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Tales of Faerun


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Olivia sighed, and climbed off of Ravenna. She grabbed her katana that was laying on the ground, and sheathed it. "Look, I'm going to turn around and walk down this road, if you follow me I will kill you. Understand?" Olivia lied. She won't kill her, it was stupid and unnecessary.
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As Olivia walked down the old dirt path, she remembered that there was a small town near the entrance when she first entered. From what she could tell, the entrance to the temple and the entrance to the Underdark seem to be near each other. As time went on by, she could see the rising smoke from the town's Inn, she could use something to eat and drink right now. By the time she approached the town, her stomach was growling and her throat was dry. She was glad that she finally made it. Olivia entered the Inn. Everyone of course glared at the new comer, but quickly went back to there business.


Olivia sat down on a chair next to the empty table near the door, and a waitress quickly walked over to see what Olivia wanted. "A beer and just some bread would be nice," Olivia said, smiling. The waitress nodded her head and left. It took quite awhile, but her bread and beer were brought over. She quickly drank the beer and almost devoured the bread. A man that was looking at her from across the room smiled and shook his head. Olivia at first didn't understand what he meant, but realized that what she did was very unladylike. She quietly laughed to herself and ordered another beer.


A thought occurred to her, she knew the Cult was up in the temple, planning for something, and these people have no idea that they were even up there. Of course, she couldn't do this alone. Maybe she could stop them... Of coruse, she is going to need some help.

Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Ra'sava sat in his private office awaiting Ravenna. She was supposed to turn up for her delivery twenty minutes ago. He sat on a throne, taking some sort of narcotic. His personal prostitutes lay on the cushions below, guards stood at the gate of his smuggling company. Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Ravenna walked in the opposite direction, heading down a concealed path near the entrance to the Underdark temple, it was a simple dirt path, overgrown with weeds and other plants of ill repute. Ravenna walked dow the path with a slight limp, it was an annoyance that she could not kill Olivia... her beauty would have sustained Ravenna for some time, and kept her power levels exceedingly high... but no... the girl had to be a skilled combatant... she had to be able to resist the power of the ancient witch Ravenna... which concerned her greatly. Was she simply getting weaker? less profficient? or was it she greatly underestimated the prisoner of the cult, the Samurai... which Ravenna had mistook for a simple maiden imprisoned by the cult of the dragon...


In the distance Ravenna could see the crudely placed wooden walls of the trading outpost, it was hidden by a number of trees, and guarded by thugs, in Iron armour, wielding battle axes and hammers... Ravenna laughed to herself at how easy it would be to destroy such a place... but it was of use to her and the Dragon cult... she was to pick up a package containing relics required for the resurrection of a great dragon.


Ravenna walked up to the gate guard, having healed her leg now with magic, she walked with her usual elegance. The gruff man looked at her and grunted. "I am here to pick up a package, guardsman. You will let me pass." She said with ice, and a dark stare. The guard called to the man in the tower above to open the gate, and he did so, pulling a wheel around, slowly opening the great gates. Ravenna stepped inside and walked elegantly, looking around at the different goods on show, Drugs, weapons, scrolls, potions, armour, books, ammunition, forgeries. The leader of this place was certainly rich to stock such items... and certainly very degenerative to be surrounded by a harlem of whores. She walked up to the throne of the tiger-like man, who was clearly high on whatever it was he was smoking, and aroused by the whores he kept for entertainment. "I am here to pick up the package that is awaiting me... i assume you know what i am talking about?" She said quizically, her now aged face emotionless.

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" Ah....Ravenna. Your delivery, yes, those dark relics you wanted...please, follow me." He said walking into the main warehouse. It was filled with crates and statues and all sorts of strange items, he lead her to a stone room where a small relic lay on a pedestal amongst other items. " Is this what you ordered?" He asked politely. Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Ravenna picked up the small amulet and looked it around, observing the back, and the front, checking it was real. Once she was sattisfied she replied "Yes. This is exactly what i ordered. Please can we keep formal? Adress me as lady Everdawn... what should i adress you as sir?" She said, her eyebrows lifted. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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