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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine stood protectively over Xallistine, turning to face the woman. Her blade barrier was still going, but it would run out in a few minutes, allowing the witch to move again. The Doomguide winced, glancing at her side. The rock shards had sliced her skin on her left side quite severely, just above where her breastplate dipped under her wings, and the blood slowly trickled down over the silvery metal.


Suddenly, a portal manifested in the room, and Rhaine readied Touch of Death as someone stepped through.

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Nawen was watching her companions when she saw a portal appearing out of nowhere and she saw how someone stepped through.


Illius stepped through the portal. He always hated traveling through portals even if he did that only once or twice in his lifetime. The sorcerer looked around, it seemed that he was in the middle of a battlefield. Dead guards and piles of shattered statues lay on the floor. He looked around some more and noticed a small group of people in the room there was also a woman who seemed very familiar.

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Ravenna looked at Illius as he stepped into the room... she recognised him instantly, as he was a friend of her husbands... this could turn out badly for her... especially now she looked considerably older than her usual look of mid twenties. She was relieved when the spinning blades at last vanished, and true to her remark the group had won, and she stood, making no attempt of attack, her eyes on Illius.


Xallistine at last got up to his feet, he was in great pain, so used the wall for support.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Byron in his possessed body walked over to Xallistine, and offered to help support him.


Caladus shrugged at Shaori's kiss, and kissed her back, and then pulled away, to focus on other things.


Shaori, slightly breathless, turned, giggling, and saw the man come through the portal. A quick Detect Evil spell said he wasn't evil, and so she focused on other things.

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"Who are you and what are you doing here? Name yourself!" Rhaine addressed the newcomer firmly. He did not appear to be hostile...but what in the Nine Hells was he doing here?


The Doomguide also kept her eyes on the Cult woman, who seemed quite interested in this stranger - which made her suspicious of the both of them.

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The group of people in the room intrigued him but he focused more on the woman. Now, when he took a closer look the sorcerer recognized the woman. He was shocked to see her here. "Lady Everdawn? I wonder how would your noble husband react if he knew that his beloved wife is working with the Cult of the Dragon behind his back?" The sorcerer spoke and then glanced at Rhaine. He was about to introduce himself but Nawen recognized his voice.


"Illius?" She inquired as she walked closer to the sorcerer. "Nawen? Somehow I knew that I'd find you here." He said and was about to step closer himself but the drow was faster. He did not even hear her approaching and he knew that she was close only when he felt someone wrapping their arms around him. He hugged the ranger back. Two years had passed since their last meeting.

Edited by Naktis
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When Illius pulled away he glanced at Ravenna again. He did not know the woman, he only saw her once or twice with Lord Everdawn but now when he knew that she was dealing with the evil cult he assumed that the woman doesn't really care nor about her husband nor her children. Maybe it was only an act but she was right unfortunately. Lord Everdawn is a good man and loves his wife dearly... he could not bare the truth. "Truth will come to light, but very well for the sake of your husband and children I will remain quiet."


Nawen watched her friend curiously. It seemed that he knew this woman but how? She shrugged it off and started to drag him by his hand to her companions.

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Rhaine felt better about the man, knowing he was an acquaintance of Nawen's. And from his words, it was obvious he was not with the Cult.


"Well now, Lady Everdawn," she said darkly, turning to the woman, "You can show us the rest of this temple; I will not leave until I have shut down this operation of yours. Who else is here? Or more likely, what else? And who have you been working with? The Cult is not without its connections, and I will know everything that you know."

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Ravenna looked at Rhaine and sighed "Please... don't be intent on using that tone with me... i may have allied with this forsaken cult, but i am no demon." She then walked over with her usual elegance, and whispered in Rhaines ear "The cultists here are in the process or resurrecting a dragon... i have the final artifact needed to raise it... if you took it, and disguised yourselves as cultists... you could shut down the little operation." She then moved back again, and said "Follow me."
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