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Tales of Faerun


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Xallistine readied himself as the group neared the hidden entrance... he could feel that there was more danger in here than just the cultists...


Ravenna stood looking in the mirror, tracing the lines of her wrinkles, she could feel the powerful and good souls about to enter the temple, and she said to herself "Let them come... i will devour there souls..."

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"Thank you young one... i had my doubts about you... consider them inert." He said, walking into the tunnel first, hoping everyone was close behind. The tunnel led into a large room, there were statues of Lloth in here, most of which had been smashed, and a large double staircase, a balcony in the centre...
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Xallistine looked around at all of the statues, it was clear whom this temple was once devoted to.


Suddenly a figure emerged from the hallway behind the staircase, walking elegantly, and stopping once she reached the top of the staircase, one hand on it's edge. Her face was still remarkably beautiful, and she appeared to be in her late 40's, with her blonde hair in a low plaited bun, her dark dress hugging her sublime figure. If anyone from the surface world had met her husband lord Everdawn... they would probably recognise his wife as well, as she stood on the staircase.

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Rhaine saw a woman approach, coming from behind the staircase. She appeared to be a noblewoman of sorts, but the Doomguide could not be certain. Rhaine gripped Touch of Death tightly; her hackles rose as she beheld the stranger. Letting her eyes relax, she attempted to use her sight as Chosen to determine the traits of the woman's soul.


It was difficult. Trying to harness her divine energy in this way required practice, and she had neglected to use it in so long that it required even more effort. On top of that, her infravision charm colored everything differently, so she could not go by the appearance of auras. Instead, Rhaine was forced to go by feel...something not unlike a sixth sense.


The woman was evil, that much was plain. Her soul flickered faintly as if she had once been Faithful, but lost such devotion some time ago - so she was False. The color was not plain to her, so Rhaine could not tell which deity...but that mattered little. She was also hiding something, wearing a mask of deception. She appeared to be a creature of elegance and beauty, but that could not be farther from the truth...

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Hazel tensed and loosely notched an arrow, looking up at the woman on the staircase. It was quiet, deathly quiet. She breathed evenly, the sound of creaking wood filling the air as her lungs expanded within the wooden shell that was her chest.


Ianthe's nose wrinkled at the woman; she could sense the evil beneath her beauty, and it disgusted her. She tensed, ready to attack if need be. Something told her that this woman had power, and a lot of it. She wouldn't just stand out in the open otherwise, not with someone as powerful as Rhaine or Xallistine there.

Edited by tokyobleach
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Caladus could sense the woman's power, and sensed she was evil. He realizes his staff isn't really good against her, and places it on the ground. He tosses his cloak over a statue, draws his scimitars, and then turns to Shaori. "This is in case I don't come back." He says, kissing her. Then he pulls away, and charges to attack.


Shaori stands there stunned by the sudden kiss, lips tingling. Then, with a sudden desire to make sure Caladus DOES see the end of this battle flings a smite spell at the evil woman.


Byron spotted a guard, and hears his God talking in his ear. "Byron, thou hast the ability to take over that enemy to defend your friends. Just will yourself in control, and you will be." The guard, who was sneaking up. suddenly got posessed by Byron. "All Right! Lets Do this. LEEROY JENKINS!!!" Drawing the adamantiun hammer the man wielded he charged at the evil woman on the stairs.

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Nawen walked in the end of the group eyeing the area cautiously. She wanted to make sure that no one would attack them from behind. As they walked she could feel how uneasy some or probably all of her companions felt. She as well didn't feel content but she wasn't scared or nervous either. Only worried for their safety, they are entering the base of the cult and the number of guards and other people inside is unknown to them.


As they walked deeper into the temple Nawen noticed statues of Lloth. some of them were smashed some crumbled from age, it was obvious that the temple was really old. The drow started to feel uneasy herself but not because of the upcoming and surely unavoidable fight but because these statues even in their poor state looked all too familiar to her and she never saw any statues of Lloth before, except for the one outside which was impossible to mistaken.


The ranger was deep in her thoughts when she noticed that her companions had drew their weapons and were ready to fight. She raised her head and noticed a beautiful woman standing and watching them. She did not look like an escaped prisoner so it was plain that she was a member of the Cult of the Dragon. Nawen drew her bow and notched an arrow. She kept her bow lowered though and the backs of her companions that stood before her hid the bow from the woman's view.

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Xallistine tried to grab the back Of Caladus's shirt, attempting to hold him back "Attack is not the wisest option here! She... she is far more ancient than you or i." He warned, worried for his companions should they attack the woman.


Ravenna looked at them all and smiled, but then the now possessed cultist tried to attack her, which was not a good move. She used her powers to rip the hammer from his hands, and used it telepathically to batter him. Shaori's smite spells hit her in the chest, but had little to no effect, she only laughed lightly and said "I am not a demon Avariel." She then walked slowly down the staircase, and as a show of her pyromantic abilities, with every step a few candles and torches lit around the room, and once she reached the bottom the room was well lit. She turned her head to look at a shard of glass on the floor, viewing her face, she then looked back up at Rhaine, and said with a dark smile "The knight captain of the crossroad keep graces this place with her visage."

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