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Tales of Faerun


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Caught unaware of the incoming dwarf, Lucas was knocked flat on his face with a yelp.


Turning to look at what knocked Lucas down, Tannin snickered at the scene. "Running down the street and reading's not the smartest of ideas." The half-drow spoke in the dwarven tongue. "What's the hurry then?"


"OH! I CAN SPEAK DWARF TOO!" Yelled an excited Hexol as he ran over to the pale dwarf and then began to chirp away in the dwarven language as well, though with much less skill. "Hi there! I'm Hexol the wander foot! Nice to meet cha! What are you doing running down the streets with lots of papers? Running with closed eyes is never very hungry. Not doing that is I thing to do!" He said happily, oblivious to his lack of skill.

He turned to look at the others with a wide grin. "I know! I'll greet him in the customary Dwarven greeting!" He said before looking back to the Dwarf and once again spoke in broken Dwarfish. "Your mother can't get enough of goblin di-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Tannin yelled, quickly wrapping his hand around the young Kender's mouth, cutting him off before he finished the unintentional insult. "You'll have to forgive him, he's grievously misinformed about the Dwarven language." He apologized.

Edited by josh900
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Dagny guffawed heartily at Hexol's gibberish, thoroughly amused, though some of the surrounding guards who had caught the horribly-mangled Dwarvish speech were not. They curled their lips in disgust and tried their best to ignore the newcomers, though they did keep their eyes on party's weapons. Conall noticed this and elbowed Dagny, "Not much for humor, are they?"


Her momentary smile morphed into a grimace, "Don't mind them. They're just doing their jobs...ye should see 'em come off-time. They drink and laugh as much as any dwarf at leisure." She turned her attention to the pale dwarf who had run into Lucas, "Not many Shield brethren in these parts. I get the feeling ye're not a resident here."


Zorica, in an attempt to get her mind off of the ragtag dwarven children who had run past, bent to pick up the pale dwarf's fallen scrolls. There was an odd look on her face, a mixture of distance and distaste, and perhaps a touch of sadness...


"Here are your scrolls," the half-drow said, extending the rolls of parchment to him, though she had no idea if the dwarf could speak Common. She hoped he would at least understand the sentiment.


"A Shield dwarf in a city of Gold dwarves," Argyros mused aloud, "I wonder how often that occurs."


"More of 'em here'n ye'd think," Dagny muttered, "More than the lords would like, that's for sure."


Rhaine glanced around, noticing that they were causing the guards a great bit of unease just by being there; the sooner they found authority figures with which to speak, the better. She caught the attention of one of these guards and, whilst the others were conversing, began inquiring after the state of the city. She was told, in very short and fatigue-laced words, that the water problem had been an issue for more than a tenday, now. The dwarven sorcerers and alchemists had yet to find a way to make the water pure again, and they had detected multiple sources in the surrounding area that were seemingly permanently tainted. The citizens of Eartheart had fallen back to drinking only ale from their reserves, even giving it to their griffons and hippogriffs in lieu of the water from the Riftlake. But there was only so long that was going to last. She was also told that the local lords were offering a reward for anyone who could reverse the waters' poisoned state, but the lords themselves were inaccessible. Rhaine, with enough information to go on, now, let the guard return to his duty and resolved to pass along his knowledge to the others once they were finished.

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"So, they're drinking ale now." Shalena said, seemingly not too interested in the shield dwarf who ran into Lucas. "Probably, they won't be too willing to sell some for us, with the water shortage and all."


"Children don't drink ale, do they?" Nawen asked as she looked at the children playing in the streets.


"If you're so concerned about the well-being of these children," the piratess began, "then why don't you go into the forest and collect sap for them? There's a forest nearby."


"That's not a terrible idea actually," Nawen replied as she turned her attention back to Shalena, "sadly it's not springtime."


Sighing, the piratess shot a glance at Rhaine. "Can we go now? Standing about here and being glared at by guards got boring pretty quickly."

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Ianthe's eyebrows raised in curiosity at the newcomer, speaking in what seemed to be a foreign language. She only heard gibberish, however, as she couldn't place a word of it. Soon, Tannin and Hexol joined in with the same harsh-sounding words, and Ianthe tilted her head to the side and leaned in toward Aera. She whispered to Aera, "What are they speaking? Sounds like everyone is angry."

"Er, it must be Dwarvish, considering where we are," the weretiger said, crossing her arms as she stood, feeling like a giant even more so than usual among the shorter buildings in town. Her seven and a half foot tall frame felt awkward to her, and she wished that she were of a shorter race if only for the duration of their stay. She tried to hunch over as much as possible.

Arva nodded, confirming their theory, before putting a hand over his mouth at what Hexol had said. He'd studied Dwarvish as part of his schooling to live a life as a well-groomed nobleman with a large fortune and shipping company to inherit. He'd been especially keen on learning curses and insults in his younger days, thus teaching him effectively to decipher Hexol's last line more easily than the others. He bit his lip before whispering a rough translation to Ianthe and Aera.

Aera planted a hand firmly over her face, shaking her head back and forth, and Ianthe looked at Arva, looking quite perplexed, before she finally understood what that last word was, before reddening and clearing her throat. Even she could understand how insulting that could be.

Arva sighed in relief as Tannin apologized for Hexol's slip-up with the already-harsh Dwarvish language. "Nice save, Tannin."

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The dwarf that inadvertedly caught so much attention looked at all the various speakers in baffled silence - between Hexol's greet-sults, the amazingly tall Aera, the travelled appearances of everyone and finally Zorica's gesture of giving back the last of the fallen scrolls - until he realised he was just, indeed, staring from one to the other. He hurried to regain composure and look as stoic as reserved as a dwarf ever should be.


"Mine apologies," he said in Common this time, addressing Lucas first, and looking at the others to encompass them too. "I be making an idiot out of meself." He adjusted the scrolls in his grasp. "As ye can see, city's got its concerns, doing me humble part in research. Ye be speaking to Hrogrim. Hrogrim son of Hrathgen of the Highshields."


The shield dwarf looked at Dagny last, but she earned a half-bow from Hrogrim.


"Will help with pointing the way if ye require it. Visitor, I, but been here a time already. Though ye come with the best guide, if she be a home-returner."

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"Aye, I be a home-returner, as ye say, Hrogrim," Dagny nodded, "I be called Dagny, of the Flameheart clan. These others wi' me have their own quest, and they were kind enough to stop by here on their way to other lands so that I could visit me family. Didn't bet on comin' back to me home in danger, though, I can tell ye that."


Rhaine half-bowed to Hrogrim, "Greetings, friend dwarf. We would be honored to take you up on your offer, if Dagny does not object."


Dagny shrugged, "It matters not to me...things have changed a bit since last I was here, for sure. Been away far too long..." she trailed, and then jerked her thumb at the Doomguide, "That be Rhaine, by the way. Chosen of Kelemvor. She leads us...them. Heh, I intend on staying here. Got some loose ends to tie up and relatives to see."


Zorica smirked, "Hrogrim, if you can tell me where the nearest tavern is, that would suffice for me. I'm Zorica, by the way."


Rhaine glanced at her church-sister and then back at the Shield dwarf, "Zorica has a good idea; we will need to obtain food, drink, and other supplies while we're here, as well as lodging."


"Ah, don't worry about the lodging part," Dagny waved her hand, "Me clan will be more than willing to put up beds for friends. Especially once I start naming off heroic deeds and vanquished foes."


"Very well," Rhaine inclined her head, "Hrogrim? If you can tell us where we can stock up on supplies sufficient for a journey to Mulhorand, we will be grateful." She turned to address the others, "Anyone who wishes to go with him is welcome. I, however, desire to speak with the other Flamehearts. Perhaps through them we can access the lords of this city and get to the bottom of this water mystery."


"Oh, aye," Dagny nodded knowingly, her eyes sparkling mischievously, "We have our connections. We'll get ye to some authority in no time."


Conall stepped forward, "I'll be joining Rhaine, then."


Argyros, too, nodded, "As will I."


Zorica crossed her arms, "I'll be joining Hrogrim, if he so desires. My mid-morning rations didn't last very long and I can't think on an empty stomach."


"As you wish," Rhaine replied, looking to Dagny, "If you will, lead the way to your clanhold? I'd rather not keep these guards on edge for much longer, especially with night falling."


"Aye," the stout dwarf began marching off down one of the narrow and winding stone streets, "Follow me!"

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The shield dwarf nodded firmly to those that introduced themselves, and he seemed interested in this extraordinary group heading to Mulhorand - but he was a dwarf, and dwarves weren't nosy. Unless gold was concerned... but there were far more urgent concerns right now.


"Aye, will take ye to the nearest tavern that does not kick out non-golds. Non-gold-dwarves, I mean. I see it in yer bearings that ye will convince them to sell supplies easily enough." Hrogrim seemed to understand that the group was composed of competent, even deadly individuals, judging from his tone. He waited for anyone else to say they'd come besides Zorica, then added to Dagny, "Lady o' the Flameheart Clan, I'll guide ye comrades to yer hold when they be done with stocking up. May yer homecoming be blessed... unlike the-- the sights ye lot put up with here."


He looked to the side at one of the orphaned street-running children and scoffed. He looked back to the others then, "Now let's be moving. I still got mine research te do for the sake of a cure." Hrogrim adjusted his scrolls again.

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"I'll join you," Shalena said to Hrogrim, "the name's Shalena, by the way. Captain of the Sea's Compass. The grea-" she was interrupted by the children running around them, but strangely enough the piratess didn't complain or threaten anyone.


"And I'm Nawen. Pleased to meet you," Nawen said, "I think I'll be joining Rhaine for this one."


When Dagny began leading them to her clanhold, Nawen didn't follow her immediately. Instead, she stopped the eldest of the orphaned children, and gave them what food she had, as well as the money she had left from her archery competition. The children thanked her before running off again. She then quickly caught up with Dagny and everyone else who came along.

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Dagny made her way through the crisscrossed and narrow pathways of Eartheart with surprising ease compared to her taller companions. Seemingly endless staircases wound up, down, and around the cliffs, some with barely a guardrail to prevent careless wanderers from tumbling over the side and down into the streets...hundreds of feet below. Rhaine lost count of how many flights they climbed and descended, and she was beginning to wonder how far away the Flameheart clanhold really was. At last, however, Dagny pointed, "Ah, there it be!"


Straight ahead of them, across a skinny bridge that spanned a splashing waterfall, was a modest but still impressive entrance. It was carved squarely into the cliff face behind it, the edges of the doorway precise and sharp, as only dwarves could make them. On either side of the double doors, glowing golden in the light of a pair of braziers, were two relatively unadorned and yet beautiful statues. One looked to represent Moradin, the other Berronar Truesilver. Upon the doors themselves a stylized flame and two crossed swords had been engraved.


"Hm," Conall raised his brows, "I like it. Not too simple, not too ostentatious, unlike some of these other clanholds."


Dagny chuckled, "Don't frown on the others too much. It's our way to show our skill and wealth through...ostentatious...displays. Well, they're only that way to outsiders, really. The more lavish, the better, in the eyes of most of we gold dwarves. Me clanhold here?" She shook her head, "Barely above poverty is what this says to the rest of Eartheart. Me mother always wanted something bigger and fancier, something that proclaimed our ancestral glory, but me father was too practical and thought it was wasted effort. Caused mother all kinds of grief and embarrassment."


Argyros's eyes narrowed as he cocked his head to the side, "Interesting that your people are so focused on appearances. Most would already admire the dwarves' craftsmanship for its raw talent and beauty alone. Why make it gaudy through excessive decoration?"


For this, Dagny had no answer, and she merely pushed her way through the clanhold doors, motioning for the others to follow her. After only a few steps inside, however, she stopped in her tracks. She looked from side to side, an expression of puzzlement on her face, and she asked, her voice echoing throughout the empty entrance hall, "Where are the guards? The smiths? It's too quiet."

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While the Greys and Marie went with Dagny to the Flameheart clanhold, Amendale and Annette saw fit to go with Hrogrim in the hopes of doing some good once they reached their destination. Weyland stayed well away from the handrails while Sybille marveled quietly at how high up they were. Arland complained about the number of stairs, as was to be expected.

"Honestly, are we climbing a mountain or walking to a house?"


"Both, looks like." Marie commented. "Bet you tire out before I do."

"You're on." He replied with a competitive flash in his eyes.


As they finally reached their destination (with everybody panting for breath, Arland and Marie included.) Weyland raised a single eyebrow almost critically. "Well, I'd go for the purely practical side of things...a moat of hot lava or pitfalls or something to shoo off those pesky neighbors, maybe turrets. But this is nice, too."


"That's a nice house." Arland commented. "You're just misguided." He stopped and gaped at Dagny. "What, that is just above poverty? That's more than most Westars'll live in in their lifetime! 'Cept noble brat here." He elbowed Marie playfully.


"Fancy as any house is, I still prefer my own." Sybille interjected.


"And I can barely remember what mine in Everlund looks like." Weyland mumbled.


They followed Dagny and Rhaine across the bridge and through the front door. They weren't expecting to find the household so empty and quiet, and all eyes turned to Arland when he put his foot in his metaphorical mouth.

"Anyone in here? You don't think they're all dead?" Catching on to the pointed looks sent his way, he gestured for peace. "Don't give me that, I know at least a few of you are thinking it."


"Hello?" Sybille called out.

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