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Tales of Faerun


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Caladus was getting more and more furious, and kept pummeling at Ravena.


Byron sees another guard on approach, and possesses him, moving to attack.


Shaori started getting really angry, and draws her Flail, which is enchanted to do extra to demons or those of evil alignment, and jumping to flying, charges the evil woman, intent on smashing the woman's skull in.

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Ravenna drew up a powerful spell, and many shields made from magical energy surrounded her, defending her from the flail, and the blows of Caladus. She then charged up a powerful ball of dark energy, and sent it flying at Caladus, and a fireball at Shaori. She saw that if she continued to fight, she would probably be overwhelmed, so she used a spell that helped her rush from one side of the room to the other, from where she threw more spells at everyone.
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Illius read the journal of one of the Cult of the Dragon members, the light of the candles offered poor lighting but it was more than enough. "This isn't good..." He said to himself quietly as he closed the journal and put it back in his bag. He had very little time to waste and he had to act quickly.


The sorcerer threw a small pouch of gold to the innkeeper as he ran past the counter. Once outside, he frowned. It was dark and traveling even in daylight wasn't safe in Vaasa but luckily for him there was a stable with a few horses. "Gold in the pouch should cover it." He thought as he led a black horse from the stables.

Illius stroked horse's nose and climbed on him. "Hey! What are you doing!?" A man shouted who just came out of the tavern but he had no time to explain. The sorcerer urged the horse to go as fast as he could. He had to reach Damara as soon as possible.


Nawen continued shooting fire arrows at the stone knights. It wasn't effective but she knew that her shortswords would not cause any damage as well. Because of all the sounds of the battle, guards came around the corner and they were vulnerable to even unenchanted arrows so she started to rain down arrows on them, hoping that others will deal with the remaining stone knights.


As she kept on shooting the guards the drow noticed that Xallistine was injured badly and it seemed like healing spells were not of use here but maybe her skills might prove useful but unfortunately this place wasn't safe for healing and the only thing she could do is to protect him.

Nawen drew her shortswords and ran to Xallistine slashing any guards that came near them.

Edited by Naktis
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Rhaine grew tired of this woman's constant movement. She channeled her energy into a Blade Barrier, striking the ground at the woman's feet. Ten swords, each as large as a human, sprang into existence in a circle around the witch, whirling so quickly at alternating diagonal angles that they were silver blurs. Any attempt at movement on her part - in any direction - would result in her being sliced to ribbons.


The Doomguide then dashed to Xallistine's side, pouring her power into him as a full Heal spell, "Your time hasn't come yet, mindflayer."


Her Balor began attacking the guards, picking them up and slamming them against the walls of the place.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Ravenna stood still, she was no fool, and certainly had no desire to become ribbons of flesh adorning the ground. So she stood completely still, clutching her side a s blood trickled from it, where Caladus had stabbed her earlier. "You win."


Xallistine looked up at Rhaine "I have outlived my time young one... i am dying as it is... but thank you... for everything." He said, as he was dying, Rhaines spell healing up his wound. "Wait you.. are healing me?"

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Hazel smiled, "Why would we not heal you? You've showed us kindness, and we shall do the same, friend. You would be sorely missed."


Ianthe sliced off the head of a guard, grimacing as once again blood spattered her clothing and face. She pressed a hand to her forearm, where she had received a long but shallow cut from where Ravenna had blocked her scimitars. They had flown from her hand and been cast against a far wall. Luckily, she still had two extras, and she drew those quickly to take care of this guard.

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Byron walks over, still possessing the guard. "Is everyone all right? I have control of this one, but I don't for how long."


Caladus returned to his normal form, sheathed his scimitars, and walked over to retrieve his cloak and staff.


Shaori flung her arms around Caladus and kissed him. When he looked confused she raises an eyebrow, and says "Because you came back."

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"You win." Nawen heard the witch say and turned to her. Was the battle over then? She hoped so because she also received some cuts from the guards she fought. She turned to the other companions wondering what will happen next.


After a long journey, Illius had finally reached his destination. He left the horse in the village of Cedarleaf which wasn't far from where he wanted to go. His journey on foot was still long but his determination didn't allow him to stop.


The place he reached was completely in ruins but this time no orcs or dragons were on sight, it was empty and quiet. The sorcerer walked towards the mountainside. The portal was between few entrances to the Gemspark mine. Illius hoped to activate it somehow and hoped that it will allow him to travel somewhere closer to the destination he wanted to reach but what he saw surprised and worried him.


The portal was already activated by the members of the Cult of the Dragon and a number of guards were walking nearby. Were they waiting for something to arrive though the portal or someone or something used the portal and was now on the other side? Illius sighed and took a bead of force from his pocket. There was no way to sneak past them. Not for him anyway but distraction hopefully will work.


He threw a small bead to the opposite direction of the portal and as soon as it hit the ground the bead exploded. Some of the guards went to investigate but some still remained in their post. Illius sighed heavily and ran towards the portal. "It's now or never." He thought as he ran. The guards had noticed him and were ready to fight but the sorcerer had no time for that. He shot a Magic Missile to the men and jumped into the portal, unsure where it even leads.

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Xallistine lay still as he was healed, he was incredibly weak and vulnerable, and it was probable he would die within months after this but still he carried on "Thank you my friends... for everything." He said closing his eyes.


Ravenna's eyes widened as a portal appeared in the room.. and what looked like a person was spewed out...

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