

However, Arva perked right up, obviously already sick of Channathgate. He walked over to Weyland and the other Greys, as if no time at all had passed, "Hey, guys! Missed you! What adventures have we missed? Come on, bring on the stories! I'm bored out of my mind in this town!"

Ianthe ran up to Rhaine and gave her a hug from behind as best she could with Rhaine's wings in the way. "I missed you."

As it was clear her companions had decided to rejoin the group, Aera sighed and decided to join in on the merriment, "Hello, everyone." She gave a small wave, "Been a little while."

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